You looked at your machine, then at your father, finally back at your mother. You had spent months building that machine, day and night you toiled over it, only stopping to work just so you could fund buying more parts for the machine. Even though you were still just a teenager this was your life's work. Your savings were gone and usually you funded the next invention with the previous one. If this machine was destroyed, it'd take months to build something new and you didn't even know what.
"Fine..." you concede, muttering under your breath. Your parents stood there waiting for clarification, they both wanted something from you. "I will swap with you."
"Yes!" your mother cheered a little too enthusiastically, she had won.
"Okay, but you don't know what you're getting yourself into," your dad shrugged waiting for you to enter the pod, hoping you'd back out. He looked disappointed with both you and your mother. "Keep in mind, I'm not giving up my bed for the week," he tried to sway your choice one more time.
You slouched as you entered the pod, while your mother waited in the other one. A few button presses and a flash of light later, you were in the body of a forty year old woman, the body that birthed you. You looked at your wrinkled hands with painted nails and almost reached up to touch the weight now hanging off your chest, but you resisted the urge. You opened the pod and stumbled out, not used to wearing heels.
Your father was already at the centre console, opening it up. He grabbed the core and pocketed it. You were now stuck like this until he returned it. "See you when I get back honey," he kissed you on the cheek, knowing how mortifying it must've been. Then he hopped in his car and left.
"Don't you need to leave too 'mum'?" Your mother teased in your body, as she stretched. "It is a school day."
"What? No, I'm not going to school!" you protested.
"It's your job now, all you have to do is look at the curriculum and my notes and you'll figure it out. They aren't much younger than you, me and you're pretty smart so you'll figure it out," she was already abusing the situation. "I'd let you have a day off but I used up all my sick days looking after your sister, remember. So someone has to pay bills," she tilted her head towards you.
"Fine..." you pouted as she handed you her handbag.
She looked at you with another smile. "It's so surreal looking at my former body like that, acting like a teenager, even though its years are far behind her. Don't worry, you'll do great and tomorrow, I'll teach you how to do your hair and makeup. Also it's best you not mention this to my co-workers."
"What are you going to do?" You asked as you walked to the car. It turned out walking in heels wasn't hard when you weren't thinking about it. Which made you think about it and stumble.
"I don't know yet," your mother confessed. "I'm sure I'll figure something out," she smiled as she waved you off, indicating you needed to hurry.