Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1490349-James-the-Father-of-Blake-ORIGINAL
by Blake
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1490349
Final chapter of James' story and the beginning of Blake's
This is the story of James, the father of Blake (Shrunk with your Girlfriend/GTS main character)


By the way this is his physical appearance: He's mostly like Blake, his son, a tall and strong latino boy. He was practically identical to Blake, but he had a more tanned skin. His eyes looked a lot colder than Blake's, he's almost like Blake if he never met Joana (his girlfriend). When adult, he has still the same appearance bit he had a scar on his right cheek result of fighting (it had the form of an X) and a little and straight one on his left eyelid. (All this gave him a ruder aspect than Blake, and in fact he was)

Taking that the Blake's story happened in some moment of 2008, James was born in 1978, September 15th (same birthday as Blake). His parents were always unknown, they maybe died or abandoned him, anyways, James grew up as an orphan but he didn't care that much about that fact, even when he was enclosed to an orphanage, where he was maltreated but he resisted it for a while, it was discovered he was pretty smart and astute, which made him to learn very quickly, even when he didn't remember what happened to him (was just 4 years old) and his family, he already read and spoke both english and spanish before entering orphanage.

One day, he was wandering around the streets (where he grew up by fighting and he mastered this, it seemed as he brought it in his blood. James was 11 years old at this time), he saw two teenagers threatenig a blonde boy,

-"So...where's daddy now, huh?"- said one of them and the other answered -"Now let's have some fun"- The blond boy answered seriously

-"I warn you...I don't need my father to protect myself, I can fight my own battles, then, let's do it!!"-- Before the fight started James hit with a powerful kick one of the guys on the stomach and then, seeing that it seemed that the blonde guy was able to fight, he said

-"Let's make this fair, two versus two"- The guys looked at each other and one said

-"Heh...a stupid one who wants to die. ok...I eat boys like you for breakfast!"-

-"You speak too much to be a true fighter"- James answered prepared for the battle, then it started, James kicked them pretty easily and he even was amazed by those two weakness, after 10 minutes they were out, and very damaged, the blonde boy just gave them last hit, which left them unconscious on the sidewalk. Then the blonde boy talked to James

-"Hey, thank you. I never would have beaten thosw two that easy"- James answered

-"Eh, uh, it's just, this is my lifestyle"- The blonde boy nodded and then introduced himself. his name was Steven.

After some minutes of talking, he asked James where does he live and James was silent for a moment

-"Well...I have no home nor parents...They just enclose me in that prison"- As he pointed the orphanage.

-"That's horrible. I've heard the life in there is pretty bad"-

-"It is"- -"And...they don't let anyone get out, how did you...?"-

-"They can't have me in a cage and I always get out because I prefer streets life that that"-

-"Hey what would you think about having a house?"-

-"I don't know...I don't even know how do families live, I've just seen some things while I walk around"- Then James felt a presence behind him and saw a tall and strong man with short blonde hair and military uniform. James thought

'Damned orphanage...the threaten was serious...' but before he tried to excuse himself the man asked Steven

-"Hey, I heard someone tried to hurt you, are you ok?"- Steven replied

-"Yes, dad"

'DAD?! Oh my...Oh James this is great...' James thought and began to leave without no one noticed him, but Steven saw what he was trying to do and he said

-"Hey, why are you leaving?"-

-"Ehmm...I've to go..."- James answered, a bit embarrased and thought that Steven's father would think that he was a vagrant or somthing like that. The man looked at James for a while and then he saw the two bullies lying on ground

-"Did you beat them kid?"- James nodded and said

-"I...uhm...I just tried to help"- -"It's ok"- Steven's father comforted him and after some minutes he knew James' story. When he finished he said

-"Would you like to live with us?"-

-"Oh...yes sir"- James answered, and the man then added -"And don't call me sir anymore, you can call me Bruce"- he paused thinking that James wouldn't be so confident to call him "father" or "dad" but he knew that he would after some time. He decided to adopt him by a reason but no one knew which was.

The next day the first lieutenant Bruce Harrison adopted James officially and that was the beginning of James' new life...


James started a whole new life, with his new friend Steven, who even taught him fighting techniques based on military style (his father's) and his own, which was very similar to James', all this made him a better fighter.

The years passed, a lot of things happened, it passed the secondary, where James showed his fighting skills against a bunch of bullies who tried to threaten him and show everyone they were the best ones, but he almost always won, sometimes he lost in extreme disadvantages (numerical, they fought him being injured, or overwhelming physical advantages, like some guys who were really big and strong, as Ivan, who would fight Blake several years after...) Sometimes Steven appeared to help out and they both fighting along were almost unbeatable. They were comrades, fighting partners, brothers...and best friends.

James was living his best times, he enjoyed really that lifestyle, his life was now fullfilled, he had a family, a house, a brother and a best friend...Even after allthose years he was still grateful to his new family by everything. But which they didn't know was that everything has an end, and unfortunely, this isn't always in a good way

6 years elapsed, the secondary years were gone and the high school was almost finished also. At this time, James was a very talented fighter (Maybe better than Blake, his son, because he never had a girlfriend who made him stop fighting). About love, he never took care, he was still like a child about those things, he never knew exactly how to love or something like that. So, he never met a girl who he liked.

He was a lonely one and still wandered around on his free time, when he wasn't with Steven. Their friendship was becoming stronger with the years and it became more properly a brotherhood. After so many years Steven saw James as his own brother, not like the adopted boy (like James said about himself jokingly). But they didn't know what their lives were about to change.

One day, when they returned from school, they looked at their house, it seemed strange, the door was open and seemed like there was nobody, when they entered, they saw a great disorder and they both felt that something was wrong, then, they saw Claire's (Steven's' mother) dead body lying on the floor. Steven and James couldn't believe it, they got closer to her and checked that she was definitively gone...Steven felt like he wanted to cry but for some reason he couldn't, he just felt a deep grief in the deepest of his soul...

James walked around the house and went to their parent's room, a faint voice talked to him inmediately, it was Bruce, his adoptive father who said


-"What is it dad?"- James answered very worried

-"...p-please...take care of Steven...you're the only one who is still left on the whole world to him..."-

-"B..But what are you saying? We'll call an ambulance, please don't give up, we'll get you to an hospital"- James was grabbing the phone and Bruce interrupted him again

-"...cough...No...James...It's no use...I'm dying..."- James remained silent and put the phone again on its place, it seemed that they were understanding mutually from the deepest from their soul. After all, they weren't much different,they both grew up alone, as modern warriors, fighting alone their own battles. something that Steven may not understand because of the blood link.

-"...I've lived my life, James...please take my words...take care of Steven...I'm sorry for leaving you alone this drastically but this is the way it had to happen..."- -"Al least, please...tell me, what happened?"-

-"Uh...ough...a...a traitor who was planning to kidnap you both...he came to the house...and that damned one killed Claire...I fought him...but...cough!...there was no use...I defeated him and he deployed a knife...I hit him many times but he could slash me...after that he slashed me again on the throat...ugh..."-

-"Dammit"- James muttered and Bruce continued

-"You mean...that you died to save us"- James asked finally, Bruce nodded, then James grabbed his hand and understood why he didn't want to go to an hospital...a true warrior accepts his defeat and only that...James for some reason understood that perfectly...that Bruce didn't want to get there, anyways, he would suffer much pain and probably would die in any way, so, he decided to lie in there, in his own house.

Bruce concluded with those words

-"I don't order you to not avenge me, because I know that you and Steven will anyways...but...think about this...if you have the enough strenght to let go to the one who did this...if you've got the strenght to forgive him...James...you'll be a true warrior...if you are able to spare the life of the one who did this...you'll understand everything I'm saying now..."-

James had still grabbed his hand, he felt himself different, and they both looked at each other, after a minute, Bruce said

-"good bye...James...I was pleased to raise you...goodbye, my son..."- Bruce closed his eyes finally...to never awake...

Steven came some minutes after and realized what happened, but after all, James didn't tell all what Bruce told him, because he probably wouldn't understand and would be blinded by the rage. The police and the ambulances arrived several minutes after, the paramedics declared Claire and Bruce

Harrison dead at that same place...the policemen asked some questions to the two boys and then left. Steven decided to look forward the one who did this, the one who dared to kill his mother, his father...and leaving him alone in the world...

James put his hand over Steven's shoulder... and said

-"Maybe we'll look for that monster, the one who did this...but that will have to be another day...let's go..."-


After the incident of their parents' death, there elapsed a year... Steven was still in grief and rage for the one who killed them, James felt angry too but he tried to understand what Bruce told him.

One day, after school, Steven arrived with James and said

-"I got it!! The damned who killed mom and dad was a second lieutenant who betrayed dad!! His name is Jack Santos..."- James only nodded and reflectioned about Bruce's last words.

-"Let's get him and make that monster pay for his sins!!"- Steven said, and James answered

-"Maybe we shouldn't...I mean...I'm not a coward, you know it...but if we better try to forget this and continue our lives?...We can't live in past all the time...we'll have to manage to live with this at some point"-

Steven looked at him with some anger, maybe he was thinking that beause they weren't his true parents James wasn't that angry. James felt this and added

-"I'm sad about them too, but it's just that..."- Steven was leaving and said angerly

-"Well are you coming or not?"- James sighed and went following Steven, he understood that Steven was in pain but trying to avenge Bruce maybe would bring them out more problems...

They arrived to a low latino neighborhood, a strange place lo live for a militar officer, then they saw many latin guys but Steven looked directly to one. James got that he was the one...

Steven and James approached to him and he didn't even run away, he knew why would they come... and decided to confront it. Steven started asking very angry

-"So...you liked to kill my family, huh?"- Jack just laughed and said

-"Business are business...then, if you want to avenge your father, I'm in here. C'mon. I know that you fight since your childhood"- Steven didn't doubt about it in any moment, he immediately punched him in the face, James didn't intervene because he and Steven both preferred to fight one vs one.

But Jack was a better fighter they thought (By the way, Jack's physical appearance was: Short straight black hair, rude eyes, thin but strong and tall, latin. Scars in his arms, shoulders, on his left cheek, and one on his eyelid.

He had some tattoos also. He was like 38 years old). The fight between Steven and Jack was very fierce, and they were practically at the same level. After 20 minutes Jack said

"Uh...I know why you were unbeatable in school...but you're just a crybaby for me!!"- And Jack started to fight seriously, Steven wasn't able to stand up a chance this time...He was losing and Jack showed to be faster and stronger than they thought, after all, he defeated Bruce, who was a really though one...

After some fists and kicks flying in between they both, Jack hit Steven in stomach with his knee and then punched him several times, throwing him to the ground... Steven hadn't such a hard fight. Before he could get up, Jack kicked him and punched his face, then a very strong fist hit him in face and a kick in stomach, James decided to intervene

-"Let my brother go...This will be between you...and ME..."- Steven said

-"...I have to do this..."-

-"Let me take this one, bro...I'll do it"- James smiled to him and then turned to Jack

-"Heh...YOU called him BROTHER?! HAH!!"- Jack laughed about it and James answered .

-"Maybe I was adopted but they're the ones who raised me and taught me to live...and if you have a problem with that let's fight"-

-"Hehehe, I will anyways...but you're an idiot calling him 'brother'...You don't even know where's your family, James..."-

-"How the hell do you know my name!!"- James was now disconcerted, he never met him, so there was no way he knew his name, and he wasn't a Bruce's friend...

-"I know a lot more things about you James...things that you don't even imagine"-

James thought...and despite his memories were vague, now it seemed that he was the one who killed his parents many years ago...a time which he doesn't remember.

-"So...you killed my parents...then...you killed my new family..."- Jack laughed and James didn't hesitate and the fight started, despite the battle with Steven, Jack was not tired.

The punches and kicks flew quickly, James was a better fighter than Steven, since he grew up by doing this, now it was more appreciable to notice his skills, James was able to stand up the fight against him...

And could hit him many times, the combat lasted about 15 minutes and then Jack said

-"I know you'd be this strong...You're different James...You aren't like those American pigs...like that Bruce or that blond crybaby who you dare to call brother..."-

-"Shut up!!"- James answered angerly

-"Heh...you're blind for now, James, but you'll understand it"- Then they fought again more fiercely than before. They both were almost at the same level, even when Jack was fighting with his full strength and skills.

After almost half of an hour of fierce battling...James could do a decisive hit punching him in stomach and hitting him furiously in the face, finally with a kick he made Jack fall and hurl against a wall...

-"Dammit...maybe I was wrong...maybe you'll never understand...You've become like them James...I thought you'd be different, in fact you are, but you don't want to see your reality"-

-"Maybe you're right, but even if I'm a latin raised by americans I don't care, those were my family and no one else!!"- James answered and Steven thought all it was over, James would finish him off...but he didn't think so

"Now leave...go away...and never return...I don't want to see you ever again or I won't spare your life next time..."-

Steven opened wide his eyes, James was letting him to go!! He wasn't happy with that and said furiously

-"I see James...You don't care them since we're not your true family, aren't we?"-

-"What?"- James asked surprised by this question and before he could answer Steven hit Jack furiously and then he stopped, and just said some pain sounds and fell down backward...

Jack stabbed him with a knife, and it seemed to be the same which he used to stab Bruce. James now felt how something inside him crashed into thousands of pieces...

James became furious and then he got off the knife from him and threw it away, then he hit him furiously many times, letting him pretty bad, and despite Jack tried to defend himself, he was too damaged and tired to. James was about finishing him off, as Steven thought he should have done before

-"You...you killed...my parents...my family...Steven..."- Then he hit him again sending him to the street and then he said

-"You are a monster who does not deserve to live"-

-"You...you are wrong about one thing...I didn't kill your parents...your original parents"- James was disconcerted but furious and then he said

-"Then, what the hell did you do to them?"- Jack laughed as crazy and said

-"Don't you notice something?"- James remained silent, and then Jack continued

-"Latin...fighter...different to everyone else...You're like me"- James now seemed to have gotten the point and Jack concluded

-"I'm your father, James..."- James felt strange for a moment, he wanted to know what happened to his parents some day, but now, knowing that his father was a damned monster... and he answered

-"...Maybe...maybe we both are father and son...But I never will be like you!!"-

And before he did anything else, a shot sounded and Jack fell...dead... then he looked around but there was no one...someone killed Jack by shooting at him but he didn't show himself, James thought 'well...it's over...I found my past...by losing what mattered for me' Then he went with Steven, and he said

-"cough...James...ugh...you...you were right...we should have never come here...cough...now...I get it...I get why you spared Jack's life...I was a foolish...I'm sorry for blaming you and saying that you didn't care about mom and dad..."-

Then he closed his eyes, which would never open again. James said after he passed out

-"Goodbye bro, rest in peace..."- As he left, walking in streets, beginning again...remaining as the beginning, maybe worse...after losing everything what he cared about and loved...now he was alone...without anything but himself...knowing even his horrible origins...it was truly, the end of all hope for him...


After what happened, James lost his hopes, having lost his best friend and brother, and his family also, by both sides (adopted and biological). He got a job to being still able to pay his studies, but now his life had a void... he felt emptiness in everything.

The high school finished, the graduation was about to start. James was there but he wouldn't enjoy anything. He'd like to be with Steven, both graduating, enjoying the graduation and the young years, as he did before. but he knew that he had to live with that.

The ceremony started and after that, the party began. James just sat on a chair, thinking more about his life, checking details again and again...trying to find an answer...for an unknown question...

Meanwhile, Lilith (a very evil girl and cheerleader with high notes), stared at him, she liked him because he was different to everyone else. but she was still evil, she had been even with him, a true bad person, and decided to make James hers, that would be the moment, when he was most vulnerable psychologically. She talked to him

-"Hey James! Would you mind dancing with me?"- James was silent for a moment and then answered

-"Uhmm...I don't dance..."- he was still feeling bad about all what happened. Lilith angered slightly because as a bad woman, she'll get mad if the people doesn't indulge her every whim. So, she had a "backup" plan. She dropped a pill on a drink and brought it to James

-"At least take a drink"- James, forced by the situation nodded and drank...what he didn't know was that it had a drug.

Lilith then asked him out and the drugged James accepted. They danced (the drug changed his behavior but didn't make him like alcohol would). And then, somehow, Lilith brought him to her apartment and forced him to do very dirty things...(don't need to tell what)

James woke up with headache and not knowing how the hell he ended on a bed with Lilith and in morning...after some minutes he realized what happened and slapped his forehead. After that incident Lilith didn't even talked him again, she just wanted him for some "fun".

3 months later...

Lilith called him by phone and told him that she was pregnant and the DNA proved that it was James'. James just thought 'Dammit' but not for having a child, but with Lilith, he knew vastly that she'd be the worst mother, if someone was so stupid to call her so.

Her parents forced the marriage which both Lilith and James didn't want. In fact, her parents forced her to call him to tell that she was pregnant. There elapsed the rest of the 9 months and she gave birth to a boy.

James was stranged at first, he never thought he'd be a father but now he was, and felt happy by this. But unfortunately, Lilith didn't love him and even hated him (she tried to abort and killing the baby with medicines the whole 9 months and James was the one who stopped her everytime).

The time elapsed, the baby, who James called him 'Blake' (he liked that name and didn't want to call him 'James jr.') grew up to 4 years old (James was 24 at this time). When something strange happened, he began to have visions about Blake...he saw him fighting since 5 years old and had visions about his growth, being brutally punished by Lilith and growing stronger, by fighting.

He couldn't believe it, the visions were so real, and Blake resembled him that much, he didn't know what to think. Maybe he was just figuring out what would be of him since he grew up like that.

One day, he watched Blake sleeping after his first day of kindergarden (Blake demonstrated to be very smart and since 3 years learned to write, to read and to count, but didn't speak yet).

James stared at him and the visions began again, he saw little Blake fighting to survive since 5 years old, and the way he grew up by fighting all the time. He saw how Blake became a teenager, leaving back his childhood but having the same lifestyle, he even saw his fiercest fights and that he had more friends who helped him also when he needed.

Until this point, James thought that just was a figuration of Blake's life based on his own, but the following vision changed that: He saw Blake at his first secondary day, saving a beautiful girl from a bully, and their meeting...how Blake refused at first but after all he let himself to be healed by this girl, who had a clear skin, brown wavy hair, and a very curvy body.

That vision didn't fit with the other ones...He never had seen that girl, and he had a lot of memories. That girl didn't even fit with his tastes...well since he had no definited tastes but that girl didn't even looked as a bitch, she looked cute and the visions revealed that she was cute and motherly to Blake.

This was strange...Blake had a mother substitute on a girl? James started to ask himself if all those visions would be true, only the time would answer that. He was glad to see with his own eyes the day that would happen, maybe Blake would find love and be happier than he has been ever.

He felt very happy for him, for his son, who seemed to have a better fate than his own. Other visions revealed to him that the girl's name was Joana...he thought deeply...

-"Will that be possible? That's the name?...I have to wait until that day to know it truly"-

One day he was walking by the streets with Blake, about 8:00 p.m., They were going home, but in a part of the way, James had another vision and this one was horrible, he saw Blake 4 years old, it means, the Blake is with him, pale, dead and bleeding, and a voice told him

-"The life your son would have, what you'd seen, won't happen, Blake will die like you and all your lineage"- James stopped, Blake asked

-"Dad...are you ok?"-

-"Huh? Oh...yes, Blake, I just...felt...sick"- They began to walk again and 5 attackers appeared, James immediately turned in guard position and said -"Blake...run as far as you can...now!!"- Blake refused to do it, he didn't want to disobey his father but he wouldn't leave him like that. He hid behind a trash box and watched from there.

The fight started, James had still the same fighting skills or even better (he's probably stronger than Blake would be in future). He dodged fists and connected punches and kicks, it was a fierce battle, they tried to use their numeric advantage against him but he was way stronger than them and finished 3 of them (he left two unconscious and broke one's neck with a kick, killing him). The remaining two were on guard, and one said

-"How can this be? Nobody is that strong!!"-

-"He must be that guy who always fought bullies...what was his name...James, I think"- In that moment, he recognized them, they were the two bullies he defeated many years ago (when he met Steven).

And answered seriously

-"Yes, that's my name, and I'm the one who kicked your asses years ago"- One of them grunted and the other said

-"I knew it! Don't get over confident, let's blow him out"-

He ran toward him and James was prepared but then a vision interrupted his mind, he now was seeing a very wounded Blake thrown on the floor and Joana protecting him against a huge bully, he just slapped her off with a hand and approached to her to hit her more, and Blake stood up, despite his wounds and said angerly

-"Ivan...THAT...WAS...YOUR LAST...MOVE"- And ran toward him furiously hitting him with all his might, defeating him after many hits, making Ivan to fall down, knocked out. Blake didn't even took care about himself, he inmediately came where Joana's and said:

-"I'm sorry...all this was my fault"- the he helped her to get up and then, he fell down since he used all his strenght to defeat that mastodon...

And, while Blake was unconscious in nursery, Joana said softly -"I love you, Blake...I'd like you to know it"- as she stayed with him while he was asleep...

James couldn't believe it, Blake would fight more fiercely because he loved that girl, and he now confirmed that he'd find love with her, and that he'd fight with all his might to protect her, which amazed him very much, he really had a reason to live, to breathe, to not giving up...to love.

But his thoughts were interrupted again when a knee hit him on stomach and the other attacker locked him from behind, leaving him vulnerable to the next hits which the other attacker would give to him...

James regained reason and hit the one who locked him from behind with his elbow, making him to release James and then he punched him twice on stomach and once on his jaws, leaving him knocked out, then he fought the other and defeated him, after many fists, kicks, and connections. Then he crossed his arms and said

-"You just make me lose my time, I don't want to see you again or you'll regret being born"- Then he turned around and went for Blake, but a voice stopped him

-"Hehehe...yeah...those stupids aren't worthy of a fighter like you...are they, James?"-

He looked around and found an unknown subject who said these words. He was an unknown latin guy...with short spiked up black hair and dark eyes. James could feel the evil flowing from those eyes, and said

-"Who are you? and what the hell do you want?"-

He just laughed and said

-"You should know it...bro"- He couldn't believe it, Jack, the one he fought years ago, had another son...'Dammit' he thought, and for a moment didn't believe it,

-"Why did you come?"- asked James still on guard, -"I came to kill you... as you killed Jack...and...what do we have in here?"- he said looking toward the little Blake

-"Don't dare or you'll regret"- James threatened, The unknown guy man said

-"Here is the deal James...if you want to save your life I'll take this child"- -"I won't let you!"- James punched him on the face...he answered with some fists which James blocked and dodged and they both began fighting, This man had practically the same fighting skills than James since he was really his brother, older brother, the one who was raised with their original family.

After some minutes, the man said

-"Don't think you'll win...I'm Brandon, your older brother and I'm stronger than you!"-

-"Let's see" James answered and the fists clash began, so the kicks, which flew around very fast and they both hit the other many times. This was James fiercest battle and when he could connect a combo to Brandon, his mind had another vision seeing Blake fighting just like him against a guy who resembled Brandon...

Losing concentration, Brandon could hit him several times quickly and kick him, then he hit James with his knee and threw him onto the ground. Brandon said -"It's over James, you can't stand up a chance against me, now I'll kill you both"- And deployed a gun which targeted to Blake

-"Blake run!!"- James shouted as he moved quickly and received the shot himself, falling down again...

-"Heh! What an idiot! You wanted to die before your son? okay...he'll die also anyways"- James was bleeding and had more and more visions about Blake, many of them and very fast and then he recovered from that and said

-"No...I'll change Blake's fate...My fate...And obviously...Your miserable fate also!!"- He ran furiously and took off the gun from him and said

-"I'll never let you hurt my son, even if I have to die for it...I'm taking you with me to hell!!"- He said as he shot at Brandon (Brandon stabbed him on the chest in the same moment)

They both fell down to the ground (Brandon dead) and Blake ran towards his dying father. He put his hand on Blake's head and said

-"S..sorry Blake...I'm sorry for...leaving you alone in the world...I know your mother hates you, we both know it, but Blake, promise me...that you'll never give up...never...also...don't get revenge...what happened today was because my best friend and me took revenge from the one who killed my father...-

James took a breath and continued

-"I'd have liked to see you growing up...but I can't...I'm dying...But...Blake...live a true life, not like me, I never found love...but you...u-ugh..."- his hand fell from Blake's head, pale and cold...dead...

James, in his last seconds of life, while his body was slowly dying and getting cold, he saw a last vision, where Blake was about 20's and he was with Joana...and Blake had a child in his arms, alittle boy, just like him but with a clearer skin and brown hair instead of black as he and Blake had.

He saw that, their happiness...Blake being a father just like he was...James smiled, took a last breath and died...

Not being able to tell Blake many things he was knowing about him, and despite he wouldn't be there when Blake grew up, he could know how would he be and he really knew his son a lot more than much fathers and even in less time.

Maybe this is the way the things should happen...All this maybe was revealed to James because he wouldn't be in the moment that those things would happen. And couldn't tell Blake, but maybe this was the right way, Blake had to live that in its right moment by himself...


EPILOGUE: Effectively, Blake lived the life James saw in his visions, and he met Joana at 7th grade, after three years he realized about her feelings and asked her out, they were together for several years until the day they both married, in September 1st, 2009. (When they were 18).

After two years they had a son, who Blake called James jr. to honour his dead father, and, carrying the child in his arms, Blake looked at the sky and said

-"Father...Watch us from the other world...see...your grand son..."- rising him slightly toward the sky, seeing, in the deepness of the blue dome...James' face, with his characteristic scar...smiling at them...being proud of his son...and his grandson...Who would be very important in Blake's life as he was in James'...

[UPDATE 12/12/2014: This story is no longer canon as of the Shrunk with your Girlfriend/GTS X events. However it can be counted as canon for the spinoffs. I'm leaving this story as a single item for archiving purposes, the original chapter divisions remain. A new sory for James will be written soon]
© Copyright 2008 Blake (shadow_blade at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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