Three days ago -
Inside the stables, you snaps half-heartedly at the attendents, a powerful golden-feathered gryphon, glaring at the small humans, hating the saddle you're being forced to wear as much as you hate being the "pet" of the human female. You would much rather be free, having been captured and "tamed" by the humans three years ago, taken away from your mate, forced to carry a human around at her bidding.
You caw saddly, looking at one of the other gryphons in the stalls next to you, a white feathered hen, nearing her breeding season, wishing you could get ten minutes alone with her... Or even the human bitch. Smelling the princessess scent, all too familar with it by now, you lift your head, veiwing the leather riding suit covering her entire body except for her head. Though you're treated as a beast of burden by the humans, your species is just as intelligent and self-aware as they are, and you can't help but admit that the smaller female is in some ways appealing to you.
The princess stops, talking to your attendants in babbling sounds that you can make no sense of, their language as alien to you as yours is to them. You glare at her, clacking your beak loudly in irritation, imaginaing the young human woman filling your belly... or maybe, just perhaps, your member filling her. You shuffle slightly in your stable at those thoughts, watching as she approaches.
Dipping your head submissivly as the princess approaches, you let her lead you outside, not daring to harm her in plain sight of all the soldiers around, imagining yourself attacking her, ripping her clothes off and mounting her like a hen, where everyone can see, the temptation growing as you watch her, enjoying her fitness and her muscle tone, finding her appearance pleasing... for a human.