What Season is This? [E] A poem in Haibun form (described following the poem) about strange autumn weather |
Hello, Dan I Am, Here is a review for your "What Season is This?" . Comments and Observations: Such fun! Having lived up north for a long while, I can relate to this poem and Massachusetts, too, here with the quirky experience of a warmer-than-expected November day! Surreal, it seems. More than anything I love how you adapted the haibun form to something humorous and with a casual conversational tone, to boot. Such as, "This is not normal," "I guess this is true global warming," if only to show mild bewilderment. Then, Thanksgiving BBQ versus preparing for winter by putting up the storm windows and getting a snow blower add to the unpredictability of the weather. Truthfully speaking, the poem is great as it is. I thought, at first, what if this poet added a bit more impact to impress the idea of the climate change? But then, that would dull the fun and the humor, and change the poem itself as a whole. So no suggestions here, from me. Kudos for the lightheartedness and the thought-provoking essence hidden inside the humor of the poem. It takes skill to adapt humor to form poetry, and it seems you have that skill in leaps and bounds. In short, I enjoyed reading this poem a lot for its subtlety and humor and the memories it brought back to me. Suggestions on the text as to grammar, usage, and punctuation I saw no problems in this area. Best wishes with your writing. My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .