(Writer's Note: Sorry about that, I just wanted a young girl so I could get to a young early twenty-something mother. But its all good^^ I'll make it work.)
Hannah walks up to her mother and asks, "Mom, can people be really tiny?"
Her mother, Helen, raises her eyebrows surprised at the seemingless random question, "Well honey people can be very small, I think the smallest person was around one foot tall."
Hannah nods her head, furrowed her eyebrows, and clarifies her question, "I mean, can they be really small like smaller than a bug kindof small?"
Her mother smiles a little, "No, don't be silly. People can't be that small...Why do you ask?"
Hannah looks down at her feet, "Well..." she begins, "I don't know if I should tell you..."
Helen bends over and squats next to her daughter so that they are level, face to face. "You can tell me."
Hannah looks into her mother's eyes and responds, "Well....alright! It's really cool! I found a really small teenager. Really, really small!"
You, of course, are still in Hannah's pocket when this is said and you hear it all. You feel both worried and relieved. Worried because you have no idea how this mother will treat you and relieved because you do not really want to become the plaything of some nine year old girl, you'd probably die! You just wait for the inevitable hand of fate to reach down into the pocket and take you out. You decide to eat some of Hannah's uneaten candy quickly before she grabs you. "No since in dying with an empty stomach as I never say." you say aloud smiling at your clever use of words.
You eat some of the chocolate and just sit their waiting when you watch a massive hand work its way into the pocket, feeling around for you. You wait for it to find you, which it does after much feeling about. Her finger touches your chest and then other fingers come around you and close over you and you feel your stomach lurch as you are pulled out. Soon the darkness suddenly lifts away as Hannah uncups her hand and you are momentarily blinded.
You cover and rub your pained eyes. The pain soon stop as your eyes adjust to the bright light. In front of you is Hannah still looking massive to your 1/8th of an inch tall self. No surprises there. She's still staring down at you with her creepy gaze. You really want to see the mother, Hannah is nice looking, so her mother has to look amazing. Hearing a thunderous gasp behind you, you turn around...and nearly have a heart attack.
In front of you, opened mouthed, is the absolutely most beautiful women you have ever seen. She appears to be in her early twenties with luscious blond hair, bright, sparkling blue eyes that seem to shine like the Caribbean Sea, and lovely pink lips. Her well tanned skin seems to be flawless. You look at her clothes and see that she is wearing an extremely tight, extremely low-cut teal shirt that shows off her naturally perfect and large breasts. You look further down and see that she is wearing khaki colored very short shorts, booty shorts basically. Down near the floor past her tanned and smooth legs you see that she is wearing a pair of white tennis shoes.
You turn your gaze back to her face and you stare open mouthed at the women staring opened mouthed back at you.