Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/232280-Caseys-Haven---Chapter-1
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #232280
A reluctant Casey is rushed into marriage only to find it's to the right man.

Now published: iUniverse.com

Chapter One

Trapped! Her dream vacation, a leisurely trip of discovery and adventure turned into a wretched fiasco all because of one jerk. Casey knew, even as she looked away, attempting to block out Erik’s presence that it was a lost cause. She didn’t have to be looking at him to know that his self-confident smirk was as bold as his predatory eyes.

Unfortunately, Erik’s monstrous ego would not allow him to be ignored for long, as the sound of his familiar voice whispered softly, his lips almost brushing her ear.

“Well, Casey my love, we meet again. And this time you won’t be able to run away.” His hand gripped her wrist as she struggled to rise from the cushioned seat.

Why did she have to choose the window seat? Now Erik blocked her exit to the aisle. The overpowering scent of his sweet smelling cologne nauseated her. He must bathe in the stuff, she thought in dismay. She turned her head to look out the window. She couldn’t see any help there. But she could see his reflection, the smug look on his face, hear it in his voice, in his confident tone. Erik Jefferies had to be the most arrogant, self-centered person she’d ever had the misfortune to encounter. Avoiding him had become somewhat of a game over the past four years. And if she had the good fortune to see him first, she’d had the advantage to slip away unseen. But not so today!

Casey sighed. How would she be able to enjoy herself if she had to anticipate his presence around every corner?

A quick glance out of the small blue curtained window caused her spirits to plummet even more. The great white plane was already lumbering down the runway. So much for changing flights even if there was one for Athens in the next few hours. She had looked forward to this trip for so long. And now this unexpected intrusion into her carefully planned holiday.

Damn Erik and his timing! Affecting a forced, brittle smile Casey turned to confront this irritating intruder. Her anger soared to flash point by his smile, the gleam of triumph in his gray eyes. She could almost hear a small link snap in the chain of control that she’d learned to impose on her temper. Oh, how she would like to slap that satisfied smirk from his face. Since she was by nature, not a violent person and abhorred violence, this urge went unheeded. She had never felt this way about another human being and was somewhat shocked she could even contemplate such an action.

Taking a deep breath to ease the tightness in her chest, Casey confronted Erik.“Isn’t your wife with you?”

“You know Rachel and I go our separate ways, except when it’s absolutely necessary to present a united front for the family. Besides, how could we be alone if she were around? Even as liberated as she is in her attitude towards me...and our marriage.”

“You are not going to be alone with me in any circumstances, Erik. So I would greatly appreciate it if you would go find yourself another place to sit. And someone else to annoy,”
she snapped.

As he raised her captured wrist to his lips, she snatched it from his grasp. He merely smiled.

“Please, Erik. Leave me alone!”

“Never, my darling.” Resting his elbow on the armrest, he cupped his chin in his open palm to watch her. “Never!” he avowed.

“Look, Erik. I thought I had made myself extremely clear a long time ago on the subject of you and me. There is you. Unfortunately. There is me. Two separate entities. There is now and never can be the remotest possibility of a you and me!”

Watching his complacent smile, the way he was ignoring her plea made her anger mount by degrees; conversely, her spirits plunged several more notches. The pink plush of anger colored her cheeks accentuating her remarkable blue green eyes. Exasperation altered their usual laughing gleam to a cold diamond brilliance.

“If you would just give our relationship an opportunity to grow, you’d discover just how happy I could make you. How much I can give you. I know just looking at you is enough to make any man thankful to be alive.”

“Oh, please! What can I say to make you understand, Erik? I am not in love with you. And I most certainly do not want your attentions or any form of relationship with you. Now or ever! You made your choice four years ago. And I will be eternally grateful you did. I might have been hurt at first. But you saved me from years of enduring a painful marriage.”

The narrowing of his eyes told her he didn’t like to be reminded of his haste in ending their engagement. But he quickly rallied. “You know, darling, the one thing that keeps my hopes alive is the fact you haven’t found anyone to replace me in your life. It’s been almost four years. This shows me you haven’t forgotten all we meant to each other.”

“Unfortunately, Erik, most unpleasant things have a way of sticking in our memories. No matter how hard we try to block them. And that is exactly what you are to me, Erik. An unpleasant memory.”

She had the satisfaction of seeing him begin to chew on the inside of his lower lip, a habit he had when nervous or not quite so confident. Serves him right.

“And not that it’s any of your business, but your information about my love life is not quite accurate. There is someone very special in my life. Someone who cares about me, warts and all,” she lied, enjoying the flash of suspicion on his face.

“You know, I really feel sorry for Rachel. When I see how you treat her and abuse the sanctity of marriage, I can’t help but realize it could have been me. You did me a great favor when you ended our engagement.”

“I don’t treat her any different than she does me,” he quickly defended himself. “Anyway, if I’d married you, it would have been different.” Taut white lines radiated from the corners of his mouth as the nervous tapping of his left foot against the carpet beneath his seat vibrated through their seats.
Casey might not have possessed a socially acceptable background to suit the Jefferies' inner circle, might not be considered good enough to marry the son of Henry L. Jefferies' III, but Erik had convinced himself they could have had some interesting times together. They still could. If only he hadn’t been quite so hasty in ending their engagement.

“Oh, be reasonable, Erik,” Casey snapped. “I don’t believe it would have been any different. You’ve proven yourself too shallow. You’re never going to settle for one woman when the world is glutted with a multitude, all ready and eager to fall into your waiting arms. My imagination won’t stretch to picture you bouncing a baby on your knee, or dealing with the everyday problems of a settled married couple,” grinding out the words between clenched teeth, her hands tight fists in her lap.

“I have never claimed to be the personification of paternal longings,” he hissed in retaliation. “But we could have some good times together and plenty of memories while we enjoy all my wealth has to offer. All right. I admit I made a terrible mistake by abruptly ending our engagement and marrying Rachel. But do we have to pay the rest of our lives by remaining apart?”

“I certainly hope so!” Casey stammered spitting out each word. Finally she turned in her seat to face him, her eyes glittering shards of turquoise. “You refuse to accept what I’ve been saying for the last four years. Doesn’t any of this make an impression on you? The only memories you could possibly give me would be ones I would much rather do without.” She could hear her voice rising like a shrew but didn’t care. The man was a pest and a thorn in her well ordered life.

“Let me put this so even you should be able to understand with little difficulty. I will die a virgin spinster before I would ever, ever consider becoming involved with you again!”

“How can anyone as lovely as you have such an acid tongue? I thought Rachel was caustic, but I’m beginning to think she could take lessons from you.”

“You have the uncanny ability to bring out my unpleasant nature, Erik,” she countered contemptuously.

As quickly as his anger erupted, it melted away as he leaned back in his seat to study her more closely. “You are one of the loveliest women I have ever seen. You were adorable four years ago. But now you’re ravishing!”

“Oh, give me a break! I don't mean a thing to you. Except as a challenge. I won’t fall into the role you want for me so you refuse to let go. I am not interested, Erik. There is someone else very important in my life now.”

He studied Casey with the attention of an artist, noting her fair coloring, those large innocent eyes, their unusual blue green striking in combination with her slender, overall fragile appearance. Suddenly, he wasn’t quite as confident. Any man would be drawn to her delicate beauty. And she was alone in Greece. Not a good combination. Well, she wouldn’t be alone if he had any say in the matter.

“You will be with me, Casey. Do I make myself clear? I don’t know whom you’re involved with, but you can forget him as of now. I accept we belong together and intend to see that it happens. Athens will make a romantic setting for our reconciliation,” he asserted with far more confidence than he truly possessed. She was the one woman who remained out of his control, out of his bed. He was tired of waiting.

“Oh...go to hell!” Casey had never been filled with such rage, impatient with his constant pestering. Turning her back to him, she focused her attention on the scene outside the small window. It was no use arguing with him. No matter what she said, he wouldn’t take her seriously. She couldn’t seem to make him understand the contempt she felt for him after all this time.

“Beautiful Casey,” he murmured. “I’ll let you get some rest now. When we arrive in Athens we’ll be extremely busy. But after I’ve made all the necessary arrangements, we’ll have time to talk this out. Then we can enjoy ourselves.” Confident he’d had the last word, Erik pushed his seat back, stretched his long legs for comfort and closed his eyes, apparently content in the knowledge he had the situation well in hand.

If he heard Casey’s disgusted “humph,” he made no reply.

Tears of frustration dampened her eyes, making them shine as she stared at her reflection in the window. She wouldn't let him see her cry. Never again. So she kept her face averted, facing the window as the armrest dug into her side.

Casey Colleen Callahan was stubborn, with a temper that could ignite when provoked. Growing up, she’d learned to subdue the temper and feisty retorts. Now, it was only Erik’s presence that threatened her control and liberated her tongue. All it took was a minute dose of his company to light the fuse.

Now, here he was about to ruin her vacation. Her favorite tour so far had been Italy. Her trip began six weeks ago in Rome. She’d spent an entire week there, absorbing the atmosphere, celebrating the history and delighting in the grandeur and people of the present. Then she had looked forward to Athens. There was so much she wanted to see. Things and places she’d read about in books.

But now Erik was here upsetting her life once again. How could she ever have believed herself in love with him? For one thing she’d been too young to know what love was. And she certainly wasn’t in love with him now and hadn’t been for four years. Now she recognized his lack of character and integrity. She knew beyond the shadow of a doubt he didn’t have much backbone or ambition. He was simply a handsome exterior with nothing inside to admire.

Raised by doting parents, surrounded by wealth, he had every desire lavishly fulfilled, saw no reason to dirty his hands or time with anything as mundane as work. To him, work was a four-letter word. It was something others did for him so he could lavish himself in luxury.

Casey leaned closer to the window,
unconscious of the armrest digging into her side. The billowy clouds formed peaks and ridges so substantial she felt she could actually step out of the plane and walk on their frothy trails. The picture of swirling white became blurred as she sought pictures from the past.
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