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Hi there I’m really hoping you can help. My father, who was a member of, was a member since 2003, absolutely loved the site, and was so happy to be able to read and review the work of fellow writers and to get feedback about his own work. Sadly, he died in July 2023, and I renewed his membership at some point after that as a gift membership. However, I wasn’t able to bring myself to look at his work until this week and that’s when I discovered that I’d stupidly made the annual gift membership non-renewable. My father had asked me to pare some of his work down so that it could stay on the site, but as his membership has run out, but I’m not sure when, it has been pared down automatically, and a lot of his work is no longer in his portfolio. These are folder code numbers: #1171885, #1200528, #1195838, #1513830, #1636747 and #1742427. The other three folders numbers still have some work in them, but I’m not sure if all of it is still there: #1170123, #1170101 and # 1170123} I’m very grateful that some of his early work is still there, but is there any chance that his later work might still be stored somewhere and could be put back in his portfolio and that I could reinstate his gift membership to be automatically renewable please? He didn’t keep any of his work on paper and I was hoping to read some of his poetry again which I really loved, but was too sad to come back and look at until now. It’s my fault, and I’ve seen the information that everything else gets deleted after a grace period, so I’m hoping against hope that I’m not too late. Please could you let me know. Carol |