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Rated: · Other · Horror/Scary · #1302257
The obscurity extended beyond all. Black, defining, walls entombed her.
The obscurity extended beyond all. Black, defining, walls entombed her. She knew not if her eyes were opened because there was no illumination. There wasn’t a crack in a wall or under a door to let in any light. Since waking up here minutes ago, she had already forgotten what the sky looked like.

The Obscurity

“SOMEBODY HELP ME,” her cries filled the seemingly empty room. She was not bound by a rope or chain. She was only bound by her fear of death. This “fear” kept her in a single place. Her bloodshot eyes pumped out tears, like they had to meet a quota.

“ANYBODY! PLEASE!” Her panting grew. Her eyes even though useless, wandered left and right. Her arms stretched out in front of her hoping to grasp something. But there was nothing. There was darkness, and you cannot grasp that, for it grasps you.

Her hands found their way to her hopeless face. Like how the walls entombed her, her hands entombed her skull as she fell to her knees. Oblivious to the fact she had stopped crying, she started to pray.

As she finished up, she unfolded her hands. She got up and aimlessly wandered around. Dirt invaded her toenails as she walked. Again, she extended her arms and maneuvered around.

“Who would do this to me,” she whispered in the darkness. She tried to remember where she was before here, but there was nothing. She had no memory. Her name was even forgotten. It seemed her life was pointless.

Her walking was interrupted when her foot met with another body. She fell to her knees and ran her hands up and down the body. Her hands found their way to the face. She shook the body furiously. “WAKE UP! Please…wake up.” Tears started to fall again, and for the first time hope flickered in her heart.

The man woke up and freed himself of her grasp. “WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I?”

“I know as much as you know. I woke up here. Please, I need your help.” She paused for a brief moment, and then continued. “Do you have any kind of light?”

The man paused for a second, then answered. “Yea, I have a lighter.” Out of his pocket, he pulled a lighter. It took a couple times but he finally got the flame steady. He held it up, and in the light both of their dirt covered faces could be seen.

Her blond hair fell a little beyond shoulder length. Her young, green eyes looked curiously at the man. His brown eyes examined her. They grew comfortable with each other and they started to walk side by side. The man held his arm out with the light leading the way.

The man held out the light and it obstructed the obscurity. A little area of light was the only visible thing in the vicinity. The man stopped which led to the girl stopping. “There is a deep cut on your head. It’s right below your hairline.”

“I didn’t even know that was there,” the girl responds as she searches for the scar with her hand. After she finds it she brings her hand back in the light, and blood has covered the fingers.

“It’s definitely fresh.” The man said even though she had already known this. He starts to notice that since seeing the blood she hasn’t moved. She is still standing still with her finger tips in front of her eyes.

Her mouth starts to move. “I just had the weirdest flashback. I think I am starting to remember.”

“Remember what?” The man responds curiously.

“All I remember was I was walking and all of a sudden I tripped and my head landed on a rock.”

“You don’t remember anything before that? What about your name? Do you remember that?”

“No, I don’t,” she says as she reignited the old pace. The man held the light forward and closely followed her. After she came to a dead stop, the girl caused the man to walk into her. Her head turned slowly and met the eyes of the man behind her.

A smile quickly formed as she takes the cover of the lighter and shut it. The flame quickly died. In a frenzy, the man hurried to open the lighter and get the flame alive again.

The light flickered twice, but then self sustains. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” The man screamed as he scanned the area for the girl.

“That flashback…told me who I was.”

“What? Who are you?”

“Your killer. I brought you here. I left you for dead in here, and on my way out I fell and temporarily forgot my memory.” The girl chuckled and the laughter echoed throughout the room and inside the man’s head.

The man, with his arm extended fully, wanders around. “What do you plan to do?”

Almost instantly after he stops speaking, a piece of wood is seen ejecting through the front of his body. The girl standing behind him leans forward to answer his question. “Kill you.” She twists the wood then kicks the back of the man’s knees.

As the man fell he let go of the lighter. The lighter hit the ground and the flame died.

The girl pulls out the stake and walks to the exit with only her memory to guide her. The obscurity filled the once lighted up space, and became all that was known to the man.
© Copyright 2007 tyler1221 (tyler1221 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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