In a poorly lit room Morinth regained consciousness after being out for several hours. Her mind was hazy, and she could not recall much; the last thing she could remember was seducing a rather enticing redhead woman, before being interrupted by—“Mother!” She grimaced; of course she would have had to come along just as she was about to consume her most appetizing prey in centuries. After attempting to get on to her feet, she found her arms chained to the walls, preventing her from getting up from her seated position on the floor, and she was too drained for her biotics to be of any help.
Unable to do anything else, Morinth tried to remember any other details that could provide clues as to how she survived her conflict with Samara, and where she was now. She had called out to Shepard for help before she blacked out, perhaps she intervened before Samara could deliver the finishing blow. The clicking of heels approaching where she was being held let her know that she may soon find out exactly what had happened, and she was right. The lights came on, and Samara strutted in.
“I knew you wanted me dead, but I never imagined you’d be cruel enough to torture me before killing me. Are Justiciars permitted to torture, or are you going to stray from your precious code just for me?” Morinth said with disgust, as though she hadn’t done the same to her own enemies.
Samara looked down and shook her head. She would not allow herself to be rattled by Morinth’s taunting. “I never wanted you dead, Morinth. I only wanted you to stop killing, and thought ending your life would be the only way to spare others, and would have had Shepard not stopped me. At first I was furious, but she convinced me of another way.”
Morinth scoffed. “No prison or monastery can hold me.”
“We have no intention of sending you to either.” Samara began to pace back and forth through the room, as though she still wasn’t sure if her and Shepard’s plan would work. “I am pledged to Shepard to complete a mission of great importance. One that may very well decide the fate of the entire galaxy, and we need as much help as we can possibly get, and you are without a doubt an extremely powerful biotic.”
A twisted smirk formed on Morinth’s face. “Oh, I get it. I help you with your big important mission, and so long as I behave myself, I get to live and go free? Justiciar’s promise?” Samara gave her a solemn nod as an answer. This was certainly one of the best deals that Morinth had made for freedom, but they certainly weren’t just going to let a murderous Ardat Yakshi go free… “So, what’s the catch?” Morinth asks, slanting her eyes.
This time it was Samara’s turn to smile; this was her favorite part of the plan. It was a small smirk that grew on Samara’s face, which made it all the more unnerving for Morinth. “Throughout your time with us you will fattened up. Most everyone in the ships crew will pitch in in some way or another to make sure you grow. By missions end, you will be so fat you will hardly recognize yourself, and do you know what happens to Asari who grow too obese…?” Samara leaned in to whisper it in Morinth’s ear. “They lose the ability to meld.”
Morinth’s jaw dropped as her mother took a step back, and she realized the implications. “And if I can’t meld…”
“You will no longer be a danger to any of your mates.” Samara finished for her. “You will grow weak and harmless, but you will have atoned for your past crimes and be free. Do we have a deal?”