A nano place to chat about NanoWrimo... |
Maybe read the guy's book on turning off that editor? His books are easy to read, imo... His name is Dean Wesley Smith. I don't know if you were looking to regular publish or self publish... he has versions for both. This is regular: https://www.amazon.com/Killing-Top-Sacred-Cows-Publishing-ebook/dp/B00ICKJ5NI/re... Other than that hopefully some of these ideas will help increase your motivation. If you want to. We all have different priorities. I'm a little crazy competitive and in this NaNo sprinting contest so ... I know I'm not normal. But I do think that most people can write 50K words in a month if they are committed to it and it is important to them. 1) Set a time and stick to it. Figure out your average words per session and schedule that many sessions so you finish. 2) Not much to do about that but I'll pray for you and your family . 3) I'd encourage you to choose different words when thinking about this. Our language can inspire or stifle us. I believe that you do have the ability to turn off your internal editor, and that you just probably need practice. I'm sure there is one time in your life you shut it off. That's proof you can do it. Here's some more empowering self talk about this challenge that you could use if you wanted to - "I have struggled with that infernal editor long enough. I'm ready to win the battle during nano and right now I will just go with the flow and edit in December" I seem to remember that's one of the original rallying cries for NaNoWriMo - "editing is for December!" It's hard though, I get that. And it takes practice, overcoming it again and again until the new way is a habit. It can be done though. You can do this! If you really want to. If you don't, that's cool too. No shame in that. You do you! |