Name: Ida
Age: 39
Species: Yorkshire Pig
Biography: Ida works as the principal of one of the many middle schools in Zinnia City, having always been attracted to working with children. It’s an open secret that she and her teachers are known to make the occasional snack out of their students, but tries to be discreet about it enough so she won’t get into hot water with the school board. Despite the low number of kids that graduate to high school in their time spent their, the institution is a popular choice for parents with it’s record of near perfect test scores and grades, thanks to her particular brand of academic...encouragement.
Ida comes across to everyone as a very laid back, almost lazy porcine with a big heart for kids, always striving to make them feel at ease around her. She’s very straightforward with her affection for her students, always pinching their cheeks or ruffling their hair, in a way she acts as the school’s unofficial guidance counselor. It helps that she shares a genuine interest for video games that kids think that grown-ups don’t understand. But the student she has the most affection for is the one that signs up for her ‘Principal’s Pet Programme’.
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Name: Cecilia
Age: 37
Species: Orca Whale
Biography: In Zinnia City, there are certain people, prey and predator alike, that are doomed to a lifetime of mocking just based on their career choice. No one knew that fact better than Cecilia, who made the horrible error of choosing to be a lawyer. Since she’s trained to defend anyone, even if her client is obviously guilty, or to prosecute anyone, even if the defendant is blatantly innocent, this Orca Whale is often labeled as a prolific, greedy liar who will find the most vague loophole in the law to get a good verdict.
However, that description couldn’t be any farther from the truth. Contrary to all stereotypes about lawyers, Cecilia is truly sympathetic to the needs of her clients and will do her very best to help them, which are mainly disadvantaged prey trying to get legal action on gluttonous predators. While it may seem hypocritical for an experienced predator like herself to come down on her peers for their actions, all her prey are willing...which instantly made it okay!
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Name: Joana
Age: 32
Species: Dragon
Biography: Joana was once the Zinnia City Police Department’s most promising aspirant for the role of a detective, but one day, after responding to a break in at an executives mansion, it all comes crashing down. In bad police conduct, she accidentally digests one of the burglars in her ‘holding cell’, and lets the other one get away with the contents of the exec’s safe.
Since Joana was the responding officer, she takes the fall and is busted down to a lowly beat cop. Now, she writes up parking tickets and respond to pets stuck up in trees, and the once lively Dragon has turned into quite the grouch. But’s it not all bad. The local donut shop gives her a deep discount for the uniform she sports, which she has been visiting more and more often as of late to combat her self hatred. Plus...the kid working behind the register is kinda cute.