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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1578384
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
This description part is challenging. I never know what I will blog about until I start typing. I do know there will be typos. I don't reread or correct my blog. Otherwise it turns technical instead of my feelings and thoughts. Trust me, on stories and poems I'm a grammaraholic, but this is freedom. Sometimes to keep it from getting too personal, I even turn my head away while I type. Weird, right?. I hope you find this somewhat entertaining, thought-provoking, and humorous. *Inlove*

Let's cross our fingers.
A little about me. The most important things in my life are family, especially my son, Reese, and my husband, Bruce, my walk with God, and making a positive impact in some way. I am a teacher, currently teaching 6th grade Language Arts. While at times my job can be trying, overall, it is one of the most rewarding passions in my life.

My best friend, my son Figured since my son is about to graduate high school, I might want to update his pic.

This is my wonderful son, Reese. He is now 20 and and a junior at Oklahoma State University. I may be partial, but he is an exceptional kid with the best heart I've ever known. He makes me laugh, think, and want to be a better person. We are both huge Oklahoma State Cowboy fans - Gooooooo Pokes!

My son's dog - Betty

This is Reese's dog, Betty. She shares a name with my mother. Reese named her that because she was beautiful and kind just like his Nanny (my mom). I'm not sure my mom is quite convinced it is a compliment though. Betty is a huge part of our family. She even had her own blog for awhile.

Poke around at your leisure and shake your head at some of things that go through mine. I always return reviews/comments, though admittedly, sometimes it does take me awhile depending on what life is serving me at that point.

Keeping the faith,

my newest sig

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June 14, 2012 at 2:48pm
June 14, 2012 at 2:48pm
Since I'm a teacher, you'd think my automatic response would be "OH HELL YES!". And for the most part that is my answer, but maybe not every minute. You see I've been doing some MAJOR (why am I using caps? I hate it when people do that?) cleaning, organizing, even some outdoor work which just doesn't even seem like me to me. I'd like to say that today I was going through a box of various papers, picturese, souveniers, leisurely reminiscing. But truth be told, I was frantically looking for a financial document my son needed for his future. (which by the way I did find, as well as about 10 copies of it. Apparently, I had the foresight to know I was going to misplace it, but not the intelligence to store the copies in various places). With each new thing I discovered, randoma questions kept popping into my head. Like, why are all the documents we have to keep somewhat negative - divorce papers, medical bills, you get the picture? Yes, I did find a birth certificate, which was a happy event, but then again it did make me realzie how fast time is - three years and the love of my life who is currently driving me insane by doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and talking about random things (gee I wonder where he gets that?)will be graduated and started his own life. I've never been one of these teary moms on the first day of school. But lately, it is killing me. I mean, I'm proud, of course, he is a great kid/person. But I now understand the selfishness my mom had with me as I got in high school. I was the youngest child; he's the only child. lol - i don't know which would be the toughest in this situation. So of course, in this box of madness are 5000 pictures from when he was little, and it kills me that many of the moments that I remember so clearly and treasure probably too much, he doesn't even remember. I mean I know realistically he shouldn't, he was a tiny kid, but the other part of me just can't comprehend how something i deem as monumental isn't in his memories. I mean I get that they are a part of him. Our life moments make us who we are. I guess I'm just kind of sad for him, that can't reexperience those as memories. But then I realize he will - when he has his own kids.

Oh my gosh, I must have PMS or becoming some sort of bipolar menopausal tornado of emotions (actaully i haven't been diagnosed with any of that fyi -- it just sounded good). I just called my 70 year old mom (I'm 43) and apologized for being mean to her when I was in high school. Apparently, my son isn't the only one that loses memories. She couldn't figure out what I was talking about. She said I was the easy kid to raise. lol - and then she called me back wanting examples - she thought maybe I had gotten away with something and the guilt was finally consuming me.

Continuing through my box discoveries (I'm wiping tears - I'm such a baby!), I found an essay I had written in college. By what I had written, I'm guessing the topic was something along the lines of What would you do if there were do overs or if you could have one day back. (yeah, that's right I don't REMEMBER lol - but to my credit - I'm an English teacher, I see lots of dang prompts). I definitely had my love of semicolons even back then. What got me thinking wasn't so much what I wrote about, but the way I wrote it. I don't mean grammatically or organization, but I guess more of the tone. It was like it was coming from an entirely different person, yet I can see myself writing it. The person that wrote that paper was cocky (different from confident) - the idea of another chance (or whatever it was) wasn't that interesting to her you could tell, but by damn she was going to make you think it was with her writing - she was getting an A. She still had in her those feelings of invinicibility that the future holds much more to it than the past does. Now that same person would love a few do overs - not to change anything mind you, but just to live them once more.

Well, enough rambling - no one reads the long blogs anyway, huh?

Reaching for the Midol or xanaax,
January 5, 2012 at 8:17pm
January 5, 2012 at 8:17pm
Dear Mice Management,

I'm writing to request you obliterate your entire race. Why? you may ask. Because I have an unreasonable fear of your species. Maybe this seems extreme to you, but it would really eleviate a lot of stress in my life.

I do appreciate the efforts you've made. I mean, I haven't seen you in my house except for that one time 2 summers ago. And I admit, my blood pressure has resumed to normal now.

But the thing is, my fear of mice is widely known. Therefore, people find humor in scaring me, especially my 15 year old son. So I figured, if mice were to somehow inexplicable become extinct, the only real thing he'd have to scare me about is the world ending this year - in which case, you'd become extinct anyway.

I'm not asking you make a big production about it or anything. A quiet mass suicide would do the trick. Or even a simple starvation strike. Whatever works best for you and your beady-eyed friends.

Thank you for reading this letter. I appreciate your timely attention to this matter.


January 5, 2012 at 5:40pm
January 5, 2012 at 5:40pm
In 200 words or more, write a post about a world-wide issue that you feel needs support.

I'm not sure this is world-wide, but it is on my mind right now - and I just really need to express it. Of course, I'll probably delete it for fear my opinions will be misunderstood and be on the next News 4 update. lol - yeah, like that many people read this.

Anywaaaaayyy, my issue is educators. No, I didn't say education. I said and meant educators. I am one, so I kind of feel like I have an expertise in this area. But you can't care about educators without having a strong feeling about education as well.

Here's the deal - I just came from a conference where I listened to a man tell us about 20 things teachers need to do in addition to teaching. I listened with an open mind. The other teachers at my table from another school made smart ass comments about how unfeasible it was to implement, if it ain't broke don't fix it - etc. Well, apparently some of it is broke and does need mending. I guess when I started really getting "resentful" (that's not the write description, but it is the best to come to me right now) is when I realized I do many of these teaching methods the speaker was talking about, but he was taking it a step further and telling us how we need to document, graph, statistic sheets, etc. these things. Why must we do this? Because we have to cover our asses. Well, I got a big ass - okay that's beside the point. Let's cut to the chase. I am now suppose to document my teaching almost minute by minute (silly me - I thought lesson plans were documentation), graph each student's progress (isn't this a grade book?), and prove in documentation everything I've done in the day and preparation for the day. Why do I have to do this? Because some teachers simply don't do their jobs. So you think by giving them more to do you are going to make them implement what you want? B.S. (that's not bachelor of science) You are going to overload the ones that do what they are supposed to making the good ones leave the profession. Did I say profession? Yeah, I'm a professional. Yes, I get the summer's off (we will talk about that later), and my contract worktime ends at 3:15. But is not just a job, it is a profession.

Fire the ones who don't do their job. You would fire your lawyer if he was a slackass. I'd quit going to my doctor if he couldn't remember my name or gave me the wrong perscriptions. Fire them! Yeah, I said it. Set your expectations, explain them to them, assess them and if they aren't doing the job - lead them to the door.

I'm not even talking about the salary - no one goes into teaching thinking they are going to get rich. But if I am a professional, I should be respected as one. I don't punish the whole class for a few misbehaving. Don't punish or judge us because some people chose the wrong profession and doing a bad job.

I'm all for change. We've implemented plenty in our small rural school. We have a no zero policy. I bring their happy hineys in for lunch or after school until it's done. We reassess when I child didn't pass a test. I find creative ways to teach. We celebrate successes. I teach, reteach, and reteach again. It's my profession.

It's my passion, but let me do it. Don't overload me with so much paperwork that I don't have time for the kids. Because, you know what? They need me. Yep, they do. Occasionally, they even need a hug from me. And guess what? I forget the many times I've heard to "protect ourselves" we shouldn't touch the kids. I'll risk a lawsuit. kIds need a high 5, a pat on the back, and even a hug now and then. I won't be scared out of doing what I was made to do - teach.

Are there teachers who teach to get the summers off? Of course. And I'm not about to tell you I hate that i have summers off. It's amazing! I get to spend time with my son - time that in some ways makes me feel less guilty for the times I might have deprived him because I was giving it to someone else's child. Summers off? Many teachers get a job in the summer to help implement a teacher's salary. In my summers, I do all the things I didn't have time for during the year, go to educational work shops, figure how to do the job better next year.

See, we don't really get off at 3:15. I still have my room to clean, papers to grade, lesson plans to make happen, tutoring, and everything else I'm forgetting. Plus, most teachers don't just teach. When I was hired they said, "And what extra curricula club are you qualified to be the sponsor of." (Does your pediatrician also coach your little league team? Maybe he does)

I don't want to send the wrong message. I absolutely passionately love what I do everyday. And I think I'm damn good at it too. All I'm saying is, teachers are individuals and should be treated as such. If I don't do what I was hired to do, fire me. But if I'm doing a good job, please don't ask me to write a report on why I taught object of preposition the way i did. Let me have some time to go to the kids basketball games and cheer them on.
It will mean a lot more to them than a paper I write that goes into a file.

Okay, I'm done preaching. Well, more like rambling.

January 3, 2012 at 6:05pm
January 3, 2012 at 6:05pm
When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?

It used to just be the computer because I can type faster than I can write so it was easier to keep up with my random thoughts. However, a couple of years ago a student gave me a writing journal. While I was touched at the gesture, I honestly didn't think I would use it much. Ha! That's what I get for thinking. It's about even now. I found a brainstorm and preplan much more when I use the pen, but on the other hand there are more unfinished documents in the journal than on the computer. So potato patato - you know what I'm saying.

On a completely different subject: GOOOOOOOOOOO POKKKKKEESSSSSS - My Oklahoma State Cowboys won the Fiesta Bowl in overtime!
I thought my son was going to have a heartache during the game, but seeing his excitement was even better than the game.

I couldn't sleep last night - Insomnia is an evil bitch (can I say that in a blog?). So now I'm all fuzzy feeling, and turning into a girly girl wearing my feelings on my sleeve. It's like a unscheduled PMS feeling. I know too much information. Hey, it's my blog - you don't have to read it. SEEEEE - I'm a moody one today.

Okay off to kick the dogs - I mean feed the dogs - really I do mean feed the dogs.

Have a good one!
January 2, 2012 at 2:46pm
January 2, 2012 at 2:46pm
Okay I wasn't going to write about this but I just have to. Why? I don't know.

Yesterday, I woke up with this red spot on the end of my nose. Like a wanna-be Rudolph. I thought, "Great, thanks fate. A pimple on the first day of the New Year." I mean really, I'm 42, do I have to still get pimples?

Well, today it is bigger and the sucker is hard. And let me tell you when you touch it it hurtsssssssss. I know this because my son goes "What's wrong with your nose, Mom?" and then he reaches up and squeezes before I realize what he's doing. I screamed. He ran.

So, I google. Big Red Bump on Nose. Holy Hat. According to 2 sources, I must be close to death because the veins that go to the nose are near those that go to the brain. So, now I'm not even going to live to see the end of the world.

Another explained in detail what will happen if it is a boil. Let's just say, I think my eyes teared up.

and you know what it's probably just a good ole fashioned zit. but now i'm going to obsess over it because random people wrote about their horrific experiences with Rudolph-itis.

I have an appt. with my gynecologist tomorrow, but somehow I don't think this is his area of expertise. Plus I'll have it covered up with make-up because I'm sure not going to be seen in public like this.

OHHHHHH. . . . and word of advice - though I know many of you won't follow it. Don't google images of boils. Actually, I used ask.com not google. And no, my nose does not look like those. . . . yet!

Rudolph signing out
January 2, 2012 at 11:08am
January 2, 2012 at 11:08am
2012 to others is a tragic year since it is
associated with end of days. Express your
sentiments on this

Really? Am I doing this? Writing about a topic I refuse to acknowledge? Damn, this is going to take skill.

First of all, I know it's not true, because in the Bible (which I do believe in) it says we won't know when the end of days will be. But on the other hand, I can't deny that part of the hoopla does instill a little fear in me - Hence, the reason I refuse to talk about it. WHICH . . . makes it a topic my 15 year old son brings up at every opportunity. Even to the point of buying me the 2012 movie. Gee . . . thanks, son.

And let's see, the fact that there were big volcanic eruptions and earthquakes on the 1st day of 2012 only add yet more fuel to his fire of torment.

And you know what? Why would we believe the Mayans. I know I'm not the biggest history buff, but I don't even know who they are. Well, I know a little since MY SON did his research paper over them. The turd. lol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it is going to be a tragic year for some people. And let's face it, it will be the end of days for some. I mean people do die. I, however, hold fast that God loves me enough that He knows I don't do will with timelines. Procrastination is my buddy. So to know the date i'm going to die would cause me so much stress i'd probably stroke out before it happened. So I'll chose to believe that 2012 will be a year of happiness, goodwill, and all that positive stuff for me.

I know many of you probably wrote much deeper, philosophical things based on research and fact, but hey, I have 2 more days on vacation. I choose to stay shallow and just be me. Besides the fact that despite my love of research there is no way in hell i'm researching 2012. Get real!

Peace and love!

January 1, 2012 at 1:19pm
January 1, 2012 at 1:19pm
Your day 1- What makes you happy this New Year?

At first when I saw this prompt, I was like pffft we are all going to say the same thing. Then I realized how egotistic that was. I mean sure who doesn't feel happy when they are in good health. And most of our family pretty much makes us happy. Well, every family has a couple of members that you are hoping don't show up at gatherings with a new goat or something. But overall - family is good. Good makes happy. Unless you are in middle school, friends tend to bring more happiness than drama. God - how can that not be happy?

Then, I thought I'd think a little deeper, but it turned really into less deep more shallow. I thought what makes me go, "Yessssssss, this is going to be a great day." For instance, if it's weiner wrap day in the cafeteria at school. Yes, I said it - weiner wrap. Laugh if you must, but it makes me happy.

Cheap wine - especially when shared with my father in some kind of make shift wine glass.

When the whole house is clean -- okay - thats never happened so I'm just hypothesizing that it would bring happiness.

Good hair days - especially when someone notices that it's been a good hair day. Even though, I must admit even the best of hair days end up in a ponytail by the end of the day in my world.

A random text from that special someone -- that brings a smile.

Good coffee while snuggled under a homemade quilt.

So there you have it: weiner wraps, cheap wine, and coffee -- I'm an easy woman to please!

Happy New Year to you all!
September 10, 2011 at 2:21pm
September 10, 2011 at 2:21pm
How do you cure writer’s block? Do you have a special ritual that you go through when you encounter writer’s block? Or do you just suffer through it and hope it clears up or goes away?

See I guess I'm not a real writer because if i don't have anything to say i just don't write. I may edit or revise, but since it is more of a guilty pleasure - i don't freak out about it. Or honestly somethimes I write knowing it is crap but also knowing that writing is subjective so I know at least one person will tell me it is okay even if it is just out of pity. I'm okay with writing pity. feel free to dish me up some.

"Where do you turn to and what do you see when you're lonely?"

Lonely? huh? At least to me lonely and being alone arent the same thing. I fight for some time alone trust me. I'd reather have it sometimse than a pedicure wichi i just recently found out i love. i have been lonley surrounded by people. I guess its when i feel like my life and needs are invisible, when it is all about me giving rather than being able to reach out. Lonely is rare with me, but when I do feel that way I turn to prayer and am reminded i'm never alone.

Imagine the abstract part of you (mind, soul, spirit) is a house. What rooms are in the house? Which room is your favorite, or are you afraid of, or do you find yourself in most? Describe one of these rooms in detail, or give us an overview of the whole house full of rooms.

Beep Beep Beep

I'm sorry Audra is unable to completle this prompt for the following reasons:

1. She's a slacker
2. She isn't deep or detailed enough for this prompt
3. Her abstract house in her mind has recently caved in due to an abundance of stress. All rooms are toppled in together with no rhyme or reason, and no idea where to start the reconstruction. Suggestions?

Write an experience where you were scammed by
a transaction. How do you fight with it?

I can think of twice i've been scammed - Well,, scammed and screwed over. How do I fight with it? I bury it way down deep - lol healthy right? could this be connecting to the above cave in? nahhhhhh

Oh, wait I'm not sure these are transacations? Yeah, they are close enough. The thing with scamming me is it just pisses me off. For the basic reason that I would give you almost anything you want if you just ask. I'm too nice - well, when I'm not being a bitch. But i'm not materialistic (except with these new shoes I want so badly) so if i have it and you want it i just usually give it to you. So don't bother scamming me.

Sometimes I shake my head at myself,

September 6, 2011 at 7:07am
September 6, 2011 at 7:07am
"Summer? Autumn? Winter? Spring? Which is your favorite time of the year and why is it your favorite? Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season."

winter winter winter winter winter winter winter wonderrrrrrrlaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddd!

I love winter. Why? Why the hell is there not to love? Maybe i'm a freak but I love being cold. I love coffee in the cold, hot tea, the occasional hot cocoa. Then we have christmas, my birthday, new years, valentine da (but I'm anti-valentines day but that's another blog). You have football and basketball. Coats, cuddling, fireplaces. and the best thing invented as far as a teacher is concerned - surprise snow days! I don't even care that we have to make them up. It's amazing to have a day stuck at home that you hadnt planned on. Snow, electric blankets, soups, chili, new tv shows.

I like sweatshirts, online shopping, decorating the house for Christmas, not sweating my ass off, seeing your breath on cold mornings, cute boots, I just love winter. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Dear Winter,

I love and appreciate you.

Peace, Love, and a Cool Breeze,

September 5, 2011 at 7:53am
September 5, 2011 at 7:53am

"What if the "one that got away", the person who absolutely ripped your heart to shreds, came crawling back to you begging for another chance? How would you handle the situation?"

To me the one that got away wasn't someone who ripped my heart to shreds, it was more someone I chose not to explore something deeper with. Sadly, I don't even remember his names. I was in college and he was a few years older - at the time it seemed a big deal, but I know it wasn't an age difference of greater than 10 years at the most. He had a job, a home, and treated me with respect. I suppose my immaturity at that time in my life blinded me from the great aspects of work ethic, financially competent and well, feeling as if I deserved the respect.

As for crawling back to me? Well, that's hard to imagine since I wonder if he even remembers the bratty college student that got hung up on age and still liked to party a little too often. Maybe I felt I wasn't worthy. I don't know. Let's not think so deeply before 7:00 a.m., k? IF i did see him and remember his name, I would apologize for not seeing the kindness he showed me and realizing what a wonderful man he was. Instead of avoided his calls, I should have been upfront and honest about my . .. . . I don't even know what to call it.

I wouldn't jump in his arms, for I'm seeing a wonderful man now. But I would give him a warm hug and thank him for giving me a preview of what in later years I would pray would come into my life. He was proof it existed.

I wanna say his name was John, but I know that's not right. Dang, if only they had blogs 20 years ago I could look it up lol.

Peace, love, and memories,

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