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Rated: · Short Story · Drama · #1570801
Everyone has a secret. But it doesn't have to be a bad one.
“Where are you headed off too?” Tess asked as Sage came down the stairs carrying a duffle bag and a back pack.
“Going to visit my parents.” She said as she went out to her car.
“When did you decide to do this?”
“This morning. I miss them. I haven’t seen them in forever. So I figured, since I have nothing to do here for a while, why not go. So I packed a few things. Then I called Art and told him that I would be back in a week.”
“What about the dancers? What about the contest?”
“The contest is in a few months. The dancers need a break. I have been rehearsing them hard for the last couple of weeks. I don’t need them to get burnt out. It’s what we all need right now.”
“What about the record?”
“That’s a side job, more for fun than anything else. Besides, that’s not even going to begin until the contest is over.”
“Does Seb know?”
“Why would it be a secret?”
“No he doesn’t know. But not because I’m not telling him. I left him a message. When he calls me back I will tell him that I went to Boston. We aren’t fighting. I’m not leaving because of him. I’m just taking a week to go visit my parents. It’s seriously as simple as that. I promise.” She said as she checked her room to make sure she had everything before heading back downstairs.
“Does Lacy know?”
“Tess, seriously, no one knows. You are the only one. I’m going to stop in and see Lacy on my way. I’ll tell the guys where I am when I talk to Seb. I’m not leaving for good. I’ll be back before the guys are, so even if I didn’t tell them, it’d be no big deal. Stop assuming that something’s wrong because I’m going to visit my parents.” Sage said turning around to face her.
“I’m sorry. But you never go to visit the, especially last minute, unless something is wrong. It’s just automatic no to assume that you’re running away from something.”
“I’m not running, from anything, this time. I swear. I’ll see you in a week.” She said giving Tess a hug.
“Drive safely. Call me when you get there. Have fun. And tell everyone I said hello.”
“Absolutely. I will.” She said then she got in her car and left.
“A few minutes later she pulled into the parking lot of “Mistress” which was Lacy’s store. She parked her car and headed in to find Lacy behind from the counter.
“I have a feeling that you’re not here to shop.” Lacy said.
“Not today. My man’s not coming home for another week and a half. I just came in to tell you that I am going to Boston for the week. I’ll be back on Sunday.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing. I’m just going for a visit. I woke up this morning with the urge to go, so I packed some stuff, called work and told them all I’d be out for the week. Gave the dancers a little vacation. I’ll be back before the guys get home. I’m not running away. Seb and I didn’t fight. I just want to see mom and dad.
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”
“Trust me, any problems I’m having now, I can’t run from, no matter where I go.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It means I have nothing to run from here. So there for, I’m not running. I’ll be back in a week.”
“Ok. Tell everyone I said hi and call me when you get there. I love you.” She said giving me a hug.
“I will. I love you too, sis.” Sage said, and then left.
Sage drove straight through the night. Stopping only for food and gas. She got to her parents house around 8 the next morning. She pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. When no one answered her knock she used her key to let herself in. After a quick walk through, she saw that no one was home. So she decided that she’d take a couple hours and sleep, then go see her parents at work.
At 2 o’clock she woke up to the alarm she had set on her phone. She washed her face in the sink in the bathroom then left to go see her parents.
When she arrived at her parents store she parked in the space next to her father’s Jaguar XK R convertible. She got out and headed for the store. Half way there she stopped and turned back to look at the cars. She just stood there smiling. As she started to turn back towards the store, some guy came up and stood next to her.
“That is an awesome car.”
“Yes it is.” Sage said.
“The copper colour looks amazing on it.”
“Yes it does.”
“I wonder what kind of car it is.”
“Aston Martin V8 Vantage convertible. This year’s model.”
“You know your cars,”
“I should. That’s my car.” The guy just turned and looked at her in disbelief.
“Right, because I’m going to believe that a 20-something year old can afford that car.”
“You should. Because it’s true.”
“Prove it.” Sage just held up the keys.
“Is this enough, or do you want more?”
“More. Go unlock it.” Sage just clicked a button on the keychain and it unlocked the car. Then she clicked again and locked it back up.
“Have a good day.” She said then headed inside.
When she walked in she saw two girls behind the counter that she didn’t recognize, but the rest she knew. The two girls just looked at her and she just smiled. She walked over to the office door and peeked in. Seeing that no one was in there she just shut it again. As she did, she heard her father talking around the corner. Instead of standing there waiting for him She started walking around looking at everything.
She waited for the crowd to die down before venturing back up to the front of the store. There were still a few people in line so she stood behind them. The new girls kept looking at her.
“Can I help you?” One of them asked.
“I just need to talk to Ethan.” She said as her father looked over at her. Sage looked back at her dad and saw him just staring at her.
“I’m sorry.” Ethan said.
“For?” she asked.
“Staring at you. It’s just you look a lot like my daughter, exactly like my daughter, actually. I thought you were at first. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sage said. Everyone just looked at her in shock. Keeping a straight face she pushed the sunglasses she was still wearing up so they sat on the top of her head. She just looked at him. He didn’t say anything. He just walked over to her and gave her a hug.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ll tell you later. Dan’s waiting for you to answer his question.”
“Oh, right.” He said then went back to help Dan.
“Sage?” She turned around to see who called her name.
“Anna!” She said heading over to the girl and giving her a hug.
“What are you doing here?” Anna asked.
“Just visiting. I got here this morning.”
“It’s so good to see you. How long are you up for?”
“A week, I have to be back on Sunday. I still have responsibilities.” Sage said.
“You still dance?”
“Yes, but I choreograph now. I’ve got 5 groups of 10 people. They’re all people who are auditioning for different things. It’s hard to keep track of what group’s trying out for what who which needs to learn what type of dance. But it’s a blast.”
"When did you start that?”
"About three years ago. I started with 2 groups and worked my way up to the 5. My contract with the guys was up and I decided not to renew it.”
“Why? I thought you loved it?”
“I did. I do, but, I didn’t get along with 2 of the other dancers. So instead of waiting for their contracts to end, I just left when mine did. It was hard work and stressful enough and they just added so much unneeded drama. So when I declined to renew my agency offered me a choreography job. So I took it. It’s ultimately what I wanted to do anyway. Plus, now, when the guys’ tour ends and they come back from vacation and have to rehearse and learn new stuff, I’m the one teaching it to them. I’m not cruel. I do tend to criticize them a little more and work them harder a little more than I do the others, but I’m not horrible. If they do well, I tell them. However, the greatest satisfaction was seeing their faces the first time they walked into the studio and realized that I was the choreographer. Everyone just looked at them and laughed. They were in the biggest state of shock anyone could imagine. It was awesome.”
“That’s wicked funny.” She said. “So do you travel with them at all?”
“I do for the first couple of months, until they got everything down. But after that I come back to work on my new routines for my classes. I’ll take a week or two every couple of months and the girls and I will go visit them. But only when I feel that my classes need a vacation so they don’t burn out. I usually try to time it so that I can meet up with them, when they are in a place I haven’t been too yet.”
“That’s amazing. I’m so jealous.”
“Sage.” I looked over at my dad.
“I’ll talk with you later.” I said looking back at Anna. Then I headed over to see my dad. We went into his office and he shut the door as I sat on the couch. He came over and sat down next to me and I just stared at him. He was a big burly man. At 53 he still looked great, with his full head of dark brown hair, light green eyes, handsome, strong Irish features. He was 6’2” and looked intimidating and tough. But he was an absolute sweet heart. He was kind and the most loveable, loving man ever. I adored him.
“Why are you here, a grá?” he asked. His Irish accent, although faded, still very noticeable.
“A dream.” She said. His eyes went hard and filled with concern.
“Who?” She just looked at him.
“A grá. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m fine.”
“Where’s ma?” Sage asked. “And don’t lie.”
“She’s down the cape with your Aunt Jodi.”
“What happened this time, da?”
“The usual.”
“Emma.” She said, more to herself.
“Stop it.” Sage looked at her dad. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I know your eyes very well, a grá. You know better than that.”
“Why do you put up with that? You know she does it on purpose. To ma, too. Yet you both let it happen, you both let her get between you two. When are you both going to see that by doing this whole fleeing to separate houses thing is another point for Emma. You’re letting her win. Both of you are. You’re giving her what she wants and you’re letting walk all over you, and yet you’re hurting yourselves in the process. Why? You weren’t this way when I was her age. Sure we’re two different people, I get that, but no means no, no matter which child you’re talking to, and no matter which parent says it. You both taught me that. She’s playing you both, turning you against each other. Why are you letting her?” Sage was now up and pacing around, more to keep from throwing something across the room.
“Don’t! Don’t you start making excuses for her. She’s 19. She should be working and learning how to survive on her own. She should be paying her own bills and for her own clothes and for the little things that she doesn’t need. Yet, she’s not. She’s at the beach right now, enjoying the weather while you’re here working, on your day off. That’s not right. She gets you and ma into a fight, causing you both to be miserable and she doesn’t care, because she’s got a day at the beach with her friends, getting a tan. It’s not right.” Sage said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Sage!” her father roared. His voice deep and booming normally makes her jump. This time, when she opened her eyes, she did so calmly. She locked eyes with her father, but didn’t speak. He knew by the look that she had done something. “What did you do?”
“Sun burn.”
“Catherine Brenna Sage O‘Reilly!”
“I will not apologize. She needs to be taught a lesson. If you and ma won’t do it, I will. I’m fed up with it. It can’t keep going on like this. I won’t let it.” She said. She walked over to her father and wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “I love you da. I’ll see you at your house for dinner.” Then she left.
She headed down to the cape house. It took her about an hour to get there. She stopped at the liquor store on the way and picked up a couple bottles of wine. When she arrived she parked her car in the street, took a deep breath, grabbed the wine and her bag and headed up the walk to the front door.
As she waited for someone to answer the door she could hear her aunt yelling that she was getting the door. When Jodi opened the door she just stood there and stared at her.
“Can I help you?”
“Jodi, seriously.”
“Sage?” She said. Sage just smiled. “Oh, god. You’re just as beautiful as ever. Wait until your mother sees you.” She said, and then she stopped and looked at her. “How’d you know she was down here? You don’t have that, well, sense, I guess you’d call it.”
“No I don’t. I got my info the old fashioned way. Da told me.”
“When did you see him?”
“I just came from there. I got here this morning. I stopped in at the store, and then I came here. And I brought gifts.” I said holding up the wine.
“A girl after my own heart. Let’s go see your mother.” She said pulling Sage into the house and shutting the door.
“Who was at the door?”
“A wandering nomad. Cute little thing, I took her in. She brought wine.” Jodi said as they walked into the kitchen. Deirdre looked up and saw Sage.
“She looks an awful lot… Sage!” She said as she got up and ran over to her. “What a lovely surprise. What are you doing here?”
“Visiting. I stopped in and saw Da. He said you two were here."
“Did he say why?”
“He didn’t have too.”
“She’s old enough to make her own choices. Or so she thinks. But she’s not making very good ones if you ask me.”
“Ma,” Sage said.
“No. She’s pushing buttons and walking all over your father and I. And she’s being allowed to do so, She knows all she has to do is ask one of us while the other isn’t there until she gets what she wants. She takes our money, usually without asking and she doesn’t work. We’re paying for her car and her phone bills. She’s got no sense of responsibility. We did something wrong along the way with her. Your brother Ayden, he’s just like you. Smart and responsible, and hard working. He’s going places. You’re going places. You’ve been places. Emma, she’ not going anywhere at this point.”
“Mom, enough. Listen. That’s her own fault. Just talk to Da about it later. Right now lets have a good time and drink some great wine. I have a couple hours before I have to leave.”
“Leave? For what?”
“Making Da dinner. If you come home, I’ll make you dinner, too.” Sage said opening a bottle of Chianti.
“Why are you making dinner?”
“Da can’t cook, you’re not home, Ayden’s not going to be home and Emma’s useless.” Sage said pouring 2 glasses of wine.
“Maybe I’ll come home for dinner. You are an awesome cook. I’d hate to miss that meal.”
“There’s one catch though. You come home for dinner, you and Da are going to discuss Emma. You can’t keep fighting with each other and ignore the real problem. You know you can take care of it. You’ve got examples of proof.” Sage said.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Jodi said. Angie just looked at her.
“Who are you to side with Sage?”
“You’re sister. I was about to tell you a similar idea before she got here. She’s right. You and Jack need to talk about this. This is the third time this month that you’ve come down here.”
“So? Ma that’s not healthy. That just separates you from the problem, along with your family. It’s doesn’t solve anything.” Sage said.
A few hours later Sage was at her parent’s house making dinner. Angie was outback working in the garden. As Sage was setting the table for dinner Emma walked in the front door. When she noticed Sage she just glared.
“What are you doing home?”
“Visiting. Got a job yet?”
“Me? Get a job? You’re kidding right?”
“No. You can’t just keep living off mom and dad forever.”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Really? Okay. If you want to think that, be my guest. Dinner’ll be ready in about 20 minutes.”
“I’m not eating.”
“Yes you are,” Sage said looking over at her. “Nice burn. Where’d you get it?”
“It’s not a burn.”
“Really? I’m willing to bet lots of money that it is,” Emma just glared at Sage. Then she turned and went upstairs.
“Please tell me you’re not responsible for her burn.” Angie said coming into the kitchen.
“Me? Mom, please. She’s the one that wore no sun block and sat in the sun for eight hours. She’s responsible for her own burn.” Sage said with a smirk. Just then her father walked in the front door.
“Something smells delicious.” He said coming into the kitchen. When he saw Angie he stopped for a second then continued on. “When did you come home?”
“About an hour ago.”
“Hal an hour later dinner was ready. I went to the stairs and called Emma down.
“I’m not eating.”
“Yes you are, let’s go.”
“God-damn it, Sage!” She yelled.
“Get down here and eat, now, and I’ll make it go away.” Sage called back and then went back to the table. Emma came down a few seconds later.
“There she is.” Sage said. Emma walked into the room and glared at Sage. Her face was covered in acne. Sage just smiled. “Sit. Eat. It’s good. I promise.” Emma didn’t say anything at all through the whole meal.
When they were all done eating and everything was cleared and cleaned Sage looked at Emma.
“Get rid of it. I ate your damn dinner.”
“It’s gone.” Emma went and looked in the mirror in the bathroom. “There’s just one other matter to tend to.”
“I’m done here.”
“Not yet.”
“How’s your burn?”
“You did this?”
“I was mad.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
“Same goes, If you want me to get rid of it, I suggest you sit down and listen. Or you can go upstairs, and I’ll just make it worse.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” She said and took a few steps toward the stairs before she stopped and looked back at me.
“Wouldn’t I? Sit.”
Two hours later Emma’s burn was gone. Their parents talked with her about what was going to change as far as she was concerned. Emma was also informed that she was to get a job by the end of the week because they were no longer going to supply it for her. Emma just sat there glaring at Sage the entire time.
When all was said and done Sage grabbed a Smirnoff Watermelon and went out onto the front porch and sat on the couch. She just sat there listening to the noises of the night. She thought about her home and Sebastian and Lacy.
A few minutes later her father came out and sat next to her with a Guinness in hand.
“Why are you really here, a grá?”
“I missed you guys,” She said staring at her drink.
“Try again.”
“The truth, a grá.”
“The truth? The truth is what made me come here.”
“You haven’t told him, have you?”
“I don’t know how.”
“Just tell him. Your mom handled the news very well.”
“She left you.”
“But she came back.”
“I don’t want Seb to leave at all.”
“He needs to know. Especially since you’re about to give a gift to the world.” Sage just stared at him. “I know darling. And I didn’t have to use anything but my eyes. It’s all over your face.” She just looked back at her hands. “That and you haven’t touched your drink.”
“Da, I’m sorry.”
“For what, darling? There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
“But nothing. Go home and tell your lad the news.”
“He’s away until the 17th.”
“Then stay here for a few days then go home and tell him.”
At the end of the week Sage said good-bye to her family and then headed back to Key West. Before she left her father pulled her aside.
“Listen, Sage. Everything will turn out fine. He loves you. Have faith in that love and just be honest with him. About everything. He’ll get mad, they all do, but he will understand and work through it. He loves you. Remember that.”
“I will, Da. He needs to know. No matter what happens, he deserves the truth.”
Sage got home the next morning after Lacy and Tess had left for work. She brought her bag up to her room and began unpacking.
When the other two got home Sage was sitting on the couch watching a movie.
“Hey, when did you get home?” Tess asked as they sat next to her.
“This morning. After you had left for work.
“How are you parents?”
“Good.” She told them all about Emma.
“It’s about time.” Lacy said. She and Sage were cousins, so she knew what Emma was like.
“You gave her a sunburn?”
“Yeah and pimples. It was kind of fun.” Sage said. Because she and Lacy were family Lacy knew about Sage’s talents. Tess was their best friend, so they told her. She was fascinated by the whole thing, which was a surprise.
Yeah, now I have one more challenge, which is going to be harder than anything.”
“I have to tell Sebastian.”
“About what I can do.”
“It’ll be fine. He’ll probably be weirded out at first, but he’ll be O.K.” Lacy said. Just then we heard car doors outside. Tess got u and looked out the window.
“They’re home early.”
“I can’t do this.” Sage said. She got up and ran out the back door and down the beach.
“Sage!” Lacy called after me. But Sage ignored her. “Sage!” she chased her to the back door but stopped there. As she walked back into the den, the guys walked in the front door.
“Where’s Sage?” Seb asked.
“She just left.”
“Where’d she go?”
“She ran out the back door when you pulled in.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. She just bolted.”
Sage came home a couple hours later. But she walked in the front door since everyone was on the back deck. Sebastian had sat right in front of the back door so that he had a full view of the front door.
As she shut the front door she looked at him. He was already looking at her. He got up casually and headed over to her.
“Hi.” he said.
“Hi.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her.
“I missed you.” he said.
“Same goes.” She whispered.
“Everything O.K?”
“Yeah. I just got home today from visiting my parents.” She explained in a nutshell the trip.
“So Emma got a job?”
“That’s awesome.”
“No, it’s about time, is what it is,”
“Now. Sage.”
“Tell me the truth.”
“I just did.”
“I can see it Sage. You’re not a good liar when it’s something major happening with you. You get a look in your eyes and it gives it away every time.” He said. So he led me over to the couch and we sat down. “Now, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t know how to tell you. I don’t know where the best spot to begin is. The ending will all be the same, but the news can be told in 2 different ways. Quick and overwhelming and devastating or slow, slightly less overwhelming but still devastating. When Tess found out she was in awe. She was enthralled and thought it was great. When my mom found out, she left my dad, she came back. But she still left. My dad and I have the same, secret. I got it from his side of the family. I’m the only one of the three kids. And it’s only 2 or three from each generation, so it’s not everyone that gets it. But it’s apparent at birth. And neither parent has to have it for the kid to get it. Sometimes it completely skips a generation.”
“O.K. I’m going to stop you there. Sage, what the hell are you talking about? I’m completely lost.”
“I’m talking about the one thing about me, that you don’t know about. Lacy and Tess know. Lacy knows because we’re family and her brother and father have it. Tess knows because we told her.”
“O.K. So why all the background information? I mean, whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not going to send me running.”
“Famous last words. I’m not worried about you running. I’m worried about you not coming back. And I’m telling you this because there are 2 parts. The second part only my dad knows. And I didn’t tell him about it. I just don’t know what part to tell you first.” He was just staring at me. “My secret is not something that everyone can know about. The world doesn’t accept this kind of thing. I’m proud of it but it’s not something that can ever be made public. It’s why it takes anyone who has it, so long to tell people. We need to make sure that the person we tell can be trusted with it.”
“Sage, what are you talking about? You’re starting to scare me. What is this secret? You know you can trust me with it. And I’m not going to run. Not even for a second.”
“Don’t! Don’t say that. You don’t know that you won’t run. So don’t say it.”
“Fine. I won’t. Now, I don’t know what part you want to tell me first, but please, just tell me.” he said. Sage just closed her eyes and didn’t say anything. When Sebastian tried to talk she just held up her hand to stop him.
“Shit.” I said a few seconds later.
“O.K. how about this. Tell me the part that no one knows, first. Then tell me the second part.”
“And how should I tell you?”
“Well, pretend it’s like ripping off a band-aid. Tell me straight out. Short and sweet.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Because, O.K. Let me ask you this first. Where do you see us in 3 years?”
“In 3 years? Hopefully married, and starting our own life together.”
“In five years?”
“Married. In our own place with at least one child, maybe another on the way.”
“How many children do you want?”
“Two or three.”
“And in 5 years. How old is this child?”
“I don’t know.”
“5? Maybe?” She said and just looked at him.
“Well, if we were to be married…”
“You never said how long we’ve been married.”
“That doesn’t mean in 5 years we’ll have a five year old.”
“Does it?”
“No, even…” he just stopped talking and stared at her. “You’re pregnant.”
“Yeah, I am.” She said quietly. “I’m three months pregnant.”
“Oh, God.” He said. “That’s amazing. This is good news Sage. I’m not running from this. Ever.”
“This? No, I didn’t believe you would. But this is only part of the news. This isn’t my secret. Here’s the rest. This, now, with the news of the baby is going to be extremely hard to hear. And any decision you make, I will accept. And I will understand.”
“I’m not running. I don’t care what the rest of the news is. We’re having a child. There’s nothing that would take me away from this. From you.”
“Are you sure about that?” She asked. But not out loud.
“I’m positive! I would…” He just stared at her. “How’d you do that?”
“It’s one of many things I can do.” She said. “I can also read minds. I can tell you who’s on the phone before you pick it up. I can do things just by thinking about them. Like I gave Emma a sunburn and pimples. I can communicate with my dad without picking up the phone. I can send people my thoughts. I can also make people say things. Pretty much I can do anything involved with manipulating the mind and body. And anything I do to the body can be reversed.” The news was just starting to sink in and Seb was just staring at me in shock.
“You’re kidding right? I mean, you don’t have to lie to me. I’m trying to be supportive and you’re taking it as a joke.”
“I’m not kidding. It’s true.” She said calmly.
“Then prove it.”
“Read my mind. Answer my question without speaking.” he said and just looked at her.
“Is our child going to have this thing that you have?” he thought. I closed my eyes and bit my lip.
“It’s too early to tell. They don’t usually start showing signs until they are born.”
“Is what you have the only thing?”
“No, some of my relatives can move things, pull things towards them.”
“Why are you crying?” He asked out loud.”
“Because you’re scared and you’re about to leave.” I said and looked at him.
“”Oh, fuck.” he said quietly. “I got to go.” he said and left, slamming the door behind him. Sage just sat on the couch and cried. Lacy and Tess came in the room and sat next to me. Micah and Egan right behind them.
“Where’s Seb?”
“He left.”
“What? Why? Where did he go?” Micah asked.
“What happened? Why are you crying?” Egan asked.
“You told him?” Lacy asked.
“And he bolted.” Tess concluded.
“Told him? Told him what?”
“That I’m not normal.” Sage said.
“Who is?” Micah asked.
“No. I’m not like you guys.” She said.
“Sage. Why are you crying? You knew he would do this.”
“Yes. I did under the regular situation. But things have changed and I just thought, well, I don’t know. I guess I just hoped he wouldn’t.”
“What changed?”
“I’m pregnant.” I said. Everyone just stared at her. “I shouldn’t have told him that I was pregnant. I should have let everything sink in first. And then told him a few weeks later. I overwhelmed him. I knew it would, too. I shouldn’t have told him all at once.”
You’re pregnant?! And he bolted?! He ran? There’s nothing that you can say that would make running acceptable right now.” Egan said. He was pretty angry.
“Really? Because I can think of something.” Sage said.
“What? That you’re different? That’s not an acceptable reason.”
“Do you know what makes me different, Egan? Do you? Because if you do, then Micha does, and if you both know, then Seb would have known. If that’s the case, than Seb is doing a great job of acting, I don’t know, disgusted, scared, shocked! But, I know you don’t know. You have no idea!” He went to say something, but she held up a hand. “No, they didn’t just tell you before you came in here. I would have known already. So just stop.”
“How’d you know what I was going to say?”
“It’s part of what makes me so damn different.” Sage just looked at Micha, then at Egan. “I think you two need to go talk to Sebastian. He needs to talk to someone. I think fresh reactions will be helpful to him. I’m not the one that needs to tell you about me.”
“Where did he go?” Egan asked, knowing not to argue.
“The barrier.” She said. “He’ll know you’re coming.” The two guys just headed out the back door and down the beach.
“Will this be a good outcome? Seb telling them?” Lacy asked.
“Yeah, it will. Micha seemed to have an idea of what I was getting at. And Egan, well, it doesn’t really matter who tells him, he’ll think it’s the coolest thing in the world. Sebastian needs to see the good in this. He needs to see their reactions, more than me.”
“So, in like, an hour, everything will be ok? Back to normal?” Tess asked.
“No. Not in an hour.” Sage said. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

Sage woke up the next morning to find Sebastian’s side of the bed un-slept in. His clothes weren’t even on the floor. She got up and got dressed, went to the bathroom to wash up then headed downstairs. Lacy and Tess were out back.
“Morning sunshine.” Tess said handing me a huge mug of coffee. “Decaf, but better than nothing.” Sage just looked at her. “No caffeine, when caring a baby!!” she answered.
“Oh.” Sage took a sip as she sat down. “Boys didn’t come home last night.”
“Not one.” Lacy said. “Not even a phone call.”
“When they do get home., leave Seb alone. Don’t try to make him talk to me. I need him to do it on his own. So, just act as normal as the situations warrants. Okay? Please?”
“Of course. Not a word. But can we yell at our men?”
“Sure. I’m not going to stop you. But be warned.” Sage said looking over at Lacy. “Egan doesn’t believe it’s true. He said I was making it all up. He’s not against it. He just sees it as science-fiction. So, I wouldn’t tell him about Dec just yet.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“What about Micha?” Tess asked.
“Let’s just say, you two are made for each other.”
“So, where’d they go last night?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t look. He needs his privacy. Just like everyone else. “Just then Sage looked at the front door. “They’re home.” The other two looked as well. Micha was the first one in the door. Seb was the last one in. He just looked at her before he headed upstairs. Lacy and Tess went in to talk to the other two.
About ten minutes later Seb came out on to the deck.
“Walk with me?” He asked.
“Sure.” They headed down the beach. They walked in silence. It was almost five minutes before he said anything.
“I’m freaked out.” He said, when they got to a hidden spot. It was a small clearing of beach surrounded by woods, the barrier jutting out about a hundred yards into the ocean.
“That’s expected.” They sat down on the sand.
“You need to explain what it is you do can do. I don’t think I understand. And I think that’s why I’m freaked out.”
“Along with the fact that you thought what I am was only fantasy?”
“That too.” He said. So we sat there for hours while he asked questions, and Sage answered them, demonstrating when asked.
“Ask me.”
“The one question you’re avoiding.”
“The baby. Will it, be like you?” he asked after a moment’s hesitation.
“I don’t know. There’s no way of knowing until they’re like 5.”
“Well, that’s the earliest. The, difference, usually shows up when the baby started to walk and talk. When they can communicate, then we’ll know.”
“One more question.”
“Sure.” He just looked at her. “You’re not going to read my mind to find out?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Well, isn’t that what you do?”
“It’s one of the things. But it’s not like I sit around all day and read people’s minds. It’s creepy, and scary. You honestly don’t want to know what people think about on a day to day basis. Besides, it’s an invasion of privacy. I can control it.”
“Did you want me to read your mind?”
“No, I want what I’m about to ask you to be a surprise.”
“Okay. It will be. Ask away.” Seb moved so that he was sitting right in front of Sage, staring her right in the eye.
“Will you marry me?”
“What?” Sage just stared at him.
“Will you marry me? Spend the rest of our lives together?”
“Where is this coming from?”
“What do you mean?”
“Last night you left. You didn’t come home, you didn’t call. You were mad and freaked and overwhelmed. Now, you want to marry me?”
“Sage. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to ask you to marry me. I’ve had this ring for like a month. When you came to France, I was going to ask you, but I knew it was wrong. Too cheesy for you. I wanted to ask you when we were somewhere that was a part of both of us. Somewhere we are both passionate about. This beach, this spot. This is ours and I wanted to ask you here. Nothing that has happened or been said in the last 24 hours has changed my mind. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m in love with you. More now, than the day I met you. Even more so because of who you are and the life we’re creating.” He said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box. “So, please, Will you marry me?”
“Absolutely.” She said. “There’s no one in the world, that I would want to spend my life with.”
© Copyright 2009 Celena Marie (pirate84 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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