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by Nahald
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1216767
Life as I see it
Time period of my life? The part where I'm craming for the GED, trying to get my horse to stop hating me, deal with my writing addiction and keep somewhat sane. So I guess this will be something they can show the jury when I pull a Mort and start hitting people over the head with a shovel.
February 16, 2007 at 10:01am
February 16, 2007 at 10:01am
Spent yesterday downloading Chinese rock. Found some cool podcasts and web sites, www.rockinchina.com is one and the podcast I got at www.dragonradio.hk, which I love.
I also got a new character for BA, that was weird. I just had to write something and he came out.
This (Blood Alchemy) really needs to be a movie or something 'cause I'm having a hell of a time turning it into something others can understand.
Yesterday was a 'blah' day, I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING... I was completly useless. But now I've got a new band to listen to, if only I can find them. Cold Fairyland, weird but good. And my lip's bleeding... got to go take care of that... ~Nahald
February 14, 2007 at 10:40am
February 14, 2007 at 10:40am
Testing place called, had to change date of the test. Mar 13/14 and I have to get there by 8:15. In ungodly hour to start a test if you want any one to pass said test. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't live an hour away. *rolls eyes*
Living in the country isn't all cool sunsets and quitet. In fact, what with all the oilwells going in around us, we don't even have that. And with three more familys moving in just below us... grrrr...
It used to be there wasn't even lights out here, but every one who's moved in has put up a boogy light in their front yard and cut down the trees.
(warning; rant coming)
Let me tell you about these trees, they're small, ugly almost, but they've been through every thing and then some. Most are 200 years old, but since they're only about 15/20 in. round they don't look it and no one thinks they're worth saving.
You should see how much land is cleared for the oilwell's. And then the trees are piled in a big heap and left there. Not only is this an eye sore, but if a fire got in to one of those, and since they put them near the edge of what they cleared, the fire can go from there to the tops of the trees left standing. Once it does that, it's over.

Any way, done ranting.
I've been wanting to make a doc about it but have never gotten around to it. The price of domestic oil is so much more then you may think.

February 12, 2007 at 10:39am
February 12, 2007 at 10:39am
*hugs anyone within range* I now have a Upgraded Membership! Which means I get to pour my writings down your throat! Bet you can't wait! Mwhahahaha!

My quote of the day; "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself" ~ Chinese Proverb
It links in well with "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." Which is also Chinese.
I have to keep these in mind as I study, and now I just remembered that I need to call the testing place. Uggg... Interacting with people... This last weekend felt like a full week, 4 years of work compressed as tight as I can get it with out going braindead out right. Yes I know I could have done all this along time ago and saved myself alot of hell but where's the fun in that? The only bit I think I'll have to work at is Math, and who doesn't? STRESS!!!!! Wow I feel better... Today isn't really the best day for me to be starting a blog, as you can see it's bound to be full of my complaning. But what's a blog if not a vent? Okay, okay I'll go make the stupid call....

Later (ie me making this longer)~ Made the call, the 22/23 will be the the days of pain. Or more the days of thank god I can stop studing and just MOVE ON! I tend to do well when it's cruch time, it's the days leading up to it that are going to be killer. So I'm here, writing in my blog instead of doing math homework (when I close my eyes I can still see numbers). This is what I do, I put off and put off and hope I pull through. The funny thing is I almost always do so there you go, that's how bad habits start.

When I was like 10 or something I saw this thing on the MIT robot comp. and thought to myself "Wow, that looks like fun. I'll go there!" I had no idea that MIT was anything more then "just some school" HA HA the look on dad's face when I told him the news! But he said if I can get in he'd send me. Anyway, I'm not going to MIT as far as I know. I still don't know what I want to Major in. I keep changing my mind every time I find something that'd work for what I want, I want something else, grrrrr! Lib.Art here I come!

Yes, yes, yes, I can and sometimes do talk about something other than school. It's just never taken up so much of my life before. Lets see, what else do i ave to talk about? I know, I'm planing a Vid/Doc that's kind of a before after of my friend's family's plantion down in Louisiana. I think it'll mostly be what's changed since we were last there, which was 2004-5 I think. It's amazing how hard it is even to think about it, I've only been like 4 times but it still felt like a 2nd home... Now look what you did, uggg... I think it's just one of those days.

7:00, maybe 2 hours of watching Jack kick butt will make me feel better.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1216767-Witty-Blog-Name