Path to this Chapter:
  1. The first step.
  2. Dreams and breakfast
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by Nenen
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #2300091
A human in an anthro world has an unique way of taking over them.
This choice: Accept Mom's proposal. Go and attempt to "wear" Msr. Ember.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

The first step.

    by: Nenen
You were nervous, to say the least. You only practiced "Wear" with mom.and with her permission. She never tried to resist either so you don't really have an idea of how this will be, but… Mom just wants what's best for you. Always has, for these past 9 years. If there's anyone you trust is Mom. "Okay. I'll… I'll go see Ms. Ember." You said, shaking a bit. Your Mom and Sis both placed their hands on yours and held them tight.

"It's going to be okay honey. I'm sure you can do it."

"Go for it Big Bro!" They both smiled at you, and you smiled back. They may not be your original family, but they're our family now, and you wouldn't want to change them for nothing. You took a few breaths and then went to finish your cereal. "So… how should Big Bro do this? I know he needs to enter through a… hole, but I doubt Ms. Ember is just going to show them." Emi and you blushed a bit at her words.

"Well, that depends on your brother. I'm sure an opportunity will present itself, but remember. Be quick and be decisive. I'm sure you'll get her." Mom smiled at you warmly and you took in her words. In the end it really is up to you. Have to create an opportunity and use it. The rest of breakfast was spent with encouraging words from.both Mom and Sis, before you changed and left the house. Ms. Ember lived in the house that was next to yours, though both houses were separated by some trees. She moved recently, around a day or so ago, and you know she is a dragon. Well, here goes nothing. You knock on her door. "Coming!" A soft woman's voice answers and in no time the door opens up. You feel your face heat up as in front of you stands a beautiful dragoness. She has light blue scales, with bright green ones covering her neck and bosom. She has light green hair the same color as her scales that reach to her back. 2 black horns and feathery looking ears, as well as a long tail. She stands at your height, and is currently trying to fit her breasts into her clothes. She has wide hips and decent thighs, is dressed in black shorts, leggins and an orange sweater. (https://static1.e621.net/data/sample/34/...)

They finally managed to fit their breasts into their outfit when they looked at you with curious eyes. "Uh, hi? Excuse me for being forward but… what are you?" You chuckle. You get this kind of reaction all the time.

"Hi, I'm Alex. I'm your neighbor, nice to meet you." You extend your hand for a handshake and they take it. "As for what I am. Well, I'm often called a hairless monkey, but my species is Human."

"Human… never heard of them. Well, then again I never heard of Triceratops until I met one." She smiled at you. "Hi Alex, I'm Makayla. It's nice to meet you too. Want to come in?" You nod and head into her house, barely catching a glimpse of Emi with a thumbs up. Ms. Ember's house is pretty homely and similar to yours all things said. Though she had a glass door to her backyard unlike your house's normal wooden door. She also had a pool though. Her furniture seemed to be not super expensive, but still something that would cost a bit. She has a nice kitchen and a nice flat screen TV. “How nice of you to come greet me. Do you live by yourself?”

“No, I live with my mom and sis Ms. Ember. Ah, they’re arctic wolves. I’m adopted.” Ms. Ember looks at you with a sad expression for some reason. “I don’t mind that at all. If anything, I’m really grateful to them, and see them like family.” Ms. Ember smiles a little at you.

“Good to know you don’t let that get to you. And none of that Ms stuff, just Makayla is fine.” She said with a wave of her hand. “Oh right, why don’t we have a small drink to celebrate our meeting? I got just the thing.” She said and went to her kitchen, where you followed her. Looking at her from behind you saw her butt was rather firm and round. Makayla then proceeded to bend down and look for something in a cabinet, giving you a good view of her ass as her shorts slid inwards. You can practically see her… wait. Is this…?

“Be quick. And be Decisive.” You remember Mom and Sis’s encouraging faces as you feel your heart beat loudly in your chest. This is the chance Mom said would present itself. It’s now or never. You just have to move. One step, one arm movement. Just… Move.

And yet you stand frozen in fear. You… you can’t do this. You just… can’t do it…

All of a sudden time seems to slow down for you as you remember many things. Mom’s words, Emi’s encouragement, her crying face that day, the worried face of Mom when she looked over you, how happy they all were when you came out of your room, how they forgave you like it was nothing. The encouragement they gave you over breakfast.

You gulp, and make up your mind. Be quick. Be decisive. You launch yourself and dive your hands to the side of her panties, reaching her pussy and spreading it wide. “HIIIIII!!” She screams, no doubt having felt the intrusion and the sudden unnatural expansion of her nether region. Yet still you keep Mom’s words in mind. Be decisive. You quickly dive into the tunnel, pushing your body up to your chest in the first dive.

Makayla doesn’t know what is going on. She got greeted by a neighbor of an unusual species and invited them for a drink. Then she suddenly felt her pussy stretch to ridiculous levels and something forced itself into her. She could feel it crawling in her pussy, into her… stomach!? Makayla turned around and saw with horror as a big shape was forcing itself into her, somehow ignoring all that should be possible. She could see the naked lower body of a man going into her based on the dick, and clothes left on the floor. “What is haaaaappeeeniiiiiiing!!!” She was feeling very horny all of a sudden, her body felt weak, and she felt her own muscles try to push the invader inwards. She tried to crawl away, to ask for help but suddenly felt something grabbing her breasts somehow from within, sending waves of pleasure all over her. “Oooohhhh…” The invader had fully entered her body, bumps moving under her skin as she felt something slide into her arms, as she slowly felt she lost control of them. “Ahhh…” She could only moan from the pleasure she was feeling, her mind a haze as she felt a big bulge rising on her neck. She felt her own hand grab her head, and push into her body, sliding the bulge into her head with a pop sound as everything went black.

You opened your eyes to a hazy picture. Everything was blurry for some moments as you tried to get up, unfamiliar feelings all around your body. You also felt really hot between your legs.

It worked then. You blink a few times to get your vision right and look around. Your clothes are on the floor, the ripped panties and shorts of Makayla are also on the floor, and you see a pair of big breasts when you look down. You move a hand to them, noting how your hand is covered in blue scales, and squeeze them a bit, electricity coursing through your current body. “I… I did it…” You spoke with Makayla’s voice. Her, now your breasts are out of her bra, and her sweater is loose and filled with sweat. You… should probably do something about that.

It was at that moment there was another knock at the door. “Oh fuck! Uhh!” What do you do!? What do you do!? The knocks happen again, you have to do something! You quickly walk over to a window and take a small peek… It’s Emi. Emi and Mom, Oh thank goodness! You go open the door. “Hello Miss… uhh…” Emi just trails off as she looks at you. Oh right. You’re… kinda semi naked and messy? “... I think this isn’t a good time?”

“It’s fine Emi. Thanks for coming. Mom too.” Emi’s eyes widen before a big smile spreads on her face as you see her tail wag. Mom looks at you with a proud expression as you let them in Makayla’s house. You recount what happened to them as they look around. “... and that was it. I… I did it. I really did it.” It still feels weird to hear Makayla’s voice coming from your mouth. Actually all of this feels weird. Having scales, a tail, being a dragon basically. You… are kind of used to boobs and a pussy, thanks to Mom. Though you’re glad not to have to do this to her.

“You did it Big Bro! I knew you could! I would hug you but you seem super sweaty.” Emi and you laugh at that as you scratch your draconic cheek.

“I’m proud of you Alex. Do not fear your gift nor be afraid to use it. As I said, this world is unfair to you, you have to use everything you can to ensure your own future, and that includes this power you have. I’m so glad to see you being able to do this honey.” She smiles warmly at you.

“Thanks Mom…” You feel your cheeks blush. It was scary but… it is exhilarating in a way too. A feeling of a rush. “Well, I should edit her memories before I leave.”

“You’re going to leave her now? Why?” Emi asks you confused.

“Uhhh… I can’t stay as Makayla forever. I just… wanted to test it on her and she doesn’t seem bad, so I just… don’t want to steal some of her life from her.”

“Mmm… I’d say you should stay at least a whole day or two. To get used to being someone else other than Mom.” Emi says seriously. This isn’t a joke, she really thinks this is for the best.

“I agree, although I would say a week is better.” A week!? Your shock must be evident to her as she continues. “You don’t have classes until a week passes, and by that point you should be able to implant a thought on her. To be okay with you doing this.”

… what?


“Honey… It may sound like an awful thing to do, but I mean it. I truly want you to use this power to secure a better life. And doing that can really help you. Just remember. No matter how you look, or what you do, you’ll always be my son, and I will always love you dearly.” She then hugs you, a very tight hug filled with love.

“M-mom…” You feel your eyes water as you hug her back. Another pressure is then added to the pile.

“Me too Big Bro. No matter what happens, you’ll always be my Big Bro. You can always count on me too.”

“Emi… thank you… thanks, you two… I… I love you Mom. I love you Sis.” You hug them as you cry. A loving family embrace.
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