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Action/Adventure: March 13, 2024 Issue [#12463]

 This week: Spring Break
  Edited by: ❀Leger❀
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to help the Writing.com author hone their craft and improve their skills. Along with that, I would like to inform, advocate, and create new, fresh ideas for the author. Write to me if you have an idea you would like presented.

This week's Action / Adventure Editor

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Spring Break

In the WDC hemisphere, Spring is on the way! And with it comes Spring Break! In school, it was a fun time to eat Easter candy and lay around watching tv while our parents worked. In college, it's a time for an adventure and perhaps a vacation with friends to another country.

Some people take a cruise. In days past, way past, some hitchhiked to another destination with a friend or two. These are the last few months to head to the mountains and do some skiing before the ski runs turn into green runways.

Vacations, whether taken or just dreamed about, are great times to fill the well of our imagination for stories. While skiing, did you daydream about a crazy spill? Or meeting someone special by the fire? Did you dream about winning big in the cruise ship casino, or meeting someone on board for a flash romance? Or have pirates boarded the ship?

In all, take a break, whether you go somewhere or not, and recharge the batteries. Gather up some ideas and people watch for some great characters. Then when it's too hot to do anything more than lounge in front of the fan, you'll have fodder for new stories.

Write and Relax On!

This month's question: Have you written stories about vacation adventures? Were they yours? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!
Answer below *Down* Editors love feedback! *Heart*

Editor's Picks

March WDC Contest
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Character Prompt for March 2024: Write a story where a sidekick/supporting character
steals the show away from the main protagonist.

 Duck Feet  (18+)
A young man's first day on the job at Disneyland.
#2315965 by Winchester Jones

Excerpt: "I want to get rid of my shoes,” Harry said.

“You don’t have shoes,” Penny pointed out, a bored sigh in her voice. “You have duck feet.”

“My duck feet are killing me.”

“You took the job, sport. Now live with it!”

The Voice On The Back Of The Wind  (13+)
At first, I'd only hear the wind--or the dog.
#2299336 by 🪽intuey🕊️

Excerpt: My momma raised me in an old cottage in the woods. Of course, there were more woods way back then. It wasn't as much of a novelty as it is today. Yes, many people lived in the woods back then. People worked from sun up to sun down then too. Of course, you had to if you wanted to eat. People were kinder back then. They cared about their neighbor, even if that meant traveling miles to see them. We took care of one another. That's what we did. I miss that.

Madame Michelle de la Lyonesse Dupont  (13+)
A man is presented with a tempting choice. 3rd in Humorous Short Story Contest June 2023.
#2297294 by Beholden

Excerpt: Jean awoke with Madame Michelle de la Lyonesse Dupont’s arm thrown proprietarily across his chest. This was normal and had to do with a certain insecurity on the part of Madame. Jean had no objection to the practice, although it made it difficult to sneak out of bed without disturbing Madame’s beauty sleep. And he needed to do this now, as the natural demands of his body urged an immediate visit to the bathroom.

 The Truth About Thantia  (18+)
Some Leaders were the same. They would do whatever it took to stay the leader.
#2315845 by PureSciFi

Excerpt: Karrena stood up after Thantia selected her as the next one to ask her a question among the fifty other Information Specialists at that meeting. She glanced down at the Palm Monitor before she asked her question. “Is it true that you will do whatever it takes to become the Leader of Havinna again?”

The Odyssey For The Eternal Tree  (E)
In a post apocalyptic world, Kat and Chris embarks on a quest to find the tree of life.
#2304393 by Joseph

Excerpt: In a mere span of three hours, the Great War was over leaving the planet in ruins and devoid of any victors. Titan missiles used to destroy communication satellites inadvertently devastated the atmosphere to a pitiful state. No longer capable of protecting the planet from the powers of space and sun. Solar flares bombarded the planet rendering useless all devices spawned from the cyber Gods.

 The Last True Cabbie  (13+)
The Last True Cabbie
#2315507 by russelljadams

Excerpt: The cab lurched to a halt in a cloud of blue smoke. Another faceless prick in a cheap suit, another frantic bark of an address... Christ, they all had the same damn manic eyes now. Screen-addled, soul-sucked, too hopped up on ambition and energy drinks to breathe.

 Voices and Power  (ASR)
A peculiar phone interaction leads to a volatile and mysterious confrontation.
#2315585 by brom21

Excerpt: Jared walked along the school hallway as people snickered as he passed. He entered an empty classroom before anyone came. He got his backpack and took out a laptop and went to his favorite site-writing.com and took up where he left, writing his contest entry he entitled Keepers of The Realm. He sighed with relief as he began writing. If only he could live his fantasy world.

 The Hand that Feeds  (ASR)
An Odd Drive-Through Experience. Flash Fiction
#2315919 by Bryce Kenn

Excerpt: At the order sign, a voice said, "Welcome to Burger Bends. You can order when you're ready."

When Walt relayed the orders, the voice replied, "That will be thirty-seven dollars. Please pull forward."

Walt pulled up. From where he sat, he didn't see anyone there, but a hand stuck through the window and accepted his credit card. Walt's skin crawled, but he said nothing.

 Checkmate  (13+)
The late summer night when Mrs. Richards lost the last chess game of her life
#2312724 by Josh T. Alto

Excerpt: With terror in her eyes, Mrs. Richards was clinging to the edge of the bed, as she slowly left this side of life, to plunge into the ultimate darkness that she always feared. Silence settled slowly on the house, the ticking of the old wall clock in the parlour was the only sound that disturbed the peaceful sleep of Mrs. Richards. The coroner later diagnoses heart attack as the cause of death that happened around 4:00 AM.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

This month's question: Have you written stories about vacation adventures? Were they yours? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!
Answer below *Down* Editors love feedback! *Heart*

Last month's question: What daring thing would you try?

GhostlyPotato welcomes October : Well, most of the adventurous stuff I've done has been on accident. Stuff like rock climbing(happened at the top of a mountain on a night hike where our group leader ditched us.) stunt work(okay once on purpose once not so much, I was a scare actor..who missed a step on a stair ladder--accident--and managed to re-catch the rail and land feet first...on a cement floor. True story. The on purpose was chucking a spring and chain suspended barrel at some metal bars.)

After all that excitement, body is not in good shape, but I would like to go snorkel above a reef.

Monty : Done most. Don't dare much anymore.

TheBusmanPoet : LIVING LIFE! Been doing it for 67yrs. There is no greater adventure. *Cool*
Zeke : TheBusmanPoet - This thought is so very true. At 88 I know it for a fact.
TheBusmanPoet : Zeke - Then we're both in agreement. Not many people see this though that's the sad part. *Smile*

oldgreywolf scribbles : ". . . other's adventuring"?

I'm still enjoying my own.

Whose are you enjoying?

Mousethyme : I have zip lining on my bucket list.....

Nobody’s Home : I'm not one for jumping out of airplanes, but I'd love to explore physically challenging sites (in my 25yo body!) I'd go spelunking (caving), rock climbing, or venture deep into jungles to do research on on birds and mammals...There's an ornithologist who decided to climb trees hundreds of feet to the top of the canopy in the Amazon Rainforest to study the birds that live up there that no one had ever thought to look for. Her husband now goes up with her to study the insects they feed on. That's my kind of adventure!

Princess Morticia Megan Rose : Parachuting out of airplanes.

Paul : I want to jump out of a plane at 20,000 feet and I want to ride a long zip-line too.

Bob : I'm a bit old and wide around the waist and carry a pace maker, but I regret never getting a private pilots license when I was young and healthy.

severed head : Tried most daring things available to me, to be honest. If I had 2 working knees, some serious mountain-climbing?

kimauge : Traveling another countries.

Tannus : I tried combat in Afghanistan. I also went caving over there. That was interesting. I guess I am an international caver! I made it home with no physical injuries!

Fraught-With-Safety : Writing!

spoedniek : I'm doing it, aren't I? I'm reviewing things on here. That's enough adrenalin to keep me going for a while.

Maria Pen : I would love to try going on a hot air balloon, I've always wanted to try it, but never had a chance. It would surely be one thing I would put on my bucket list, it just looks like a lot of fun to do!
Paul : Maria Pen - I’ve done it and I recommend it highly. There are all kinds of clubs and other facilities to fly from. It’s a marvelous experience floating and in the town I lived in there were many chances to participate. I did is a part in a movie so there were us two lovers on a flight with a sound guy, a director in the gondola with us. Crowded, but a great experience.
AAJones : Maria Pen - I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They have the International Balloon Fiesta every autumn and was part of a chase crew for a couple of years in a row when I was 14 - 15. A perk of the crew work was getting to ride A LOT. It was exhilarating and I recommend it highly! Top tip: bend your knees and leave them loose when you land. They'll be your shock absorbers.

elephantsealer : I have this nagging feeling I would like to fly...

Thanks to everyone for your responses! Much love! *Heart* Leger~

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