Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here. |
This is the place to find and advertise writing contests within Writing.Com! Current OFFICIAL Writing.Com Contests:
List of all official WDC writing contests ▼ If you are currently running a contest or would like to plug a contest by another person, please do so here! Another great place to find contests here at Writing.Com is to browse the Contest genre, available from the navigation under "Items By Genre". If you have a question about this page or need to have an incorrect listing removed, please visit "Plug Page Help" Note: This page lists only writing contests. Raffles, auctions, non-writing contests and other activities: "Activities @ Writing.Com" For anything else, please see: "The Shameless "Plug" Page" . Tip: Click the + icon above to make this a favorite. It'll pop onto your list whenever new entries are added.
“Short story contest (with great prizes) for LGBT characters”
December prompt: Christmas Horror - see forum for details and banned items!
The December Veterans Contest open from the 1st until noon on the 31st Enter items old or new, up to you. Win Awardicons and Merit Badges. Contests open to all registered members. Can be fact or fiction. Read all from the top.
A poetry contest with a minimum line/word count, no maximum! Great prizes, no prompt, and currently accepting new or old poems.
Write a vignette. A sketch or scene, 500-750 words. Open for Sign-ups. Start December 1, 2024
A writing contest exploring the toughest questions. Christian moderation-all welcome.
Want to enter a contest but too busy to write an entire story? Look no further! Use the picture prompt and craft the most engaging opening for a story that will instantly "hook" your readers! Gift points and an exclusive contest-themed merit badge.
The Science Fiction Short Contest is returning for October, with a Halloween-inspired theme. Also featured this month in the Contest Contest!
The Flash Blog Contest is designed to combine flash fiction and blogging in a unique writing activity. Large prizes. Additional prizes may be added later. Contest Begins: July 15, 2024 - Ends: September 15, 2024.
Round 16 is in progress! There is a longer entry period to coincide with this round's theme: the Olympics! You have until mid-August to write eight (8) entries from the 16 prompts provided. Hope to see you there!
The 2024 round is OPEN! (It's been open since May; whoops.) Let's celebrate those longer stories with a prompt-free contest to show off your best works!
Total Displayed: 12 |