Whatever growing was going on in Linda seemed to have renewed vigor as she grew and grew and grew. It was hard to tell who was groaning more, Linda her body as different parts of it were inflated like water balloons or the lounge under her rapidly increasing weight. The remaining buttons on her blouse, which were covering her breast, popped off as her massive mammaries grew, and whilst her bra held several creaking noises made it clear that part of could snap with even the slightest of movements. Down below her skirt was being torn apart by her widening hips and expanding backside, whist her panties seem to resemble a thong.
Between her breasts and her rear was her which was growing to enormous sizes, it had past the size of a normal pregnancy and was rapidly passing those of multiples.It didn’t stop growing until it became big enough to hold a curled up adolescent.
The growing stopped and Linda laid there breathing heavily; partly because the growing took a lot of her energy, partly out of shock and partly because her enormous belly was making it hard to breath, but before Linda do anything such as sit up or marvel how she was free of stretch marks
something happened….
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