You grab the nearest thing and attach it to the place where your girlfriends face used to reside. It just so happened to be a masquerade mask from halloween.
There was a bright flash as your girlfriend's face changed. When it was finally dark enough to see again, you looked at your girlfriends face on the table. There wasn't any major change, as it still looked like a piece of flesh with your girlfriends eyes, mouth, and nose. However, they now looked a bit more stiff. Lifting it up, it felt sort of like hardened clay. The most notable change was the attachment of a skin colored ribbon to the very edges of her face.
"Okay," her face said with ease, despite feeling very rigid in your hands, "Now hand me to my body." You gave the face to her body, who then pressed her face against the blank stretch of skin as she had done earlier. Instead of attaching like last time, it instead fell on to the floor. "Hey," she said "why isn't this working?" "It's probably because se made your face into something you normally place on your face, so it makes sense for it to not be attached." Her body reached down and put her face back over the blank are, this time fastening it in place with the ribbon. As she finished tying the ribbon into a knot, the ribbon suddenly changed colors to match her hair and head, and the knot disappeared too.
Michelle then reached behind her head, and lifted both the ribbon and mask off with ease, handing it to you she said, "Put it on." Not wanting to disappoint her, you place the mask over your face (surprised that you could still see and breathe, as the backside of the mask had no holes whatsoever) and tied the ribbon, with the same effect as on her happening to you. Your girlfriend's body jerked in shock, as both she and you realized you now had full control over her face, and that she had no way of talking to you.
"Okay," you said to her body in her voice, "I'm going to you off now, this is too freaky for me." You reached up and ...