Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/shinyluna
May 14 1984
About Me
Hello, I'm a 27 year old "house Wife" currently on break from working. I lost my last job due to illness making me miss too many days of work. I chose to quit, I did not get fired. I'm doing a lot better! Hope to return to work once the holidays calm down a little. Finding work is hard these days. I'm an inspiring writer, though I wish to write professionally one day, I think I have a long way to go. I suffer from writer's block a lot and end up procrastinating writing.
Type of Writer
I tend to write angst a lot, or romantic things, often with an alternative feel, like gay romance or something.
Writing Style
I'm not quite sure. I guess I'm still figuring it out.
Reading, writing, fan fiction (reading and writing), PC games, seek and find games, rpgs, tv shows
My Blog
Favorite Genres
Almost anything but western, though if it's a good enough plot, I can probably read it.
Favorite Books
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Kingdom to the Keys, Iron King, Iron Daughter, Iron Queen, Wings, Illusion, Spells
Favorite Authors
Garth Nix, J.K. Rowling, and too many more to list!
Favorite Music
Anything, but rap and heavy metal.
Favorite Movies
Disney, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings + many animated movies.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/shinyluna