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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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October 6, 2014 at 8:38pm
October 6, 2014 at 8:38pm
Wow, I'm kind of surprised that I'm in here this early tonight. I was expecting to be quite late by the time I finally got in here to write. Not that I'm complaining, it's great to be in here this early, especially since I will be burning out soon.

It's been a long and tiring day. I was up at three fifteen this morning to get ready for work. It was cold, windy, and frosty out this morning, but turned out to be a pretty nice day. Well, nice for this time of the year; the sun was out most of the day, and the temperature reached the lower sixties. Of course, being South Dakota, the wind blew, and today it blew plenty hard, with gusts up to forty miles per hour.

After work, I came home and set into my afternoon tasks right off. I had to call my boss at the corporate office and get some things worked out, then after getting off the phone, I had to sit down and do up a corrective action on a guard who just can't get to work on time. Going by the book, he could have been terminated today, he's had three corrective actions already for being late.

But, my boss and I agreed that maybe a close call to being fired would wake him up. Yes, that pun was intended. Seriously, however, we decided on putting him on thirty days probation, and if there is any lateness, he's done. After the thirty days we will put him back on regular status, but the corporate office will not tolerate any more unexcused tardiness.

I hope he got the point loud and clear, and this will be the end to it. If not, there isn't much more I can do to keep him on. Besides, it's his call now, either comply or your done. I made sure he understood this was the case, but I also informed him we would prefer he just get to work on time and appreciate the hard work and good job he does.

Of course, this all meant I had to work from home most of the afternoon, then go back into work, a nice fifty mile round trip, go over the corrective action with him, and then return home about fourteen hours after I started work this morning. I should also point out, not only is this all a real pain for me, but I don't get paid anything for all this time I put in off the clock. No compensation other than what they pay me during my working hours working as a security guard.

I did squeeze in enough time to put some beef ribs in the oven along with a nice big squash. I turned them off while I was in talking to the guy, and now we are heating them back up, the ribs smothered in barbecue sauce, while we wait for the potatoes to cook.

And, since everything is almost done, it's time for me to exit and enjoy a late dinner, then bed.
October 5, 2014 at 8:58pm
October 5, 2014 at 8:58pm
I missed writing in here yesterday, just never got a chance...

Rhonda and I had the day off yesterday, the first Saturday either of us has had off in a long time, I'm talking years. I think it's been about three for Rhonda, and about two for me. It was a nice change, but not a very relaxing day off. Nonetheless, it was a good day.

We had a birthday party to attend, but it was a four hour drive to get there. Not just a minor birthday party, either, it was for Rhonda's mom, who turned eighty. It was a grand party and reunion that lasted all afternoon. So, we had put in for the day off, and even though things started to fall in at the last minute, we managed to get the day off.

So, Saturday morning we were up early, got ready and headed out. Unfortunately things did not start out well, and we ended up an hour and a half behind schedule, and late for the party. But we made it, seen friends and family, and then after the party, we all congregated at Rhonda's sister's for the evening. We didn't get going from there until after eight, and it was closer to nine before we actually started out for home.

We had gone up the interstate and took the quickest route there, but I wanted to take a more leisurely route back and miss the construction. It would have been a pretty ride if traveled during the daylight hours, but even at night it was nice. It took longer, and it was early morning by the time we got home. Then it was a matter of relaxing and unwinding before bed, and by the time I actually got into bed to go to sleep, it was after four this morning.

I had to work to day, so up at six. A long day, being so tired out. That meant a nap after I got home, and I slept most of the afternoon. So, no time yesterday, and little today. But, I should be off to bed in a half an hour or so, and that means a good night of sleep before work tomorrow. I'm hoping that will make for a much more productive day, even if I do have to spend it working, and doing some unpleasant tasks after work.
October 3, 2014 at 8:03pm
October 3, 2014 at 8:03pm
Another entry not being written in 750 Words. Oh well, it just doesn't make sense to get too involved with them right now. It's a great site for writing, don't get me wrong. It's unanimous, logs typing speed, how many days in a row you've completed your words, etc....
It's also a nice clean slate to write on, with very little around the screen to distract. It is possible to download any page you've written, and it even gives a breakdown of what you've written. Yes, and it requires you to write at least 750 words each day. It's a great place to free-write, and for me, it adds a challenge to writing in here.

I mean, it's easy to just scribble something down and claim to have made a daily journal entry, but to write 750 words takes some serious thinking. Let's say it adds a challenge and holds me accountable. But, I don't like to start writing in there and miss a day, since it records this, too. I enjoy seeing how many days I've written in a row, and I get a bit discouraged when I have to start my counter over.

That's what happened. I started sooner than I had intended, when I clicked on the wrong link by accident. I figured I was there, and since I was planning on starting back up in there in the near future, now was as good a time as any. Then, the other day -- or yesterday, maybe, I didn't get logged in soon enough and would have had to lose out on sleep to write my words. I was beat, and opted to miss the words. I've been trying to get myself into a routine of getting to bed earlier on the nights I have to work the next morning, and that held precedence.

Tonight it's a similar setting. Only I don't have to work tomorrow, and I don't have to be in bed quite as early. Even so, I have a long drive ahead of me in the morning, a full day with relatives, then a long drive back tomorrow evening. Sunday it's back to work as normal. I haven't eaten dinner yet, and I want to get some stuff done here yet tonight, so I don't have to try and get them done tomorrow, or be behind again come Sunday.

So, not much time, therefore no 750 words, and a short entry just to keep my journal current.
October 2, 2014 at 10:09pm
October 2, 2014 at 10:09pm
Not enough time to write in 750 Words tonight. Well, I guess I could, but since I do not have enough time to write 750 words, it would be illogical to write them there. So, I only made it two days and missed already, not a great start.

The problem is, getting up at three in the morning, and not getting to bed until around midnight. I get so tired I can't function. I tried to stay up and get some stuff done this afternoon, but I just kept falling asleep in my chair. Finally I just gave up and let myself sleep for a bit. I figured maybe a half hour or an hour, but now, it was more like three hours. Not only did I wake up much later than I intended, but I also managed to get a nasty kink in my neck, too.

So, instead of fighting it and trying to get my stuff done with little sleep, I am going to focus on getting my sleep so I can get my stuff done. Tonight I was right on track, and ready to head off to bed, when I remembered I had not written in my journal. So, I will be a little late getting to bed. Not a lot, just a half an hour, so I can get this done. Not that this took a half an hour, if that was the case I could have written my 750 words. No, I ran a bit late watching television, and then remembered I had not written in here yet.

But, keeping my focus, I have this done now, and I'm off for bed.
October 1, 2014 at 9:06pm
October 1, 2014 at 9:06pm
Day two for this site, 750 Words. It's late and I really don't have a lot of time to write, but only because it's been a very busy day here. We had recently moved our bedroom back upstairs, after having been using the living room for sleeping quarters for some years now. It's exciting and should be very productive, but it's going to cost more to heat the upstairs again. Now, however, we are both working, my health is good, and we have a supplementary heater to use up there.

So, two days off and what do I have to show for it? Well, yesterday was a good day. We slept in and then enjoyed a leisurely morning. After lunch we ran into town and did some grocery shopping, then it was back home. By this time it was getting on towards dinner time, so we worked together on dinner, then relaxed and watched the television until we went to bed. A nice day of rest and relaxation, just what we needed.

Today we slept in again, and then enjoyed a quiet morning. We talked, enjoyed coffee, and then took the dogs out to play for a while. After, we enjoyed a nice brunch and then got to work on some projects. Rhonda had drawn out a beautiful picture for her mom's birthday, and we set about mounting it on a magnetic sheet. We had purchased some magnetic backed paper yesterday, and some clear laminate. It went great putting the picture on the magnetic paper. But, when we covered it with the clear laminate, it wrinkled the picture.

There was no way to remove the sticky stuff without destroying the picture, and I felt horrible. After all, Rhonda had spent many hours sketching and coloring this, and now it was ruined. Even so, I wasn't about to give up on it. We scanned it at a high resolution, and saved the file as a workable tiff format. Today I opened the picture and set about photoshopping the image to remove the wrinkle. It worked great, and after about an hour or so, I had it looking just the way she had drawn it. Luckily the mess up only showed in the open areas, and I had to do very little with the drawing areas. What little I did have to edit, was in areas that were easily corrected without having to alter anything.

I printed off a sample copy on plain paper and it looked great. Rhonda agreed, so we put in a sheet of the magnetic backed paper and printed another copy. It printed great, and looks wonderful. It's even better than the original plan of trying to paste this image on the magnetic paper. I'm not sure if she is going to try and laminate this copy or not, but if it messes up now, we have the original on file and can print more copies as needed.

That had me feeling pretty good, and when Rhonda seen how nice it turned out, she looked so happy and relieved, that it left me feeling terrific. Next we tackled some bigger stuff. We moved some shelving and furniture around, bringing some down stairs, and moving other items around to finish our relocation project. We still need to do more decorating, but the big part is now done, and it's all coming together. In fact I'm writing this on my laptop, sitting at Rhonda's writing table, under the lamp I made a few years ago. It's a comfortable arrangement and I think it will assist in me being more creative.

Now, Rhonda is just getting out of the shower, and I'm up next for one. She will work on our dinner while I shower, and then we can eat after I get done. This will put us at our bedtime, since I have to be up for work tomorrow, but I think with us sleeping in the last two mornings, I can handle sitting up a bit later. Besides, it's looking like I may not have much for time off in the near future.

That was dumped on me yesterday. It's terrible that I can't even get a day off without it being interrupted by co-workers. I had logged into Facebook yesterday to catch up with everyone. One of the guards had a message in there, and I was just going to ignore it, but knew it would only keep me wondering what was up, now. She was terrible for calling on my days off, for any little thing she could find to interrupt my day, so we put a stop to that. Well, we dampened it, but she did not stop completely.

Then, she began to show up when I was at work and drop her bombs on me. About once a month to twice a month she needs something done about her schedule, or she is resigning or some other situation. She has also started using the message feature in Facebook to contact me about ordering clothing, needing time off, or anything else. She worked for us before, and knows the routine, but that does't matter. Nor does it matter that I usually work on of my days off from home, so the other is reserved for my down time. She really does not care about anything except her needs and desires, and will push for them at what ever the cost to anyone or everyone else.

So, the guy that comes in to relieve her was an hour late. This is enough of a problem for me, since he has been written up before for this. But, I would have ignored it until tomorrow when I go back to work. Instead, she rubs it in my face and also tells me that other things have come up, and she is resigning -- again. This is the fourth or fifth time, but this time I will not meet to discuss the issues and will remove her from the next schedule, even sooner than what she will have posted for her two weeks notice. That is, if she did indeed resign and left the letter at work for me.

I'm sure she will change her mind or want some other change, but I'm done with the whole mess, and if it's posted, she will have one week left, then she is gone, for good. I will have to hire another person to take over that shift so I can get my two days off, maybe three, but in the mean time, I will get one day off each week. I will also have to talk to the guy who was late, and if he can't give me something, he's about gone, too. One more chance, and only because I can't fill all the hours with both of them gone. Hopefully he gets the point, but if not, it's not like he has not been warned.

For now, I just hope that I get my Saturday off, and can make the birthday party as planned. I also hope that next week works according to the schedule. After that, we will hopefully get someone hired who is dependable and not a constant pest.
September 30, 2014 at 12:25pm
September 30, 2014 at 12:25pm
I was just lounging about, enjoying my day off after sleeping in; not late, I was up before eight, but that's late compared to the time I get up for work. It's a cloudy, cold, and wet day with a brisk autumn breeze, and not very good for doing anything outside. But, we had decided on going grocery shopping early today, then working inside on our rearranging project.

I was online and checked into my fitness site, then into Facebook, and finally was coming over here to see what was going on. I wasn't doing much of anything in any of the sites, just visiting while enjoying a couple cups of coffee. But, when I clicked on the link in my bookmarks toolbar, I accidentally clicked on 750 Words instead of WdC. They sit right next to each other, and I just missed my mark this morning.

So, when I logged in, I decided to write a short entry in there to explain why I had logged in. Not that anyone besides me could or would see it, I just wanted to write in a short explanation. I had planned on going back in there and doing the seven hundred words a day exercise, but I had not decided when.

Since I was there, I decided I would start on the first day of the month, tomorrow. So, a short entry to say this, and then log out and log in here. But, my short entry soon became over a thousand words and more than enough to start with. So, I will start writing in there today, since I did anyway.

I plan on doing it the same as before, writing in there to push myself to get the seven hundred and fifty word count, then copying the entry and posting it in here, for my journal entry. So, here's the first of what I hope will be many seven hundred and fifty words, or more, entries for my journal.


This won't be a full seven hundred and fifty words, since I don't have time to write at the present. The truth is, I just clicked on a link in my bookmarks menu, but accidentally hit the wrong link. That's alright, though. As long as I logged in here, even if it was not intentional, is good enough to get this going once again.

I was going strong all summer, but then I lost it. No, not like that! I lost my internet and could not log in to write. The nearest WiFi is just over a fifty mile round trip, and that was just not feasible. So, I was unable to access the internet for a few days, and did not even know until late one evening when I logged in to make my entry here and could not get online. By the time I did figure out why I was not getting online, it was after midnight, and I had missed a day. As it turned out, it was a couple of days more before internet was restored and I could get back online.

The summer had been very hectic, and time was a rare commodity for me. I was quickly burning out, and when I lost the internet, I found it very difficult to get back into things like this, since it was demanding of time I did not have. So, I let it slide for a while, know that in a month I would have less hours at work, and a bit more time for here. That time came, but instead of using it here, my wife and I decided to take advantage of having some time off. We had not done much all summer, except work around the house, redo the patio, and work at out jobs. Now, it was time to do something relaxing and enjoyable while the weather still permitted.

We went camping. Not just driving to a local campground and setting up an RV, but real camping. We did go to a campground, but not anything fancy. We picked out a nice state park that would be quiet and peaceful, and we went during the week while the place was all but empty. No WiFi, no electrical hookups, no driving right to the site. We parked and carried our gear into the tent site we had rented and we enjoyed three days of no phones, no unexpected guests, nothing work related. Just my wife, myself, and our two dogs, living out of a tent and cooking over an open fire.

Well, we did have a camp stove along as well. You know the kind, two burners in a flat case that folds out for a wind break. We also had an air mattress so we did not have to sleep on the hard ground, my back would not take that very well. But, we had to blow it up at the van and carry it into the campsite. Luckily it fit through the doorway of the tent, but just barely. We roughed it and enjoyed it. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we decided to do it again the following week.

We went to a different state park, but it was pretty much a repeat of the same. This time we did have a site we could drive into and park, and it did come with electricity, but we still camped out of our tent, enjoyed an open fire, and supplemented our cooking with the camp stove. Again, there was no WiFi, and no way to get online for us. I don't have a smart phone, so that was not an option. Even if I had a smart phone or built in WiFi, we were in an area that had very limited reception, and according to the park information, cell phones did not work well in this area. The same was true about the second park we went to, it also was in this isolated area with limited cell phone reception.

Not that it bothered me, it was a nice break away from work, and with my job as supervisor for a security company that is located in another state, both my home phone and my cell phone are often used for work. So is my email, my fax service, and much is done through the companies official site. So, by not having phone service or internet service, I could not contact work, and they could not contact me. In fact, I joked with my wife about this, saying that unless they tracked me down and came walking over the hill, I would not have to even think about work for the next three days.

This also meant I could not log into the sites I enjoy visiting, and using. But that was fine, since I had lost my counts in here and in my fitness site. It gave me the opportunity to take some time off and not have to log anything or do anything online. After we returned, it was back to work and time to start getting back into my routine. So, I began writing in my journal in WdC again, and started thinking about logging in here and writing my seven hundred and fifty words every day, again. But, I was still kind of burned out and time was still in short supply many days of the week.

So, I started in gradually, writing in my journal in WdC, but only what I had time for. Some days it would be longer, most days it was a short entry, and it did not matter if I wrote any specific length. I had planned on started back in here, in 750 Words, and doing it the same as I did all summer. How's that? Well, I log in here and write a journal entry of at least seven hundred and fifty words, then copy it and past it in WdC in my actual journal.

Today I accidentally logged in here, and since I was here, I wrote, and the next thing I know, the counter informs me I have hit my mark of seven hundred and fifty words. I didn't think I would, but I did. So I reckon the information I was going to add about starting back in here on the first of the month is not needed, since I wrote enough in here today to make the grade. Yep, I might as well make today my first day back in 750 Words.

Again, I had doubted I would write this much, but since I did, today is my first day back here. Again, I will write my journal entry here, then copy it over to WdC. Of course, I don't know how it will work out, and if it does that's super, since I like the "quiet" writing space in here, but if it does not, I may have to take a leave of absence from 750 Words until I can utilize the site for what it was designed for.

Time will tell. I just hope I have enough to say what I want to hear~
September 29, 2014 at 10:36pm
September 29, 2014 at 10:36pm
Not going to write much tonight, just because of the situation here. It was my last day working and now I'm up for two days off. It was a pretty good day, and I was home on time for a change. I moved the table from the kitchen to the dining room, which required dis-assembly and assembly. Then it was upstairs for a nap.

Not a very productive day at home, but I was tired and I did get the table moved. I would have done better had I gotten a good nap in, but I kept getting woke up by the Dinger. Yep, by the Dinger. My dog, a cross between a Lab and a Springer, or a Labradinger, that we just shortened to Dinger.

She wasn't being bad, just wanted some attention. She gets like that when I'm working everyday, and especially when I'm run down and don't inter act with her as much as normal. She just gets lonesome and snuggles for a bit, but then wakes me to play with her. That was the case today, and I got bits of sleep in between snuggles, kisses, and her grumbling when I'd try to ignore her.

After I got up, it was time for Rhonda to come home, then dinner, and after dinner we were attacked by the Kaken. No, not the mythical sea creature, but the dark spiced rum that carries the same name. We have been talking, enjoying each others company, and indulging in Kraken Cola - Spiced rum and Pepsi -- all evening. That means there won't be much to write since I seem to be somewhat entangled in the tentacles of the Kraken.
September 28, 2014 at 9:24pm
September 28, 2014 at 9:24pm
Short on time again tonight, but that's kind of normal for me. It's getting better, but it's a slow process. I did get another jump on it today, being Sunday. It's the only day of the week we do not have to start by five in the morning, which for me means getting up at about three. On Sunday, however, we don't have to be there until eight, so I get to sleep in until about six.

I took the time to get caught up some on my sleep, which was much needed, yesterday, but that set me back on other things. Today I felt better, and was able to get more done after work, which is always nice. I had hoped to get in here, too, but it just did not work out. I did get my week late report done and sent, and I cleaned my desk off. I still have a bit of filing to do, but it's organized and will only take a few minutes. I also updated yard traffic for the year. That's right, I had not recorded any for 2014 yet, and had to dig through files to get totals for each month to date.

So, where does that leave me? Well, I hope to get the current e-report off tomorrow, even if I do not have the weeks yard traffic yet, and I will get the filing done. That will have me caught up, and ready to do the end of month paperwork, on time. I also have the next schedule printed, and will fax a copy to the corporate office with my weekly report tomorrow.

I did manage to get a short nap in today, too. An hour, and I only slept for about forty-five minutes and then woke up. It's kind of nice to not be tired and feeling run down. It's just getting on to my bed time and I should be there shortly, then it's up at three and one last day of work before a couple of days off. I'm hoping to get a good nights sleep tonight, have a good day at work tomorrow, then get to the stuff at home, like the report and faxing, then work on the files. After, we will see how things are looking for getting in here and spending a bit of time.

I did read an item I liked and want to re-read with a bit more time. I also plan on doing a review of this item, and may even find time to work on a couple of poems I have written that need to be edited and put in my portfolio. the big challenge for me now is to try and stay caught up. Especially on sleep; I feel if I can get a decent amount of sleep in, I can not only gain more time, but get more production out of it as well.
September 27, 2014 at 10:43pm
September 27, 2014 at 10:43pm
It only takes a short time to get behind. Whether it be work, sleep, or even a relationship, it only takes a little effort and a short time to get behind. But, it takes a long time and great effort to catch back up.

As far as work goes, I stay pretty current, although I am behind on some filing. Not a lot, just a small stack of papers I need to go through and file. Other than that, I try and stay caught up, and even a little ahead when possible. I did get a little behind this summer, week by long, agonizing week, I went from being ahead on things to barely staying current, and by the end of the summer, I was about a week behind on some items.

But, when my work days became shorter, I quickly got caught back up, and now I'm current on everything. The insurance papers I didn't get until yesterday, that were due back at the corporate office yesterday almost set me back again, but I took the time and ran back into work late last night and got the last form signed and then faxed it.

As far as my relationships go, I only strive to keep one purring like a happy cat, the one between my wife, Rhonda, and myself. Other relationships, whether friend, child, or relative, takes a back seat to my partnership with Rhonda. It's more than just a marriage, it's a true partnership, for she is not only my wife, my partner in life, but also my best friend and confidant. Sure we have had our share of storms and rough seas, but we have weathered them, and only grew stronger and closer as a result. Yes, we still have our difficulties, but we face them down, and focus not always on our feelings, that would be selfish, but on each others.

Also, we both agree, love is not what you feel, it is what you think. What we feel are just emotions, and they change constantly. They are important, and a way to appreciate our love, but they are not what our love is built upon. No, love is what you think, and that, my friends, is something that can be controlled and depended upon. Well, if a person has at least a half a brain, anyway. What I'm saying is this, even on days like yesterday when Rhonda messed up a request from me, it did not diminish my love by one iota.

Sure, it cost me some time, some sleep, and messed up my plans for the evening. It hurt my feelings as well, but only because feelings are very tender and brittle. Even so, I did not focus on what I felt, I focused on what I needed to do to correct things, and pushing my hurt feelings aside, let her ride along, so I could still spend some time with the woman I love. I also focused my thoughts on her, how bad this made her feel, and how hard she tries always to not only meet my expectations, but exceeds them.

It's the same when some gal gets flirty and drops hints of interest. Sure it feels good, especially if she's pretty and sexy. But they are just feelings, and Rhonda does a fine job of flirting and getting those same feelings going, as well as many others. Instead of letting my feelings and libido take over my thinking, I keep my thinking in control of them, and keep my partner, my wife, my best friend in focus, especially all the wonderful times we share. In fact, working alongside Rhonda this summer, it was usually her that pointed out when some gal would be looking, flirting, and carrying on, and I usually didn't even notice. I suppose that means Rhonda has me trained pretty well, and frankly, I'm glad that she does.

That covers two of the three mentioned, leaving time. I don't think I will ever get caught up with time, but hope to at least get close. It's funny, as child, I had more time than I had use for, now I have more to do than there are hours in the day. Something is always running behind, and it's usually sleep.

Time is the key, you understand. In order to stay current or ahead at the rest, you must stay caught up in time. If not, something will fall behind, and for me that is sleep. I run a pretty heavy deficit most days, and I have always know it was just a mater of time, no pun intended, before it caught up with me.

Yesterday set me back, but I took the time to correct things, and got the job done. In doing so, I fell even further behind on my sleep. I have not been sleeping nearly enough for months, and maybe get six hours on a good night. Luckily, there have been some of my days off that I have managed to sleep in and get some much needed rest, but fare to few and far between. It seems like I finally get a good night to catch up, but by the next twenty four hours, I'm falling behind again.

My new schedule was suppose to fix that, giving me three days off one week, and four the next. But, the person who would have picked up the extra days didn't want to work three and four day weeks opposite of me, and requested only two days a week. So,m that messed up the plan.

On a positive side, we moved back upstairs for our sleeping quarters, but it has a downside, too. A new room, new sounds, more light streaming in, and just the change itself have made it difficult to sleep. Our bed has been in need of a new mattress, so when we moved we put our bed in storage and used the bed that was in the room already. So, not only new surroundings, but a different bed, too.

It's a good bed, and it has a very comfortable mattress on it. But, we had gotten used to our queen size, and this is a full size, so less room. It's nice, and it's very comfortable, more so than our queen size was, but it's different, and that makes it difficult to sleep, too. So, a lot of changes, as well as having to get up early five days a week now instead of four, and it's pretty easy to see why I'm getting farther and farther behind on sleep.

In time the whole thing will work itself out, the new surroundings will become normal, the bed will be better than the old one, and once I can get my sleep in each night, I won't have trouble getting up so dang blasted early every morning. But until then, it's taking a heavy toll. I suppose because I ran too high of a deficit all summer, and most of last winter. Whatever the reason is, I'm finding I cannot function on what's become my normal hours of sleep.

Today was the day I came to realize that. I did good most of the morning, but by nine I was dragging, and by ten I was starting to actually suffer from my lack of sleep this last week. I had a whopper of a headache going, I couldn't focus, and my stress levels were going through the ceiling with little or no reason to get stressed out.

Then, some butt-worm of a person showed up in a semi with a delivery for the store. He showed his anal personality as soon as he showed up. He did everything to make my job as difficult as possible. It had become pretty busy, and I had alreay begun to feel burned out from little sleep, but handled Mr. Sphincter -- not his real name -- with professionalism despite his rectal attitude.

I continued with the morning, and soon enough the load he had was unloaded and he was making his exit. I also had a handful of guests at the "In" gate, a return I was working on, and some guests pulling up ready to check out. I excused myself from the return, to let the truck out, let the guests in, and try to keep traffic flowing freely.

But having a rectal attitude, Mr, Sphincter will not cooperate and let me inspect his truck. With much cussing and especially the slanderous fornication term, he refused to cooperate. I remained professional and stated policy and eventually inspected the cab and trailer, and let him exit. But, it had me very stressed out, and it really took a toll on what little stamina I had left to go on. I did manage through, and I did manage to remain professional and did not let it reflect on any of the other guests even though I was feeling a strong need to just walk over to a quiet spot and collapse in the cool grass.

But, there was no time to relax at all, it was pretty busy. Soon enough Rhonda showed up for her shift, and I was able to vent a bit on the situation. It always helps to talk to someone and get the foulness of the anal personality cleansed from ones head. After assisting her for a little while, it slowed, and I was able to leave work shortly after my scheduled time. I stopped and picked up a few items at the grocery store, then it was homeward bound for this exhausted puppy.

Once I got home, I put the ice cream in the freezer, the meat in the fridge, and myself into bed. But, guess what? That's right, I could not sleep. I dozed off and on for about an hour, then got up and sipped on a little bourbon. After a half hour of just letting my mind drain, and some nice meditations while I sipped on a few ounces of bourbon, I returned to bed and managed to sleep for an hour, but woke to use the bathroom.

I was still very tired, and it was only four o'clock, so I lie back down and this time sleep came quickly and I drifted deeply. I woke up again about quarter to seven this evening. I took the dogs out, then made myself some dinner, enjoyed a solitary meal and then cleaned up after myself, fed the dogs, and settled in here to write in my journal.

Rhonda will be calling soon, being done with work on on her way home. I know I should be wide awake after sleeping so long this afternoon, but I find I am still pretty tired. Tomorrow is Sunday, and I don't have to be up until six, so I may have just caught myself up on sleep, or at least may have gotten close to caught up. Now, if tomorrow goes well, and I get to bed on time, I should be pretty well caught up by the time I get up at three on Monday. Then, it's two days off and maybe, just maybe, I will still be caught up when I return to work on Thursday and Friday.

Saturday I have the day off, my first Saturday off in a long time. I don't even remember the last time I didn't work on Saturday. Anyway, Rhonda and I have a birthday to attend in Minnesota, and will have to be up kind of early to get on the road. Then it's a day of fun with family, but we have to make the run back Saturday evening so we can be back to work on Sunday. Even though it will be fun, it sounds just like the kind of deal that will set me back once again. Luckily, I only have to be up by six on Sunday, then work a normal Monday before getting a couple days off, to catch back up, again.
September 26, 2014 at 9:07pm
September 26, 2014 at 9:07pm
Running short on time tonight, so just a short entry.

Time, is short enough on a good day, but today was not so good. Up at three this morning, work, and then ended up having to contact workers and get insurance information together for everyone. It was one of those times when it just didn't work according to the company plan. They sent out the paperwork on the twenty second, but I did not get it until today. The problem with that is, it was needed back at the office today.

So, I got everyone together, got everything done, except for the night guard. I let him sleep, and had Rhonda get his information when he came in to work. Only she forgot to have him sign it. That meant putting dinner in the oven to keep warm, and making an hour and a half trip in and back home to get his signature and fax the information.

Since I have to be back up for work at three tomorrow, it's already pushing my bedtime, and dinner is just getting served -- so, like I said, no time.
September 25, 2014 at 5:01pm
September 25, 2014 at 5:01pm
It's just as I thought, I didn't get back in here yesterday. I'm glad I did log in early, and I'm very happy I managed to read and review a poem as well as write a short entry here. Sometimes a little foresight can go a long way.

We did manage to get the big stuff all moved yesterday, and slept upstairs for the first time in years. The room is set up, but there is still a lot to do up there, just like downstairs. We have the furniture moved, well, most of it anyway. Other than that, it's kind of a disaster zone around here now.

Mostly because of the rush to get things done, and having to go back to work this morning. We had to pretty well trash out the house to get things moved, and will now work at putting things away a little at a time. That was my plan for today, but so far I haven't done much of anything. I was up at three, worked and home by noon.

Instead of working on the mess in the house, however, I worked on taking a much needed nap. Much needed because I was up late last night, and had to get up early this morning. Also, sleeping in a different room and on a different bed ensured that I would not sleep well. It will take a bit to get use to the changes.

I was surprised, however, by how well my nap went today. Usually, I fall asleep with some difficulty, then can't get myself to wake back up. Even after I get up, I'm so groggy and out of it I can't do much of anything. Today, however, I snuggled into the new bed, after pulling the shades to darken the room some. I soon was sleeping peacefully and deeply. There was no laying there thinking about anything; I closed my eyes and that was it. I woke an hour later, without an alarm, went to the bathroom and decided to sleep a little longer.

I felt pretty good, but I was still very tired. Again, I closed my eyes and was sleeping sound. I slept for another hour, woke up with no alarm, and felt great. I was a little foggy upon waking, until I recognized my different surroundings, but I didn't feel all groggy and out of it. I am still kind of tired, but that is to be expected with only a couple of hours of sleep last night.

After waking, I took the dogs out, found the stool, and am now getting ready to start in on moving the speakers for the surround sound. I also want to move the writing table and set up a stand for the printer. If I get these done this afternoon, I'll feel pretty good with things, and hopefully when Rhonda gets home from work we can get the table and chairs moved from the kitchen into the dining room.

It's a mess, and there is still a lot to do, but it feels good to have the house back like it was designed to be. If we keep plugging away at the little things, we should be able to wrap up most of everything by our next two days off. I have a feeling part of those two days will be spent hanging shelves and pictures.
September 24, 2014 at 1:56pm
September 24, 2014 at 1:56pm
There's been a change of plans, which may very well use up my time I had planned to use adding some items to my portfolio today. But, then again, I may still have the time later. We will hope for the time later.

Even if it doesn't work out, at least today's time thief is one I am excited about. In order to share this, however, I should give a bit of detail to the circumstances surrounding everything. Unfortunately, that would require quite some time, and would probably bore most anyone reading this.

So, in keeping things short, just a quick summery. Some years back, after moving into my my current home, I had some health issues. The house is old, built shortly after 1900, and was my mother's house. Although insulated many years back, it is still drafty, cold, and difficult to heat. The furnace is an old floor model, no blower, no ducts, and supplies only radiant heat. Even so, it is very comfortable downstairs, but very chilly upstairs.

So, when health issues made traversing stairs difficult, and the chilly air only added to my problems, we moved downstairs, and closed the top floor off. It meant having one room for a kitchen and dining room, the other for a living room, and the third room now a bedroom. It worked, and I did recover over the following year.

I was not working, however, and Rhonda did not make much money for us to live off, so we continued to keep the upstairs semi closed off, especially in the winter. In time I found a new career and we started to recover from our financial problems. We still are recovering, and it will likely take a long time to get back on level ground again.

We had given thought to moving our bedroom back upstairs, but we knew it would be difficult and costly to try and heat the whole upstairs, and by this time one of our Golden Retrievers had developed some hip problems. Being old, se knew that she would suffer trying to sleep in a cold room, and with the hip problems, the stairs would be difficult at best. She has always slept by me, since she was five weeks old, and I could not leave her downstairs, alone. So, we continued to sleep downstairs. Almost a year ago she passed away. She just died in her sleep, on our bed in peace.

Now, we have been thinking of doing some rearranging, and in the process of trying to reorganize, we decided it's time to move back upstairs. We won't be heating the entire upstairs, just the loft and one room. this will help keep the heating costs down, and we can use a high efficiency electric fireplace to keep our bedroom comfortable. Sure, it will be cool, but that makes for good sleeping, and more snuggling. In fact, it may be the answer to my sleeping problems, since I tend to get too warm, very easy.

We also have nice pet beds for our four legged family members, and the electric fireplace is very safe for them to sleep right in front off, so we know they will be comfortable. So, today we are going to be moving our bedroom back upstairs, and rearranging the downstairs. We don't plan on getting it all done today, but we should be able to get the big stuff moved, sleep upstairs for the first time in years, tonight.

I'm excited and eager, but may have to give up the time I had planned to use in here. Therefore, I'm writing this now, just in case time runs out before we finish. Tomorrow I'm back to work, and need to get up at three in the morning, if I'm up late tonight, I will be tired and not get much done tomorrow, either. It's a step forward, and a step back at the same time. I do, however, believe this will be a move that will be positive and assist in getting more sleep, better sleep, and in the end, grant us both more time.
September 23, 2014 at 9:07pm
September 23, 2014 at 9:07pm
Happy three year anniversary to me! Yes, today marks three years for me and WdC, and it was a nice anniversary. I had the day off, which is always great, and I managed to get some writing in. I did not get in here as early as I had hoped, but only because I decided to work on a couple of poems I had stuck away in some forgotten notes.

I came upon them yesterday when cleaning up in Evernote. I had them written, but only in a rough draft, and took some time today to go over them and see what I could do with them. I have one half done, and the other is ready to post in my portfolio, and then edit for any little errors.

It just felt good to go over the rough poem, make needed corrections, and see it finished. Then, logging in here, I find happy anniversary wishes, gift points, and a very wonderful review of one of my items. Of course, I have many wonderful reviews on many items, but this one was a bit different in the way it was formatted, and it really brought a smile, being not only helpful and positive, but also being enjoyable to read.

So, three years of being a member at various levels, and a wonderful three years they have been. My only frustrations being, not having enough time to enjoy the site as much as I would like. And, I'm thinking it's about time to do something about that.
September 22, 2014 at 9:13pm
September 22, 2014 at 9:13pm
Today was a short day, I got off work at nine this morning. I was up around three, and to work by five, but only had to work four hours before getting to come home. I could get used to these kind of hours in a hurry. Of course, I didn't get much use out of being home so early, but that's a whole different issue.

I was home in time to catch Rhonda doing her dance routine, which is always a joy to watch, and then I visited with her while she got ready to go to work. Normally I would have had today off, but that all changed just recently. Now the norm is for me to go in and open, around a quarter to five, and then Rhonda comes in at eleven and relieves me. It works nice, she can bring the two dogs along in with her, and I bring them home with me. But, it also means we don't see much of each other during the week when we work.

Today, there was some training going on with the store's management, so they needed three hours out at the guardhouse. I got done at nine, and Rhonda did not have to go in until noon. Kind of a nice change, and again, something I could get used to. I could also get a lot done with the extra time, but that wasn't the case today. Yes, these kind of hours would be great for time, but they would be very hard on the pocketbook.

The issue with not getting much out of the extra time started last night. Sunday is an easy day, not having to go in until about a quarter to eight. So, I kind of get to sleep in, and catch up a bit on my rest. But, being so overtired this last week, I ended up napping some on Sunday afternoon, anyway. Then, as is typical, I wasn't tired when it was time to go to bed. I did get to bed relatively early anyway, but had to use a sleep aid to get to sleep, and then it still took a while.

As a result, I slept pretty sound all night, but it wasn't the nice restful sleep a person gets when they sleep naturally. Instead I work this morning feeling groggy and having a difficult time getting woke up. I managed the day at work, came home and enjoyed some time with Rhonda, then tried to take an early nap. I don't have to work tomorrow, and we want to sit out and enjoy a fall fire tonight, so I thought I better get a bit more sleep.

This would have been fine, and I would have only slept for an hour or so, if I could have gotten to sleep undisturbed. But, that was not the case today. the first disruption was the phone, I had just dozed off dreamed the phone was ringing. Eventually I woke enough to realize it was ringing and got up to answer it. My brother had called, but by the time I got to the phone, he had hung up. "Fine, I'll call him back later, after my nap."

I was back in bed and soon sleeping sound again, only to get woke up to the dogs barking. It took a minute to sink in that someone was banging on the door. And, they kept on banging and banging as I got up, dressed, and went to see who was there. Nobody I knew, just some guy wanting to know about the old van parked in the drive way. He said he salvaged vehicles and wanted to know if I wanted to sell it. I told him not for less than six hundred bucks, and I wanted the tires off of it. He left.

So, it was back to bed again. And again, I woke to the phone, and again it was my brother calling. As before, he hung up without leaving a message, right before I got to the phone. I decided that a nap was just too damn much work, and sat down in my chair with a cup of coffee. I got on the laptop and the next thing I know the dogs are barking, I about dumped the computer on the floor when I woke up with a jump, and again someone was knocking.

So, I set the computer aside, got up and went to the door. Nobody there! They did leave some literature on who I should vote for, however. Since I had fallen asleep sitting up, I decided I would try again to lie down and take a short nap. It was almost three now, and I would have to get up in about an hour to an hour and a half to get dinner started, but that should be just enough time for a nice nap.

I snuggled into the quilt and was soon sound asleep, but woke to the phone ringing. I had taken it in to the bedroom, so I picked up the handheld and looked to see who was calling. Nobody, just spam. Of course they let it ring until the answering machine picked up, left a bogus message and then it was quiet again. I looked at the clock, ten after three. Still time to get a nap in, and I really needed sleep.

I gave it one more try, and again the phone woke me up, again it was nothing but some marketer or something similar. So much for the do not call list, they still call, and some days it's almost nonstop. Today was one.

I got up, turned the damn phone right off, went to the bathroom and then went back to bed, it was now three thirty four. I had an hour I could sleep, and it would have to be enough. But, now i could not get back to sleep. I would just about doze off, then some little noise or movement would get my attention. I needed sleep something desperately, I could feel the need, but sleep just did not want to come. I told myself I would try some deep breathing and try to clear my mind, and if that did not work, I would get up.

I know the problem was just knowing as soon as I fell asleep, something would wake me. But I had turned the phone off now, I reassured myself. So, I focused on breathing and let my mind clear -- what time is it, should I get up yet. "No! I focused on the deep breathing and let my mind slip into nothing... and then I was sound asleep and in a wonderful dream.

In my dream, however, someone started yelling. I couldn't make them out, but I could hear them. Then I felt the dogs jump down and soon they were barking and grumbling along with the yelling. I realized I had not dreamed this, there was someone yelling. Right out in front of the house, close to the bedroom window.

It was the obnoxious neighbors across the street, the kid was in front of the house, yelling something back across the street to his mom, who was yelling and screaming back at him. I got up, considered going to the front door and yelling something myself, then changed my mind. Besides, he had moved on and the yelling had stopped. It was now a quarter to four, and no time left to sleep.

So, I got up, got some coffee, and tried to pull my head out of the fog that had settled into my brain. I finished the coffee, got another cup and started working on dinner, still foggy and kind of out of it. I have been all night. I feel beat, tired, wore to a frazzle. I'm thinking I would have done better to not have slept at all than to get a few minutes of sleep, then get woke right before I slipped into the deep, restful state I so desperately needed.

But, I'm determined to enjoy the beautiful evening, since it's likely the only chance we will get to have a fire in the next few days before having to go back to work. I think a nice relaxing evening beside my beautiful wife, in front of a dancing fire, sipping on a cocktail will do me wonders. Besides, I don't want to go back to bed until it's late, and there is no one left up to disturb my slumber, late enough the phone will not ring, late enough no visitors will come knocking at my door. Late enough I can slip into bed beside my loving wife, wrap her in my arms and pull her close, and drift swiftly into the sweet nothingness of deep sleep.

A fire, a drink or two, and then -- it's off to Never-never-land
September 21, 2014 at 9:44pm
September 21, 2014 at 9:44pm
Things did not go quite like I had intended, but I still made it in and have my journal entry going. I had a shorter day at work, and was done at noon, home by one this afternoon, and had intended to spend some time in here this afternoon. Instead, I'm just getting in here now.

Even so, I had a pretty good afternoon, and I did get some things done. For one, I went through the bills and have everything paid up for the month except for a few little things that come out automatically, and one big expense for insurance, that will also come out when due.

After I got home I heated up some leftover homemade bean and ham soup, and made a sandwich to go with it, then set about getting the bills caught up. It's been so hectic and messed up for the last month and a half that quite a few of them needed to get caught up. It does feel good to have them all current again, and it will make it easier now that my hours are cut back some.

After the bills were taken care of, I logged into MFP and Facebook, but found myself dozing off while reading and catching up with everyone. So, I decided a short nap would be a good idea, especially since I knew I would be up kind of late tonight, and I have to be back up at three in the morning now that I have lost one of my days off. Also, even though I had more time to sleep last night, I still did not sleep well, and I was pretty tired all day.

I set the alarm for an hour and ended up closer to an hour and a half before I got up. By then, it was time to get dinner going so we could eat when Rhonda got home from work. She got home around six, and we ate around seven. Then it was time to relax for a little while and enjoy a little Netflix. After our show ended, Rhonda took the dogs out for the evening, and I logged in here to get this done.

Now, I have an early day again, but it's a shorter day and then a couple of days off. Oh, I almost forgot, I was digging through and cleaning up some old notes in Evernote and came upon a couple of poems I had started and filed in there so I could work on them. I'm hoping to get enough time to work on them, or at the least, to add them to my portfolio. I also have another poem I want to add that I just wrote a few days back.
September 20, 2014 at 10:00pm
September 20, 2014 at 10:00pm
Kind of late getting in here tonight, so not much time to do anything. I'm going to have to keep working on that, but I do feel pretty good about logging in and making my journal entries again. It really got messed up for a while last month, but it's beginning to become routine again.

The biggest problem has been and still is, time. I had planned to drop down to working at my job four days a week this fall, so I could have more time to catch up on other things, and of course, to spend in here. But, that just has not worked out at all. On the up side, however, my working hours are shorter now, which does provide more time for everything.

Now I just need to adjust and utilize that time better. Part of the problem is getting up at three in the morning. By afternoon, when I get home from work, I'm shot and just too tired to focus on much of anything. Of course, if I was in bed earlier so I had my eight hours of sleep, or even seven, I wouldn't be so burned out by the time I get home. Unfortunately, I am a night owl by nature, and going to bed when it's still light out is very difficult for me.

Even when I do get to bed somewhat early, I find I don't sleep very well. I fall right to sleep most nights, but I'm up a half dozen or more times a night. I wake up, make a trip to the bathroom, then it's back into bed, and shortly after, back to sleep. Even so, I find I don't wake feeling like I had any rest. Then, it's off to work, and by the time I get home, I'm so tired I can't do much of anything except vegetate or take a nap. Napping, however, means I will not sleep well again later, so the problem repeats.

I've gotten better, and I continue to work on it. In time it's just got to become a normal routine, I would think. Up early, work, home early, and off to bed early. But, for now, it's not routine, and I have to try and make the most of the time, the sleep, and how awake I am one day at a time.

Today wasn't the best for making the most out of my time. I did not sleep well at all last night, waking up about every hour, and having some issues getting back to sleep a few times. Rhonda commented this morning that I did pretty good at getting to bed on time last night. We have it figured for eight o'clock, which provides seven hours of sleep. But, it's usually closer to eight thirty or nine by the time the lights are off and we're sleeping. Even so, that's six hours of sleep, and that's about where things were at last night.

I tried to get to bed around eight, but it was closer to eight thirty by the time we got to bed, and I did here the chimes on the clock ringing on the hour, so still awake at nine. But I dozed off shortly after and got about six hours in. Unfortunately, I was up so often last night, that Rhonda figured about three hours sleeping and three hours of tossing, turning,running to the bathroom, getting a drink, etc....

So, this afternoon I was pretty run down and tired. I've been short on sleep all week, especially when my days off got messed up and I ended up working on one of them. By today, it was hitting hard and I just could not keep my eyes open. I came home with plans to change out the headlights on my vehicle, then get something to eat, and settle in here for the afternoon.

But by the time I got home I was famished, so I ate a quick meal of leftovers. I got online while I ate, and checked a few sites, but by the time I finished eating, I was so tired, I didn't feel like doing anything. I found myself dozing off while online, and decided I wouldn't get anything done at this rate, so I may as well take a nap.

A short nap would be fine, so I set the alarm for one and a half hours, tucked myself in, and dozed right off. I slept hard, too. So hard, in fact, that I did not hear the alarm go off. My one and a half hour nap turned into three hours, and upon waking I felt so groggy and out of it, I still wasn't able to do much. That's my other problem, I either can't sleep when I try to nap, or if I do, it's very sound and I can't get myself to wake back up.

I did, however, get the headlights changed, and then I settled in here and got this entry written. Now, it's time for Rhonda to get off work, and in a half hour she should be on her way home. That means I won't get to bed until ten or later, but luckily I don't have to be up quite as early tomorrow. Six should be fine for getting up and getting to work on time for a Sunday, so I can still get a good night of sleep in. If I can sleep after my three hour nap, that is.
September 19, 2014 at 6:49pm
September 19, 2014 at 6:49pm
Second time today for me to be in here, and that hasn't happened in a long time. It's kind of nice, but wish I wasn't so tired, and could accomplish more. I'll have to make it an early night tonight, and maybe tomorrow will be better. I know being tired is a big part of my problem.

My problem is getting motivated. Motivated to log in here and write, review, or just read. Motivated to get working on some of the many projects I have backlogged around here. Motivated to go visiting, or fishing, or most anything. It's not just getting motivated, that would not be a problem if things tended to work more according to the plan.

See, I used to be easily motivated and enjoyed having an exciting and spontaneous side to my personality. At the same time, I could also plan things out and set goals and tasks for myself. But, then I took this job and things kind of spiraled out of control. First it was my schedule, or actually, lack of having one.

I had one, and worked part-time. If it had actually worked out, it would have been a sweet set up. But, it never worked out, and I never knew when I would have a day off. It was horrid, to say the least. I would look at the schedule, see what days I had off, then make my plans. But, within a day or two, the schedule changed, and I was now working those days, and off different ones.

Shortly after, I became the supervisor, and did some cleaning up around the place. In time I had replaced all the original employees, not because I didn't try to work with them, they refused to work with me. I ended up with a few real good employees, but I also seemed to always have at least one problem child, too.

It still the same, only now it seems there are two problem children at work. One is just irresponsible and very much a kid, but at least he is willing to work his shifts, and is also willing to pick up if needed. He makes extra work for me, and can bee kind of a frustration at times, but nothing too serious. I just keep trying to find some way of getting through to him.

The other person just does not want to work. She is always talking about quitting, looking for another job, and just cannot do things according to the rules. This is the problem, that unmotivated me.

It's been someone right from the start, and it seems like I just cannot keep a schedule. I plan for my time off, but end up working instead, and it's gotten to the point that I don't even want to plan anything, because I fear it will not ever materialize. I still do make plans, and we did get out camping twice this summer, but again, it was close to getting shot down before we even got out the door.

Today I went in to work thinking I would only have three days to work, since I had to fill in for the problem child earlier in the week, but she showed up and told me she was thinking about quitting, it was just too much for her right now. We talked, and instead of having my Mondays off, I now work them. In fact, I have one from a planned schedule of working twenty hours a week to provide time for me to do other things, to working thirty plus hours and only having two days off a week. And, that is not carved in stone, she may need even more time.

Also, she has issues. It's always something, and it's always a dark cloud hanging over me. I never know when she will call and need to take one of the few days she works, off. And, it's getting worse. Imagine, working three six hour days, and having the easier shift to boot. And that's too much for her. She requested to go from eighteen hours down to twelve, cannot work weekends, and often needs to take one of her days off for personal reasons.

It's just frustrating, and I reckon I needed to vent. I reckon I also need to start doing some interviews and start cleaning house, again.
September 18, 2014 at 3:58pm
September 18, 2014 at 3:58pm
Getting in here a little earlier today, and kind of back on track. Normally I would be back working today, but I worked Tuesday and got today off instead. This wouldn't have been so bad if Rhonda also had today off, but she was off Tuesday and we had kind of planned our time off. So, our plans changed, things did not get done, and our one day off together this week passed by way to quickly.

Today is also passing by way to fast, but I can't say I'm disappointed. It's been a good day, I had a nice morning with Rhonda, then after she left for work I did a bit of work on Hannah's leash, worked on some housework, and made a big kettle of bean and ham soup. I also sent a clothing order, and looked at a few things online before logging in here to write this.

After I finish, I am going to enjoy a bowl of soup, a small one, then go out and work on the GMC for a bit. Nothing to indepth, I just need to adjust one headlight up a little and check the fluids. I also want to work with Hannah outside for a while, since she and I are now in training.

Her training has been going well, she learns so very quickly, and she is so eager to please. I am also learning more of how she communicates her desires and needs, and hopefully we can continue working like this for some time. I would also like to add some tricks in to our routine once we have all the behavior issues worked out, as well as some basic walking lessons. I don't see any problems with any of this right now, but things can and do change very quickly, sometimes.

I'm also hoping to get back in here a little later, and maybe adding a new poem I wrote. It's not very long, and shouldn't take too much to get it edited and added to my portfolio. Soon, I want to start looking over some of my items and doing some editing throughout my port, as well. I'm also thinking about NaNoWriMo again, but this year I will not be writing a novel. Instead, I want to take the time to edit the novel I wrote last year.
September 17, 2014 at 8:22pm
September 17, 2014 at 8:22pm
The day is fast coming to a close and tomorrow Rhonda is back to work. It's amazing how a change in schedule can really screw up a persons plans and time off. Rhonda and I had two days off together this week, and had plans to do quite a bit while taking it easy. I know, kind of doesn't make sense, but the things we had in mind were little odds and ends that had been put off for a long time.

You know, just a quiet restful couple of days, but maybe get this little job done, finish this, or maybe get to that. Instead, I got a call Monday evening and had to change schedules with another guard and work Tuesday morning. Rhonda had the day off, so she was up with me at three in the morning and worked on some stuff while I was at work. But by the time I got home and had a light lunch, it was almost two in the afternoon and we were both shot.

So, we took a nice restful nap, which helped a lot, but by the time we were back up and had enjoyed a few cups of coffee, it was time to work on supper, and then just chill out watching some television. So, we didn't really spend the day together, didn't get half of the stuff done we had kind of hoped to get to, and ended up kind of out of sync as well.

Today we both were off, but had to make a run into town, so the morning was shot and most of the early afternoon. Then it was time to fire up the grill and get the grass mowed. I worked on the grill, Rhonda mowed part of the yard, then we relaxed a bit out on the patio, but the elevator is running so it's kind of noisy, and the flies moved in with the smell of the grill going.

I don't think I have ever seen so many flies. I know many of them are coming from the elevator and some from the other direction, a big slew. But it was just horrid trying to sit out, with so many flies hovering about. I sure would not mind seeing some hard frosts to kill off some of the pests we have been suffering from most of the summer. It's just been so hot, humid, and set that it's like a jungle instead of a prairie.

Anyway, Rhonda is back to work tomorrow, but I have the day off since I had to work on Monday. It will be nice, but it sure did not provide much time together, as well as messing up our plans. Next week, hopefully we will get our two days off together, then the week after the schedule is again messed up so we can get Saturday off to go to a birthday.

Then, I hope things are settled down at work, and the schedule is adhered to.

September 16, 2014 at 11:04pm
September 16, 2014 at 11:04pm
Just getting in here, and the day is about done. Not quite what I had intended, and much different than yesterday. I was in here before noon on Monday, now, just one day later, and I have a little more than an hour left. I guess that means I wrote about the same time yesterday and today, close anyway. Yes, both days I wrote in here around eleven o'clock, the only difference being morning and night.

Yesterday was a good day, until the phone rang. The first call came in at about three in the afternoon, and it was the same person who usually calls and has some issue. She's not real bad, but if she calls, there's an issue, big or small. Most times it's something that should have been done differently and at work, but for some odd reason she enjoys calling me at home and on my days off, if possible. She has even gotten to the point of messaging me in facebook about work issues. In her mind, as the site supervisor, I should not get any time free from work.

So, she called around three, but did not leave a message. I screen my calls on my time off, and once before I had received numerous calls from this person to learn later that her child had gotten her cell phone and called repeatedly. Or, at least that was the story given. So, I screen my calls, especially if they are from her. I should also add, when I am off the clock, I am permitted to be away from my phone and enjoy my down time. Sure, it's best to be in touch if there is a problem, but if I'm out someplace, or doing something, I have the right to enjoy the time off without interruption. They do not pay me enough to be on call all the time, and that was explained when I took the position. When or if the other guards have a problem and cannot reach me, they are suppose to call the Director of Operations.

But, she does not do this, even though she has been told this time and again. This time she called around three, but did not leave a message. Therefore, I assumed it was nothing important and did not let it disrupt my day off. Then, around five, she called my cell phone again. Again she did not leave any message, but I was beginning to know that there was something up, and it would not go away.

Around six, she called my home phone and this time did leave a message. She had some excuse for not being able to work today, and needed me to fill in. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether she was being truthful or not, but I had a strong hunch on the way she did not leave a message that this was an excuse to get the day off, especially since there was an event going on today she would be very interested in attending. It was in the morning, so she would miss it or need to take the day off.

She could have put in for the day off, and likely gotten it, but this was not advertised until the day that she called. I heard it on the radio, and she no needed to have a good reason to take time off without prior notice, or at least that is my opinion, based on her past history, and a few different things that indicate the same.

So, my day off yesterday became somewhat stressful, and today I was up at three and off to work instead of enjoying another day off, this time with my wonderful wife at home with me. It also meant that I was short on sleep, especially since I did not sleep well, and very tired by the time I got home.

So, today was not productive as planned, but I did get in here and make this entry. I also got to get this off my mind, and hopefully tomorrow will be a good day to get back on task with where I should have been today.

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