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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1837468
Wolfram gets kidnapped by the evil king and the elementals explain their position.
Disclaimer: I do not own kkm though I do wish that I did.

Sorry it is taking so long for me to get the chapters out but I do have a lot of other projects in progress so it will take a certain amount of time to get things out. Please R&R it helps me work quicker. I will not go through this story so quick even though I have in mind of another fanfic. I guess I will just have to have patience and write down every thought for the next one so that I do not forget anything. Oh yeah and research is stupid but it has to be done.

Chapter Six

“I do not like it when someone hurts others.” His eyes darkened in anger, which in turn makes his dragons turn from blue to red. The dragon’s eyes start flaming. Wolfram’s jaw drops at the sight. I knew he could control elements to a limit but turning the dragon from water to fire is new. The six people were staring in shock as well. No one notices the woman walking up behind Wolfram quietly.

“Yuuri, be careful.” Wolfram call’s out and Light turns to look at her and saw Eve grab Wolfram. He starts yelling for his father while him and the others try moving faster. Wolfram starts forming a fireball in her hand and it fades away as Eve touches the side of her neck. She feints in the other woman’s arms.

“Hahaue!” Aero says using his ability and calling up the wind to make him faster. Before he could reach them Eve disappears in thin air. “Damn it. Chichue! Hahaue is gone. That bastard had his misplaced elemental steal her.” Yuuri turned around to look at Aero. His eyes narrowed even more when he saw the panicked look on his face.

“You bastard.” Yuuri said turning around as his dragon turns pitch white. The elementals eyes widen. They all looked at each other. Then they see Eve pop up besides the other King with Wolfram in her arms. Eyes widen when she sees the dragon’s color. She looks like she is starting to panic.

“Eve, get us out of here now!” The King said with fear on his face. Eve raised her arms and a red and black aura surrounds the whole carriage. Before they fade completely they see a huge blue dragon approaching from the castle. The creature eyeing them with a furious glint in his eyes. Then they were gone.

“No…” Yuuri says as tears fall down his cheeks. He falls to his knees with his long hair hiding his face. Pochi lands and surround’s Yuuri with his body. He lays his head down in front of Yuuri. Yuuri leans against the animals muzzle as he cries.

“Chichue…” The elementals surround both Yuuri and the dragon. They held out both hands and their power surround Yuuri comforting him and Pochi smiles from his eyes at the elementals.

“Thank you, dear ones. I had a feeling this might happen.” Pochi said after a blue gem appeared on his forehead. “Can you please put my master on my back? I will carry him back to the castle.” Nova and Light both pick up their father to fly up and properly place him on Pochi’s back.

“Can we come with him?” Aqua asked in her flowing tone. The dragon turned to her.

“Yes, but only a few of you can ride on my back.” He rumbled.

“The girls will go to make sure he doesn’t fall off.” Dark said. Him and the other three floated. “We all can fly so let us be off.”


The medical staff just reached the entrance of the castle walls. A huge shadow flew over head along with four smaller ones. Gwendal and Gunter look above their heads.

“Isn’t that Pochi?” Gisela answers as she steps down from the wagon.

“Yes.” Conrad says as his horse stops right besides Gwendal’s.

“That’s not the question here. The real question is what are those things flying besides him?” Gwendal asked as his brow furrows. He tightens his hold on the reins and most of the soldiers rode off after Conrad, Gwendal and Gunter.

“Let’s move them to the infirmary, pronto!” Gisela yelled to the medics and the rest of the soldiers.


“Careful.” Pochi said while he watched the elementals carrying the Maou setting his exhausted body on the ground. He lifted his head when he heard the galloping horses run through the gates. Gwendal stopped his horse so suddenly that Conrad and Gunter’s both reared up in fright.

“Heika!” Gunter yelled out. He got off of his horse and was about to run to the unconscious man. Gwendal grabs him right before he runs past him. Gunter’s eyes widen when a second later a wall of flames forms from behind one of the strange creatures that are surrounding the Maou.

“What have you done?” Gwendal asks dropping off of his horse and drawing his sword. His brow furrows as he stares at the man dressed in red. The man smirks.

“The question is not what we have done. But what has happened. For this is not of our doing, Your Excellency.” He says as he bows his head to Gwendal.

“Then tell us what has happened.” Conrad said calmly besides Gwendal.

“Do not worry, dear uncle. We are not going to hurt our father. In fact we want our mother back.” Said the woman who liquidated from the firewall. “Light is healing his exhaustion right now.”

“Yuuri and Wolfram are your parents? How can that be?” Gunter asked looking like he was going to have a meltdown in a split second.

“Yuuri is the Maou so there fore he is our father. And since Wolfram has his seed growing inside of her she is our mother.” Grava said as her body formed from the soil in the courtyard. “Nova, would you please be kind and lower the fire wall? They are not here to hurt us.”

“What do you mean by getting Wolfram back?” Gwendal asked looking furious. “What has happened to my brother?” Then he put his hand to his temple and pressed a finger there. “I mean my sister.”

“The country Demyville’s king found us in one of the previous Maou’s tomb. We needed him to find our father. Not knowing to us that he knew what we were. Also him having an elemental of his own. He started chasing after more Mazoku women to see if he could create more. And by him doing that led him here.” Dark said as he popped up right in front of Gwendal.

“All of us are children of the Maou’s power. And that’s another thing that makes us want to find our mother. She is going to give birth to another elemental along with the heir.” Light said as he helped his father sit up.

“What?!” Yuuri yells looking into the yellow irises of the elemental. “I’m going to be a father?” His face turned so pale that his long black hair stood out.

Aero disappeared then popped up besides his father. “You mean to tell me that they haven’t told you?” He leaned down and put a hand on Yuuri’s shoulder.

“They knew?” Yuuri’s eyes went wide for a second. Then they narrowed as he stood his tall form up. Gunter started crying.

“Oh, Heika. We didn’t mean to upset you!” He wailed and clung to Yuuri’s arm. Yuuri’s glare turned to Gunter and he grabbed the sobbing man by his shoulders.

“Gunter, I just want to know why I wasn’t told?” He asked quietly. His tone let everyone know that he was angry. Gwendal frowned when Conrad stepped forward.

“We just wanted you and Wolfram to get used to the gift that the elves bestowed upon you without the stress of knowing you are going to be parents.” Conrad said as he slowly started to walk towards Yuuri. Yuuri’s face gentled and his hands dropped from Gunter’s shoulders. You can see the tear run down his cheek before he hid his face.

“We have to hurry and get her back. There is no telling what may happen to her.” His eyes narrow once again. “Let’s do a little surveillance and find out what to do. Conrad gets Yozak to do his thing. Everyone lets go to the conference room. Gunter when your daughter arrives with them stay with her till you know how their condition is and then come and report to me.”

“Hai, Heika.” Gunter bowed and watched the others walk away.


“Why do you want her, Heika?” Eve asked after he walked out of the bedroom they placed the unconscious girl in.

“She might have the potential to create another elemental like you, Eve.” He turned to look out the corridor window. “All I will have to do is impregnate her then wait.” He said with a grin on his face.

Great, she thought. She is a lost cause since the woman is already pregnant. The elemental inside the heir will only obey the Maou. And this madman will not know the power he seeks. She said with an emotionless expression on her face. What’s strange is that I thought he was powerful. But the strength of the Maou made him look like a newborn babe.

“You are to go get the other woman by midnight. And this time no mistakes. Do you got it?” He said angrily.

“Hai, Heika. As you wish.” I will get her but know this, my dear fake king. Once the Maou reaches this castle I will go with him and leave you to his mercy. She disappears with a black and red puff of smoke.


Yuuri is seated at his desk. All of the elementals have shrunk down in size. “Wow, it’s amazing that you can make yourselves so small when need be.” Yuuri said with a smile on his face.

“Heika, don’t you think that we need to get to more important things right now?” Gwendal asks while giving the little figures an odd look with a blush barely touching his cheeks.

“Hai, Gwendal.” His face turned serious. “Now from what I gathered by your quick explanations is that the previous Maou’s have given birth to not only their heirs but to a single elemental at the same time, right?” He asks as he walked to the window and looked out. Light makes his form disappear. Aqua was looking around trying to find him. Light appears right next to Yuuri.

“Hai, that is right, Chichue. Aqua is the newest one. And we saw somewhat of the powers of this one. From the looks of it this one is more powerful than any of us.” Light said thoughtfully.

“I have never seen anyone that powerful. Even I’m not that strong and I’m the first.” Grava said thoughtfully.

“That is because Yuuri has Shinou’s power now.” Murata said walking through the door.

“What?!” Nova said and stood quickly. He looked at Yuuri who has turned around and had a smile on his lips.

“Hai. It is true. When I defeated Shinou to kill Shoshu he gave me all the power he had left. Yes he still is around since his spirit no longer is bound to the temple but he no longer has power.” Yuuri is scratching his cheek.

“Who ever said that I gave you all my power?” Shinou popped up on Murata’s shoulder with a grin on his face. “No I did not give you all. Just enough to make you the stronger one. You are the one alive so you will need it. Some great news arrives.” Shinou said with a mischievous grin forming. The door opens. Gisela walked through with a pale face.

“What is it, Gisela?” Yuuri asked as he stiffened at her expression.

“Elizabeth is awake and would like for you to come to her. She said it is urgent. The duke has not awoken yet. But she said for you to think of this on your way to her. That your child and Elizabeth’s are destined souls. They are one when together.”

“Euh?” Gunter had a strange look on his face.

“Basically, Gunter. What Elizabeth is saying is that they have matching souls.” Yuuri said and started walking out of the room to go visit Elizabeth.

“Is it me or did he not seem surprised to hear that Elizabeth is pregnant?” Murata asked.

“Well, I did give him some of my foresight too.” Shinou said as everyone started following Yuuri down the massive hallway.

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