Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2278398-A-Book-Lovers-Lazy-day
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2278398
Writer's Cramp Contest Entry
A Book Lovers Lazy Day

I have a free day! Oh, what should I do? Shall I go in the pool? Take a walk? Take a nap? All those sound good, but it’s too hot to be outside, and I don’t feel sleepy. What have I always wanted to do with a free day? READ, READ, and READ! That’s it. I’ll read one of my books. Now the problem is which one will I read? I have so many that I have had to box them up and store them. I have one series signed by the author, and I have over 400 on my Kindle!

A reread of Harry Potter sounds good to me. I love this series, and I think J.K. Rollings is a very talented, creative writer. I would love to be able to create a world as she has in this series. I lose myself in that world while I am reading. My family gets a little irritated with me when I am reading because I do not hear anyone in the real world when I am in my fantasy world.

I always have to start a series from the beginning, so I will reread Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone for the hundredth time! The perfect place for me to read is my recliner. However, I would love to have a space away from everything and everyone; a nice, quiet little spot, cool in the summer and warm and cozy in the winter, to escape into my other worlds.

My recliner is in the corner of the den. My bookcase is beside me where I put my drink, either hot tea, a soda, or just plain water; sometimes all three and a snack. These are all the things I need beside me, so I do not need to get up. The recliner is old and has all the right indentations to fit my body. I turn on my reading light, turn off the TV, and make sure no one is around to disturb me. I don’t have any kids (all grown up), and hubby is outside working on the pool or yard or something. So I settle back, take a drink, and enter the wizarding world!

I enter number four Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surry, just as baby Harry is left on the doorstep. Not much is said about his early years with his aunt and uncle. Then I see 10-year-old Harry brutally woken up by his aunt banging on the cupboard door and his cousin Dudley jumping on the stairs as he comes down to the kitchen. I watch as Harry has to hurry and finish cooking the breakfast for Uncle Vernon. They are forever threatening him and just being really nasty. Oh! I have to leave Little Whinging for a little while to finish this story.

I always wonder what Harry would like to read if he wasn’t always trying to escape the Dark Lord. Probably a book about Quidditch, being a better Seeker, or how to take care of his broom. I think he would probably like to take a book outside by the big tree right beside the Black Lake and try to escape his world for a short time. A day off might be refreshing for him. I think he might also want to work on his genealogy to find more information on his family. That might have been the first thing I did if it were me.

It would be great if he and I could relax and read together under that tree, as long as it was not too hot or snowing. I’m a little picky about the weather if I am to be outside. Hermione might also like to join us if she was not talking. Reading requires quiet time. I don’t think Ron reads too much unless it’s about Wizard’s Chess.

I have been retired for several years now, and I read a lot. I have read this series so many times I have lost count. It takes me maybe a week to read all eight books, but I do so enjoy them.

This would be my free lazy day in the wonderful make-believe world of Harry James Potter!

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