Skipping breakfast,Sarah goes directly to the park, carrying Zero in her thick, lush, dark hair. The black forest was very nice smelling, since Sarah just had a shower that morning, though Zero remembered times when the black forest wasn't that good, with flaky dead skin the size of plates, and even once a few insects(lice).
Suddenly, Zero shivered, remembering the time someone had shrunk him even more, and he had fallen in the pores of the hair. It was a horrible experience, since the roots of the hair always had this bad smell, and to make it worse, the pores were covered with dead skin.
On the walk there, the hair shifted constantly, but since Zero had been with Sarah quite some time, he was used to it, and could easily hang on, though it was quite humiliating to have to hold on to a strand of hair to stay on.
During that time , Zero also thought about Sarah. Sarah was a very cute girl, who was extremely athletic. She was approximately 1000 ft tall(5 foot 7 inches), and had a huge butt and breasts. She had light hazel eyes, and had a very big mouth, both physically and socially. In fact, Zero thought Sarah was perfect in every way, except that she didn't wipe very well, and had very stinky feet.
Suddenly, Zero is yanked out of his muse, as Sarah came to an abrupt halt, causing Zero to lose his grip.