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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1280335
Part 3 of Trisha and Sally's Rampage
“Would you want me to squeeze them together with you in between them,” she mocked him as she pressed her breasts together by rolled her shoulders forward. “I don’t know, I think they’d squish you, they’re awfully big for such a little guy,” she laughed.

“Would you want me to lay down on my back and pull my shirt up,” she questioned her tiny father as he dangled like a worm on a fish hook. “I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you”? “I could let you go right here on my left titty,” she said slowly circling her erect nipple threw the stretched out shirt material with her long red finger nail.

“I could picture you trying to stand up”. “Your little legs would wobble as you walked across the vast plain of my left breast”. “Your little feet would start to tickle my giant breast when you walk”. “You would have to hold on to something when I start to laugh because my giant boobs would start to wobble”. “I could picture you grabbing my big pink nipple as my breasts dance like a bowl of jell-o,” she said while shaking her enormous chest side to side giving him an example of what a ride it would be like. “You would have to hug my nipple tight so you wouldn’t fall between my boobs”.

“Or maybe I could drop you down on the kitchen table”. “I would tape your little arms and legs down with some scotch tape so you couldn’t run,” she said leaning in closer to her scared little father.

“I would pull my tight little shirt up just over my monestrous breasts,” she giggled rubbing her chest with her free hand. “I would slowly lean over and let my breast swing and sway inches from you ugly little face”. “I bet you you’d love it when my pointy hard nipple touched your trembling little body”. “I would slowly rub it up and down your fat little stomach,” she teased him. “Then I would slowly lean forward until your whole body was covered with the tip of my right titty”. “I would continue to increase the weight as you scream a the top of your lungs for me to stop”.

“Would you like that daddy,” she asked boldly. “Would you like to be squashed under your daughter’s big tit, I bet you would,” she said carrying him into the kitchen. “You look all hot ant bothered daddy, was it something I said”. With that she opened the icebox and dropped her father in an empty ice cube tray. He was freezing sitting in a 2" x 2"chamber of the cold metal pan. Trisha returned with an open can of beer. Without saying a word she filled the metal tray waist deep with cheap foamy beer. He father splashed around in the cold beer screaming for her to help him. Without saying a word she closed the door to the icebox and took a long swig from the half full can.

“That should cool him off”.

Trisha woke up to her alarm clock blaring. She had to get ready for work. After all it would be her first night as a dancer. Sally would be picking her up in about an hour so Trisha hopped out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

Later that day Trisha began to sneak down the creaky wooden stairs of the two story house. She paused for a second cringing in fear as the first wooden step chirped like a hungry bird under her weight. The stair case was made up 12 steps. Out of those 12 steps, 11 of them were loose and squeaky. She planned on meeting Sally at the end of her street. She had to make it out of the house with out her father seeing her. After what happened early that morning Trisha didn’t want her father to see she was totally ignoring his new orders. She wasn’t going to quit her job, she wasn’t going to stop dressing in her revealing cloths, and she certainly wasn’t gonna stop hanging out with her friend Sally. Trisha carefully walked down the remaining steps and slowly crept to the front door. She grabbed the door knob for the front door and turned in ever so gently. Her heart raced with excitement. She would be outside in a matter of seconds and her father had not seen her leaving. It was the first time she had left the house in a long time that he wasn’t standing in front of the door like a security guard. The door slowly creaked open. Its rusty metal hinges squealed like a stuck pig. He had to have heard that she thought, there was no way he couldn’t have. Her little heart thumped as she heard her fathers voice yell.

“What the fuck do you think your doing,” he screamed. His voice was deep and raspy like a state troopers. Trisha froze in fear, she was caught red handed. She couldn’t imagine what he was going to say to her let alone do to her. All she knew was that her tiny arm muscle couldn’t take another pounding like it did early that morning. She was doomed. The tight skimpy cloths she wore would certainly not be to his approval. And where would she tell him she was going with a duffle bag full of make-up, a pair of fuck-me boots, some ass less chaps and a variety of other sexy cloths.

“Think quick Trisha, think quick,” she mumbled to her self. “The Salvation Army,” she thought. “I will tell him what he said to me earlier really made me think”. “And I’m going to donating all my tasteless outfits and make-up to the Salvation Army,” what a great idea she thought to herself as he screamed again.

“You have some real fu-ck-ing nerve,” she could hear the anger in his deep voice. Plus he used syllables and syllables where bad.. She was to afraid to turn around but she regretfully closed the door knowing she would have to face him.

“It’s a Sunday afternoon, and you people keep calling,” he screamed.

“Huh,” Trisha said turning around to see her father sitting in his beat up lazy boy with the telephone pressed to his right ear.

“You telemarketers are like fucking vultures,” he screamed into the phone. “Big, nasty fucking vultures with long razor sharp talons and crooked narrow beaks”. “You just keep hounding me, day after day, just waiting for me to give in”. “It’s like you where put on this earth just to fucking annoy me,” he yelled before slamming down the phone. He wasn’t yelling at her, he was yelling at some pain in the ass telephone salesman. With that Trisha pulled the door open and left the house.

Sally was already at the corner waiting for Trisha. Her red sports car shined in the bright sunlight. Trisha hopped and the two where off to Crickets Gentleman’s Club.

“God, I’m so nervous I’m shacking,” Trisha told her tall blonde friend.

“You’ll be fine,” Sally said while coming to a stop at a stop sign. “Stripping is no big deal”. “Those guys in there are gonna love you,” she told Trisha trying to comfort her. “And if they don’t you just send them over to me,” she joked making a tight fist, and punching the air.

“Yeah I’ll send them to you, and you can beat there ass’s,” Trisha laughed.

“I will too, and you know it,” Sally said flexing her right bicep.

“You probably would you fucking amazon,” Trisha teased her friend.

“You wouldn’t believe the dream I had this morning,” Trisha said. “It was so realistic, it was like it actually happened,” she said as she continued to tell Sally about her dream.

“So he shrunk down to the size of a tiny bug and you didn’t stomp his ass,” Sally laughed as her friend finished her story.

“No I didn’t stomp him like a bug, but I should have,” Trisha laughed at the thought. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking putting him in the freezer,” she said almost in tears she was laughing so hard.

“I would have flattened that motherfucker thinner than a penny if he shrunk in front of me,” Sally told her friend as she pulled into Cricket’s parking lot. “Could you picture him trying to run away from me as he starts to shrink. I would simply walk over to him and lift my foot high above his head. I would listen to him scream and beg for his pathetic life before I lowered my boot down on him. I would feel his little body wiggling under my sole as I slowly applied more pressure. His little body would creak with pain as I start twisting my foot grinding him into the floor. I would feel his little body burst as I finally put him out of his misery. Both girls where laughing in hysterics.

“That would be awesome,” Trisha added. “I would pay to see that,” she said as they were about to exit Sally’s car.

“A fucking ice cube tray in the freezer,” Sally teased. “Girl, you have some deep issues”.

Trisha sat in front of the dressing room mirror applying a thick jet black coat of mascara. The black outline made her already big beautiful brown eyes look even more exotic. Her thick pouting lips glistened with light pink glittery lipstick. Her Long wavy black hair hung down past her broad feminine shoulders. Her tan body shined from the body oil she had applied earlier. Her large round breasts tore at the seams of her small tight bikini top. Her cleavage over flowed from all sides of the tiny top as the little black triangles tried to contain their mass. Her hard flat stomach was left exposed and it was topped off with her shiny little belly button ring. Trisha wore skin tight go-go shorts that hugged her perfect ass like a latex glove. Her long thick heeled black boots where laced up tight and she wore a black lacy garter around her right thigh for holding her tip money. She was going on stage to strip for the first time in her life. Millions of thoughts where running through her mind as she sprayed a mist of sweet perfume on her exposed breast flesh. Would she be able to go through with this? Would the crowd like her? Trisha stood up turning side to side admire herself for one last second before taking the stage.

“Oh my God you look so hot,” Sally said as she walked into the dressing room.

“I’m so nervous, I don’t know if I can go through with this,” Trisha replied to her friend.

“Oh honey,” Sally hugged her little friend to comfort her. “Your gonna knock em dead out there”. “Your hands down the hottest girl in the place”. “You’ll have those men eating out of your little hand by the end of the night,” Sally encouraged her nervous friend.

“Any last words of advise,” Trisha asked while heading toward the stage door.

“Look like your having fun, or be a complete bitch, the guys will eat it up,” Sally insisted. “Remember all guys will state the obvious”.

“The obvious, what do you mean by that,” Trisha asked.

“You know the obvious”. “Guys will think they are being so cute and witty”. “Like, I can’t tell you how many bozo’s ask me how tall I am”. “Like I never heard that before you unoriginal douse bag”. “Excuse me Miss,” Sally lowered her voice a few octaves and acted like a mindless club goer. “My friend and I here, have a little bet going,” She mocked. “I think your six feet tall and he says your at least six two, can you tell us who is right”. “Your both wrong you fucking losers,” she finished her little act an returned her voice to normal. “I can’t tell you how many times a night I get asked why my stage name is Liberty”. “I feel like saying this is why and stomp on their little fucking heads,” Sally stamped her long white boot on the ground.

With that in mind Trisha took the stage. As she nervously strutted out onto the large half round stage her eyes squinted to adjust to the bright lights. The red, blue, yellow, and green lights toke turns flashing on and off. She couldn’t see anything but the long rack of blinking lights that hung just in front of the stage. Not even the men in “The Pit” where visible only their dark silhouette stood out in the smoky background.

“Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Raven,” the announcer said over the clubs expensive sound system. Trisha figure the name Raven fit her because of her hair color. The men in the audience erupted. Their screams and cat calls gave Trisha the confidence she needed to start her dance.

Her curvy hips gyrated to the thumping bass coming out of the speaker. She slowly spun in a circle giving the crowd an idea of how shapely her back side was.

“Nice ass,” yelled a club goer. Trisha smiled as she gave her sexy little butt a wiggle. “Stating the obvious,” she said to herself as she danced her way to the front of the stage. Men store in awe at the goddess on stage. Her perfect body shook in rhythm to the loud bassy music.

“Let’s see those tits,” came a call from an impatient viewer. Trisha confidently put her hands over her chest and shook her head side to side like she was outraged at the comment. The crowd screamed louder as she teased them. With that Trisha ripped the tiny top off her perfect cantaloupe sized breasts. Men stood up out of their seats as the little vixen gracefully moved around the stage. Her firm breast bounced ever so sightly with her every sexy move. Her big dark pink nipples where placed in the direct center of her large tear drop shaped breasts. The gleaming body oil exaggerated every twitching muscle in her tight little body as the lights reflected off her. She slowly wiggled her hips side to side as her tight white go-go shorts slide to the ground. She had an instant rush of adrenalin as the crowd went wild. Her tight black thong barley covered her meaty hairless pubic mound. A little black triangle of silky material is all that sat between Trisha’s moist pussy and the eager crowd of rowdy men. The thin black strap disappeared into her ass crack only to come out again on the top of her ass.

Sally watched from the main bar as her friend totally toke control of the stage. She had never seen the place go this crazy. Even when there was an adult entertainer as a feature dancer the place wasn’t this wild. Men jockeyed for a spot near the stage. Fist fulls of George Washington’s flooded the floor by Trisha’s feet. It looked like the New York Stock Exchange had come to visit Crickets Gentlemen’s Club. As the music died down so did Trisha’s dance. Sally started toward the dressing room. She was going to congratulate her friend on a terrific performance when her body suddenly jolted. Sally stood still as she felt every muscle in her body contract at the same time. It wasn’t painful but it really scared her. Sally’s whole body was immovable for an instant as her body trembled. It sounded stupid but she could swear her already snug cloths where fitting her tighter. It was almost like she grew a few inches. As soon as the jolt started it stopped. Sally was unharmed and not sure of what just happened started to the dressing room to greet Trisha.

“Hey watch where your going, ya, ya, you,” a short man turned around and yelled as Sally bumped into him. Comparatively he was actually average height but to her he was short. He was stunned as he store directly into the sexy amazon’s chest. Sally simple put her hands on her hips and stuck out her average chest like a super hero. The top of the mans head was level with her b-cup breasts and she laughed as the short man slowly looked up to her face in awe..

“Watch where I’m going,” Sally asked snidely. “You better be careful yourself little fella,” she teased him. “I almost stepped on you,” she laughed. The mans mouth dropped as she continued to tease him. “You wouldn’t want the big mean lady to step on you now would you,” Sally asked as the man store up in amazement. The man and his friends looked like eight year old boys compared to a full grown woman. “Now I suggest before I get pissed and stomp your ass’ into the ground like a little bug, you and your midget friends take off,” Sally added pushing past him.

“You fucking bitch,” she heard him yell as she reached for the dressing room door.

“It’s like a midget convention out there,” Sally told Trisha as she embraced her friend.

“Are they midgets or are you just a fucking giant,” Trisha asked playfully.

“Oh god, what I would do to some of those nasty fucks out there if I was a giant,” Sally laughed. “You where awesome out there girl,” Sally told Trisha as she stepped back to admire her sexy friend..

“Hey Raven,” a redheaded dancer yelled as she came in the dressing room. “There is a guy in the V.I.P room that wants you for the rest of the night,” The redhead added then disappeared back into the main room.

“Wants me for the rest of the night,” Trisha asked disgusted.

“Oh relax Trisha, he just wants you to give him a private dance,” Sally said. “If he’s gonna pay for the whole night, your gonna make about a grand”.

“Are you serious, who the hell would pay that much for me to dance in front of them,” Trisha asked excitedly.

“You’ll probably end up talking with him for most of the time,” Sally answered. “Guys like that shit. They really think your all into them. Just play it cool and make sure the guy has a good time. You’ll have him spending his paychecks on you instead of his family. Go get em girl,” Sally said before shoving Trisha out the door.

Trisha had put on a tight fitting baby tee seeing her bikini was torn off in her wild dance. Standing outside the door to the V.I.P room she stopped and toke a deep breath before entering. Her body froze as a sharp jolt shot threw her like a bolt of lightening. Her muscles tensed and her body felt like it was expanding. Her muscles relaxed but her clothing felt tighter. Everything except her boots seamed to feel tighter. What the hell just happened she thought as she opened the door. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she entered the private dance room. Sitting cross legged in an over stuffed red velvet chair was the short fat man from the shoe store. His yellow smile made her want to puke. She thought as she closed the door behind her. Remembering what Sally said about the money Trisha pretended to be excited to see him.

“Oh my god its you,” she said to fat man. She tried so hard to sound excited to see him but she was actually a little freaked out by the fact that he knew she worked there.

“Great show,” he said in a deep voice trying to sound all macho.

“Yeah,” she asked seductively. “Did you like it,” Trisha asked in a sexy confident whisper. Her hips swung from side to side like a pendulum as she strutted across the room. Fat mans confidence was slowly dissolving as she made her way toward him like a hungry lioness. With every step the beauty took toward him his confidence slipped a notch. He would be a babbling idiot in a few seconds he figured. Her eyes slightly closed giving them that feline like. Her fat pink lips gleamed in the soft light the small table lamp gave off. The tiny white tee shirt she wore had a low cut neckline allowing her ample cleavage to be on display. Her big thimble sized nipples outlined by the shirts cottony material. Her powerful legs in the long black boots. Fat man was in a trance as the dangerous beauty moved closer to him. There she stood before him, her hands on her hips her legs spread slightly more then shoulder width apart. She store down at him like she was a mother about to scold her child. Something about the man made her want to intimidate him. Fat man store up at her in awe. He was sitting in a chair but he didn’t remember her being so tall.

“Get up,” Trisha ordered him. Slowly fat man started to stand. To speed up the process Trisha roughly grabbed him by the back of his dress shirt and pulled him to his feet. His head coward like a scared puppy. His eyes drifted toward the floor as she store him down like a school yard bully. Trisha towered over the man. She remembered in the store he had to crane his neck to see over her shoulder but now he would have to stand on his tip toes to even see over her breasts. As she looked down at the pathetic man her body began to tremble. Her muscles squeezed like a vise, as a tingle shot through her entire body. She closed her eyes tight as her body surged and pushed at her already tight cloths. Fat man still looking at the ground didn’t notice the beautiful eighteen year old girl in front of him growing. His fat little eyes where fixed on the ground or maybe on her well shined fuck-me boots. Trisha opened her eyes to see everything around her had gotten smaller. The velvet chair, the small end table with the lamp, the doorway and even fat man. No longer was his head up to her round breasts. If he looked strait he would be staring into her cute little belly button. She had know idea what had happened. The only thing she did know was fat man was going to get the show of his life.

“Get on your knees and kiss my boots,” Trisha ordered him like she was some kind of Dominatrix. With out hesitation or even a questioning look fat man dropped to his knees. His fat little lips instantly kissed the top of Trisha’s black boot. She couldn’t help but laugh. He looked so small and pathetic being down on all fours. She laughed at the thought of stepping down on the back of his neck with one of her oversized boots. She could snap it like a chicken bone at this height she figured. Trisha’s hands rested on her hips, her thick pretty pink lips where curled up into a sinister smile as he kissed away at her shiny boots. Trisha nudged his face away from her boot with a simple flick of the foot.

“Take my boot off, you pathetic little man,” she ordered. She was getting a total kick out of bossing the little fat man around. She could tell him to stand on his head and he would probably do it. The power was intoxicating. Fat man quickly grabbed at the boots laces. His plump fingers fought with the tight double knot. Trisha tapped her foot on the floor to let fat man know she was getting impatient. He was like a kid opening up the biggest gift under the tree on Christmas day. His hands trembled as he finally undid the laces. Trisha lifted her foot so he could pull her boot off. Her nylon was pulled tight over her sexy foot. The flesh colored nylon was so tight it was almost like a second layer of skin. Fat man’s eyes lifted and toke in every part of his dream girls body. Her long powerful legs that stretched toward the heavens. Her slender muscular flat stomach gleamed from body oils. The underside of her large oversized breasts where exposed due to the tiny tank top and her recent growth spurt. Her sweat beautiful face seamed to be as high as the ceiling from fat mans perspective. Little did he know in a matter of minutes it would be. Wait a second he thought as he store into her eyes.

“That’s impossible,” fat man muttered. She was massive. Trisha must have been eight feet tall. Scared, he was about to jump to his feet but Trisha’s heavy nylon covered foot slammed into his chest. The force knocked him to his back. He gasped in pain. It felt like being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat. Trisha quickly stepped onto his soft plump chest. She barley had to push to keep the man from moving.

“Please, let me up,” his scared chubby face was beat red as he gasped for oxygen. Trisha pushed harder.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? I thought you liked my feet,” she mocked him from above. Her body tensed and her muscled tightened. Fat man’s eyes opened wide as he watched his master grow before him. He struggled under her foot and finally pushed it off him. Trisha watched as her scrambled to his feet and started for the door.

“Show’s not over yet fat man,” she said with a frustrated tone. She grabbed him with one hand by the back of his collar. The fourteen foot girl simple lifted him off the ground and spun him around. His dress shirt strained at the seams as Trisha easily lifted him of the ground. His collar dug into his neck, like a tightening noose. His fat little arms pulled at the collar of his shirt. His oxygen was being cut off. She dropped him at her feet with a thud. Trisha lifted her giant foot above his head and slowly pressed down. His chubby head was pinned under the massive weight of her giant foot. His nose bent over and flattened against his face as she applied the slightest bit of pressure.

“Now fat man, how does my foot smell,” Trisha teased him. His hands fought with her massive foot. It completely covered his face and was not only keeping him from breathing but was also pinning him to the floor. She was going to crush his skull if she pushed any harder. His tiny head ached and his fat face burned as she slowly rubbed her nylon covered foot back and forth. His screams where muffled under the beauties heavy foot. Trisha bent down and with both hands tore a hole in the top of her nylon. Then she proceeded to tear the nylon from her foot. Trisha’s body swelled again. With a slight tremble and a tensing of the muscles she grow to at least twenty feet. Her head was touching the high cathedral ceiling and she had to bend at the waist to keep her head from popping through the roof. Her foot was a little less then half the size of the man pinned under it. Her expanding body had torn her little shirt and sexy go go shorts into threads. Trisha could hear screams coming from the main room now. Someone must have saw her she figured as the room burst out into panic.

In the other room Sally was going through an identical growth spurt. Club goers at first clapped and cheered thinking it was some type of special effect show but it quickly escalated into a frenzy. The men pushed and pulled their way toward the exits while the other dancers and staff fought for an exit them selves. Sally’s cloths had practically ripped off her by now. Only her boots fit like the where supposed to. They seamed to be growing along with her. Her body tensed again and her head pushed at the flimsy ceiling. Soon the club goers that made it to the parking lot could see a giant blonde head push through the roof like it was tissue paper.

Back in the V.I.P room with Trisha’s last growth spurt, fat mans head caved in like a deflated basketball. The raven haired beauty pushed at the ceiling with her powerful arms tearing through it like a wet paper towel. She was amazed to see Sally in the same position she was in.

Part 3
“Look at us Trisha we’re fucking gigantic,” Sally told her friend as her growing body pushed threw the roof. Sally’s clinch fists punched and pulled at the building. She was clearing a bigger spot for her expanding body. She laughed at how easy the roof crumbled as she punched at it again. In the club the last of the patrons where pushing their way out the door as chunks of ceiling fell to the floor. The girls continued to grow. They where already about fifty feet tall and seamed to be growing at a more rapid rate then before.

“This is awesome,” Trisha yelled as her broad shoulders crashed though the ceiling. She copied Sally by pounding the broken roof with her Volkswagen sized fists. There bodies where growing more then a foot per second. Trisha felt her gigantic boobs pushing at the underside of the roof. The plywood screeched as hundreds of nails un bedded themselves from the roofs massive post and beam rafters. She laughed as her breasts popped through the roof like a Jack in the box. Huge chunks of the roof flung from her massive chest high into the sky. Tiny men dodged falling debris as they made their way through the parking lot towards their cars. Roof shingles, plywood, and giant roof rafters rained down on the tiny spectators below. One unlucky man was hit square in the head with a falling sheet of plywood. He stopped dead in his tracks and store up at the spiraling piece of plywood as it fell from the sky. The impact knocked him out cold and he fell limp to the ground while others ran for shelter. Three men nearly avoided being crushed as they bolted from their doomed car. A giant beam fell from the sky and collapsed the automobiles roof like a tin can. Jagged roof shingles and smaller boards helicoptered toward the ground causing just as much havoc to the fleeing crowd as the bigger pieces. The roof was only up to the girls waists now and they continued to grow at an alarming rate as brave spectators looked on.

“They look like G.I. Joe guys, don’t they Trisha,” Sally said as she pushed the remaining section of roof down with her hands. Her long legs dwarfed the buildings walls. Sally laughed as she watched the havoc she and Trisha where causing. The parking lots exit was bottle necked due to crashed and abandon automobiles. Tiny men ran from their vehicles. Some even ventured across the busy highway to escape the giant females. Cars skidded out of control to avoid fleeing pedestrians. Groups of men where run down by countless out of control cars and trucks. The horrific scene kind of reminded Trisha of a Crocodile show she saw on television. The men crossing the highway looked like a heard of helpless Elk crossing the Nile. The giant speeding cars took them out one by one. The few lucky ones that made it across the busy road turned around and watched as the girls continued to grow.

Cricket watched in disbelief as his club was ripped apart by two naked 100 foot eighteen year old girls. He watched from the back seat of his stretched limo as he puffed nervously on his thick cigar.

“Get us out of here,” Crickets raspy voice ordered the limo driver. Flooring the gas pedal the black limo plowed through vacated cars and even club goers. The big car pushing them aside like snow to a snow plow. Trisha stepped her right leg out of the collapsed building. Her heavy black boot rattled the ground as she stepped down. Cars hopped and skipped as she brought her other foot down with a tremendous thud. She was simply monstrous. At least 200 feet tall and her growing had not resided. Her long raven hair blow slightly in the wind as her giant doe eyes scanned the parking lot below. She stood with her hands high on her hips and her muscular legs where spread a little more then shoulder width apart. She smiled wickedly at the tiny black limo as it pushed a smaller car out of the way. Cricket could see her eyes set on him through the cars tinted moon roof. His cigar dropped from his mouth as the car passed by her gigantic feet. She was completely naked except for her giant black knee high boots. Her perfect breasts where smeared with dust and black soot.

“Where do you think your going,” Trisha said snidely as she stamped her foot down in front of the limo. Her footfall buckled the pavement. Near by pedestrians fell to the ground as her monestrous foot contacted the pavement. The tiny limo screeched to a halt just before colliding with the giant girls boot. Trisha laughed at the sight of the little car. Her foot simply dwarfed the tiny automobile. She could crush it flatter then a penny if she wanted to. Trisha could only imagine the fear running through the cars occupants tiny little minds as she slowly bent at the waist. Her long arm reached for the limo as the tiny men cried out for help. Cricket pushed his door open just as Trisha’s long fingers encircled the car. Grasping the limo with two fingers Trisha lifted it off the ground like it was a little matchbox car. Crickets chance to jump out his open door where long passed as Trisha quickly lifted them into the sky. They passed by her well trimmed, puffy lipped vagina. Up passed her strong flat muscular stomach. Passed her gigantic oversized breasts, til finally she was peering through the tiny cars windshield. Her big brown eyes filled the occupants vison as they store out at the beautiful giantess.

“Hello little guys,” Trisha spoke to the men in the little car. “Bet your pretty scared, huh,” she teased them. “I would be scared to if a giant girl had me trapped in my little car” her warm breath was fogging the cars windshield as she spoke. “Why don’t you boys come on out so we can play,” Trisha giggled. With that said she placed the tiny car in the palm of her left hand. Seeing the men had no thoughts about leaving their car she gripped the tiny roof between her index finger and thumb. The men screamed as the gigantic teen ripped off the roof like a pull tab on a soda can. She quickly flipped the car over and shook it into her open left palm. The driver fell instantly into the beauties open hand while Cricket dangled from the car by holding a seat belt. Trisha laughed seeing her tiny boss hanging from the safety belt like a little worm on a fish hook.

“Cricket is that you,” Trisha laughed. Not having any interest in the tiny driver in her hand she simply dumped him out. Cricket watched as his driver fell to his death. The drop was well over two hundred feet and the man screamed the whole way down. His voice load at first and as he dropped it trailed off until a faint thud. Crickets little arms where growing tired as he held on to the safety strap for dear life. Trisha lifted the car up to eye level and examined her little boss for a second. Seeing his strength was giving she figured she should play with him a bit.

“Wow Cricket, it looks like your getting pretty tired of holding yourself up, huh” she said sarcastically. Trisha laughed wickedly as she blow a stream of warm air at her tiny boss. Cricket’s arms screamed in pain as he swung like a pendulum over the giants open palm. Trisha stopped blowing as she saw his grip loosen.

“Well Cricket I have to tell you,” she joked. “You look like a little worm hanging from a fish hook”. Trisha lifted the car high above her head. “And I’m a big shark that wants to gobble you up”. She slowly tilted her head back and opened her mouth wide. Cricket held the belt with everything he had as he dangled over Trisha’s open pink mouth. Her large tongue darted out and teased the little man by gently licking at his feet and legs.

“Come on Cricket let go,” she teased him. “I’m hungry,” she laughed as the little man fought to pull himself up higher. His little arms simply had nothing left. He was going to fall into his beautiful employees giant mouth he thought as his fingers loosened. He slide down the belt before grabbing it tightly again. Seeing he was about to fall Trisha licked her thick pink lips.

“Ummmmm, yummy,” she moaned as the little man fought to hold on. He slipped again. He was now hanging at the end of the safety belt by one hand. His little legs kicked at Trisha’s slippery soft tongue as she teased him with it. With out warning Trisha lowered him into her mouth and clamped her teeth shut like a giant shark. She slowly pulled the seatbelt out of her shut lips. Cricket was gone. She tossed the car over her shoulder like a balled up piece of paper. She slowly chewed as a wicked half smile appeared on her face.

Seeing all the fun Trisha was having got Sally extremely excited. It was her turn she figure, and she wasn’t about to be out done by her pretty friend. Sally’s Massive white boot raised into the sky. High above a of car making its way to the exit of the parking lot. The little gray Subaru swerved and wove around abandon cars, fallen roof debris, and an occasional person. Four little men screamed as a shadow darkened over their car. In front of them and to both sides was a wall of traffic. There was nothing the driver could do but jack on the brakes. Sally’s foot was racing towards the ground. The driver quickly popped his door open and began to run clear of the car. With out hesitation the passenger followed suit. The men in the back seat fought with their doors. They screamed as they pulled at the door handles. The doors where locked. The damn child safety locks must have been on. The shadow grew darker as Sally’s foot came crashing down. The ground trembled violently as Sally stepped down on the little Subaru. The tiny car was no match for her enormous white boot. Sally slowly twisted her foot side to side like she was putting out a cigarette. On-lookers could hear the twisting and grinding metal as the giant eighteen year old literally twisted it into the ground.

“Where are you boys off to,” Sally’s voice boomed from above like distant thunder. The two men that escaped the vehicle where running towards the lots exit when they heard Sally speak. She quickly dropped down to her knees. The impact rumbled the ground enough to set off car alarms in the next lot over. With her massive left hand she reached in front of the tiny escape artists. Her two story high hand blocked their path like a fleshy version of the Great Wall of China. The two men stopped dead in their tracks and about-faced like two tiny running backs to avoid Sally’s massive hand. They could hear her sinister laugh as she advanced on them with her opened left hand. Little did the men know that she was corralling them into a trap. As her hand swept the ground like a giant snow plow the men kept running towards her. Tiny cars where effortlessly pushed and flipped out of the way as her hand bulldozed the parking lot in hot pursuit of the little men. When they where close enough Sally clinched her left hand into a giant fist and punched the ground just behind them. The shock wave sent the men sailing threw the air. Their little bodies flipped and somersaulted until they slide roughly to a halt about fifty feet from Sally’s monestrous knees. She laughed as the little men store up at her. She was simply massive, no less then 300 ft. tall.

“Well little men looks like you fell right into my trap,” Sally chuckled. “My booby-trap,” she laughed at her lame joke as she lowered her house sized left breast down on the two tiny men. She lowered herself in a push-up position. Her knees still on the ground. Sally could feel her huge nipples erecting as she thought about crushing two men under her one breast. Her swollen pink nipple gently glided over the helpless men as she swayed her massive breast side to side above them. She dropped herself a bit more and the men got an idea of her weight. The air was forced from their tiny lungs as her one left nipple pinned them both to the ground like a giant pink wrestler. Sally moaned in pleasure at the thought of two grown men being crushed under her one erect nipple. She applied the slightest bit of pressure and the men fought her with everything they had. Their punches and kicks sent shivers down her spine. The shivers reach every nerve ending in every appendage of her body. It felt like a tiny feather tickling at her rock hard pink nipple. She let the men fight for what seemed minutes.

“How fucking cool is this,” Sally laughed as she gave Trisha a wink. The feeling was just to good. Their tiny bodies wiggled and squirmed under her massive nipple as she ever so gently applied more pressure. The men grew tired and Sally grow bored. She forcefully pressed her left boob to the ground. Her body trembled in ecstasy as she rubbed her breast over the pavement. As Sally slowly sat up Trisha started to laugh. The two men where crushed flat and stuck to Sally’s left breast just under her hard nipple.

“What’s so funny,” Sally asked as she looked down at her breast. With her right hand Sally upturned her tit to see both men splattered just under her pink nipple. The two men looked like ketchup stains on the giant girl.

“Well I guess I got em’,” she laughed as she wiped away their remains with her hand. “Let’s go down town and have some fun.

More to come!!!!
© Copyright 2007 Ripstang2000 (ripstang2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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