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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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June 12, 2014 at 10:40pm
June 12, 2014 at 10:40pm
Another day about over. This is the end of my three days off, but out of the three, I really didn't get much for time off. My first day off I had to run into work and do a few things, then came home and got some work done around the yard. I had intended to send my report and fax the next schedule, but time ran out before I got that far. Wednesday we had intended to do a road trip and head over to the James River and just take a day to enjoy and relax.

We started out a bit later than intended, but not a problem. We got our running done, grabbed a bit of food to eat on the way and headed out. We had a nice ride over, and got set up just as planned, but later than we had wanted. Not a problem, however, since there was some thunderstorms and bad weather in the morning. the forecast was for sunny skies with a few clouds and an all around nice afternoon and evening. We fished a bit, then tried a new location, but shortly after we got moved, the wind came up. It was much too strong to sit it out, so we packed up and got in the van, waiting for it to pass.

I was thinking it was just the storm clouds that had moved in, causing the wind to pick up, and as they passed, the wind would die down again. But it didn't, it stayed windy, so we drove over to another little lake close by and checked that out. It was nicer, but still too windy. Not a problem, we would check out another lake not too far away, and a bit closer to home. We found it no problem and drove around, looking it over. There were some places to fish, but not with the wind blowing so hard. All the areas we found for fishing had us exposed to the wind, and most of them did not provide much room for the dogs to run, and they would be very close the road.

So, we decided to call it a day and head home. It was getting late and we had put in a good day anyway. We drove home and started to unpack, and that's when we realized that I had forgot out net at the river. That was kind of a pain, since it was a nice net that folded down and stored so easily, and it was a pretty expensive item, but we had lucked out and found it on sale for half off. Now, I can only hope that who ever finds it gets some good use out of it. I don't know if I will find another quite as nice, and if I do, I doubt I can afford it. Times are tight for us, and money is even tighter.

But, shit happens, as Forest Gump said. I let it go and we made the most of the evening, then it was off to bed. Rhonda had to go in to the clinic this morning and have a few things looked at. We got up and headed out, with a full day of relaxing and enjoying life ahead of us. Once we got to the clinic we got in right away, and they asked the routine questions and did a few tests and drew some blood. Just an infection, right?

No, it didn't appear to be much of an infection at all, and there must be something more wrong, but it will require more tests. Tests they cannot do there, so we will have to go someplace else. Great, this is not in the budget, but what can we do. We don't get insurance of any kind through work, but with Obama Care we have a policy that we really can't afford, but limited as we are, we had to get it, it's the law. The only plan we could afford doesn't pay much, and considering the few options we had, I tried to pick the best I could. Only we pay everything for the first 1100.00 each, or a total of 2200.00, each year, then it picks up everything.

Only, we cannot come up with enough money to replace a fancy net, how am I going to pay for these tests? Not to mention the van is still not running right and should get taken in, the Jimmy is in dire need of a tune-up and oil change, as well as tires, and there is a lot of work needed on the house. We can barely afford to eat and pay for gas to get back and forth to work, and I went and splurged more than I could afford so we could take a one day vacation, now this. I just don't know how I can keep things going, and not lose my mind.

I had gotten a wonderful gift in WDC of a premium membership. I was trying hard to save up enough to pay for another year of premium membership, but now I don't think I dare spend the money. I guess it doesn't matter, in order to get enough hours in at work while I get paid, and then do all the supervisor stuff after I get off of work, I didn't have time or energy to do anything in here anyway. I kept holding out, thinking it would get better, but I am starting to see that was just a pipe dream. It's not getting better, and at the rate things are falling apart around me, I may have to look for another part-time job to try and get by.

The irony in that is, I would have the money to do a few things, but I wouldn't have any time to do them. Besides, I'm literally on call from five in the morning to ten at night and if someone can't make it, I'm suppose to get things covered. How would I be able to take a second job if I need to be accountable all day for this one? I'm about at my wit's end and still don't have any idea how to resolve any of the problems.

I know, we all have them and it could be worse. That's my biggest concern, is that it will turn even worse. I know that's being very negative, but that's how life has been for a long time now. I'm an optimist by nature, so this negativity is tearing me apart, but at the same time, I don't know how to stop it. I do know that when life gets me down, my refuge has always been in my writing. If only I could go there, and just lose myself to my writing, but that isn't happening, either. The demands and problems interfere with this, too. I'm in a rut, and I know I need to break free, but I don't know how. I keep hoping for some lucky break that will provide me with the means -- but if it's coming, I sure hope to hell it hurries up~
June 12, 2014 at 12:53am
June 12, 2014 at 12:53am
I almost forgot to log in here today. Not into WDC, but into 750 Words to write this entry. Actually, I kind of forgot to log into both sites. But, since I write my entry in 750 Words and then copy it into WDC, I would have remembered to log in to WDC had I remembered to log in here. Besides, I had logged into WDC earlier today, but not for very long.

Today is Wednesday, my second day off of three this week. We ended up not getting to bed until after one this morning. It was a nice evening with a fire, and then a lot of passion afterword. I slept well, and woke this morning around ten. Rhonda was still sleeping, so I made some coffee and then went in to wake her while it brewed. After a few minutes we were both up and soon enough the coffee was done. We enjoyed a cup and then started getting things ready for our road trip. We had intended to get an early start, but after being up so late, we had changed plans at the last minute so we could get a good night of sleeping first.

We still had to get things ready, so it ended up being quite a bit later than we had originally intended, but we did manage to get going by early afternoon. We had to pick up a few items before we headed out, and we grabbed a bite to eat at McDonald's and ate on the way. We had a good hour and a half drive ahead of us, and it was already after noon. The food was alright, and the drive nice. It was kind of cloudy and starting to rain as we hit the highway and headed west.

Soon enough the sun was back out, but there were enough clouds to give plenty of breaks from the sun. We drove west, then south, then east again. Soon enough we reached our destination, the old Spink County Dam on the James River. The water level was still pretty high from when we used to fish over there, so we had to set up a little different, but soon enough we had a bite. In fact, we had a couple, or I should say, Rhonda had a couple.

I didn't have anything even resemble a bite for the first half hour, but then I did get a bite and caught a Bullhead. It had swallowed the hook pretty bad, and it wasn't a bad size, so it went into the cooler on ice. We had a couple more bites, but then a big snapping turtle moved in right about where the fish had been biting. That put a stop to any bites there, so we moved to the other side of the old dam, and fished by the boat landing.

Again, we had a couple of bites, and were just going to try something different when the wind picked up a bit and the clouds moved in again. At first it looked like it may storm, but then the wind picked up even more and it was looking like it may get real bad out, so we hurried to load everything up, and get away from the water. The storm passed over, but no storm developed on the ground. We still had the wind, however, and fishing from the river would have been very difficult.

So, we went just down the road and checked out another little lake, but again the wind was coming in at us and would have made fishing very difficult. It wasn't looking like the wind was going to let up, and there were more storm clouds moving in, so we decided to drive over to another lake and see how it looked over there. We had never been to this lake, and it took a while to find it, especially since we did not have a map. But we did find it, and it may be a good place to try on the future, but not today. Not with the wind blowing like it was, and the weather looking like a big storm could hit.

We took a long drive home, just kind of heading in the general direction and enjoying the drive home. It took us longer, but we got home around nine this evening, after enjoying a very nice day. We didn't get much for fish, just the one Bullhead, but it was something, and we had fun. Hyko got kind of excited at first, but then he settled in and found a nice shady spot to lie down.

Hannah, on the other hand, just could not get enough sniffing all over. She minded pretty good, but kept wondering off and we had to keep a close eye on here. She was so excited, she was following her nose all over, and snorting. Yes, snorting, like a pig does. It was funny to see her, and even funnier to hear here.

We all had a terrific day, but once we were home and unpacking things, we realized in our haste to avoid the storm, we left our net behind. I just hope that someone who can really enjoy it will find it. We or I should say I, thought about driving back over. But, Rhonda pointed out that it was late, and a three hour round trip. Besides, I don't know if the net would still be there or not. It's kind of a quiet spot that isn't fished very often, but there are some that drive in and back out, just to look around, and if someone seen our net in the grass, they would have figured out quickly that some knucklehead had forgot it and left it behind. In other words, it very likely would have been gone. Besides, for what it would cost for gas, I can buy a new net.

So, the day comes to an end, and it was another full, but fun day. Now it's time for bed, then one more day off for the week.
June 10, 2014 at 11:12pm
June 10, 2014 at 11:12pm
Tuesday draws to an end, but it's not over yet. We had a full day but a good day, and now I just got out of the shower and am going to relax around the fire for a while. We haven't had dinner yet, so we will roast some brats over the fire and enjoy them with chips, sour cream, and a cold bottle of beer, maybe even two. Then, it's off to bed so we can get up early and head out on our road trip.

I was up around 3:45 this morning and went in to work. I didn't have to work, it's my first of three days off this week, but I have a new person opening on my days off. Not new, she worked for us last summer, but it's been over six months. A refresher would be more accurate, but hey, this isn't written for points. Anyway, I went in and met her about a quarter to five, went through the opening with her, and then did a little work on site. Not job work, but I had to find a bracket in the store and put up out in the guard shack for the radio batery and charger.

I was done a little after six and drove back home. Once home, I spent a few minutes with the dogs getting them settled down, then used the bathroom and snuggled back into bed. Rhonda was sleeping peacefully, on my side, Hannah was sideways taking up most of her side, and Hyko was on his bed at the foot of ours. I should have taken a picture, but I was tired and just wanted to snuggle into the sheets, wrap my arm over Rhonda and feel her warm body pressed against mine as I let myself drift back to sleep.

I had not got much done after work on Monday, getting home kind of late. I worked until four, then did a bit of shopping at the store we work at, but did not find what I needed. I drove around to the yard and picked up my dear, talked to Rhonda for a few minutes and then drove over to HyVee to get the stuff I needed. Once I was done I drove home, getting here about seven. I had to settle the two dogs, Hannah and Hyko, down, let them out to potty, then bring in the groceries and put them away. After, I grabbed a bottle of beer and stripped down to my boxers, sat down in my recliner and fired up my laptop. I didn't get much done but did check a few sites quickly while I drank my beer.

By the time I finished it, I was tired, so I took a nice nap and didn't wake up until almost ten. I had to write my journal entry yet, so I fixed myself a cup of coffee and set about getting my entry written before Rhonda got home. I finished it, logged into MFP and FB, then grabbed a bit to eat. I didn't bother with much, just a couple of pieces of cold chicken. By the time I finished them, Rhonda was home and it was now almost eleven thirty. We talked for a little bit, enjoyed a brandy and went to bed, getting to bed about half past midnight.

Of course, with the long hours over the weekend, we had not had much time for each other, or anything else. Tonight we could stay up a bit later, since we both had today off, and it was nice to take a little time to enjoy our loving passion. After we snuggled and fell into a deep sleep until my alarm went off this morning. I didn't even wake up to the alarm, Rhonda woke me so I would turn it off. She had hers set a little later, and it would not take as long to get ready this morning since I wasn't going in to work. When her alarm went off later this morning, she hit the snooze and we got a few more minutes of sleep before getting up and getting some coffee. I had just enough time to drink a cup before I left; Rhonda had a few sips of mine and went back to bed as soon as I was out the door.

I slept hard after I got home, and didn't even know Rhonda had already gotten up. She had coffee ready and we enjoyed a couple of cups, did a Bible study and then got started on our day around two this afternoon. Yes, I said two. I did not get up until a little after ten, and of course, I had to jump back into bed and have the two dogs jump up, one on each side of me. I made enough room for Rhonda, too. We gave the dogs some loving, since they also had been kind of put on the back burner with the long work hours over the weekend.

Then we had a cup of coffee and talked. After one cup we set up to do our Bible study and had another cup of coffee. This had us almost to noon by the time we finished, then it was time to eat something, since we had just had a banana for breakfast. We cooked up a couple nice slices of ham, some seasoned fried potatoes, and a couple of eggs with toast. Then we sat and enjoyed our brunch and fed the dogs their lunch. Once we had this done, we got dressed for mowing and working outside, and it was after two. We got the entire lawn mowed, the grill moved, and the landscape block in place at the new location for the grill. After we set up the landscape blocks we enjoyed a bottle of beer and then came in and took a shower.

Rhonda washed me up, I washed her, and then I came out to get my entry done while she finished up shaving her legs and doing all those little things that make it so difficult to not just smother her soft perfumed skin with kisses. But we still have to eat something, since we have not had anything other than a few bottles of beer since brunch. We have a fire going and since I'm about done here, I'm going to enjoy the fire, cook my brats over it, and then slip into bed and maybe just cover that beautiful woman with kisses. Of course, we can't stay up too late, since we plans for tomorrow... or can we?
June 9, 2014 at 11:23pm
June 9, 2014 at 11:23pm
And Monday comes to a close, another day done and now I have three days off. Well, kind of. I have to go in and do an opening with the new person tomorrow, but after it's right back home. I have to call a few people, and then I have some emails and reports to get done, but it's all stuff I can do from home, and it shouldn't take very long.

Anyway, other than that, I have three days off, and we decided on doing a road trip if the weather to the west of us is good. We are going to make a run over to the James River and spend the day. We probably will do some fishing and picnic, but if the weather over there isn't very good, we will come up with something else. It should be a fun day, and a relaxing day.

That's just what we need, too. Both Rhonda and I are in need of some time off, but not just a day or two off from work, but a day or two of fun and relaxation. Rhonda had two days off last week, but spent them doing yard work, I had one day off, but had to spend half of it working and training. We just did not get any relaxing time in, and that is why I decided to run over to the James for the day. It will be fun, relaxing, and a nice change for us.

Then, after we will still have one day off left, to rest up and get ready for the weekend again. This last weekend was crazy, one of the busiest weekends we have had. I'm not sure why it was so busy, but it was a mad house. It started on Thursday, my day off. I had gone in to do a bit of work with the person I had hired, planning on being only a few minutes before returning home. But, it took over an hour, and then it was so busy on site, I ended up helping out and working another hour and a half before I could get out of there and come back home.

Friday wasn't as busy, but it was still heavier traffic than a normal Friday. Then Saturday hit and it was non stop. It wasn't as crazy as Thursday was, but it was busier. Not a lot as far as yard traffic, but a little. I know it was a long day, and both Rhonda and I were on our feet almost constantly. Even with two of us there, it was busy enough to have us backed up half way across the yard a couple of times.

Sunday wasn't as bad, but like Friday, was a normal busy Sunday. Then today hit and it was quite the opposite. I don't think we really ever needed two guards at all. There were a few times when it came in handy to have us both there, but one person could have handled the traffic all day and not gotten backed up. It wouldn't have even been real busy for one person most of the day, although there were a few times it got kind of busy.

I hope that it's a sign that the worst has passed, and now we can have our typical summer weekends. We didn't really have our big spring pick up this year, but then we didn't really have a spring. We had some nice weather, and it did pick up, but I think a lot of people put it off till now, because of weather. Also, it was a big sale week for the store, but they continued it another week like usual. The sale does make it busy for the weekend, since a lot of people rush to get in for the last day or two of the sale, even though it extends for another week every time.

If a person adds the sale in, along with the busy weekend do to people starting projects, it kind of adds up to a busy weekend. Then, there was a lot going on in the area, and that had people here from quite a distance, so yeah, I can kind of see why it was so busy. I just hope that was the worst of the summer season, and it will kind of mellow out some now. I know it will still be busy on the weekends, but not like this past one. It was just a bit too much, and instead of two guards, we could have used three.

Well, Rhonda should be about done with work and heading home soon, so I will post this and be ready for her.
June 8, 2014 at 10:12pm
June 8, 2014 at 10:12pm
One more day done and one more to go, then three days off. Well, kind off three days off, only I have to go in and do a little training on Tuesday morning. That means being up at three, going in and being at work by quarter to five and then doing an opening walk through with the new guard. I have a few things to review with her while I'm there, then it's back home and probably back to bed. Then, it will be the rest of Tuesday and the next two days off.

It's been a long week, I went in on Friday of last week, had a day off on Thursday of this week but ended up helping out for a couple of hours and doing some training, then faxing and emails. I suppose I spent half my day off working, then it was back to work on Friday, but at least it was a short shift, six hours and I didn't have to be there until eleven. Saturday was busy and a long day, twelve hours, then nine hours today. One more left, another twelve hour day, then some time off.

I'm not sure what we are going to do over our three days, since Rhonda has them off with me, but I would like to do something. Maybe a little road trip, or something. It's all undecided except for getting some work done on Tuesday. If we do a road trip or picnic, I think Wednesday would be a great day to go, then be back late and still have Thursday off to rest up and get ready for the next four days. But, it won't be as bad after we get through this next week.

Right now we are starting a new person, but she did work for us last year and should do fine. Another person is off until Tuesday and Rhonda and I are absorbing the extra hours. Then we get three days off, after which I will have a long day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But Sunday will start our new schedule, and it will get better. And, even though we will have some long days over the weekends, we get three days off in the middle of the week.

This should give us some time for camping, fishing, hiking and some road trips to visit relatives. Of course, it will also give us some time to just stay home and enjoy a restful break from everything, too.

It will also give me more time to work with Hannah, and to write and spend time in WDC. I have been wanting to do more, but just have not had much for time. I have kept my journal going and have logged everyday for one hundred and thirty one days in a row with this entry. If you look at my dates in WDC, you will see I have missed quite a few, but actually, I write them in another site, 750 Words, and they are on a different time zone. Of course, I am also in a different time zone, or should I say, South Dakota is in a different time zone, and quite a few of my entries were made before midnight my time, but after midnight in WDC. It works out with 750 Words, since they are an hour later than I am, so even if I don't get in until just after midnight, it still counts for that day.

It's not that I forget, it's just that it gets quite late before I get home from work, and often I have to eat and stuff before I get in here. Other times I just don't get an opportunity to get in here until late in the day for other reasons, like trying to get other projects done for work, or not being home. I could bring my netbook with, just in case, but it won't do any good unless I have a place I can access the netword through. Of course, there are many places that offer WiFi now, so it's going to be easier to do just that. I may have to take advantage of this when we are camping, so I don't lose my count.

A lot of things to take into account, but for right now, it's about time for Rhonda to get home, and I'm going to spend a bit of time with her, then it's off to bed for me. Three o'clock comes mighty early and it's tough to pull a twelve hour shift with little sleep. At least it should be a bit slower and easier at work tomorrow... I hope.
June 7, 2014 at 10:15pm
June 7, 2014 at 10:15pm
Pretty late getting in here tonight, but it's not my fault, honest. No, seriously, I could not get in here sooner, or at least not very much sooner. What's my excuse? None, it's fact, just the facts.

It's Saturday, a long day for my wife and I on our regular schedule, but today it was even longer. It was one of them crazy days that just don't want to end. I went in and opened, getting there about ten minutes to five this morning. That means I'm up between three in the morning and three thirty in the morning, depending on what time Rhonda comes in and wakes me up.

It was a typical Saturday morning up until about six, then I had a guest come through. The yard does not open for business until six thirty, but we open the doors at five for freight coming in. This person had purchased the lumber a few days before, but had not picked anything up. Today he shows up at six in the morning wanting help loading the lumber. Sorry, you can go in and pick it up but your not getting any help, there isn't any yard people working yet. In fact, receiving only had one person until six thirty and we did have freight in the yard.

The guy wasn't happy, but hey, not my fault. I explained the situation, and he got even more upset. "Why the hell would you open the doors up if the yard isn't open?"

"We start taking in freight at five o'clock." I answered. Then added, "But if you want to pick up your lumber, you can. There just won't be anyone here to help until six thirty."

He started to turn kind of red, "What the hell! I want to get my lumber, and if the doors are open, there should be someone here to load it!"

I just smiled, since I couldn't do anything else. "I'm sorry sir, this is a self serve lumber yard. If you need assistance, someone will be happy to help you, but not until after the yard opens for regular business, at six thirty."

He grumbled something and shook his invoice at me. I smiled again and replied, "I'm sorry sir, we are not open for business until six thirty, please come back then."

After I finished, I went back into the guard house and closed the door. He sat and stared for about five minutes, then got out and knocked on the sliding door. I opened it and asked I could help him -- as if he had not been there for ten minutes already. He got real tense, then in a very well controlled voice managed to ask, "I know I'm early, but can I enter the yard and pick up these items?"

"Sure." I answered, then added, "But there isn't anyone here yet to help load them."

"That's alright, I can load them myself, I'd just like to get them and get my project started."

I told him where he could find the items, opened the gate and let him in. He finally seemed to understand, I wasn't being rude, I was being very nice to even let him in. He was much more calm when he left the yard a few minutes later, and seemed to be more understanding that I was being nice to even let him in the yard that early. I don't know, I can only assume they don't read any of the stuff written on the sales agreement that they sign, they never seem to be aware of any of the policies.

That was how the day started, and it just progressed from there. It was busy, very busy. Maybe one of th busiest days yet. I don't know why it got so busy today, but it did. And, not only busy, but with the regular guests, there were at least an equal number of guests from outside the area, maybe even more than equal. On top of that, there was at least as many cooks out and about as there were competent people. I'm serious, it was as if the three surrounding states, as well as south Dakota had not only let out their inmates for the day, but had taken them all to Menards, shopping.

I was done work at four this afternoon. I was mistaken on my hours, and could have worked until five, but I clocked out at four. I was going to just hang out for a half hour, just in case Rhonda needed a hand, but the way things went today, I clocked out, then worked like I would when I'm on the clock. In fact, our closing guard came in at five, and we should have been able to leave then. But, it was busy enough that Rhonda and I did not leave until six, instead. Even then, it had not slowed completely, but enough he could handle it along.

I just hope now, that the next two days go a lot better.
June 6, 2014 at 11:02am
June 6, 2014 at 11:02am
This is kind of nice, and I could get used to this real fast. I'm talking about m work hours today. I normally work mornings and have to be to work by five minutes to five, which means getting up before the crack of dawn; around three o'clock.

Crack of dawn, that's funny. See, one of my brothers is married to a gal who is named Dawn, so we used to rib him about getting up to the crack of Dawn. Alright, maybe it's not that funny -- we thought it was.

Anyway, back to my subject, today's schedule. We are adjusting to losing one person and another on vacation for the weekend, so short two people. So, instead of my normal morning routine with three days off and filling in the double coverage, I'm picking up extra hours to compensate for the shortage on help. This puts me over forty hours, and that is a bad thing. To cut me back under forty, I work just the double coverage today, which means I don't have to be at work until eleven this morning. Rhonda worked the long shift I usually do on Fridays and Saturdays.

She was up at three this morning, and being the very wonderful woman she is, let me sleep in. Now, it's not just to let me sleep more, but it also gets me out of her hair so she can get ready and get to work. Even so, it was nice to get to sleep in this morning and have this spare time to get a few things done. I did make our lunches and will bring them in, I fed the dogs and have them out with me right now, and I got my journal entry done.

The other side of this is my days off. I work right close to forty hours by putting in twelve hours on Friday, which Rhonda took for today. I also work eleven hours on Saturday, which I still will and let Rhonda come in at ten. Sundays I work six hours and Rhonda opens at eight, so she works eight hours. Then I would have three days off, and start over on Friday.

But, being short this week, I only was able to get one day off and had to do a bunch of work becausee we hired someone to replace the guard who quit. That's a big part of the reason I was given the time to sleep in this morning; I really didn't have a day off. I did, however, make sure that Rhonda had two days off. See, we try very hard to pamper each other and that's what love and marriage is all about.

This week will be kind of tough for both of us, but the checks will be nice. Next week, starting on Sunday, we will begin to incorporate our new schedule, designed to correct a problem with one guard, and to provide a regular schedule for everyone. Rhonda and I will still pick up some double coverage hours, and we will have some long days on the weekends, but it provides three days off for all the guards. Basically, we pick up most of the double coverage along with our regular shifts, so that everyone else gets a three day weekend.

We, in turn, get three days off together in the middle of the week. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we get to stay home and do what we want. It's also the slower period at work and will make it easier for the rest. Only one of them has much for experience, and the other two are pretty new. The person we just hired back had some experience last summer, but she also had a lot of problems in her life and it kind of messed her up at work. She did fair, but did not put the effort into the job it requires.

She has made some big life changes and is trying to get her life back on track, and after talking with her on Tuesday, I decided she was worth another chance, and re-hired her. I hope she does better this year; I figure since she did not have any serious problems at work, she deserves the benefit of the doubt. I'm also going to stay positive on everything, but at the same time, I am not going to set myself up for another fall. If she works out, terrific, but if she starts to show signs of being a problem again, I will hire another person and she will lose hours.

This is the same case with another new guard. He tries hard and shows potential, but has been having some problems. I will also give him the opportunity to prove he can do the job, but if he continues to have problems, I will hire another and cut him back. I don't enjoy this side of being the boss, but I also don't enjoy giving up all my time and energy to babysit. Last summer Rhonda and I seldom had any time off. I did my best to get her a day here and a day there, but problems with guards made it very difficult. I also had few days off, and when I did schedule a day off, it was to interview, hire, and train in an attempt to get things back to normal.

I just don't want to spend another summer like that. So, the bottom line for work is, "Shape up or ship out."

If they fill the hours they are scheduled don't demand too much time off, and do the job well, they will have it made. If they don't, I'll have to look for and hire someone who will.
June 5, 2014 at 10:20pm
June 5, 2014 at 10:20pm
One day off for the week, and it's about over. Not that it was actually a day off, since I had to do quite a bit of work today, but it was a day I was scheduled to be off, and I didn't get paid for anything I did today. Well, not directly. We are training a new guard, but she isn't new, she worked for us last summer, so it's more of a refreshing than anything. But, the store we work at needs her to complete the training session and test, even if she did work for us last summer.

There was also a lot of paperwork that needed to get taken care of, and some of it needed to be done today. I did the major part on Wednesday after we met and talked a bit. But some of the stuff had to wait until she came in to train today. That meant I had to come in and finish up the paperwork. The idea was to come with with Rhonda, hang out and do some of the stuff I had left to do, meet with the rehire and get things started, then head home and enjoy the afternoon. Only the store manager I had talked with on Wednesday didn't work until later this afternoon.

He also did not tell the manager training in that we had a rehire coming in, and she had no clue what to do. So, knowing how things work, I took over and started her with some of the basics, like a yard walk. Once back at the guard shack, Rhonda took over the training, or at least would have if she had time. But she didn't have time, she had a semi at the out gate waiting for paperwork, and a line forming behind. I started going over things with the trainee and helped with the in gate. Soon enough the confusion was straightened out and the gates were clear and I went back in to send some faxes, get the paperwork for the training session, and a training invoice.

I knew that one of the regular managers would be on now, so I intended to get the stuff, and then head out. I sent the faxes, made some copies, and talked to her about the training checklist and the training invoice. She didn't know much about the training process and it took a little while to get things set up. Seems only the operations manager is up to par on the training and has not trained any of the other managers in on it. But, we had enough to get things done, so I went back out, and there was another mess at the guard shack. Yard traffic was backed up, in traffic was backing up, and it looked like mass confusion back there.

Rhonda was trying to get one mess straight, and the trainee was trying to assist but the one scanner was in use and the other had froze up. So, even though I wasn't actually working, I went out and started clearing invoices. But, since the scanner was not working I could not scan them out, instead I had to go back to the old system of writing everything down on the invoice, if the guest would let me keep it. One wouldn't, so it would have taken even longer to call the invoice in and clear it over the radio with the store manager. Especially since she was training in herself.

Luckily Rhonda was now free and could scan this ticket with her scanner while I took care of a few other guests, and in a few minutes we had the line moving and soon the gate area was clear. Now it was just a matter of going over what the training checklist had for us to do out at the guard shack. Rhonda does the training, and has for quite some time now, so I thought she knew all this. But when I mentioned it, she had no idea what I was talking about.

Again, the store management is suppose to keep us updated on policy changes and procedures, but had not. I had read through the policy and procedure book quite often, and still do, since it gets updated about once a month. I had read some information in there, that had to do with training, but no one had updated Rhonda, our training person. She had trained a couple of guards in since the changes had been made, so I can only assume that the store management is not up to date with the policy changes, either.

It's all kind of confusing, but as long as we get the person trained and able to work, the store management can deal with their own problems and politics, it is no concern of mine. And, we know how to train and what to teach, so it will work out fine. The only problem was, the amount of time I ended up being on site. It should have been a half hour, maybe an hour at the most. But with all the confusion, the problems at the guard shack, and the heavy traffic today, I didn't get back home until after two this afternoon, three and a half hours later.

So much for my day off...
June 4, 2014 at 10:40pm
June 4, 2014 at 10:40pm
Time to write me some words here in 750 Words, and get my journal entry finished, so I can go to bed. It's getting late, but I get to sleep in some tomorrow. I was suppose to have the day off, but I have to go in and do some paperwork and send a fax. Then, it's back home and enjoy the day.

The person I re-hired starts training tomorrow, and and tests of Friday. I worked out a schedule to finish this two week period, and then we will go into a new schedule that should work pretty well. I have the new person working all mornings, and I have the other person who has been having some problems working straight afternoons. I think that may help out some, and hopefully everyone will be happy.

It also gives Rhonda and I both a three day break in the middle of the week, together. Yep, three days off, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And, not only is it three days off, it's three days off together. Of course, it will depend on how things are going, and if anyone is missing work, but it looks pretty good on paper. Now, it's just a matter of getting the one person trained in and tested, then we can start working her. Since she was already trained and worked last summer, she should do fine and pick up everything pretty fast.

But, that's enough of that for now. I should be writing about my day and how it transpired. I worked mornings, which I normally do. That means I was up at three thirty this morning and working by five. But, I was done at ten thirty again, and home shortly after eleven. One of the other guards is taking some time off this weekend, and he picked up a little of my time so I can pick up some of his.

After I got home, I did some paperwork, sent a fax, and emailed my boss. Then I set about editing the current schedule for next week, pending the rehire passing her test, which I'm sure she will. Once that was done, I got on the mower and got the grass cut. Rhonda also helped get the lawn mowed down, and together we have it done for another week. I couldn't mow all of it, there is standing water in the ditches. It rained a lot and we have some mild flooding in the lowest areas of the yard.

This in itself isn't really too strange, we get water in the ditches quite often when it rains hard. What makes it strange is the smell. It has a very rank odor to it this year, that it never had in years past. I can't begin to describe the reek that is coming form the standing water, but it is disgustingly vile. The closest I can think off, that smelled anything like this, was the elevator across the street from us.

They have a pit under the main building that the grain feeds into. It must be a pretty good size pit, and pretty deep, or so it seems. With it being so wet, they are having the same troubles most everyone else has been having, water seepage coming in. They have a sump hose run out to get rid of excess water, but it must have not done all that they planned. Last year they cut a hole in the side of the foundation and installed an auger to bring the materials from the pit out by the train tracks. Once they had it installed, they augured a bunch of wet, stinky, and nasty looking grain out of the pit.

I suppose it got wet and rotted in there, and installing the auger was the best way to get the nasty stuff out of the pit. It had the most nasty, vile, reek to it, and its similar to what the ditches smell like. Not the same, but similar. I could understand this if someone had dumped a bunch of this rotten grain in the ditch, but they did not. I know because we walk the dogs in that area all the time, and there was nothing there before. It also did not smell like this the last time it rained and partially flooded. No, I can offer no explanation as to why the ditch smells like this. I just know it reeks. Hopefully now that the grass is cut, it will dry out more.

So, after mowing, I had some of the nasty smell about me, from mowing in there, as best I could. That meant I needed to take a shower, and when I finished that, it was time to eat dinner. Then we watched a bit of Netflix and now I'm finishing this. Next on the list of things to do, is to get to bed.
June 3, 2014 at 8:29pm
June 3, 2014 at 8:29pm
Not as late tonight, I'm doing a little better with time today. It was a full day but a good day. I was up shortly after three and to work by five, but was done by ten thirty and out of there by quarter to eleven. I called Rhonda, who had the day off, and talked for a bit, then drove over to my brothers and visited with him for a little while. He was trying to get a burner on the gas stove to work, it would not light with the igniter, but it would with a match. I had suffered similar problems with gas stoves, so I had an idea what the problem was. I got a pin from him and run it through the small hole that allows gas to flow to the pilot or the ignition. It had gotten a small amount of something spilled on it, and the heat then sealed it shut with carbon as the debris burned up. It worked fine after.

That done, he took me out for a quick lunch. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was good and it filled me right up. After I accompanied him on some shopping and a return, burning up a good hour, or better. I had to meet with an ex-guard at one in the afternoon, and this was a great way to burn up some time. After he was done, we parted company and he went back home to try his new smoker out, and I headed over to Target where I was to meet the person I mentioned.

She worked for us last year, and at first she was doing pretty good, but didn't have a lot of confidence in herself. In time she got better and was soon working alone. This allowed Rhonda and I to finally get some time off together, but then this guard had some other issues and could not work that shift. From there it just got worse, and by the end of summer she was leaving to pursue another position.

That didn't work out quite the way she had planned either, and then I seen on Facebook, she was going to try yet another position. Again, it seemed to dwindle into nothing. Recently she had an opportunity to follow her chosen career and move across the state. It looked like things had started working better for her, and she invited Rhonda and I to her going away party. From what I could gather from her posts and comments, they, her boyfriend and the kids, were all set to move and had a place all set up already. So, when she asked me if I had any openings, I was kind of surprised.

I don't know what happened last summer, but she began to lose interest in her job, she was very limited what times and days she could work, and then her performance also began to taper back. She did alright, but not as good as she should have. I assumed it was because of her looking for another job; she didn't want to put any effort into this one. I tried to talk to her a couple of times, but even her reasons began to conflict. One time she said one thing, then it was the something else. Not a lot, but enough to know that she was not telling the whole story and was trying to conceal something. Again, I figured it was something to do with her looking for another job.

But, it turns out that was not the case. Oh, it may have been a part of it, but there were more serious problems underlying the little things. She tried to keep things under wraps, but in the end things happened that indicated that there was some domestic trouble, which can really mess a person up. I don't know what the trouble was, and I don't care to know, it's none of my business. That it messed her up with work, that part I guess I had some rights to know, but the reasons and the actual problems didn't. I do know she left the guy she was with and ended up with a new boyfriend.

It was at this point that things seemed to turn around for her, too. That's why I think it's safe to assume there was some serious domestic problems, much deeper than the little bit she did disclose. After getting out of that relationship, she seemed to find some focus and tried to get her life back on track again. Only, her new job and new city to live in would have caused some serious problems with the dissolving of the past relationship. Again, I don't know very much at all, and don't need to. But, what I do need to know is that she is dependable and can be counted on to do her job, work her hours, and not need a babysitter.

From talking to her today, I feel she has confronted her problems and is trying to break free completely, but then, there are always some little strings that tangle a person up some. She made the decision to get clear of the strings before she would take the new job and leave with a clean break. The bottom line is, as far as it concerns me as her new boss, is that she wants to work and is showing that she has made the changes needed from last summer. I hope I'm right and this works out; I took a chance and gave her a second. Sometimes you just have to.
June 2, 2014 at 10:00pm
June 2, 2014 at 10:00pm
Kind of late getting in here tonight, but that's the way it's been going. It's going to be a long week, and it's only Monday. Of course, I started my stretch on Friday, and put in over thirty hours already. Actually it's closer to forty, as of today, and I don't get a day off until Thursday. I just get the one day off this week, then it's right back into it for another six day stretch. But, hopefully that will be about it for a while.

Of course, it's not looking real good at this point, but I will be hopeful. On the up side, I received a message from a security guard who quit last fall; she's looking for work again. She was doing pretty good, but then she started having some issues with what days she could work, what hours, and she started to slack off a bit on her duties. At the time, I didn't know what was going on, except that she was looking for another job and not putting enough into this one. I found out later there was some domestic issues, and it sounds like she has her life back on track again. I'm staying positive about her filling our open position, but I'm also being cautious and talking to her first before putting her back on.

That's the good news, we may have someone training in and since she knows the job, ready to fill in some of the days we need. That would be great, if she can work the days she's needed. On the down side of things is the other person I have working right now. He keeps messing up, and it's starting to look like he's not going to cut it. I don't understand why, he's a good kid, but he just doesn't get things down.

It's like he improves in one area, but then loses it in another. It's not that difficult, and I have made checklists to help out with the new people. But, he's been doing this since February and still not catching on. He also just does not use the checklists and comes up with some off the wall things. I don't know where he gets them, or why, since it's been the same since he trained and started working. It's almost a daily task of speaking with him about something he messed up. It's getting a bit old, and it puts a big demand on my time. Not working time, but my time after I'm off my shift. It also has the store that we work at getting a bit upset and I have a feeling that if it does not straighten out soon, they will tell me they don't want him to work alone.

That would be fine in most jobs, but we are hired to fill certain hours and it doesn't offer much for time when we do have two guards working. We have twenty four to twenty six hours we are authorized to fill with double coverage, Friday through Monday. And, this double coverage ends on Labor Day weekend. So, if they won't let him work alone, he will be out of work at the end of the summer. It will also put a big damper on our schedule, since we need two people to work the days we have off. One has to work my shift, the other has to work Rhonda's shift, or we cannot get time off together. Right now, this is the case, but if we hire the person I mentioned, we will have our shifts covered and can get time off together again. But if this person messes it up, we won't have anyone without hiring yet another part-time person.

This is also a possibility, but it's going to cut into someone's hours. In fact, we had it set up to make a little extra money this summer filling in some of the double coverage hours, but if he messes it up and can only work the double coverage shifts, it's my hours and Rhonda's hours that will be reduced to help create enough for another person. That is the problem right now, and it all depends on a person who just does not seem to get it. I'm hopeful, and I will try to get through to him. If there are more problems, I will have to confront him with the likelyhood that if he does not shape up fast, I will be forced to reduce his hours, my hours, and Rhonda's hours. I will also be forced to move him into the temporary summer position, and at the end of the summer, his job will terminate.

I hope it goes the opposite and he puts the effort into this and makes it work.
June 1, 2014 at 11:02am
June 1, 2014 at 11:02am
Today is starting out great. It's Sunday, so I didn't have to get up at three but got to sleep in until six instead. Normally it would have been five, but Rhonda hit the snooze and then got up, but let me sleep in a bit later. She took the dogs out and then got us coffee and came in and woke me. It wasn't quite six when I got up, but close enough. It was cloudy and cool out, with some light rain here and there, just a wonderful morning.

Rhonda opened today, so along with getting up later, I didn't have to go in early, either. Normally we have been riding together and I spend a few hours working from the vehicle or go into Target and work, using their WiFi. But, today she suggested I just drive in later. What a great idea, something we couldn't do before because the van was not running right. But now, it's doing great and seems to be fixed.

So, I worked on a project for work and finished it, then looked around quick online before logging in here. I was thinking of doing my entry later, because I also get done work early today. That's the other nice thing for the today. I don't start until eleven and then I get done at three -- sweet! Of course, there is a cost, and it is not having much time off this week. I have one person who quit and another who wants some time off this week and next. To manage, I ended up having to pick up one of his days, and with the person who quit, lost another of mine. So, this week I get one day off, on Thursday.

Hopefully this shortage on help will end soon, and Rhonda and I can get our schedule back to where it was. We had it figured pretty good for the summer, more hours for both of us, and lots of days off together. We wanted to make up for last spring, summer, and fall, when we didn't have hardly any days off together. In fact, we had hardly any days off at all, and those we did get off, we had to take separate days instead of the same days. I think we had three days off together, but it may have been four.

We are wanting to do some camping this year and to get our bicycles out and start riding again. We did great a few years ago and did some awesome bike trips, one of them an all day trip from home into Watertown, then over to the lake. After a nice break to eat and swim, we took yet another route home, and in the end put on just over fifty miles. Some of the others were twenty to thirty mile trips, and a lot of ten mile rides. We would look online, using Google maps, pick a destination and route, then pack up our gear and head out. It was fun, healthy, and we seen some wonderful scenery along the rides.

Last year, we just did not have time for anything. We worked, and when I wasn't working on site, I was working off site. A lot of time from home, a lot of time interviewing and hiring new people, time training them, and time trying to get things working right. We had a lot of problems, but ended up getting rid of the entire crew that was there when I was hired. No, I didn't have to can any of them, they came to realize that things were going to be done right and they either needed to shape up or ship out. The majority of them shipped out. One person did get sick with a serious condition, and had to take a lot of time off. But, he was also causing some problems and I was about to confront him on a list of problems he needed to correct.

He was my supervisor when I got hired, so I knew it wasn't going to go over well, but it had to be done. The very day I was going to talk to him, he told me he was sick and needed to take a day off. I knew it was serious by his reaction to the news he got from his doctor, so I provided him the day off and he called me later and told me it was cancer and he would not be able to work for a long time. He then told me he wanted to give his two week notice and quit. Sure I agreed, problems solved. I didn't hear anything more from him for a long time, but this spring he showed up, doing good. He had lost a lot of weight and his hair was just starting to grow back, but the cancer was in remission and he was looking for his old job back. Fortunate for him, it had been filled a year before, when he quit.

That's the way it went, the ones I was ready to fire quit first, another got sick, and yet another opted to resign rather than be terminated. They were gone and I had lots of openings to fill. We ended up with a pretty good crew, but one person just did not take his job as a serious position. If the weather was bad he would make no attempt at getting to work, and if he was at work he would need to take off early. I can understand this if the weather is actually bad, but it wasn't that bad, I know because I drove in to fill in for him. He took another job and quit this spring. I know the place he works now will not tolerate him not coming in. Unless they call for a snow day or close do to severe weather, your expected to be to your shift on time. I wonder if he will manage or not?

I also have another person who needs to put more effort into his job. He does pretty good but needs some training and some attitude adjustments. He's not a bad kid, he just doesn't put the effort into the job that he should. Hopefully, working with him and putting a little extra time into him will get him to shape up and do the job right. Then we just need to hire one more good person and we will have all our positions filled and a good crew, again.
May 31, 2014 at 8:20pm
May 31, 2014 at 8:20pm
Another day coming to an end, and me with it. I'm shot, totally exhausted, and just getting in here. It's seven, a bit earlier than last night, and I don't have to be up at three for work tomorrow, so I'm doing a lot better. But, I do have to be up at five for work, and I'm so over tired that I don't feel I'm any further ahead by getting in here now. In fact, I have a strong inclination that this entry will wonder and drift worse than the one did yesterday.

It's just that I can't hold my focus after I get to a certain point of tired. Up to that point I do terrific, and I can function well on very little sleep. But, then I hit that point where I can not hold a thought without drifting. It's like my mind goes to sleep without me. I have eight hours of sleep in now since I got up at nine in the morning on Thursday. That's not a lot, and if you add to it the heat and the humidity Friday, as well as being very busy, it's easy to see that I'm just wore out.

Today offered a little break, it was a bit cooler, almost ten degrees, overcast, and rainy most of the day. It also was not as busy, except for the breif periods of almost seeing the sun break through between showers. Then it would get busy as people rushed in to get stuff, before rushing back home before it rained on them and their stuff. I don't know why they rush in like that, since they are not going to get any use of the products this weekend. It's suppose to rain and storm until Monday morning, so even if they made it in between squalls, then made it back home, they are only looking at more rain and no time to work outside on their projects.

Of course some did not make it. A couple people left, saying they would wait until the rain stopped to get pick up their items. Others rushed in and got loaded, then left only to have more rain hit shortly after they departed. Some of it was heavy rain, too. I know some sheet rock got wet, some carpet and cabinets got soaked, and twenty bags of cement likely set before the truck made it back home.

Thats just the way it goes sometimes. I don't understand people sometimes, rush and hurry but there is no reason or purpose. Sure, they have projects they want to get done, but hey, it's raining. It's not a surprise rain storm, it's been forecast for the last week, and there is not reason anyone should not have known. Now, there are some poeple picking up stuff for inside projects, and this makes sense. It's too wet to work outside, so finish up the inside projects. But, then again, if your carpet is soaked by the time you get home, have you accomplished anything? I say not.

Of course it was not limited to just carpet. As I've said, sheet rock also went out, as did cabinets and paneling, a bit of everything. Cement and doors, and I mean pre hung, interior doors, the kind you finish yourself. It's like you just know there are going to be a lot of people bringing stuff back, because it got wet. And, they get mad when they can't return the item, because it's ruined now, from getting wet. For example, a person left with some cabinets, some furniture, and a brand new big screen tv. He was driving right into the area that was getting the most rain, and everything was in the open box of his pickup.

But, that's life. Me, I enjoyed working with Rhonda, the cooler weather, and the sound of the rain. It was a nice day, except for me being so tired. One hundred more words for the journal entry and I can wrap it up, have a bowl of ice cream with Rhonda, then it's off to bed. I should be in bed as early as I try to be on the nights I have to work at three the next morning, so a very nice eight to nine hours of sleep. If I sleep all night; I may wake up after six or seven and not be able to get back to sleep. It's doubtful, but anything is possible, and it has happened before.
May 30, 2014 at 10:12pm
May 30, 2014 at 10:12pm
This is going to be tough to write tonight. First of all, it's late, a half hour past my bedtime, and second, I'm tuckered beyond tuckered. But, let me start from the beginning of my day. Well actually, it starts yesterday, kind of.

We had the day off yesterday and had a fun outing and picnic. We had gone to Oakwood Lake Park and enjoyed the afternoon. By the time we left it was getting kind of late, especially since I had to be to work by five this morning. This means up at around three in the morning, which also means bed time is around seven thirty to eight thirty. But, we had a drive ahead of us, and Rhonda wanted to take the back roads and enjoy the drive.

We did, and that put us later getting home than I had intended, but we had a fun time. I figured I'd be pretty tired today, but I would survive it and then after my twelve hour shift was over, I would come home and relax for a little bit while I got my journal entry done. But, it did not work out that way. After sleeping about three hours, I went to work and put in a pretty long day. But, it was slower than I thought it would be, and I was done work by four thirty. I should have come right home, but I thought I would stop and get the ice cream first. Rhonda asked if I would drive around back after clocking out, so I did.

She put both our bags in the Jimmy, then I left to go get the ice cream. This done, I drove on home thinking Rhonda would be home in minutes, too. Only after hauling everything in, the phone rings and it's Rhonda. She can't come home, her keys are in the bag from work, which she had put in the Jimmy so I could haul it home. So, she tried to call but I did not hear my phone. Once home, I put things away and brought in my gear right along with Rhonda's. The phone was ringing, so I took the call.

It was Rhonda, she was still at work and could not come home because I had her keys. I had not messed up, just being tired I didn't think to ask her. No matter, the results are the same, she is at work and I am at home. This is a little after six, and I should be done for the day, but I have to go get her. So, lets say it's seven when we get back and everyone is home. Before I know it, it's after eight, and past my bedtime.

But I can't go to bed, I have to write at least seven hundred an fifty words to keep my count going in here, 750 Words. So, tired and having great difficulty keeping my eyes open, I have no choice except to stay up. At least for a little while yet, until I get my seven hundred and fifty words written. Only thing is, it's difficult to focus since I have only had a bout three hours of sleep in the last two days.

Even so, I have to get this written so I don't lose my count. The problem is, I'm so tired I cannot help myself. I can't think straight, and that's not good since we are possibly being evaluated for some options to raise some grand children.

This is getting harder and harder to write, I cannot hold a train of thought for anything. I get an idea and before I can get it written, the moment has past and I find myself stumbling and fumbling for the right words.

It's awful, I don't know what is being written. I can't hole the thught for more than a few minutes and the whole thing is a real pain. Not if he can just find a nice space to write and we wilol be moving on. I have one hundred words left, jump in. I can't keep my mind moving in the right direction. It seems like it just gets worse and worse. So, I suppose we will have to for the little kids.

Alright, lets start this over. I should be trying to get something written that makes sense but I am just too tired and just need to hang on for a things right now. I'm just too tired to write, that's all.
May 29, 2014 at 1:33pm
May 29, 2014 at 1:33pm
Thursday, my last day off together with Rhonda for a while. I'm not sure how long, but until we get someone hired, trained, and scheduled, Rhonda and I will work longer hours and have our days off opposite each other. Depending how one certain guard shapes up, even then we may not get our days off together. We would have shorter hours again, but still work each others days off. Hopefully he get's his shit together and shapes up. The only other choice is to hire two more guards so we have coverage to take our days off together. This would be ideal for Rhonda and I, we would be able to schedule our hours right where we want them, get our days off together, and supply a couple of people with part-time jobs. The only down side is the person I mentioned wants as many hours as he can get, and it would be his hours I would slash to create hours for another person. But, that's his choice, do the job right and get the hours he wants, or do it wrong and lose them.

But, that's enough thoughts on work for this person, today. I have a beautiful day here in South Dakota, the sun is shining, there's a nice steady breeze, and the temperature is eighty degrees outside. It's a quarter to noon here, and Rhonda and I have enjoyed a nice morning together. We slept in till about nine, then had coffee on the patio, enjoying the various birds singing in chorus as we watched them fly around the yard and come in to feed, while filling our olfactory with the beautiful scent of freshly bloomed lilacs. Of course, I had to pick a couple of bunches and put in a vase for Rhonda. I added a tough of bright yellow to counter the deep purple and green by picking a few dandelions and placing them among the lilacs. She loves little gestures like this as much as I love providing them. In years past I would have done the same for my dear mother, who now enjoys the beautiful lilacs in paradise, and one day, I will be able to share the lilacs and all the other wonders of paradise with both of these special ladies. For now, I'm just glad Rhonda is the type of woman who appreciates the little things in life as much as I do.

After our coffee, we came in and got a start to our day. I had to create a recovery drive for my netbook and Rhonda did some logging online. Then she started some laundry and we enjoyed a bowl of cereal together. After, she was going to move on to some other tasks that need attention, but I had had enough of watching her all morning and could not resist the desire she filled me with. I waited until she made a trip to the bedroom to put some cloths away and then I made my move.

With passionate stealth I captured her and silenced her with kisses, then disabled her fight with caresses over her shoulders and back as I kissed her neck and gently nibbled her ears. All the while she was distracted by my kissing and nibbling I moved her back to the bed until it caught her behind the knees and down she went. I didn't hesitate, but covered her body with my own, pinning her in place as I kissed her sweet lips. Now, my hands were free to remove her sweatpants and caress over her exposed skin. She never had an opportunity to resits as I passionately caressed and kissed her, then removed my own cloths. In minutes we lost ourselves to our passion and took a little time to enjoy some before noon delights. I know, it's suppose to be afternoon delight, but this was before noon and it was very delightful.

I had thought of just teasing her along for the day, then tonight we could let our passion explode, but I have to work tomorrow, so the alarm will be playing reveille at three in the morning. That means we should try to get to bed early tonight. Since time has a habit of slipping past too fast, this could result in no time for loving each other later, or writing this entry, or much of anything. I have learned this the hard way and since this woman is the love of my life, my soul-mate, and my best friend, I didn't want the opportunity to share some of out wonderful passion to pass by. It's like my grandmother used to say, "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Of course, this was don't put off till later what can be done now, but still the same idea. And, I don't think my grandma had this concept in mind when she used the phrase.

So, we enjoyed an interlude of loving passion then it was back to the tasks at hand. We are planning an outing to the park this afternoon, to enjoy the scenery, the quiet, and to share a picnic together. Hyko loves to join us on our outings to the park and Hannah has never had the chance, so this will not only be our first outing for the season, but our first with Hannah along. The park we are going to has a nice lake, so the two dogs, although they would disagree with the term, will get a chance to enjoy the water, too. Hyko loves the water, being full Golden Retriever, and Hannah should being half Lab and half Spaniel.

He, Hyko, is our golden boy and has a heart of gold. Hannah is the latest member of our family; she joined us shortly after our golden girl passed away. Hannah was about two years old and had never lived a life outside the pound. It's not just a dog pound but an animal shelter as well. She had been taken out a few times by various families, but being such a high spirited young pup, she would get into trouble and be brought back in a day or two. Of course, no body ever took the time to work with her, they wanted a pet that was already to just bring home and act the way they thought fitting. So, untrained and rejected she lived most of her days in a small pen and was about to be put down because of her age.

We did not know the story behind her when we got her, we just knew that Klarissa had left us all with a big empty spot and Hyko was not interested in life with her. He had never known life without her by his side since he was adopted at six weeks old. We had intended to get Rhonda a dog of her own, since I had Klarissa, but she, Klarissa, had other plans. She was about two when Hyko joined us, and from the moment we put him down on the floor, Klarissa claimed him for her own.

We had gone to the pound to look and see if they had any canines that would possibly help him keep a purpose in life. Hyko has always been a very compassionate animal, and even assisted in caring for the puppies he and Klarissa had. We thought if we brought home a puppy, maybe he would claim it as his own and it would give him purpose. Instead of a puppy we found Hannah, and something just clicked. We paid her dues and she was turned over to us, with three days to decide if we wanted to keep her or return her. I never believed in this policy, since the poor dog would never be able to understand why it's getting put back into this miserable life after a few days of having a real life. That's when I learned the sad story of Hannah's past.

She came home with us, and of course she had a few unwanted traits. After all, she had never been worked with or trained at all. She was fast to learn, and in a day learned to sit, to come to her name, to interact with us, and to understand what no meant. It wasn't difficult, all she had to do was hear disappointment in my voice and she understood she had done something undesired. Most of her behavior wasn't bad, but I know a lot of people don't like their dogs to get on the furniture or on their laps. I never minded, since the dogs were never as hard on the furniture as the kids, and I kind of enjoy the compassion of an animal wanting to be close and snuggle on my lap. No, Hannah really was a very well behaved dog, especially since she had never been worked with. She did like to run, but we kept her leashed and walked her around her new yard until she learned the boundaries. She has wondered off a couple of times to play with kids or to walk with people passing by, but she returns when called and a scolding solved the problem. Only once did I have to go get her, and that was because she was so involved with a couple of kids down the block that she didn't even notice me until I was right there.

The biggest problems with this young dog weren't her having bad behavior, it was that she did not know how to behave like a pet. She had no idea what treats were, or toys, she didn't know how to play with us or with Hyko, and anytime she was scolded, she would be so sad, knowing from her past that now she would be returned to the pound. It took a long time to get her to understand that this was her home, and she would never have to fear returning to the pound.

But, now I have gotten off on a whole different subject. The one at hand is to get this written beforehand so we can go to the park and if it get's late on us, I will have this entry made. I'm looking forward to an enjoyable afternoon with my wonderful wife and our two wonderful canines. I'm especially eager to share this new experience with Hannah, she has never got to go on a picnic or to a lake. I think she will enjoy it as much as Hyko, and I'm sure he will "teach" her just how to enjoy the park and the water.
May 28, 2014 at 8:40pm
May 28, 2014 at 8:40pm
Another day drawing to a close, but not quite yet. Today was a pretty good day, but I didn't get half of my work accomplished. Even so, it was a productive day and I may still get some of the stuff done. I have three days off this week, the last time for a while. We lose one of our guards tomorrow, and will be short handed until we get someone hired. So, I really wanted to make the most of the three days off this week, especially since the weather has been so nice. It's been mid 80's, sunny and mild winds, beautiful summer weather. We skipped spring, and now are right into summer, but that's alright.

Yesterday, I ended up working from home, then having to go in for a while to finish up the next schedule. Today I had to run in for a little bit to do an exit interview with the person who leaves after tomorrow. That didn't take long, and I didn't stick around to see the next guard, knowing if I did, I likely would have been detained even more. I got home and was going to help Rhonda work on the lawn, but my back was hurting pretty bad, so I put it off and grilled up some turkey instead. It was plenty hot, humid, and not much wind, so a good day to cook out and keep the house cooler.

Rhonda did make the potato salad, but I kept an eye on the potatoes, eggs, and cooked the turkey on the grill while she did some mowing. Once the cooking was done, I used the van to drag a big chunk of an old tree around to the drive. It had busted off last summer during a storm, and one chunk about six feet long was on the ground, another about the same size was hanging about a foot up from the ground. Last weekend I managed to get the hanging one busted loose and burned up, so today I thought I would drag the other piece around and cut it up so we can burn it tonight.

After, I did mow some with the rider, and all the lawn is now mowed, except a little trim work. So, even though I did have to run in, it was a productive day. I had also wanted to get my e-report sent off and fax a copy of the next schedule, but I just did not get time. I may do that from the patio while we sit out and enjoy the fire this evening, so it's done and we can enjoy the last day off together.

See, that's the other part of this. Right now, the way the schedule was, we get three days off together every other week, but now, being short, that is not possible. Instead Rhonda works so I can get a couple of days off, and I work so she can. We will still be able to get a couple days off each week, but not at the same time. That is just not going to go over very well, after spending most of last summer working, and when we did get a day off, it was either her or I, but not us together. But, for the next few weeks, it's looking like we will have to suffer through it. Hopefully we get someone hired soon, and once they are trained, we can start getting a couple of days off together again.

Right now, we just want to enjoy the evening and tomorrow, since we will not get another day off together for a while. We are planning on doing a picnic tomorrow, maybe at Oakwood Lake State Park. It's not too far, and it's a nice park to spend the day at. I don't know if the water is warm enough yet for the dogs to enjoy, but I want to see how Hannah does in the water. Hyko is a nut when it comes to water, he loves it. Klarissa did too, so we are hoping Hannah will like the water as much as Klarissa used to, and Hiko does. Of course, I don't know if any dog could love the water more than Klarissa did, she was more duck than dog it seemed. At least in the water she was.

She not only loved to be in the water, it was next to impossible to get her back out. She would mind well, but if you looked away even a minute she would be right back in. Not just in shallow, but out swimming and chasing anything she could find to chase. She loved bringing toys and sticks back in, and seemed to never get enough of going out to get them. If by chance the item sunk before she got to it, she would go right under the water after it. It was common to see her feel something under her feet and go under to get it, and most times she succeeded.

Now, it's Hannah's turn to see what the water is all about. She's half Black Lab so she should do fine in the water, and most Labs do love it. The other have is Springer Spaniel, another breed that does well in the water. I had a dog years ago who was half Springer Spaniel and she loved the water but didn't like to go out past where she could touch. She would, but reluctantly and then only a short ways before turning back. But if she could feel the bottom with her toes, she was fine and would go back and forth along the shore for hours chasing frogs and crayfish.

Well, enough for this for now, it's time to eat and enjoy the evening.
May 28, 2014 at 12:12am
May 28, 2014 at 12:12am
Another month about over; time slips past faster and faster it seems. Of course the fact that winter just would not end and now we are sitting in 80 degree weather with thunder storms booming around us doesn't help. A nice spring to refresh ourselves after a long winter would have been nice, but again it seems we will have to go without. This seems to make the seasons pass faster, since we completely bypassed one.

With the end of the month we also lose one of our guards who is taking a different job. He had a lot of potential, but for some reason just did not take his job serious. He did a good job, but could have done a lot better had he devoted himself to his work. He was also unreliable about getting to work, the weather was the biggest issue, and of course, the fact that he just did not put his job as a priority. All in all, he did alright, but the biggest issue with him leaving is just not having enough people on staff to cover all the hours.

Of course, it doesn't help that even as I lose one person, another puts in for some time off. Again, it's one of them things with a person who just doesn't put anything into the job. I don't understand it, but that's the problem I'm seeing with another guard, too. So, the one who is leaving did a good job and I wouldn't mind him staying on, but he did need to put more of a priority to his job.

The other one just doesn't seem to care at all. He comes in late, he can't follow simple dress codes, and talking to him just doesn't seem to make any difference. So, why can't it be the one that's creating the biggest problem is the one leaving? Instead I lose a person who does a good job and keep one who doesn't. That seems to be the way it goes, though. So, now we are looking to hire a replacement for the one leaving, and it's looking like I will be hiring another for the one who just can't put any effort into correcting some problems. One resigns and the other will end up having hours cut down until he up and quits. But, right now I will be hopeful. Not a lot, since I just gave a verbal warning on Monday and had to tell him to tuck his shirt in today.

Today was a nice day, sunny and warm, in the 80's. I had the day off, but had to hack out a schedule for the next month that would work with everyone. It's done and I took it in, went over it with the guys and posted it. I'm not sure I'm happy with it, since it puts a lot of hours on me and Rhonda, requires me to bounce all over the shifts, and I may end up putting in hours off the clock to make it work, but it gives the night guard his suggested hours. He's a good kid, works hard and does a great job. He just doesn't like to work more than he has to.

When hired, he asked for twenty hours a week, no more, and no less. As long as he gets them, and works the evening shift, he's fine, but he just doesn't want to work any more than that. He will, reluctantly, but he makes it known he wants his hours back to twenty as soon as it's possible. The other guy, well he put in for some time off, and I was hoping that if he got it, he may put more effort into his work. It's not looking good as of today, but I will still be hopeful that he will shape up. If not, I guess I'll have to give a written warning and once we get someone hired, maybe cut his back to show him if he doesn't shape up, he won't work.

I don't like to have to push, but then, I don't like to have to babysit someone, either. I can be patient for so long, but this is getting to be a bit longer than anyone should require, and the fact that he puts on a good show while I'm around, but if I show up unexpected, he's busted for the same stuff shows me it's not that he doesn't get it, it tells me he don't want to. I'll hope, but at the same time, it's looking like we have a bad apple in the mix, and I may need to throw this one out.
May 26, 2014 at 11:01pm
May 26, 2014 at 11:01pm
Well then, here it is; my entry for Monday, May 26, 2014. It's Memorial Day, a day to honor soldiers who gave their lives for freedom. Sure, it's an American holiday, but in a way, it's far more. Consider how many of our soldiers fought and died over seas, for the people of other countries. Think how many foreign people died fighting the same tyranny. I'm speaking mostly of two world wars, but there are so many conflicts through history that had peoples of different nationalities joining together for a common cause -- freedom. And, the count of those who died fighting for the precious ideal of freedom does not end with military personnel, no there are also many civilians who assisted in various roles who were martyred for freedoms call. Finally, let us never forget the victims, for every time tyranny, strikes, countless numbers of innocent victems are put to death because they opposed, or even refused to support this vicious beast. Therefore, on this American holiday, I say to the worlds brave who fought and died for freedoms sake, you are remembered on this Memorial Day, and your families also are given thanks for the cost they bear for your role in freedom.

It's unfortunate that with time the reason for so many holidays fades into the background and the commercialization of the occasion seems more the reason than anything. But, that's the freedom for which so many fought and died. But, I don't think it's wrong for people to want to make money; in fact, I see it as a natural part of living. After all, isn't that a basic ingredient to freedom? You know, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I do not see anything wrong with businesses being open any day of the year, it's their right and their choice. Even the big sales to generate business don't bother me. If so many people did not like this aspect of free enterprise, they would not be out shopping and the businesses would not stay open. It's a bit of the supply and demand principle, after all. The part of it all that kind of bothers me is the very simple fact that so many people really don't even understand what the holiday is about. It's them, the general public that let the reason die when they forget the purpose behind the holiday, and when they fail to educate their children to the very heart of what is being celebrated. But, that's just how life works, I guess.

It's that phrase, "Time heals all wounds." As time passes, people tend to forget the cost, the pain, the suffering, and the sacrifice. The begin to remember and focus on the fun times and get-together aspects of the holiday. We as parents often forget to instil into our children the ideals we ourselves hold so dear, and we as humans tend to push the unpleasant parts of life into the darkest closets, so that we can focus on the wonderful times instead. Over time we ourselves forget the purpose and reason we celebrate and instead look forward to a fun filled holiday with friends and family. Not all, but many fall victim to this phenomenon.

But, isn't that the reason we set a specific day aside? Isn't the reason to remind us, so we will never forget the cost, suffering, and sacrifice. Isn't that why tyranny repeats itself, because too many people forget? Yes, time heals the wound, but it also tends to blind us to the very cause of the wound. Those who suffered the wound will never forget, but their children and grand children tend to forget a bit more with each passing generation. In time too much is forgot and a new wound results. That's the lesson, and the reason behind so many of our holidays, to remind us so that we won't have to suffer the wounds of those who gave so much. The world over, people set days aside to honor their fallen, to remember their sacrifice, and to remind future generations, so that they will remain vigilant and ready for the next time tyranny rears it's vicious head.

Happy Memorial Day to everyone. I hope you had a safe and wonderful weekend. For me, it was a busy weekend at work, but it was a good weekend. Many guests passed through the yard, busy with holiday plans. The weather was splendid for all, and most everyone I talked to was enjoying the holiday. I hope they also took a few minutes to remember why this day exists and to remember those who died to make this day possible.
May 25, 2014 at 10:06pm
May 25, 2014 at 10:06pm
I'm back, late again, as usual. Not that I like to get in here this late, but sometimes there just isn't much of a chance to do anything else. Today was of those times there wasn't any way to get in here sooner. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are long days for me right now, and that makes it tough to get in here until late. Being Memorial Day Weekend makes this weekend even tougher. Once again, I didn't get out of work until five thirty, then it was drive home, put some stuff away that Rhonda picked up while I finished work, then make dinner and then take care of this.

It's not just the lateness that makes it tough, I have had very little sleep this weekend, too. I have been doing better at getting more sleep and getting to bed sooner, but this week that whole thing went straight down the crapper. It started Thursday night and has yest to be corrected. It's kind of like a chain reaction, I reckon, and now that it has been started, it is almost impossible to alter the chain.

Thursday I was off from work; my last day off for the week. I had a fire going to burn up a chunk of scrap wood, that had not burned up the night before. So, we got it burning and thought it would be about burned up around nine. But, it didn't burn fast and soon it was ten and we still had lots of it left to burn up. I stood it up some, thinking this would make it burn faster, then we came in and enjoyed some ice cream.

We watched a program on Netflix while we ate our ice cream, then I checked on the fire while Rhonda set things up for the next morning. The dogs did there thing and soon we were in bed. This put us just after eleven, about a quarter past. I set my netbook alarm app and snuggled up to Rhonda, soon falling asleep. But I didn't get to stay sleeping, my net book started doing strange things.

Being so tired, I did not realize that somehow it had been set to download and install Windows eight. All I knew was the lights were on the monitor was bright, and it continued to make all the little beeps and noises computers do. I tried to stop things, but was unable to do much of anything. I would doze off, then get woke up and try something, only to find out that I had no control over the little beast.

Eventually I realized what was going on, and by then it was too late, Windows 8 was installed and needed to be activated. Here I finally figured out a plan. I would not agree to the terms. The window popped up and I clicked no, I do not agree. Another window popped up and said I could not update if I did not accept, and I clicked no again. Another message was displayed stating that my previous version of Windows would be restored. I put the little beast down and closed my eyes, drifting rapidly into slumber, but again the monitor was bright, the noises where back and I was back to looking to see what was going on.

It was at this point that I asked Rhonda if she had set a backup alarm. "Yes."

So, as soon as the previous version of Windows was back I shut it down. It needed to be restarted anyway, so I figured I'll shut down now, and restart later when I can think a little bit straighter. Finally I could sleep. It was now four minutes after two. The alarm went off at quarter past three. Then, it was get ready for work, off to work, and one busy day. Twelve hours of running my butt off and then I got to come home. But Rhonda had to work a bit later, so I stuck around until she was done, then we came home. We got a bite to eat and relaxed a little, then set about getting to bed.

But, I had some work to get done so I had to stick it out a while longer, and around nine thirty we were ready for bed. But, the dogs needed out, we had to set up for our lunch and by the time we actually got to bed, it was closer to ten thirty. Back up at three, and another long day. I got done a little after four, eleven hours, and went to my brothers to see my sister who is out visiting. We chatted a bit until Rhonda got there, then they decided to cook out on the grill. By the time we got home, got things done, and got to bed, it was nine thirty.

Not too bad, but Rhonda and I had been deprived our a lot of our time over the past three or four days. She had been feeling pretty friskey the night before, but was very nice about waiting so I could get some much needed sleep. So, her and I let our frisky sides out and it was soon eleven and we were just getting snuggle into each other and falling asleep. So, today was another long day, but not as long.

We didn't get up until five, then off to work at eight. Rhonda worked first shift, so I took the morning hours to work on some stuff for work, get the next schedule ready, and then off to work. Now, it's time for bed, or more truthfully, past time and I have to be up at three once again. And, I already know tomorrow will be a long, busy day. Luckily, I will get done around one tomorrow, and likely come home and take a long nap.
May 24, 2014 at 10:35pm
May 24, 2014 at 10:35pm
It's late so I have to get this out quick. Not that there is anything quick about it, I type about the same speed all the time, unless I'm really tired, then I type slower, and make lots of mistakes. Other than that, lets say about forty words a minute and maybe even a high of forty five. Of course, I can type faster, but there would be so much error it would be hard to read. Now, on top of it, I have no back space key.

I had one but it wore out, if that's any kind of message to you. It was used a lot since it wore out before any other key. I have some that are to the point the lettering is wore off, but this one took the cake. The whole damn button wore off. Now, where there used to be a double size button for me to hit and fix my mistakes, there is a double size opening with one little rubber tipped nub sticking up. I can't hit it straight enough to correct anything unless I stop typing and feel for it, then press it enough to back up. I've gotten better, but I still have to stop.

One of these days I'm going to see if I can order me one and replace it, but for now it's a pain to back space and fix stuff. There fore I try and type a bit slower and prevent mistakes, but that's not working out too well when it gets this late and I have had so little sleep.

It was another busy day at work but it slowed down by mid afternoon. I got done at four, and called my brother, who was just getting home. I went over and had a nice visit with him and his lady, and my older sister who is visiting from Minnesota. That may be another story for another day, but not tonight.

When Rhonda finished work, she drove over and joined us. My brother cooked out on the grill and we had a nice visit and a wonderful dinner, then cake for desert. I was surprised to see a birthday cake. My birthday was yesterday, but I worked most of the day, so today when I went over there, they kind of caught me off guard with a card and the cake.

We chatted away the rest of the afternoon then came home, took the dogs out and got settled in. Then, I logged in and looked around a bit before logging in to here to write my entry. This puts it at almost nine thirty, an hour past my bedtime. I'm running short on sleep anyway, having maybe an hour of sleep two nights ago, and about five last night. That's six hours of sleep in two days, and twenty one hours of work in over the same period. To top it all off, it was very busy yesterday and pretty busy today.

It slowed around three and by four when I got done it was getting real slow, but it was still busy enough to keep me running, and for some odd twist of fate it seemed I had to almost always get the guest back a ways. It made for a lot of running and I am just about shot.

So, the plan for the rest of the evening is a bit unsure, but I know part of it is to finish this and post it, shut down my computer, and then go snuggle into bed. Rhonda was feeling a bit frisky last night, but with only about an hours sleep the night before, I was so tired. Add to that the simple fact that I had to be back up in another five hours, and it was plain what I had to do. I needed sleep, so we put it off until tonight.

So, finish this, get comfortable and snuggled into bed, have a little fun, then snuggle her closer and hold her while she drifts off to sleep. I will be right behind her, or possibly even beat her to sleep. Then, tomorrow I get to sleep in. I don't have to be to work until ten or eleven, depending on how busy it is. I have to get up with Rhonda, since we are going in together, so around five should do. Then I work my regular shift on Monday, but since it's a holiday I get time and a half, and don't have to go in until six fifteen. So, in a way, I get to sleep in the next two days.

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