Not enough for you? Don't worry, there's plenty more where they came from! And don't forget, I'm not the only one unfortunate enough to find myself in such bizarre scenarios.
Dograb college had a lot of pretty and attractive students, but perhaps the hottest of them all had to be the nineteen year old Alexandra Hughes. The sexy brunette had completely tanned skin, and of all the students from college, no one singled out Bethany Singer more than her. Eighteen years old and incredibly overweight, perhaps the biggest girl in the entire town, Bethany dropped out of college last year because of her inability to cope with constant bullying, particularly from Alexandra. Bethany had always been jealous of how attractive and popular she was, and she knew it, however one thing that she was incapable of doing was maintaining a lasting relationship with someone, something that Bethany shared with her lesbian girlfriend, Samantha Fry. Usually whenever Alexandra had intercourse with a guy, she'd move on to the next. Despite Bethany's sexuality, Alexandra always envied her ability to maintain a three year relationship. Regardless of this, Alexandra was also well known in college for having a modeling career for the local fashion magazine. She was never reluctant in delivering the goods. She was a regular in the night club scene and she certainly knew how to party hard. Despite all of this however, Alexandra was always very self conscious about her weight and figure. Only recently she managed to reach her target size, and her worst fear was something happening to ruin her perfect body. She would even be terrified by the mere thought of two women having intercourse with one another! Alexandra and Bethany were nothing like each other, complete opposites, but the resulting body swap shook everything up for both ladies!
Casey Gunn was a long time crush of mine since we both met over four years ago in school. I always had a crush on her, but never mustered the courage to ask her out. She was the girl of my dreams, unknown to my current girlfriend Rebecca Keane, but I always wondered whether she thought the same about me. She had long, blonde hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous figure. She was one of the prettiest girls that you could possibly meet. Despite this however, she was also a waitress in the same restaurant as Rebecca, and since meeting each other, the two had an immediate disliking toward one another that would often take turns for the worse, exchanging names to each other and even turning violent! The hatred between the two was always awkward for me, but it was hard to imagine that Rebecca envied Casey because of her looks, while Casey envied Rebecca for holding a relationship for over six months. One fateful day at the restaurant however, the two somehow swapped bodies with each other, shaking everything up between the two girls!
So what's it going to be?