Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963456-Ramblings-of-a-Warrior-Princess
Rated: · Poetry · Other · #1963456
A poem written by me on a sunny afternoon. Ramblings that resemble poetry.
A deepness spirals centre of my orb.
Meditative energy, completely absorbs,
A mind that flitters thoughts to n fro,
A heartache which fades, yet still comes and goes.

Stability of raw human emotion?
Fascinating, yet at times an alien notion.....
My mind searches deep, the pondering kind
Lifes changeable purpose, is mine to find.
Inside of me, there is a burning urge
A firey passion, Loves power surge

One that will allow my kind understood,
No right way, no wrong way.... no more it should´s
In human life there are Angels I beleive,
Them and their kind allow us to grieve.
Understanding and loving, a beautiful kind
They lead the way to likewise minds.
They speak a language maybe many mistrust
Yet I´ll not let my heart be rusted to dust.

For I beleive we´re all born unique
And if it´s all the same, my truth I shall speak.
Calming down within me, is my inner storm
For the reality is, to pain I was born
And as my mind wanders, often alone
I realise my feelings went free to roam.
Emotions ran loosely, as my heart explored
Yet my love never abandoned those I adore.

Life is a cobweb, so fragile yet tough
Some have more good times and some too much rough
While in the now I shed this layer of skin
Renewal and restoration glow from within
I am now stronger, no longer at war
I will remain faithful to my inner core.
Crazy some will say, yet wisdom prevails
For I smile again, as the past - she sails.
Grateful I am to my ancestry,
Experience enriched my soil you see.

A creature of instinct, justice and trust
Learning and sharing my knowledge a must.
Thirsty and hungry, as there's more to know,
By meeting ´the others, the yellow rose grows.
I am nothing special, not better nor kinder,
Tho' as my heart beats strong, it´s a gentle reminder;
Life dishes us lessons, forces our fight
Our heads steer our hearts, as we hold on tight.

We can help others, sailing their ships´ mast
When we are swimming, a lifeline we´ll cast.
Selfless campaigners shining pure bright light,
Come to aid others as they journey lifes` flight.
Scrutinised sometimes perhaps by misguided hearts
But this must not ever tear our kind apart!
We will stand strong and all will be well,
for it's only lifes´ cruelty that can create hell.
© Copyright 2013 Dory1969 (dory1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963456-Ramblings-of-a-Warrior-Princess