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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1578384
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
This description part is challenging. I never know what I will blog about until I start typing. I do know there will be typos. I don't reread or correct my blog. Otherwise it turns technical instead of my feelings and thoughts. Trust me, on stories and poems I'm a grammaraholic, but this is freedom. Sometimes to keep it from getting too personal, I even turn my head away while I type. Weird, right?. I hope you find this somewhat entertaining, thought-provoking, and humorous. *Inlove*

Let's cross our fingers.
A little about me. The most important things in my life are family, especially my son, Reese, and my husband, Bruce, my walk with God, and making a positive impact in some way. I am a teacher, currently teaching 6th grade Language Arts. While at times my job can be trying, overall, it is one of the most rewarding passions in my life.

My best friend, my son Figured since my son is about to graduate high school, I might want to update his pic.

This is my wonderful son, Reese. He is now 20 and and a junior at Oklahoma State University. I may be partial, but he is an exceptional kid with the best heart I've ever known. He makes me laugh, think, and want to be a better person. We are both huge Oklahoma State Cowboy fans - Gooooooo Pokes!

My son's dog - Betty

This is Reese's dog, Betty. She shares a name with my mother. Reese named her that because she was beautiful and kind just like his Nanny (my mom). I'm not sure my mom is quite convinced it is a compliment though. Betty is a huge part of our family. She even had her own blog for awhile.

Poke around at your leisure and shake your head at some of things that go through mine. I always return reviews/comments, though admittedly, sometimes it does take me awhile depending on what life is serving me at that point.

Keeping the faith,

my newest sig

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December 10, 2012 at 8:44pm
December 10, 2012 at 8:44pm
So I'm excited - well, moderately tired, but still excited. I got published here: http://hahasforhoohas.com/creepy-guy-tim-a-first-date-tale-2/

It's a fun site -- always makes me shake my head and smile. It's quite telling that I get published on a website with the word hoohas in it. Funny, I thought I invented that word. Now I know I've been living in a self-absorbed bubble and really the world has accepted it as a the correct word for penis. Oh geez, I just said penis. I'm bound to get some flack about that.

But anyway - - i just wanted to say thank you to hahasforhoohas and say hi to everyone. I wish I had some wittiness or words of wisdom but i've been up since 4 so i'm out of any usable gas.

hugs and halos

October 19, 2012 at 1:17pm
October 19, 2012 at 1:17pm


I've waited to post these thoughts until I could choose my words carefully, but apparently that time is never going to come so I'll just vomit them out. Step back, so the spray doesn't hit ya.

do I think bullying occurs? Yes, I'm not completely stupid. Do I really think we are helping the issue (even though the word issue bothers me) - No i really don't. It seems to me we are teaching kids and adults for that matter to call anything they don't like or makes them feel uncomfortable bullying. We aren't teaching them how to deal with bullies. Bullies exist - in school, families, workplace, Walmart (you knew I had to mention walmart), church, everywhere. But Walmart isn't going to plan an intervention for the lady that snapped at you for having more than 10 items in the quick check out. And do you know why? Because that's not bullying. It's just being an impatient bitch. It's not bullying when I get told my hair looks bad, my ass is fat, or any number of comments. And kids today think it is. Because we've publicized that it is. Where is Zig Ziglar when we need him. "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." That quote made me get through junior high and the rest of life.

Are there true bullying situations, - ABSOLUTELY. And I'm not trying to diminish the importance of it. But on the other hand, it can become the boy who cried wolf story. If every perceived injustice is bullying, are we going to listen when the real bullying occurs.

And when I say we need to teach them how to deal with it, I'm not saying go all Mike Tyson on them and eat an ear. But give them the tools to deal with it so when they become an adult and it is still happening, because it will, they are able to handle it.

It just seems like anything that happens bad now is because the person was bullied as a child. Don't people sometimes just do bad and stupid stuff? (Like writing a blog on bullying).

I was bullied as a child by today's definition anyway - and I 'm sure some would say I bullied them (they'd be lying - they are just jealous - lol - sorry my mom always said that). I guess my point is to dramatize and publish something so much in the media without defining it in a way that children understand creates more drama and misunderstandings.

Okay, I feel purged. Thanks for reading whether you agree or not.

August 25, 2012 at 8:49pm
August 25, 2012 at 8:49pm
Would anyone consider doing a review of my dad's writing?
 Shorty and I  (13+)
The true story of the mutual love of a boy and a dog
#1883768 by audra_branson

I'll review you in return, or give you gps, or be your slave for life or well i don't know what else I have to offer. I'd give you my first born, but he's the only one I got.


senorita audra
August 24, 2012 at 6:29pm
August 24, 2012 at 6:29pm
ummmm . . . if you think you've had a tough day - laugh at my expense - I ripped the seat of my pants out and still had two more 8th grade classes to teach and a new teacher to show around after school.
August 22, 2012 at 11:05pm
August 22, 2012 at 11:05pm
Okay - I guess this might seem a rant, perhaps it is - but in a way I see it as a rave.

I'm sick of hearing things like:
1. What's going to become of our world when this next generation becomes our leaders?
2. What is this next generation thinking?
3. This next generation has no idea what real life is about.

My counterpoints:

About statement #1: Like our generation has done a bang-up job? Do we really have room to talk? We better be patting these kids and the back, saying things like, "I can't wait until the future when you dig us out of these holes (craters) we've dug.

About statement #2: What are they thinking? Pretty much the same things we were thinking when we were teenagers, except now believe it or not they are smarter in many ways. They not only have the technology but they know how to use it -- I admit it - I have a "smart"phone and have no idea the things it can do. Plus, take away the technology - education-wise these kids are required to learn a heck of a lot more than we were. Real world wise? Nope, they may not walk 4 miles in the snow to school, or work on the farm from sun up to sun down, BUT they know how to interact with people of various race, religion, ideas, wealth, etc. They know how to cook their own meals, when their single-parent has to work a late shift. They know more about the judicial system than many adults because too many have been dragged through it for one reason or another.

About statement #3: Really? What did we know about 'real life' when we were kids? I wanted to be I Dream of Jeannie until about my sophomore year in college. And this is coming from a girl who had a job from the age of 14. Who can possibly know about real life until you experience it? Besides, how is being a teenager not 'real life'? Would you want to go back to that age? Hormones - drama - homework - parents - rules - rules - not understanding what is going on with your mind or body -- Oh wait, that kind of sounds like me now.

I have spent a week back at work teaching middle schoolers and high schoolers. Sure - I've heard my share of bitching, whining, complaining, statements of how things aren't fair, talking behind people's backs, judging others at first glance. I've heard it all - but not from the kids, from the adults. This is what I've heard or seen from the kids:

I've seen kids give other kids they didn't know their extra school supplies so the kid without wouldn't be embarrassed.
I heard an 8th grade boy genuinely compliment a 6th grade boy on his shoes. (trust me - it's a big deal)
I've been told 'thank you' more times than I probably was all summer.
When I watched a student give her lunch to another kid and asked her later why she wasn't eating - she explained that the girl didn't have a lunch or money -- when I said she could have shared so she could eat too - she informed me that she had food to eat when she got home; she wasn't sure the other girl had any - her dad had recently lost his job. Do we really want to question leadership and responsibility?
I've watched as a new child that speaks almost no english has been embraced and helped by a class that didn't even know of him 6 days ago. They have found ways to communicate, work together, and learn from each other.

Do they screw up? Yep. So do I. Do they seem like they only care about themselves. Yes, sometimes. But then again, I caught myself thinking tonight how I would enjoy some time just for myself. Are some of them just going to grow up to be screw ups? Unfortunately, probably. But think of your graduating class? Any of those people ever screw up?

I'm not bashing our generation - I truly believe few people make mistakes purposely - but why are we passing the buck of blame down to kids before they even have a chance to succeed or fail? We keep saying they are going to suck at life as grown ups - they are going to start to believe it and then we have the self-fulfilling prophecy thing happening. Don't take their opportunity to have a positive effect away from them before they even begin.

This next generation? Well, they just might not live up to your expectations - but I'm pretty sure they will mine.

Kids - you gotta love 'em,

my newest sig
Hey, life? Are you kidding me?  (18+)
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#1578384 by audra_branson

August 19, 2012 at 12:50pm
August 19, 2012 at 12:50pm
Well, I thought since I did things I dislike I should be fair and do things I like but here's the deal. It's been a hell of a week so I kept putting it off until i was in more of a chipper mood now I realize that might be awhile so I should go ahead adn make my list and maybe it will remind me to quit being a whiny baby.

Things I like - most of the time anyway:

1. A good night's sleep --- oh how I miss this - come visit me Mr. Sandman
2. Cofffee - especially if made by someone else -- it's not like i suck at making coffee it's really hard to screw up - but it's like a sandwich - i'ts always better if someone else prepares it.
3. Reviews -- come on now - we all love them - even if they tell us we suck - because then we just convince ourself that person is nutso
4. God - you know - He is preety dang great
5. Of course, most my family - especially Reese and my parents
6. Snow days -- LOVE LOVE LOVE - an unexpected day off where you can't run errands --- yes, I know as a teacher we have to make them up - i don't give a shit - there is nothing better than a phone call telling you not to come to work
7. OSU football games -- Love my Cowboys - love the whole feel of the event
8. True friends - the fake ones can kiss my fat white ass -- it is hard to find good, true friends but when you do they are priceless
9. More $ in my account than i thought -- now this is a rarity but oh it makes me smile
10. Students' successes -- when they look at me and you see that light bulb click on and you know for just that instance they've got it.

wEll, it worked - i'm a little less crabby but now i have to go to Walmart so i'm sure i'll be a bitch again.

Love to all,

August 12, 2012 at 11:55am
August 12, 2012 at 11:55am
These came to me while i was mowing my lawn (don't judge - some of you have your best ideas when pooping, or in the shower, or in the middle of the night - my mind just happens to work doing the only manual labor I do)

Things I dislike:

1. Starting the lawn mower -- I don't know why - it's not like it's hard, but I would just rather someone else do it -- or if it would just start on its own when I say, "Okay, lawnmower, I'm ready".

2. Blow drying my hair - I suppose this is just plain laziness on my part - but i hate it -- i'd rather go to bed with a wet head and wake up with Medusa hair than spend time blow drying it. It seems to take forever, but of course it doesn't because it's pretty fine hair. And it does look much nicer when I blow dry it, but honestly it's going to be in a ponytail by 1:00 p.m. anyway - either because it lost style or its getting in my face. Okay, okay, - I admit somehow a ponytail comforts me -- i dont' even know what that means.

3. Putting gas in my car -- Again - not hard. I think I dislike this one so much because it is the only thing my ex-husband ever did consistently for me. Where oh where are the put gas in my car fairies.

4. Wearing shoes - I've mentioned this before -- LOVE buying them - but they are the first thing I take off (even before the bra - but it's a close second) Maybe it's the 'country' in me. I just don't like my feet covered.

5. Incompetence -- I don't think everyone needs to be able to do everything well - but if it is your job - no matter how large or small, you need to be able to do it. If your job is to ask me if I want fries with that - do it in a way that I want some dadgum fries. But if you are wearing a pin that says 12 years of service and you can't bother to help me or don't know what you are doing when you pretend to try to help me - well it pisses me off.

6. Manipulation -- HATE HATE HATE -- this is why i hate it - because from yesterday's blog and previous ones you may have learned that i'll do just about anything for anybody - so trying to be manipulative is well i don't know what it is - but you can damn sure bet i won't being doing shit for you anymore.

7. Handing back graded papers -- I mean I'm glad the kids get to see what they made and my suggestions (for the 2 of them that actually look) but it takes so long and i'd rather be teaching and then my trash can gets full and i can't find a "organized" way I like to do it. Well, obviously because I don't like to do it.

8. Trying to come up for 10 for this list -- i'm telling you when i was mowing the lawn i had about 5 million and six - now - nada -nil - nothin'

9. Slow drivers -- i'm no speed demon - but seriously if the john deere tractor is going faster than you are - you need to realize the gas pedal is on the right. I got places to go, people to piss off - i mean meet

10. so this should be a good one right? end with the best and all that - hmmm let me think for a sec. OH I KNOW -- the fact that you never grow out of getting pimples -- they make you think you do when you are a teenager first getting them. BUT NO -- now not only will i have the occassional break out, but I have to also worry about when a hair is going to decide to pop itself out on my chin or neck. Completely, utterly, unfair.

So there you have it -- more reasons to think i'm insane.

Love to all - back to work tomorrow!


my newest sig
Hey, life? Are you kidding me?  (18+)
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#1578384 by audra_branson

August 11, 2012 at 9:05am
August 11, 2012 at 9:05am
I admit it - I'm a pleaser - in a way. I mean I used to have trouble telling people 'no' even if what they were asking would cause me stress because either I didn't have time to do it or I just plain didn't want to do it. I mean, we need to help our fellow man, right? Well, 43 years later (yes, Leger, I told my age yet again!), I decided I needed to be honest before I drove myself into an early grave by trying to meet all these requests and not being able to keep up with what I needed to do.

Used to it would go something like this:

"Audra, could you make Nik's birthday cake? I just don't have time and I don't want him to be disappointed."

"Yes, no problem. What kind would he like?" (In my mind I'm thinking Who is Nik? How do you make a cake? I hope my oven works; I can't remember the last time I turned it on.

So I practiced saying 'no' in polite ways (of course) over and over. No, I'm sorry I wish I could help. I just have a lot of things going on right now.

I think because I'm single, people (my family especially - but pretty much the world) think I have more free time. Which boggles my mind. I mean if you think about it - i'm kinda doing double duty as a parent, not to mention my job. Speaking of my job as a teacher, I come from a long line of teachers, so the fact that they assume I'm done working at 3:00 and have time to go pick up their dry cleaning, meds, etc. seems odd to me. But anyway - I continued to practice saying no.

No, I'm sorry I can't be the PTA liason this year. I'd love to help, but I'm already the drama sponsor and I'm afraid it wouldn't be fair to you, because I'm sure you want someone fully committed.

No, I can't go this time. But maybe next time!

and it progressed to

Hell no! What are you thinking?

So I'm feeling empowered - I can finally say no and mean it!

And then it happened . . . .

Yesterday, my boss comes up to me and says:

"Audra, would you mind putting together a skit about the new common core objectives for the entire faculty for Monday?"

Already feeling proud of myself, I said firmly, "No."

"Oh, great! I knew I could count on you. I'd like to have some music with it too."

Wait!!!! What just happened? I finally learn to say the word 'no' and they start rewording the freaking questions????

I suppose now I'm going to have to do something entirely silly like practice actually listening to what people are saying. Geeze, the horror!

So I ask you, "Would you mind reading and responding to my blogs?"

No, yes, I mean no, maybe,
August 8, 2012 at 8:00pm
August 8, 2012 at 8:00pm
I want to meet . . . .

Someone who has won a over $10,000 in a fast food game - like McDonald's Monopoly or Burger King's Family Feud

Someone who doesn't state the obvious, and then ask if you understand - like "110 degrees is too hot to be doing lawn work, you know what I mean?"

Gary Sinise - no explanation needed

Someone who has won Publisher's Clearinghouse without purchasing a magazine

Some of my friends I've gotten to know via the internet

The sucker that married my high school boyfriend

God (as long as He's smiling when he sees me - well, I guess if he's mad it would still be better than the alternative)

Dr. Oz - not because I like him, but I have an overwhelming urge to punch him (oops, pretty sure God's not going to be smiling)

Sigmund Freud - I want to ask him about his mother

People who assume I became a teacher for the summer "vacation" - they are going to sit their happy ass down for a long damn lecture

My great-grandfather -- He impacted my father's life in such a positive way - I'd like to sit and have coffee with him

The person that invented New Coke - I just feel kind of sorry for him - I'm sure he could use a hug

Someone who believes in miracles, yet still works to make things happen.

That's all I got, folks!

August 7, 2012 at 8:59am
August 7, 2012 at 8:59am
Okay, this isn't really a blog - but more a selfish prayer request - or if you don't pray - just send some brain waves or whatever works for you. I went up to school yesterday to get my room set up for school (well, to work on it - this process takes me forever) and the a/c in my room was out. Of course, every other room had a/c. Heat, hunger, and crowds are about the biggest things that make me cranky.

So after working in my room of 89 degrees, I volunteered to help with enrollment (hence, crowd), and it went until 9 and i'd been up there since 3 (hunger). My son is at my mom's and when I called to tell him goodnight - he asked about my day (he's a good kid) and when I told him, he said,"no offense, Mom, but i'm glad i'm at Nanny's." lol (smart and good kid)

So just some thoughts of patience would be appreciated. -

On my way,

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