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Rated: GC · Book · Dark · #2326858
This is my first attempt at an LGBT thriller... fingers crossed it goes well....

Chapter 1- Reuniting

It all started on a Saturday morning, Alena was at the coffee shop getting her usual frozen coffee and breakfast sandwich. It had been her morning ritual for as long as she could remember, kind of like a rest and relaxation, or a reboot. Especially after a long week at work. However, today is different, and will end up changing her life forever….
While she was waiting in line, she ended up bumping into her ex-boyfriend’s best friend, Zayne. He was the last person she expected to see, especially at the coffee shop.
“Z… Zayne? Is that you?” she stuttered.
He slowly turned to face her and smiled. “Hey Alena, how have you been? You look really good.”
Alena gulped. Why does he make her so nervous? They never even dated before, but he has some effect on her. ‘Snap out of it, Alena.’ She said to herself.
“Thank you, Zayne, you look great too. I am doing alright, just working a lot, as usual. How about you?”
“Oh, I am great. So many good things have happened to me as of lately.” Zayne said.
“I am happy to hear that, I really am.” Alena said.
“Thank you, hey, if you don’t mind, would you like to maybe sit together for a little bit? Catch up some?”
“Sure. Let me just pay for this real quick.” Alena said with a smile.
With that being said, they both paid for what they ordered, and then searched the place for an open table. Luckily, they found one by the window, which happened to still be warm from the sun. It was nice. As they sat down, Zayne started the conversation back up.
“So, Alena, what else have you been up to? I know you said that you were working, but it anything else going on?” Zayne asked.
“I have been working on my house. Finally motivated to get some renovations done.” Alena explained.
“Really? Who is doing it for you?”
“No one, I am doing them by myself.”
“Alena, why? I have told you time and time again, if you were going to do that to call me.”
“I know, but I didn’t think you would want to. Especially after Zeus and I broke up.” Alena said, kind of wincing at the mention of Zeus.
They haven’t spoken or been together in 6 months, and mentioning his name still pained her. She hoped that Zayne didn’t notice, but unfortunately, he caught her reaction.
“Alena, what happened with the two of you?”
“I was stupid, and let people come between us. It became too much for the both of us to handle, so we decided on a mutual break. That was alright for about a month, then we drifted apart like leaves in the fall. It has been about 5 months since the last time we talked to each other.” Alena explained.
Zayne grabbed her by the hand, and looked her into the eyes, “Alena I am so sorry that happened to you. I asked Zeus, but every time I try to talk to him about it, he always shuts down.”
“Well, that is Zeus for you, would you expect anything different?”
“From him? No, not really. I mean, this is Zeus we are talking about.”
“Though, I do wish he would still talk to me. I would give anything to hear his voice again.” Alena said.
“Well, you can.”
“How Zayne? He won’t talk to me!”
“Hello?? Best friend here. I can try to get him to agree to come and meet us up here.” Zayne said.
“He won’t agree if he knows that I am here.” Alena said.
“Who said I was going to tell him that you were here?”
“How are we going to pull this off then?”
“You are going to be quiet when I call him, and then go from there.” Zayne explained.
Reluctantly, Alena agreed, and then sat there quietly when Zayne pulled out his phone. He pressed Zeus’s name on speed dial and waited for an answer. There were three rings, and then. “Hello?”
“Hey man, what are you up to?”
“Oh, not much really. What’s up?” Zeus asked.
“Was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out?” Zayne asked.
“Dude, you live on the other side of town, I really don’t feel like driving today.”
“Bro, I am not at my house. I am actually at the coffee shop down the road from you.”
“Seriously? I have tried to get you to go there since before, well, you know. So anyway, how was it?”
“It was fine. I am glad I finally decided to give it a chance. So, you going to come?” Zayne asked.
“Sure, give me about 20 minutes and I will be there.” Zeus said.
“Awesome. Oh, before I forget, wear something decent. I have someone here who wants to meet you.”
“Really dude? I told you how I feel about blind dates. Not happening.”
“Chill man, it isn’t a blind date. Will you just trust me?”
“Yeah, where have I heard that before? We tried after Alena and I broke up, and it didn’t work out.” Zeus said angrily.
“Zeus, you gave up after one date, hardly counts as any effort honestly. Like I said though, it isn’t a blind date. It is my company, but I know how you like to dress. Not this time, please?” Zayne asked.
Zeus sighed. “Fine, but don’t make me regret agreeing to this.”
“Alright, awesome. I’ll see you soon.” Zayne said hanging up the phone.
Smiling, he looked over at a very quiet, hopeful Alena, “So?”
“He said he will be here.” Zayne said smiling.
“Damn, you are good.” Alena said happily. “So, what should we do until he arrives?”
“Well, we can continue talking.”
“Sounds good to me.” Alena said, smiling….
About five minutes after his phone call with Zayne, Zeus figured he might as well get ready to go meet his friend, he did say he would be there after all. Sighing, he walked over to the closet to try to find something “decent” to wear, and within two minutes, he found it. He decided on a grey button up shirt, dark denim skinny jeans, black and white converse, and to add a little bit of Zeus flair, he spiked his sandy blonde hair.
After he got ready, he added some finishing touches, he took one last look in the mirror and smiled. “Perfection.” He said to himself. Then he grabbed his house keys and headed to the coffee shop. It took him no time to get to the coffee shop, maybe a five-minute walk, and it was such a nice day.
As soon as he got there, he scanned the coffee shop, until he spotted his friend, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Zayne’s “mystery guest.” It was in fact Alena! He recognized those waterfall curls anywhere, still as beautiful, and perfect as ever. Suddenly, he was hit with memories, and they all started playing like a film on repeat. Tears began to fall, and he started to realize how much he missed Alena, and how he made a huge mistake not reaching out to her sooner, how selfish. After taking a few moments to collect himself, Zeus made his way over to his friend’s table.
Alena wasn’t paying attention, so she didn’t realize that when Zeus got to the table, he was standing right behind her; however, Zayne did see him. Though, his facial expression didn’t change because he wanted Alena to be surprised. Zeus nodded at Zayne, and then he tapped Alena’s shoulder. She stopped in the middle of her sentence, and slowly turned. She gasped and covered her mouth standing up. Tears filled her eyes; she couldn’t believe that Zeus was actually standing in front of her. She basically collapsed in his arms, and almost naturally, he wrapped his arms around her and held her like he never lost her. The way she liked to be held, he never forgot….
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