Civilian Name: Carnation "Carna" Bell
Age: 20
Height/Weight: 5'3"/115 lbs.
Origin: Light Maiden
Darkport City's not just home to the Mist when it comes to superheroes. Nor is the Cult of the Light the only group which uses the Pools of Light to fuel their magic. With how the Metagene reacted to the soul, it was really only a matter of time before a Metahuman who could connect with these pools and use their immense power was born, something which the Cult of Light dreaded. After all, if they fully came into their power and actively used the pools of light, then the decades of despair and grief they have been seeding will have all been burned away.
Carna Ball thus is that child which they have feared, ironically born into the cult under the previous Death Queen, Ambrosia Ball. Hiding her child's power from her until her very death it was Moonstar who ultimately learned about her abilities, after being forced on the run by the next Death Queen and forced to live in the wilds outside of Darkport. Living amongst the bears and other wildlife, she found out her connection to the Pools of Light and how she could draw power from them.
Innocent in mind and not understanding the light's connection to despair, Carna eventually returned to the city once she had grown up, taking the name Moonstar. Caring for nature, she uses the very light that threatens them against the Cult of Light, while also taking on other low level criminals in her quest for peace. However, for her powers the hero known as the Mist sees her as only a threat to the city in spite of her well meaning, intending to incapacitate her before the Light consumes her and transforms her into a monster.
Civilian Name: Axel Embers
Age: 21
Height/Weight: 5'4"/140 lbs.
Origin: Mechanic Demonist
Axel Embers was once a sidekick to Cherub, a angelic member of the Liberty Legion who was of the pure sort. Raised Catholic by her mother, she wanted her to eventually inherit the Cherub mantle when she was of age and all that came with it. However, during her teenage years Axel went through a punk phase and rebelled against her mom, going to rock concerts and drinking vodka while underage. As a ultimate act of rebellion, she had even taken to learn a bit about machines and how to craft them with the simplest of tools.
Her mom absolutely hated her for this and removed her from ever being the Cherub, but Axel never cared for it. All she wanted to do was enjoy life, and now that she was free from a "holier than thou" nature she had no care for sticking with her mom as a sidekick. As such, as soon as she graduated she ran from home, carrying with her only the clothes on her back as well as some engineers tools and a primitive device made to both summon and converse with lesser demons such as imps or hellhounds.
As of the present she has taken up the alias of the "Engi-Cubus", still very much acting like a punk in spite of those around her growing out of that lifestyle and maturing. While she's good at bashing people's brains in with a wrench, her main focus is on mechanical problems left behind in the battles of greater heroes, such as repairing dams that are about to burst. However, speaking with demons has given her the idea that she's greater than she thinks she is, and now she wishes to ascend to greater heights by joining the Power Lounge, something she thinks will happen when she can summon and bind a greater demon to her will.
Civilian Name: Gregory Waltz
Age: 22
Height/Weight: 5'8"/180 lbs.
Origin: Super-Jumping Rabbit
Gregory Waltz is a bit of a oddity in his life. The only one in his family to have dominant Metagenes, he was born with traits reminiscent of a rabbit such as powerful rabbit-like legs, a tail as well as a second set of rabbit ears that not only didn't work but also rendered his human ears deaf as well. Both deaf and with a very different appearance, he was deemed a freak by his elitist parents and abandoned without a care in the world.
The next person to find him however, Maria Waltz was a ex-Atlantean owner of an orphanage who took care for abandoned children, no matter the circumstance. Taking him in, she saw a great intelligence that was being wasted due to how he was treated and sought to change it. She taught him sign language in both English and her native Atlantean tongue, alongside many different fields of science and mathematics. Most importantly she taught him to be kind to others, and to always treat everyone with dignity and grace.
Taking up the name of Charity, Gregory takes his foster mom's teachings and actively seeks to save the souls of the disabled people in his city, while showing the people who would act against them the error of their ways. For all of his virtues however, Gregory has never learned to turn down a gift whenever offered one. For this, one goon in particular with a obsessive love in her heart by the name of Pastry Maker has noticed this and seeks to get close to him, with carrot cake in hand...
Name: Hanako Zeri
Age: 21
Height/Weight: 5'8"/490 lbs.
Origin: Sumoranger, Daughter of a Yokozuna
Zeri is the first... and so far only member of Kinzoku Sentai Sumoranger, and the daughter of the retired legendary Hero of Japan, Yokozuna. A heavy eater ever since birth, she often mimicked her father's every move while watching him face off against powerful worldwide threats, such as the Legion of Chaos and the Atlantean Empire. As such, when her father had retired due to losing an arm to Legion of Chaos member Moss, she had tried to take her father's mantle for herself only for the country to give it to someone in the royal family, likely as a symbol of prestige and tourism rather than a move to protect the country.
Saddened, she simply ate away more and more... but before she could fall fully into despair she was approached by a ancient spirit looking for five warriors of light. The Defro Shogunate was stirring from their ancient thousand year slumber and sought to bring forth a new ice age, and the spirit needed the warriors to seal the evil army once more before it could be achieved. Still clinging to her desires to be like her father, Kanari immediately clung on and took to her new pink costume.
With her being so big though, the standard way of fighting for a Toku group did not work. Instead, she incorporated her own standard sumo style into her way of fighting, her weight working in her favor and turning her into a deadly weapon against the Defro despite her massive heft. The Defro took to calling her the Sumoranger as an insult, but to her she took it as pride and took to naming her entire team that... so long as she could find four others who were willing to eat alongside her and get huge for their world.
She... may have developed heavy feeder tendencies in her search. Be very afraid if you find yourself eating with her.