Alice thought she knew her husband fairly well, at least well enough to know he didn’t have nearly any will power when it came to two things, food and women. So when she saw Zack with his pants undone and shirt busted open, gut hanging out and covered in sauce having a golden (that wasn’t real gold was it?) crown put on his head by a trim, fit, green haired woman hovering over him, she had the right to assume the worst was happening.
She walked up to the stage fearing what she would find.
“You look like you had fun.” Alice said as she stepped up to them, making Zack flinch, his gut bouncing from the movement.
“Oh hey Al-UUURRRRRP… Hey Honey.”
Alice had known this was a bad idea, she knew this would happen, but still she had let Zack convince her that it would be fine to enter the contest. She HAD agreed though and was finding it hard to feel actually mad at him sitting there, clearly having enjoyed himself.
“Um… hi, sorry to interrupt. I assume you're his sister…?”
Alice HATED that people always assumed that, and hearing it from tall, fit and green there was not making it any better, Alice feeling like a whale next to her.
“Wife, I’m his wife.”
“Oh… Oh I’m sorry! I promise it’s not what it looks like at all, I’m just the show girl for the contest!”
“I might have figured… Look, Zack you’ve had your fill, let's get you cleaned up. We’ll walk around for a while afterwards like you said, you’re gonna need the exercise.”
Alice didn’t notice it as she tried to dab away the sauce on Zack’s face, but Dahlia perked up at “exercise”.
“Oh, that’s actually perfect! Sorry if this seems aggressive but I also double as a personal trainer! I know this might be a weird time to mention it, but I’d be happy to have you both on as clients!”
Dahlia knew she was playing with fire here, but bagging the couple together was too delicious a chance to give up. She tried to not look too eager as Alice gave her a confused look.
“You’re a fitness instructor doubling as a model for an eating contest?”
“I uh… I mean, where better to find people who might be looking to lose a few than the place where they gained them right?” She said with the best casual smile she could muster.
Alice didn’t respond at first, thinking it over as she kept fussing with Zack’s shirt, trying to get it closed again. She didn’t know anything about this woman, but she seemed nice enough, plus it was a good opportunity being gifted right to them. She has been fairly loose about actually dieting and exercising, maybe having someone else help them is just what they needed. After falling to keep her husband’s shirt closed even with a bobby pin, which just flew off like the buttons before it, Alice made up her mind.
“How much do you charge per-session?”