Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2322162-Princess--Dragon
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #2322162
A friendship between a princess and dragon.
A princess and a dragon have been life friends. They spend time together.
Gulp Dragondawn was a large Golden Cosmic. A "gentle giant" of a dragon he prefered living his days mingling with the human villages patronizing their stores and going on adventures of rescue and protection with a beautiful princess. As he was friendly with the king and his court he was there at her christining. Upon looking at her he could sense she was destined to be a great friend of dragons. They had played together when she was young, but now she was grown and their bond had deepend. His presance could cause her to acquire temporary unexpected "gifts" like dragon wings to fly or unexpected strength to lift a boulder off a woodsman.

This morning he woke up and stretched in the castle courtyard (he had visited the castle to volunteer to be a practice target for the knights to hone their skills against the "rogue" dragons that terrorized the land). He was never in danger because his golden scales could only let him be hurt by magic. He yawned and waited for the princess to appear.
Princess Stephanie had just had breakfast and saw her father, the King was leaving with the knights. They waved to her and she smiled. She had some berries that she wanted to give to Gulp Dragondawn. He was her friend. She snuck some apples out of the kitchen and they were for her friend as well. Stephanie went to the cave to find Gulp Dragondawn. He was glad to see her. He bowed down and she gave him his treats. There was a cold breeze coming off the sea but it wasn't unpleasant. It was sunny today.

Gulp and her ran by the sea. This was fun. A big dragon who was gentle as can be. She loved this guy. No one had tried to harm him. Gulp could breathe fire but he never needed to. Gulp was an only dragon and Stephanie felt sorry for him. He didn't seem lonely. A blue bird landed on him but the dragon didn't mind. Birds were his friends. Gulp ate some sand.

Stephanie laughed. "That can't taste good, you silly boy." Stephanie hugged him.

Stephanie looked out over the sea to the horizon, There was a ship and it looked like it was headed towards shore. It wasn't one of her father's ships. It had a white sail and the emblem looked Viking. She would rather face pirates.

"Gulp. We may be in trouble. I promise you can use your fire if you need to but I hope these Vikings aren't going to cause any trouble. Let's go hide in the cave and we will see what happens."

Stephanie got on Gulp's back and flew to his cave.
GD telepathically told her that sand was a necessary ingrediant for his fire. He had seen the ship long before her with his enhanced senses. He knew what the ship was. He shuddered as a memory surfaced. Once, long ago he had been captured by that ship. The vikings had their wise elders cast spells on their weapons. They had wounded him then bound him in magical chains and muzzle leaving him helpless. It was only thanks to his friend the king (younger then) who personally lead his knights & navy after the ship. After a mighty sea battle the king had boarded the vessel and forced it's captain to free him at sword point. Now the same ship had returned violating their promise to never come back.

He gently picked the princess in his mouth and set her on his back. He lifted off and set fourth not for his cave but a secluded spot deep in the forest. The vikings knew where his cave was. That's where they had caught him.

"I wouldn't worry about your people or castle. The vikings are after me." He told her the story.
Princess Stephanie wasn't sure she liked being in the forest but Gulp was fast and she would have to hang on as they went fast. The Vikings wanted Gulp and Stephanie wouldn't let that happen again. She didn't have time to alert her father. A blue and green parrot was flying beside them. The parrot's name was Artoul. He was a parrot that the pirates had but the knights and guards chased them off. The parrot could talk and was friends with Stephanie.

"Artoul. Fly to the Kingdom. Tell father the Vikings are here and want to get Gulp. He needs to get his men together and protect us. Repeat it back to me."

Artoul repeated the conversation back word to word. She would give the parrot crackers once this was all over. Artoul flew to the castle.

Gulp and Stephanie were deep in the forest and she couldn't see the Viking ship now. There was a pond near by and it looked peaceful. Gulp went and got a drink of water and so did Stephanie. Stephanie was afraid the Vikings might come into the forest. She was nervous and kept looking around. A breeze blew her blonde hair and she smiled. Frogs were playing.

All of a sudden, Stephanie heard twigs breaking and she saw two Vikings headed towards her and Gulp. Gulp growled and started to chase them. Some of the palace guards showed up and were fighting with the Vikings. Stephanie got back on Gulp and they ran to the other side of the woods. The witch lived in a cottage on the other side. She would be easier to deal with then the Vikings. Gulp and Stephanie continued their journey. The sun wasn't so bright in this part of the forest and Stephanie and Gulp hoped they would be alright. Artoul showed up and said message delivered. He was here to help. Stephanie felt better about things. The witch Grendella appeared. She had a navy blue face and warts all all over her face and buck teeth. She had been riding on her broom.

"What do you want? I will make soup of your dragon and parrot. You, pretty Princess. I will steal your looks and life. I will make you look like me. I think I will." Grendella raised her hands and sparks came out of her finger tips. Stephanie jumped in the air and Gulp flew into the air and they were safe for now.
Gulp was really scared now. He was visibly shaking. First the vikings with their magic weapons and now the witch wielding potent dark magic, both of which could hurt him. He knew that most humans were powesless against magic so he feared for the princess as well. He could hear the vikings to the south and the screeching witch to the north. The west was covered by the ship just waiting to launch their magic nets and tangle him up. There was only one way to escape and he didn't like it one bit. To the west was a stinky swamp. It always held a feel of forboding and death, but at least there was no magic to be concerned about. He bid the princess to come with him. Thankfully the princess had received a temporary gift from his wild magical aura. Gulp couldn't control when or what but they were always useful. This time the princess gained unimaginable speed and grace. She ran through the trees like a deer headed to the swamp.
The Princess was able to run to the swamp fast like a deer. She remembered the dungeon that hadn't been used at the castle. She and Gulp could hide there until the Vikings left. Atoul was flying beside her. She told Atoul she and Gulp were going to a secret dungeon in the back of the castle. She would leave a window open and Atoul could fly in the window and tell her when the Vikings were gone and things were safe. Stephanie and Gulp would have to fly to the castle and the Vikings might see them. She stopped and grabbed her dress. She touched the potion. Yes! The wizard had given her this potion. This potion would make her and Gulp invisible for a few hours. She signaled for Gulp to stop. She told him about the plan. Gulp agreed. They would fly to the dungeon in the back of the castle. Stephanie spilled potion on her and Gulp and they were invisible. Atoul was flying with them. She splashed potion on Atoul as well. He was invisible. They flew to the dungeon in the back of the castle. Atoul took off to spy on the Vikings.

The dungeon was dark. It was spooky. Stephanie found a torch and some flint to light it. They had light. A bat flew over. There were rats. Gulp stepped on them. Stephanie hoped her father's men would capture the Vikings and this would soon be over Maybe they should go back to the swamp and hide. Stephanie opened the window. Now, they had to wait. She hoped it wasn't long.

The witch had found her way to the window. Oh no! Gulp growled and the witch fell unto the rocks below. Stephanie hoped no one heard the growl. Just then the dungeon started to shake. Now what?
Gulp's face turned red. "Sorry," he thought spoke. "That was my stomach." He began exploring the dungeon space in hopes of finding food. After sniffing in one particularly dusty corner he sneezed. It was so forceful it collapsed a portion of the wall revealing a secret passage that had been sealed for over a thousand years. Gulp's tail wriggled. He could sense something ancient and powerful down their. Perhaps a magical weapon or a sacred artifact. One thing was for sure, they would be on a grand adventure together. Plus, Gulp loved secret underground places.
Princess Stephanie was in awe. Why didn't she know about this secret passage? Wow. Surely, her father knew about this place.

"Gulp. We could hide in here or I can hide you from those Vikings. Since you ate a lot of food today, you would be good until tomorrow. I am going to leave you here and go face those Vikings. If I am not safe, I will whistle and you can hear it. It is our special message that only you and I can hear. I love you." The Princess kissed his about.

"Be careful, Princess. Love you, too."

Princess Stephanie left. She knew Gulp would be safe. She loved being in the sun
She headed towards the castle. She saw them. The Vikings. They saw her. They were headed towards her. She was scared.

Just then a loud screeching noise was heard. She looked up to the sky. A creature with big lion feet and an eagles head was swooping down and grabbed two of the Vikings. Princess Stephanie hoped she wasn't next.

The griffen landed and turned to the princess. Bowing, she said "Do not fear noble Princess Stephanie for I come to help my cousin Gulp. I had been keeping an eye on the Vikings in their homeland and followed their ship. I had heard how it captured your dragon friend many years ago and knew they were up to no good. I am here to help and am in your service for as long as the Vikings plague you. A friend of Gulp's is a friend of mine."

Meanwhile Gulp moved farther down the secret passage. Somehow he just knew that he had to find whatever was hidden deep within. It was if a power was speaking to him, urgently calling out in need to be used. It had to be found. Suddenly he had a realization. Perhaps the vikings came for this! Perhaps last time they came they mistook him for this power! Gulp redoubled his search. If the Vikings were back now it was likely they figured out where to search this time.
Stephanie felt relieved. Gulp had a Griffin cousin. The Griffin flew at the Vikings. The Vikings had their hammers and spears and were trying to attack the Griffins. The Griffin decided it was time to go the bathroom. On the Vikings he went! The Vikings ran to the woods. Stephanie laughed. She headed towards the castle. She ran into the secret passages. She went to her room and came out of her room. Where were her parents? Stephane went to the Throne Room. She found her parents.

"There you are. We are being attacked by Vikings. I hid Gulp in the secret passage behind the Dungeon."

"Daughter! That passage is forbidden. I told you not to use the dungeon."

"Send your guards to protect us from those Vikings. They are after Gulp."

"Gulp can take care of himself. We will handle the Vikings."

"You are sitting on your throne. A Griffin and Gulp is more protection then your guards, father."

"What Griffin?"

"Gulp's cousin and my new friend. As for your passage. What are you hiding? Gulp won't hurt anything. I am going back to be with Gulp. I warned you about the Vikings."

Stephanie left to go back to the Dungeon. What ever her father was hiding in the secret passage, she hoped Gulp was safe and if the Vikings found it. Too bad. She didn't understand her father at all.
Gulp pauses after a few turns into the hidden labrynth. Figuring it might be better to explore it with a companion he backs out to wait for his princess. Once back in the underground room he notes the royal family crest above the secret door. Stephanie arrives with supplies such as food and mapping tools. The two of them set forth into the unknown.

A little ways in they come to a huge grotto. Plenty of plants climb the walls and even a few small trees dot the inside. An underground river runs through the cave. They sit in the nice soft grass and have a few apples for a snack.
Gulp noticed the family crest. A dragon. He smiled. ME. A Princess. Stephanie. A Wolf. It was purple and blue. A nice crest. Plants. More like weeds. They were green, black and creepy. No human could live down here. This wasn't fit for a dragon. He could handle it. He hoped Stephanie would come back. She was his best friend. He saw water running but it was a few drops. The smell. He saw a pink rose and red rose. Maybe this underground passage had some good qualities.

Stephanie found the Griffin on her way back to the underground passage. The Griffin had chased the Vikings. Gargoyles were flying over. Oh great. The gargoyles had found the Vikings and picked them up and dropped them in the ocean. She hoped she and Gulp wouldn't ne next. She kept walking towards the passage. It was dark and she climbed down into the passage like before. Spiders and lizards. A cute green lizard ate the spiders. Good boy. Stephanie petted him.

"Gulp. I am back. Father is no help. Gargoyles took the Vikings and dropped them in the ocean. Gulp? Are you here?"

"I am here Stephanie. I am looking at your family crest. Why isn't in the palace? "

"Father hates wolves and dragons. Sorry. The woman in the crest is my aunt. She died as a young girl. Pirates kidnapped her."

"Stephanie. Your aunt is alive. She is Queen of The Pirates."

"What? Father said pirates killed her."

"I know things. When the Vikings kidnapped me, they had me in a big cage and I got a glimpse of your aunt. I heard them say she was the King's sister. "

"Really, Gulp. I would like to meet her. What does she look like?"

"You. I saw you and I knew the truth. Your aunt ran off with pirates."

Just then the underground passage started to rumble. Now what? Would Princess Stephanie and Gulp survive?:
A huge cracking soun rolled through the cavern. A nearby wall caved in revealing a dark chamber. Within the hole phospherescent plants glowed. It was very beautiful. The passage lead deeper. Gulp turned to Stephanie and spoke. "This must be the entrance to a legendary place. It is rumored to be very beautiful, full of life, and rich in treasure. If we explore further we will come across amazing scenes. Let us go and explore. Your kingdom is now safe from the pirates. We could use the break to just have fun together."

Small glowing lizards crawled over their feet. Stephanie giggled. They were cute and ticklish. She would explore. She would find treasure for her pirate Mom and Gulp could fly it to her. Another chamber was up ahead. It looked like a room in a cathedral. It was huge. They looked around.
Princess Stephanie petted the little green lizards. She looked at the cathedral. Painted glass pictures of her mother, father and her when she was a baby. A painting of a dragon.

"Gulp. The dragon looks like you." Princess Stephanie and Gulp walked along the stones. Why hadn't she seen this before? She hoped the Vikings had left. She saw a bright light. It lit the way.

A big, brown wooden chest was sitting there. A pirate's booty?

Princess Stephanie bended down and opened the treasure chest. She saw gold chains and green emeralds, rubies, pearls and big, purple stones. Did these belong to her father? Maybe her aunt had bought this chest to her father. The Princess didn't trust her father. What was he up to?

Gulp growled. "Your father, the King has secrets. The Pirate Queen must have smuggled this treasure in. "

Stephanie took out a gold chain with a big, purple stone and put it on. She giggled. "I am Queen of the Ocean. I rule the sea creatures and the ocean. Pirates, bow down to me."

Gulp bowed. Stephanie wished she could stay here forever. Why did Stephanie and Gulp feel like they were being watched? Maybe they should leave.

Suddenly a bunch of goblins poured out of the tunnels. When they saw Gulp they stopped and bowed down. "Um Gulp, why are they bowing?" Stephanie asked. Gulp explained, "Many of the creatures of the air and below the ground reguard me as their leader. I have had many dealings with keeping the peace and protecting them. In your limited human language, the word king would fit me best. Above ground is the domain of your family. Your ancestors ruled the ground creatures as well as the humans. Your mother is queen of the seas and is ally to it's creatures. The goblins have been protecting her treasure." Stephanie was shocked. She had no idea of any of this. "So my father..." she said. "Your father does not like the fact that there are domains out of his rule. He wants to rule it all. Your mother and I have prevented him from taking over so far. This treasure must not fall into his hands or he will use it to raise an army against us. We must move it deeper below ground, so deep he will never find it."
Stephanie agreed. Her father liked to rule her but her mother protected her and The Queen was in charge when it came to their daughter. The Princess was glad about that.

"I know my father. He isn't getting near the treasure or ruling the domains here." Stephanie took off the necklace. "I will wear this someday and it will be mine." The purple stone blinked and made a shadow.


This made Stephanie feel better. I hope those Vikings left. They are annoying.

Atoul, the parrot came flying in. "Vikings left. The King gave them swords. Away they went. Atoul wants his cracker."

Stephanie gave Atoul his cracker and kissed his beak.

"I dodged a bullet. Since things are safe again, I am going back to my cave. My goblin friends, protect things here. I know you will. I will be back to visit."

Stephanie shook her head. Just like her father to give the Vikings swords. They were gone and she had a secret about the treasure. She smiled.

"Thank you, goblins. Glad the treasure is safe. I will be back to see you."

Stephanie headed back to the castle. She wanted to tell her father off but she decided to let it go. Crisis averted for now.
They arrived at the castle. The King wasn't there. A maid told them he went off with the pirates to plunder some island kingdom. Gulp shook his huge head. He knew that Stephanie's mother would not stand for something of that sort. She may have been a pirate but she never would attack the innocent. She attacked other pirates and slave ships setting any captives free or offering them a place in her crew.

"Stephanie" he said. "Let us play together while the land is safe and your father is absent. By the way, you don't happen to have any cookies for me do you?"
"Oh Gulp. I always have cookies." Stephanie took cookies out of her liner in her gown and gave Gulp some cookies. He thanked her and gulped them down. He let out a big burp. Stephanie laughed.

Gulp jumped in the pond. What a splash he made. Stephanie would need to go change her gown.

Queen Joan came out. "Stephanie, you got your dress wet. You aren't five, you know."

"Mom. You used to be a pirate and get wet a lot."

"Stephanie. We don't discuss these things. Don't say anything about me and pirates around your father."

"Father. He hurts people and isn't a kind King. He didn't care that the Vikings were here and wanted to cause problems. Gulp and I had to go hide. We found out some secrets."

"Keep them to yourself. It will be time for dinner soon. Get changed and don't talk to your father about pirates and Vikings. We can't change him. He will be gone for a few days." Queen Joan looked sad. Queen Joan went back into the castle.

Princess Stephanie almost hoped her father would never return. She was disappointed in him.
Gulp saw that Stephanie was sad. He wanted to cheer her up. "Princess, come to my cave. I have a surprise for you." They went to his cave. It was a network of caverns with a stream coming out and making a lake. It was a very zen place to live. Gulp led her to a cavern in the back. A pedistol was in the center with a skylight above it. An orb sat atop the colomn sparkling in the sun. Gulp explained, "If you put your hands on the orb you will become a dragon for a day. What kind of dragon depends on your heart." Stephanie blinked, "A dragon? Really?" She walked up to the orb and touched it. She felt her body tingle. Silver scales began to cover her body. Wings sprouted from her back. Her body grew larger until she was 10ft tall. Her clothes were ruined but she didn't need any in her new form. She shined like the moon and her new form was nice and slim. She felt the strength of her new body and the toughness of her beautiful scales. "What do you think?" Gulp asked.
Stephanie felt different. She wasn't human. She as majestic. She was powerful. Being a Princess couldn't compare to this. Wow. Stephanie started to fly. It was wonderful.

"Stephanie. Be careful. Go slow. Don't try to blow fire. You aren't ready for that."

Stephanie saw a clear cloud by her. She looked into the cloud. She had silver scales. She was 10 feet tall and lavender and silver. Beautiful. She loved it

Stephanie flew over the trees. She was flying too fast. She felt dizzy. She started to fall towards the ground. Gulp was beside her. Gulp knew he had to help her. Stephanie was going down faster. What would happen next?
Splash! Stephanie crash landed in the lake. She suffered more wound to her pride than herself thanks to her scales. Gulp smiled. She reminded him of his first flight. He jumped in the lake and splashed around with her. They were having great fun. Gulp felt compelled to tell a deep secret part of his past.

"Stephnanie, a long time ago I ruled an empire of human dragons. Each human had their own orb to turn into a dragon when they wished. However other humans were scared. They didn't understand the magic. They made war and destroyed both my subjects and the orbs. My orb was the only one to escape. You are using it's power now. However it's only temporary. But a permanent solution exists. It's called The Mark of the Golden Dragon. If I make a special tatoo on your forehead you can be a dragoness forever. You will be even bigger and stronger than even now. Just one issue exists. It is not reversable. You will never be human again. Your Mom knows this secret. She will still love you. I can teach you dragon ways."
"Oh Gulp. This is fun being a dragon but I want to be sure. Can I try being a dragon for 3 days and thunk about it? I have to be sure. I do love being a Princess."

"Sure you can. Enjoy being a Princess and see if you want it permanently. "

Stephanie laughed. She flew and landed by the ocean. A seagull squawked at her.

Stephanie flew again. The sun felt good on her. A bat bumped into her. Stephanie shook him off.

She saw Enesto, the troll. Stephanie couldn't resist. This troll was always chasing her so she flew down at him and picked him up and dropped him in the ocean. The troll would be alright.

Stephanie was enjoying this. She had three days to decide. A dragon. She laughed. She hoped the next 3 days would go slow.
Stephanie's enjoyment as a massive dragoness was infectious. Gulp always felt like she was the hatchling he never had. He looked on in pride knowing that whatever she decided it would work out. However she did look beautiful as a dragoness. The silver scales and sleek form worked well on her. He laughed as the troll got soaked. Ernesto was the sort to take a good joke. Gulp then told Stephanie to follow him. He flew into the mountains and landed in the vally unreachable by climbing. He showed her the golden grass and silver lake as in actual gold and silver. As the sun set the orb's power wore off. It would return in the morning. Gulp wrapped his warm body around the princess so she would not catch cold. Human or dragoness they would always be the best of friends.
Stephanie loved being with Gulp. He was a handsome dragon. She was a Princess and a dragon both. She loved flying over the ocean and the forest. She loved seeing the fish and creatures in the ocean. It was fun seeing ships in the ocean. A mean man on a ship tried to shoot her with arrows. She breathed fire on his arm. She hated to but she didn't want to be wounded or dead. People know dragons breathe fire.

She liked flying with Gulp. It was night and she thought of her room at the castle. The dinners with her parents. Her mother. She wasn't sure if she would miss her father. Her mother she would. Sitting with Gulp. They looked at the stars. She saw a falling blue star. She loved Gulp. He was her best friend. Should she decide to be a dragon permanently or just have the ability to be a dragon when she felt like it? Two more days to decide.
The next day Gulp woke up Stephanie. She was a dragon again. Gulp was agitated. He explained a meeting of magical creatures has been called. Stephanie was to come with him. They flew into the deep woods. All manner of creatures were there including a few dragons. Gulp spoke to the crowd.

"The human king has become too powerful. He over taxes his people and does not care of their suffering from invaders. He has stolen many artifacts from holy sites. He even hires mercenaries to silence the lords and ladys who try to help the people. The pirate queen has helped by hiding as much treasure as she could. Thanks to her our magic is still our own. I want to present Stephanie. She is pure of heart and may decide to become a dragoness. If she does will all of us acknowledge her as the true ruler of these lands? A ruler who cares about humans and creatures alike?" The air was filled with all manner of noise. As one those there had agreed. They knew her as a kind hearted princess. This was what was needed.
Stephanie knew something had to be done about the King. When she disobeyed him, he would lock her up in her room for three days. The King didn't know about the secret passage in her room. She would sneak put and go to the dungeon. If her father, the King would do something to her, she could turn into a dragon or maybe just decide to stay a dragon.

She liked the dragons and felt like she belonged. They were nice. She liked animals better then people.

She is a Princess. Surely, she had some say in matters. She was in. She was going to side with the dragons and fo up against her father. She was touched that the dragons cared about humans. She flipped her tail around. She loved doing that. She told her new dragon friends that something needed to be done about her father and the way he treated his people. The dragons flipped their tails around and said: "Hail, Princess Stephanie. "
Stephanie, our strategy depends on whether or not you decide to become a full dragon. We have word that your father will be coming back with a great army to invade the nearby peaceful kingdoms. As a full dragon you will have devine dragon powers such as a white flame that can only harm inanimate objects and those of evil intent. This will allow you to lead us in battle against the army. As a human princess we will have to rely on diplomacy and hope we can rally the help of kings from other lands. This would take some time. It might even be too late if we wait on such an agreement. Either way it's your choice and I will always be by your side.
I have decided to stay a dragon. I want to see my mother and let her know I am going to be a dragon and I will live with all of you. In dragon form, I can spy on my father, the King. Maybe he won't even miss me as his human daughter. My decision is made. I may need time to get used to this dragon thing. Too bad I can't be invisible and fly into the castle to spy on my father. Maybe Father will think I was kidnapped or ran off to join the pirates. I will let you the dragons decide what is next. As long as we don't hurt any innocent humans. I don't want us to hurt anyone unless they try to hurt us as dragons or the villagers. I have never been happy being a Princess.

Just then they heard a horse approaching with a rider. The other dragons went to hide. It was Stephanie's Mother, the Queen. Stephanie approached her.

"Please, I mean you no harm, dragon. I am trying to find my daughter."

"Mother, it is me."

The Queen looked at the beautiful dragon with the silver dragons. She knew her daughter's voice. "Stephanie, why are you a dragon? What is happening?"

"I have decided to stay a dragon. Father is so evil and he has to be stopped .My dragon friends and I are going to protect the villagers. Mother, I will contact you with secret messages and leave them in your treasure room. I am glad Father knows nothing about the treasure room."

"Oh, Stephanie. I will miss you, I don't know what to tell your father."

"Tell him I ran off with the pirates. Mother, I will be in touch. I love you. Gulp and the dragons will take care of me and the villagers."

Stephanie, the dragon and her mother hugged. "I love you, too, daughter. I will miss you as my little Princess even though you are grown up."

Stephanie cried dragon tears. Being a dragon wouldn't be easy.
Gulp extended a claw and touched Stephanie's forehead. It felt warm. A rune appeared on her forehead. The warmth spread through her. As it did her body grew by 5ft. She was now 15 feet tall on her hind claws, just a few feet bigger than Gulp. She felt just as comfortable standing up as she was on all fours.

Gulp began a speech and all the other dragons came back out. "Behold that Stephanie has been bestowed The King's Mark. She is now a full fledged dragoness and our new queen. As such she will help us protect the innocent, help the peacekeeping knights, and care for the magic in this realm. I will act as her advisor, mentor, bodyguard, trainer, messenger, & brother in arms. The dragons bowed low before her and the birds flew to the corners of the land bearing news of the new resistance against the tyranical king.
Stephanie was a huge dragon. She was sparkling. She loved it. She glowed. She pranced about. She had to get used to it. She would be living with the dragons. She and the dragons would work together. She would fly over the castle and watch over her mother. She could fly into the back part of the dungeon and fly up to the high part of the castle and hide in a room that that was fifty feet tall and just as wide. There was a lose rock and she would be able to hear her father's conversations. He would never know she was there. That was the beauty of it.

"Stephanie, are you listening? You have just been sworn in."

"Yes, I am listening. Thank you, Gulp. I was thinking that Dad will never know how I can spy on him from the back dungeon and tower. I did it when I was a little girl but now I am a dragon and the passages are huge. Dad will be bought down. If he is no longer King, Mom can be Queen. I think she can handle it. I am ready when you are. Dad isn't back, yet. We wait."

Stephanie and the dragons had a drink. They drank the King's wine. This wine came from the cellars of the dungeon. The King didn't even know the back room existed. She thought her Dad was dumb and mean. At least she had this over him. She was nervous but Stephanie would do this for her and the dragon friends. She would love them. She already did.
As evening turned into night Gulp broke out marshmellows. They used their own fire to toast them. Gulp sneezed obliterating his into a pile of ashes. He blushed as Stephanie gave him hers. The little hatchlings were curious about the new dragoness. They came up and crawled all over her. She laughed. They were so precious. Gulp turned to Stephanie and said "You are lucky to be a dragoness now rather than before." "What do you mean Gulp?" she asked. Gulp explained that only a couple of centuries ago dragons had to hide. Now though, most villages and kingdoms knew that most dragons were not to be feared and many were helpful. "What do you like best about your dragon form?" Gulp asked. Stephanie thought about this and as night drew on they drifted off to sleep. The next morning she had her answer.
Stephanie loved flying and breathing fire. She liked being with Gulp. She could go wherever Gulp went. She missed her mother but she could send her mother a message to meet her in the tower room by the dungeon. She wondered when her father was coming home. She would be able to see his ships when they arrived. She would have to stay out of sight but she could fly high enough in the air so her father wouldn't see her.

Living in a cave would take some getting used to. She couldn't sleep in her bed anymore. She loved the sound of the ocean waves coming in. She had keen hearing as a dragon. She loved that, too. The villagers were probably asking what happened to the Princess. She wasn't sure what her mother would tell them. They would probably say she ran off with pirates or was kidnapped by gypsies. It didn't matter. She couldn't turn back into a Princess and she didn't want to. She was happy. She loved playing with the hatchlings. They were like her babies and she would do anything to protect them. Stephanie would rather have dragon hatchlings for her subjects but the dragons were her friends and the hatchlings were the best behaved children ever. She was truly happy.
Gulp could see that Stephanie was a little sad and he could guess what it was. "Don't worry Stephanie. There is no reason to hide the fact that you are now a dragon. The villagers are friendly toward us and will keep the secret. I can also do a few other things too." Gulp took an urn from the back of the cave and sprinkled magic water on the area where Stephanie slept. The moss grew nice and thick like a soft carpet. Just then the mayor ran into the cave yelling about thieves pillaging the village and needing help driving them away. Stephanie talked to the mayor. She promised she would take care of it. The mayor was very greatful. "Thank you Stephanie. You will be a wonderful dragon! If us villagers can do anything for you all you need to do is ask. We all support you and Gulp with the other dragons." Stephanie flipped her tail with satisfaction. She so loved having a tail.
Some village children looked at Stephanie.

"You're a beautiful dragon. We loved you as a Princess. Can we touch you?"

The children were so sweet and touched Stephanie's scales. They sighed and smiled. They wanted to take a ride on Stephanie but Stephanie promised when she could fly better that she would let them take a ride. Gulp told Stephanie they should go back. Stephanie said good but to the children and Mayor. Ahe couldn't understand why her father, the King was so mean to these people. She loved these people.

Stephanie saw her father's ships. He was returning home. Was she ready to confront him in dragon form? She hoped so. She hoped her dragon form scared him and they could talk. She did love her father but he had to be stopped. She looked at Gulp and he told her they needed to talk. She nodded. They flew back to the cave.
"Stephanie, I don't blame you for wanting to reason with your father rather than fight him, but it will be risky. What I can allow you to do is meet him on neutral ground. I and 3 other dragons will come with you to ensure your safety and I'll have a legion of mermaids stand by. There is a small island just off the coast. Your father can come there with 10 of his men to be fair. As long as he promises to meet under these conditions I think taking a chance for diplomacy might be worth the risk."

Stephanie met with the mermaid queen. They both gushed over how beautiful the other was. Gulp rolled his eyes. The mermaids were only too happy to help. They would keep watch for tricks from below and capsize any ship that might fire upon the dragons.
Stephanie was happy the mermaids were going to help. It was good to have mermaids on your side. She and three other dragons would meet her father on neutral ground. Her father, the King would be unhappy when he found out that she is a dragon. That would be his problem. She had the power to burn him but she didn't really want to. She wanted him to care about the villagers. Her father wasn't a loving person. Stephanie would wait and go with the three other dragons to see her father.

The mermaids loved telling stories of their sea adventures and Stephanie loved talking about being raised in the Royal Family but she was going to be happier as a dragon. She flipped her tail and the mermaids laughed. The mermaids went to the ocean to keep an eye on her father's ships. It started to thunder and rain. The ships were rocking back and forth. The winds were strong. They had storms all the time.

A big, giant orange squid with long tentacles was swimming towards her father's ships. The dragons and mermaids could take down a squid. She hoped do. This squid was twelve feet long and weighed 400 pounds. The squid was headed towards her father's ship. Stephanie and two of the mermaids swam toward the squid but he slammed into Stephanie and she hit her head on the ship and the ship was sinking. Stephanie was unconscious and falling into the ocean. The mermaids were trying to keep her afloat but she was too heavy and the mermaids and dragons were fighting against the storm, the squid and trying to save Stephanie. The mermaids were getting blown towards the shore by the storm and the squid was going to attack the mermaids and dragons. It looked like the end for the dragons and mermaids.
Gulp saw this happening and began to chant a spell. He began growing. His body expanded and grew until he was 50 feet tall standing on his hind legs. With one hand he grabbed the sinking ship and with the other he carefully grabbed Stephanie. He set both on the island. Meanwhile Stephanie's mom had the pirates help the mermaids fight the squid. After 10 minutes, Gulp shrunk back to normal and collapsed exhausted on the island. The spell had almost killed him it was so powerful. The king ordered his men to kill the two dragons, but they refused. "They saved us. If you want us to kill them we will not follow you." The pirate queen and mermaids were successful in taking down the squid and the storm was almost over.
Stephanie was thankful the mermaids had helped her and Gulp. Gulp was her best friend. Stephanie's mother had saved the day. The Pirate Queen caught up with Stephanie on the island off the ocean.

"Mother!" Stephanie hugged her mother carefully. I am glad you were here to save me an my friends. I am thankful for the mermaids and pirates as well."

"Your father wanted to kill you and Gulp. Your father doesn't know you are a dragon now. Be careful. He is dangerous."

"It is going to take something bigger and uglier then Daddy to scare me!" Stephanie n her mother both laughed

"I need to get back to the castle. Your father will be coming to the Kingdom. I will tell him you ran away. I don't think he figured out yo are a dragon. I love you." The Queen kissed her dragon daughter on the nose.

Gulp went over to Stephanie. "I owe you one. You saved me from that squid. I got to see mother. He is going to tell father that I ran away."

"Your father will have men out looking for you but he won't find you. I don't think he will like you being a dragon."

"I will blow fire on him. He had better behave."

Another day had passed. Sooner or later, she would show herself to her father in her dragon form. Maybe he would have a different opinion about dragons. She hoped so.
Both dragons were tired and slept in their caves for 24 hours. Gulp came over and filled Stephanie in. "Your father is too much to handle right now. Your mother the pirate queen said she would handle him for the next few weeks. Fortunatly the news that you are a dragoness has him scared so he won't be out of his castle to cause trouble for some time. In the meantime you should have fun just being a dragoness. I know of a nice place for you to visit. Fly with me and I'll take you there."

They flew for some time until they reached a cluster of mountains. The sides had many buildings of homes and stores as well as caves and even waterways. Humans, dragons, and other magical creatures were going about their business. It was a city where all were equal and lived amongst each other. Even mermaids were there using the waterways to get around. Recognizing Stephanie's silver scales as that of royalty many bowed to pay their respects. Stephanie smiled and flipped her tail. He thought she looked cute when she did that.
Stephanie knew her mother could handle her father the King. Her mother had been a Pirate Queen. Her mother was a Queen. Stephanie felt sad. She would never be Queen but being a dragon was more fun and more powerful then a Queen. She flipped her tail and hit Gulp.

Gulp woke up. "Your Dragoness. Watch the tail. My nose hurts now."

"Sorry." Stephanie kissed his nose.

Gulp and Stephanie sat on the mountains and looked around. They could see the whole valley. She saw her father's castle. It was beautiful but it looked lonely and that castle was never a home. Her father was controlling but her mother handled him. Living in a cave. It was warm and safe. She was a dragon and so was Gulp. No one wanted to mess with them. She saw the mermaids. They were so nice. She was glad they were her friends. She was going to have to learn how to fight squids and sea serpents. That giant squid could have killed her.

A gargoyle was flying around. She wasn't sure if he was a friend or a foe. She had a lot to learn about being a dragon still. The gargoyle landed next to them. Stephanie looked at him.

"Hello, your dragoness."

Stephanie looked at Gulp. She would see if he talked to him or not and wait and see if he was a friend or a foe.
The Goblin proceed to lay out a napsack of items. It contained much jewlry, precious stones, assorted tools, and home decorations. Gulp turned to Steph. "We're in luck! This is a Goblin Trader. They only come here once a year. They purchase stuff from the dwarves and elves in the far north then sell them here in return for dragon scales." Gulp looked through a pile of tools and picked out a diamond pickaxe. "Just what I need for cave renovations." He pays with a golden scale. The Goblin rumaged through his items and picked out a magic mirror. "Free for your highness. It can show you anyone you wish to talk to. Might I also reccomend a tail bracelet?" Steph took the mirror and looked at the other items. She had never seen so much pretty stuff in one place before.
Stephanie smiled. She loved jewelry and treasures and she missed them. This troll or gargoyle guy or what ever he is, seemed nice. Dragons do have friends. That was good. She liked creatures more then humans so she wouldn't miss being a human. Stephanie picked out a blue sapphire necklace and put it on. A tail bracelet. It had red and green stones. Stephanie put it on her tail. She was Princess Of The Dragons. She flew into the air and over the village. The village people waved. Flying was so much fun.

Some mean guys was grabbing two of the women and it wasn't appropriate. So, Stephanie landed an hit them with her tail. The tail necklace stung and the men screamed. They would have bruises. Maybe worse. The men limped off. The ladies thanked Stephanie. It started to get windy and rain. Stephanie flew back to the cave.

She looked at all the treasures. Dragons liked their hoard of treasures. Stephanie and Gulp decided to take naps.

"Do you like the treasures?" Gulp asked.

"Yes, I do. It is so safe and warm in this cave. I love being here. I am glad you are my best friend."

"You are mine, too, your Dragoness I adore you."

Stephanie was already asleep.
The next mourning was sunny. Gulp took Stephanie back to the village. There was still much to see and do there. They went to the lake to bathe. Mermaids swam past and waved as they splashed by. One came up and gave her a mermaid scale. "For a beautiful dragoness" she said. Steph flipped her tail in gratitude. The mermaid laughed and waved before swimming off. After the bath the 2 dragons visited the food stalls. There were many choices and the shopkeepers were happy to give samples. After that came cave exploration. There were many tunnels. One held diamonds, another had gold. A crystal slide took them deeper. Dwarves roamed around with hammers and pickaxes. Gems sparkled in the walls. A few playful goblin children chased her tail. A large cavern had a ceiling hole back outside. They were in a medow of flowers. "Want to visit the elves next?" Gulp asked.
Stephanie was happy that dragons and mermaids got along and that the trolls were easy to get along with. Humans just wanted to be with humans and didn't like trolls. Before she became a dragon, Stephanie didn't like trolls but she accepted them now. She really liked them.

She loved bathing in the water. She loved the jewelry and treasures. Life as a dragon was good.

Gulp and Stephanie were off to visit the elves. The elves were busy watering flowers and picking mushrooms. The flowers were huge and came in assorted colors. The one elf gave Stephanie a big, lavender flower. Stephanie smelled it and sneezed but it she felt happy. The other elves sat by Stephanie and told her she was a beautiful dragon. They wanted to be her friend m

There were bees in the flowers but Stephanie walked over to the flowers and the bees left. It was starting to rain. The elves were going to their huge mushroom houses and Gulp and Stephanie flew back to the cave. Flying over the ocean, they saw an unfamiliar ship. It wasn't pirates or Vikings but it had a black flag and another flag with a monster drawing. Who could it be and what was going to happen next?
Gulp gasped. "It's the Stormy Serpant and it looks like they are in trouble!"Indeed the ship was trashed. The mast was broken and the deck was pretty much obliterated. The sailers were all manner of magical beings and they were lying about bloody and broken boned. It was a miracle the ship could float. Gulp wrapped his tail around the figurehead at the front and began towing the boat towards land. Stephanie landed on the boat and tended to the sailors. Luckily her devine dragon breath healed the wounds of allies. She learned the ship was coming back from the continent across the ocean where they were exploring uknown lands when a massive storm hit. They had to dump all their cargo to stay afloat. She felt sorry that their trip ended in disaster.
Stephanie was learning that being a dragon was rough. She was so glad that she and Gulp could help others. She wondered if every day would be chaotic. She hoped things would be calmer. As long as she and Gulp could other humans and everyone who needed them, she thought things would be alright. Things were alright now and the sailors thanked her and Gulp. She bowed. They wanted to touch her. Stephanie smiled.

Stephanie and Gulp flew off. She sat by the ocean. Stephanie saw whales. They were singing. Sometimes, they sounded sad. Gulp told her she was a good dragon and so caring. She told him he was, too. The ocean tides rolled in and a whale got beached. Stephanie flew done and put the whale back in the ocean. Her baby is waiting for her,. Mother and baby were reunited. Stephanie was happy.

It started getting dark so Stephanie and Gulp flew back to their cave. It was chilly but dragons didn't get cold. Stephanie decided to go through her treasures. She found a big, gold locket with a big, emerald on it and she touched it. She got a strange vibe. It had been worn by her mother This was part of her mother's pirate booty. The locket was a gift. It was from a pirate that was handsome with dark hair. A lover her mother had? Her mother didn't love her father. Stephanie put the locket around her neck and maybe in her dreams tonight, she would find out who her mother's lover was. Stephanie fell asleep and she was on a pirate ship. She was dressed fancy and she saw a handsome pirate. He was dressed all fancy. Stephanie was now her mother in this dream.

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