You reach behind your head to pull of your girlfriend's face/mask, but you can't find the strap. You feel about your head, searching frantically as Michelle's faceless body sits on your bed, waiting. However, try as you might, you cannot find the strap. Your next choice is to just full on the sides of the mask, but when your hands run over the area where her mask joined your face, there was only smooth skin. "Huh?," you felt Michelle's face, and yet it felt like your own. You pulled on the skin and winced at the pain. "Michelle, it won't come off!"
Her body perked up and blindly reached out for you. Your body felt hot and weak, and you stumbled towards your girlfriend. As you fell towards her, she awkwardly caught you by the chest, causing you to moan. "Wait, wuh-?" Her touch felt nice on your chest, and when you looked down you saw something you did not expect to see, ever. You had a pair of breasts under your shirt, breasts that Michelle was unknowingly groping as she held you. "Michelle, what is going on?!" you cry out in her voice, "I'm turning into a girl!"
Faceless Michelle stopped touching you and held you at arms length by the shoulders. She released you and started making odd motions with her hands, signing and pointing down. "What?" Again, more furious signing. "I-I don't get it. Let me get you some paper." Michelle raised her fists in frustration and grabbed you once more, this time much more forcefully. She reached for your pants,and pulled them down in one go. "Michelle what the h-!?" You were about to ask her why, but the reason was laid out before you. Expecting to see your junk hanging out, you instead saw a tight pussy, with a shaved tuft of blonde hair above it. You were a brunette. "O-oh my god Michelle, I'm you!" Michelle gave you a 'Duh' look, something she achieved without a face.
"Okay, okay, okay. I can fix this, I just need to use the sword."