Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128260-They-Told-Me
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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #2128260
Why must it be?
They told me I couldn't

They told me it was wrong

They told me I was just confused

They told me it was a phase

They told me I couldn't be both

They told me I was unprepared

They told me they didn't believe me

They told me I eat to much

They told me it wasn't me

They told me I was broken

They told me that haircut won't suit me

They told me those clothes didn't look good

They told me that I acted "weird"

They told me I would never make friends the way I wanted to be

They told me I couldn't like either

They told me I was doing it for attention

They told told me I didn't mean it

They told me that it wasn't possible

They told me I would never be accepted

They told me I was dumb

They told me to go die

They told me go away

They told me I couldn't like both

They told me I would never make

They told me it was useless

They told me liking who I liked was bad

They told me I was lying

They told me I don't eat enough

They told me that's not what you were born as

They told me I couldn't be neither

They told me I had to like sex

They told me to give up

They told me they doubted me

They told me I won't get by in the real world

They told me I had to be in a relationship

They told me I couldn't be who I wanted to be

They told me I would never get a "real" job like this

They told me to follow what everyone else does

They told me that what I wanted would never happen

They told me to be my own person but in reality they just want me to be a copy. I told them to watch me as I become my own person. I told them that me being me isn't wrong, being different isn't wrong, being a person who isn't you that is what's wrong.

I told them that I might be misunderstood, some people might not believe in me but I believe I can do great things and I will. I told them I am strong, I am stronger than I look because that mental beat down you are giving me will only make me stand taller and hold my head higher.

I told them that I am tired of being told what I can and can not do, what I can't and can be.

I told them that I am not some toy that has to be fixed I am a human being and I am not broken.

I told them I will not give up, because there are people who still believe in me. I told them I'm not confused and it's not a phase this is me, and even if you don't love me for me there are others who will.

I told them if you're not willing to go on this bumpy ride with me you might as well get off now.I told them I will like who I like what I like, dislike what I don't like, I will be who I want to be, because that is who I really am.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128260-They-Told-Me