A Chansey walked over into the lobby holding a tray, handing it over to an Audino who was passing by. As the Audino took the tray, it shook, some bottles of pills and medicine shaking a bit, the Audino worrying as it tried to regain balance before the deceptively heavy tray calmed. A single, clear bottle that must have been 5 oz. and looked to be filled with water, however, rolled off and fell to the floor.
"Ah!" A single, thick hand caught it quickly before it hit the ground. The Nurse Joy who caught it, a staggering 800lbs or so, stood back upright, her full form wobbling as she did.
"Be a bit more cautious next time. I know, these are a bit more dense then they look, but stuff like this is expensive." The Nurse warned in a motherly scolding tone as she held up the jar in her hand. "Pokeglutrine: a special drug formulated for Snorelaxes who have lost a dangerous amount of body fat due to illness and inability to eat. It's not only expensive, but based on a crash test from Unova, if a human consumes this..."
As she said that, the automatic doors opened up. The corpulent nurse could hear the roar of raindrops falling outside. As she looked out, the sky looked jet black as evening fell with the thick cloud cover and she could hear raindrops fiercely falling off from the roof. Three trainers stepped inside, two young men and a pudgy girl with them as well as a Pikachu. The nurse eyed the redhead, particularly her prominent muffin top. The young man with black hair took his cap off and tried to shake out the rainwater soaked inside, while the slightly tanned young man standing next to him with brown hair took off his green vest and set it in a nearby chair. The girl however had almost no clothes with her, bemoaning her soaked yellow top.
"Welcome!" The blubbery Nurse Joy said as she tried to bow, but only slightly. Last time she went all the way down, her skirt split in half and fell off due to her massive, round rear.
"Uhh...hi..." Ash said. He felt almost intimidated by the size of this Nurse Joy, who almost seemed to tower over the young man with her bulk and round, blubbery body, accompanied by large breasts that pressed up against her thick second chin a bit. Brock pretty much passed out on the floor.
Misty looked off to the side as some gurgling resonated from her belly.
"Uh...is there a cafeteria here I can eat or...?"
"Down the hall and to the right." The blubbery Nurse Joy said as she pointed down to the hall in question, raising her puffed up arm to do so.