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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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January 28, 2015 at 7:15pm
January 28, 2015 at 7:15pm
Today was another nice day. Sunny and warm, only a light breeze; more like spring than January. We, Rhonda and I, took the dogs for a nice walk this afternoon. I hadn't checked the weather, and we did dress a bit over for the temperature, not knowing how it would be out of town, in the open.

It was a nice walk, but pretty tiring. It's been a long time since I went for a long walk, and it was three miles of hill. Of course, it wasn't a steady incline, but some up and downs along the way. When we stopped, however, we had gained in altitude and were sitting as high as the roof of the old high school. Hyko, our old Golden Retriever, enjoyed the walk, but he started having some trouble on the way back. He has a problem with one front shoulder, and three miles was a bit much for him. Hopefully he can build up for a hike that long, and longer, but with his age, I just don't know.

It was kind of tough for me, as well, but only because I need to drop some excess weight and get in better shape. Rhonda and our other dog, Hannah, did fine. I know I can lose some of this weight and with a little time, be in much better shape. As for Hyko, again, I'm just not sure. But, since he loves coming with, we will have to find the means to provide him an alternative to walking. I mentioned one of those jogging strollers or something similar, that would fold up and pack with us, then if he gets too tired or is having any difficulties, we could cart him back home.

Well, looks like I have to finish this up. The office called and I need to take care of some business tonight. There's been a bit of this all three days I have been off, dealing with insurance coverage through work. First it was just information Rhonda and I had to give, and fax a signed copy that we were declining insurance. Now, another person has to do the same, but isn't answering his phone or returning calls. I know the person and his dad, and he does not want insurance through work, but I still need to get a message to him to sign the paperwork so I can fax it.

So, I called his dad to relay the information. I also checked his clock-in times, and he was one minute later on Monday and seven minutes late today. I just gave him his final warning last week and was very firm in making sure he understood that if there were any infractions, no matter how minor, he was done. Now, one week later, and he was late for work two out of his scheduled three days. Technically, I should have informed the office that this person does not need insurance, they are out of work. But, knowing his dad, I informed him of this dilemma with the son, and that I have no choice left but to terminate him if he messes up again.

I don't know if it will help, but I have given ample opportunity and gone beyond what protocol dictates for procedure. I'm pretty sure I will have to terminate this person, but it won't be for lack of giving him a second, and now third chance.
January 27, 2015 at 8:22pm
January 27, 2015 at 8:22pm
I was going to write earlier, then we had a change of plans and made a run into town for some shopping instead. I had come across a recipe for a very healthy soup and wanted to try this out. I don't go along with the rest of the diet, but I'm sure if I ate just what was listed, I would lose eleven pounds in three days. By the fourth day, depravation would take hold and I'd be gaining back fifteen or more, though.

It's a vegetable soup, and has a lot of highly healthy ingredients, as well as full of health benefits, and should help clean out the system and boost metabolism. the only off the wall item it called for was seaweed. I did some research online and seen that there are lots of good things to gain from eating some, and I even discovered that if I purchased the right kind, it would provide my daily needs for iodine. We found a package at the health food store for just under seven bucks, and it's enough to make two batches of soup.

I think a bit of chicken would add to the soup, but we are going to try it as it's given first. We have discussed, however, the idea of adding in some chicken, pork, or beef to make it a complete meal. Another thing we discussed and agree on, we will use a bit less ginger next time. It's good, very flavorful and rich, but it has a bit of a bite. We may also need to reduce the tumeric and the hot sauce. It's not overly hot, but it's close.

I hope this does what it is suppose to and helps remove toxins from the body, and it should make a good filler to help reduce the quantity of food we eat. We are both good cooks, we both love good food, and we both have very large appetites. This leads to a bit of obesity, and we want to get it back under control. The plan is, not to follow the diet in the magazine. It's a good diet, but in a few days I'm sure we will be sick of chicken, sick of fish,, and sick of brown rice.

We discussed it, and agree, the diet is ninety-five percent bogus. Oh, sure, it would work, but it would so limit good food that there is no way to stick to it. I even believe it's healthy, but again, it's too limited on good, rich, and tasty foods. I firmly believe that if a person limits or removes the real good foods, you just set yourself up to fail.

No, the idea must be to learn to include more healthy foods along with the favorites, learning to stick to portion sizes, and enjoy in moderation. So, to hell with Dr. Oz, and Dr. Hymen and there detox diet. Even so, they do have some good points, and some good ideas. We will tailor this to fit our tastes and our ideals. The soup is good, it detoxes, and it is low in calories while being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fat-burning ingredients. It should be full of fiber as well, filling, and since it taste good, a nice addition to help quench our appetites.

Instead of eating nothing but brown rice, chicken, and fish with it, however, we will add it to our regular diet. We try to eat healthy as much as possible, but still allow for the foods that would be taboo on most diets, in moderation, of course. The soup should cleanse our systems, reduce the bad effects of eating some junk from time to time, and it should help fill us up to eat less. At the same time, we get a good supply of vitamins, minerals, and metabolism boosting ingredients from a natural source, instead of from a pill.

I figure, there has to be a balance; a means ot enjoy the good things in life without costing one there health. That's the key we need to find. I, in years past, could eat anything, and I could eat as much as I wanted without any bad effects or weight gain. Now, those days are gone and I have to learn to balance.
January 26, 2015 at 6:12pm
January 26, 2015 at 6:12pm
Alrighty then, here's today's journal entry. I'm hoping this will go alright and I don't start bleeding all over the keys. Nothing serious, just a bit of a cut on my finger. I was butchering a chicken, store bought but whole, and did one of those dumb things, like cutting towards a body part, in this case, my own finger.

It didn't help any that I had picked out a very sharp fillet knife and was cutting through a rather stubborn joint at the time. The knife caught, I used more pressure and a slicing movement, and behold, the blade sliced right on through. Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, my finger was on the other side and the blade also sliced right into the tip of my finger.

I don't believe with went very deep, but it sure wanted to bleed out. Of course, I stopped processing the chicken as soon as I felt the blade against my finger. I went straight to the sink and washed my hands very well, paying special attention to the wounded digit. I rinsed my hands and then re-washed the end of the finger, cleaning the wound well.

I then went to the first aid kit to retrieve a bandage and some disinfectant, but discovered we are out of band-aids. I did locate some sterile gauze and some tape, which served the purpose just as well, possibly even better than the band-aid would have. With my finger securely wrapped, I returned to the task and soon finished my work.

Tonight, we will dine on chicken breast, sliced thin and seasoned with a blend Mexican blend of spices. I'm not sure at this time just what we will create, but the chicken breast is sliced and seasoned. I'm thinking of cooking up some vegetables with the chicken and putting it all in a tortilla, with some cheese and sour cream. I have some brown rice already cooked, al dente, and will season that as well. On the side, some re-fried beans, of course. Tomorrow the rest of the chicken will be fried up crispy and juicy, then served with potatoes and gravy and a vegetable side dish.

After dining tonight, we may have a fire, but I tend to think it will get a bit late, and since Rhonda worked, she will be too tired to sit out around a fire. She and I are both off tomorrow, however, and it's supposed to be very nice out, again. So, if we don't make the fire tonight, we can still enjoy one tomorrow night. I know, it's the wrong time of the year to have a fire in this part of the country. But, we are having spring like temperatures and if we snuggle up with some blankets and a nice fire, we should be comfortable enough. Then, a little brandy to sip and it will be a beautiful evening.

Well, it looks like my first aid did the trick. after finishing up the chicken, I had to remove my bandaging and wash my finger real well, again. Since I had used up the remaining tape, I had to try another approach to stop the bleeding and keep the wound sealed. I used some liquid skin, or new skin, something like that, to do the trick. I held it tight and compressed the wound until it had stopped bleeding, then I put the liquid bandage on the wound and let it dry well. It seems to be holding up, and it feels pretty good.
January 25, 2015 at 11:35am
January 25, 2015 at 11:35am
This feels strange. "What feels strange," you ask? Actually its a few things. Fist of all, being home on a Sunday morning. Then being in here and writing in my journal this early in the day, and finally, typing on my netbook.

I will explain this further, starting with being home on Sunday morning. It's my job. When I started almost three years ago, I worked every other weekend. At least that was the principle, and the way the schedule was set up. In fact, the other person who worked the opposite weekends always took her weekends off, so the schedule was in constant flux, and I worked damn near every weekend.

A few months later, I found myself promoted to the position of supervisor. The first thing I did was to uphold the schedule unless someone put in for and was approved time off. I also demanded that unless it was an actual emergency, they had to put the request in at least two weeks and before the schedule was posted. This helped get me a few more weekends off, but there were some emergencies and quite a few legitimate time off requests.

Then, about two years back, I had to squeeze out some undesirable persons, and once again found myself working weekends. As I weeded out the bad and replaced them, I continued to have a difficult time finding anyone who was willing to work weekends. At best, it was every other weekend, except for one person, who was the guy who hired me. He worked another job and was only available to work on the weekends. He worked every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

This coming May will be my third anniversary and the second year since this person left us. He got sick and had to take some time off. I would have been happy to have him take medical leave, but he wanted to terminate his position, which he did. I still asked him to put in a written two-week notice and to supply me with something stating his medical need to quit working. My intent was to use this if he was curable and wanted to come back to work for us.

He gave his notice over the phone, but never worked any of the final two weeks. I understood, considering the nature of his sickness. But he never got back to me at all. I didn't hear from him for just over a year, when one day he shows up and wants his old job back. Of course, with no word at all from him, nothing stating why he even quit, and only his verbal resignation, I had no way to know if he ever intended to return.

I had hired another, vamped the schedule to fit the new employees, and now worked every weekend, but only the mornings. My wife worked the afternoons, and the nights were split between a couple of other people. There was no way to grant him his desire to have his same shift back without taking time from everyone and changing everyone's schedules.

I'm not certain, but I think I could count every Sunday I have not worked on my fingers. If not, then if I added in my toes I know I would be able to count them all. That's almost three years; in thirty-two months, I have had less than twenty Sundays that I have not been at work. At first, most weekends I worked at night, closing up. But, for most of the last couple of years I've worked mornings and opened.

Now, there is some changing to the schedule again, and I'll no longer open on Sundays, but instead will close up. I still open Saturdays, but Rhonda now opens Sunday and I close. It's been a long tie since I've closed up, especially on a Sunda. That's why it feels so strange to be home this morning.

That also explains in part why it feels so strange to be writing in my journal. The rest of this is just the fact that I work mornings and am not home to log in to WdC until afternoon. Even on my days off, I don't get a chance to log in until noon or later. But, since I don't go to work today until four o'clock and I got up early with Rhonda, I'm finding it nice to be in here and have this written already.

Finally, it's very strange to type much of anything on my netbook. I do on occasion, but not very often. I usually use my laptop for this. It's not anything much, just ease of use, I guess. My laptop has a screen about twice as large so viewing is easier, and my laptop has a standard size keyboard and number pad. This makes typing very easy and very quick, with only minimal mistakes.

Of course, I only type at about thirty-five words a minute, and I make plenty of mistakes. But, for me thirty plus words a minute is fast typing, and with the standard keyboard most of my mistakes are mechanics and spelling, not mis-typing errors.

My netbook is smaller, so more difficult to view, it has a half-sized, if even that big, keyboard, and my speed is reduced to maybe fifteen to twenty words per minute. I've never timed my typing on here, but that sounds pretty accurate. It's a nice keyboard but it's very compact and I do not have the most graceful fingers when it comes to typing, so I also make many mistakes by not compressing the key down far enough or hitting the wrong key. I also tend to catch more than one key when I type on here. I have to slow down even more to type accurately.

I know --- practice. But since I am so limited on time, I tend to just grab my laptop and put off typing on here. Today, again, I have a bit more time, therefore, am using it to become more familiar with this pint-sized keyboard.

So, as you can see, today is much different for me. I'm at home instead of at work, I'm in here writing my journal before noon, and I'm writing it out with my netbook. Strange as it feels, it also feels good and I think I a going to enjoy this change to our schedule.
January 24, 2015 at 10:13pm
January 24, 2015 at 10:13pm
It's bedtime so this will have to be a short, quick entry. Not that I have to get up early for work in the morning; the first time I don't have to work a Sunday morning in a long time. Instead, Rhonda is going in to work tomorrow morning, and since it takes her a bit longer to get ready than it does me, she wants to get up at five, instead of our normal six o'clock routine.

I will still work, but instead of going in and opening, I'm going in tomorrow afternoon and working till closing. It started when the guy who usually closes wanted to take the night off. But, then he got into a bit of a mess, and since he has had multiple written warnings, could easily gotten fired. I was nice and gave him one more chance to do things right. At the same time as he messed up, he decided he wanted next Sunday night off, too.

With his write up, I easily could have cancelled his current night off, but didn't. But, I could not justify giving him another Sunday night off when he just messed up. There was only one way to get him his night off, and at the same time, show him that this is serious. So, from now on, instead of me opening and Rhonda working the afternoon, then this guy closing up on Sunday nights, Rhonda will open and work half some of the afternoon and I will take the rest and work until close.

That's hopefully going to reinforce to this guy that he is on very thin ice, and doesn't allow any room for more screw ups.
January 22, 2015 at 7:29pm
January 22, 2015 at 7:29pm
Back to work today, and a pretty good day. It started out slow, but it got pretty busy as the morning progressed. I didn't come in to find any surprises, and that's always nice.

But, after giving a guard his final warning yesterday and making sure he understood that if there are any more infractions, he's done, I wasn't sure what I would find. As it turns out, he called another guard and arranged to leave early, but refused to notify me. That would be enough for me to terminate him right now. It just doesn't make any sense, except that he wants to get fired. The guard that came in early also stated that he was asked ot work on Monday for this other guy.

I guess I'll see what happens on Monday, but I have a feeling he'll find something, or someway to make sure he's out of a job.

So much for my time off, and the extra time I thought I was going to have this winter to write and spend some time in here. I had one day set aside for fishing and spending with my brother, the other two were for spending some time with my wife, getting things done around the house, and of course, my time in here. Now, if this guy pushes it, I'll be lucky having one day off a week.

Oh well, not much I can do about it, so I'll just brace for the worst, and hope for the best.
January 21, 2015 at 10:36pm
January 21, 2015 at 10:36pm
Well, I was doing pretty well at getting in here and getting things done. Not as much done as I would have liked, but it was a good start. I was sick, so had a little time off from work, and utilized it to get in here and get caught up. Then, it was back to work, which in itself would not have been a problem, but it seems while I was gone, someone had to mess up.

Again, in itself this would not be a big deal, unless it was a major mess-up. But it wasn't. Unfortunately, this person has been written up three times in less than twelve months, and company policy is termination with the third written warning. I had a long talk and decided to give him another chance, and after talking to my boss, put him on thirty days probation. He made the thirty days, and then started in with being a few minutes late, and worked his way up from there.

So, it was brought to my attention that he failed an audit by being out of uniform. Not a real big deal in most cases --- something that would warrant me having a long talk with the person and moving on from there. But, this person has been spoken to numerous times about this and written up for it before. Therefore, I should again be giving him his letter of termination. Instead, I put some time into thinking this out. I decided I would give one final opportunity since he did make it through the thirty days. It also meant putting in a lot of my time while I was off, and I even had to make a trip in to work, off the clock, and on my day off, to serve the papers on him.

The sad part is, I doubt he will make it for one two-week pay cycle, a month at the best before he messes up and I have to terminate him anyway.
January 18, 2015 at 6:51pm
January 18, 2015 at 6:51pm
It was a beautiful day here, today. I worked until noon, then stopped at my brothers for a cup of coffee. He was getting ready to head out to the lake to do some ice fishing, and I seriously thought about joining him. But, since I've been sick lately, I decided to come home and take it easy again today. I worked on a project after I got home, and it left me exhausted in a couple of hours. So, after a sandwich for lunch, I took a nice hour nap.

Now, hopefully I will be up to an afternoon of fishing tomorrow. It's suppose to be even nicer out On Monday than it was today, and we made some plans to spend the day fishing. Not sure where yet, it depends on how well he does today. But, it doesn't really matter, just as long as we get a nice afternoon in. If we do well, that's an added bonus, but if not, it will still be a fun filled day.

I also have to do some unpleasant business for work, and I just hope this guy gets the picture. If not, I may soon be looking to hire another guard, and won't have much for time off until we find someone. That's the way it seems to go, there always seems to be one person to keep things messed up. Hopefully this time he gets the point, but I doubt it.

For now, it's time to work on dinner, Rhonda will be home soon.
January 17, 2015 at 2:42pm
January 17, 2015 at 2:42pm
Wow! Four days in a row, I must be setting some kind of record. Okay, I've done much better in the past, but more recently, I've had a tough time at getting in here at all.

It feels good to be back in here, getting my mail cleaned up, and actually writing a bit. I know, it's not a story or a poem, but it's writing, and that's what matters. For some, it's all work and no play makes them a boring person, or whatever the result may be. For me, it's all work and no writing makes T.J. feel stressed and down.

Of course, once a person gets feeling stressed out and down, it's even more difficult to make the time to write, and the circle is then completed. Only by breaking the cycle and writing can things start to change again. At least, that's the way it works for me. The other big factor is sleep. Not enough sleep has been a big problem for me for quite some time now. But, I think I have that cycle broken now, too.

I know there will be more challenges to keep things working in the right direction, but just seeing these few results is motivating and has me feeling positive and self-assured. I already have one issue at work that should have me stressed and looking at the very likely possibility of losing out on a lot of the limited time I now have.

There's this knucklehead who just insists on doing things wrong, and he's done run our of chances. I have to go in and talk to him next week, serve him a corrective action that is also his final warning. Then, even the slightest infraction, and he will be out of a job. The sad part is, he seems to want to get fired. I've tried my best to get him to comply with proper protocol, and he does for a short time, but then it's right back to the same problems.

Oh well, I know I've given him ample opportunities and it's up to him to make the right choices. In fact, by all rights, he should have been terminated last fall, but I gave him another chance. I even went out on a limb with my boss the last time he messed up. Now, he's getting strike four and still not out the door. But, knowing how things have gone so far, I suspect he will not make it through the end of the month. Sad, but nothing more I can do.
January 16, 2015 at 4:59pm
January 16, 2015 at 4:59pm
I may not be recovering from the flu as quickly as I'd like to, but it's at least given me time to do a bit more in here. As for the flu, I'm not nearly as sick as many are, but still feeling pretty tough. Luckily, I had my immunization again this year, and did not get real sick. I missed one day of work, yesterday, but managed to make it to work this morning. I only worked four hours, and that was more than enough.

After work, it was a bowl of chicken noodle soup and then a nap. I woke to the phone ringing but didn't get to it in time. My wonderful wife had called to see how I was doing. On the way downstairs, our dog, Hyko, slipped and fell. He's getting up there in years and has some problems with the steps from time to time. Today, it wasn't just a stumble, though. He slipped at the top and slid all the way down. Luckily, he didn't try and correct his slip, but just rode it out on his stomach, legs out in front of him. He scared the crap out of me. Thankfully, he did not suffer any injury; he seems to be doing just fine.

Being sick has given me more time to get in here and get some things done, like writing in my journal every day. I also managed to get my email cleaned up, and even wrote to a friend in Facebook. On the flip side, however, I'm getting further behind in other areas as a result of not feeling well enough to do much. Even so, I'm doing pretty good at keeping myself caught up with most of my work, and I'm hopeful that I will be feeling better real soon.
January 15, 2015 at 12:18pm
January 15, 2015 at 12:18pm
I got another day off from work this week, instead of being at work, I'm home sick. I'm not sure what I picked up, but it has me feeling pretty beat. I actually got sick yesterday, or at least, that's when I noticed I was sick, but looking back, I'd have to say I was feeling some of the symptoms for a few days prior to that. I had some aches and pains throughout my body, headaches, chills, and feeling run down for about a week. The last few days also had me retaining a lot of water, especially in my legs.

When I add up all the symptoms, it's looking like I may have the flu, even though I did get my annual flu vaccine earlier this fall. It's not surprising, considering I work in a job that has me coming in contact with a lot of people every day, and most people do not even try to turn their heads or cover their mouths when they cough. It's also a bad year for the flu, and it seems like everyone is sick with something. Even the weather has been prime for spreading sickness and germs.

The temperature fluctuates between sub-zero and thawing, just like the humidity goes from humid to arid. We just sent through a few days of very dry air, and temperatures that barely climbed into the teens by day and dropped well below zero at night. The wind blew hard for the entire time we had the cold temperatures. Then the wind switched to the south, the temperature climbed into the upper twenties or lower thirties, the humidity shot up to eighty percent range, and we had a complete turn-a-round in the weather. It's been doing this since November's arctic attack.

Just the jumping up and down in temperature is enough to get people sick, and the extreme cold spells keep homes and buildings sealed up, spreading the germs to everyone inside. Even resilient individuals seem to be having a tough time with colds and coughs this year. It seems to be throughout the country, too, not just in a few areas or regions.

It seems like this is my year to be sick anyway. I did pretty well through the summer but had a terrible time with allergies in the fall, and even ended up with a severe sinus infection and eventually pneumonia this past fall. I did get treatment and healed, but my sinuses have continued to give me problems. Part of it is the dryness, another problem is living close to a grain elevator and having some allergies. I suppose this had my immune system run down, and not getting enough sleep only made it easier for me to catch this when I was exposed.

Since I did have my flu shot, and I'm getting plenty of rest, I'm hopeful that I won't get real sick and will be over this quickly. I didn't work today, and if I must, I can take tomorrow off, too. If I'm up to it, I may work a short day tomorrow and Saturday so that I can continue to get plenty of rest and recover quickly. One thing positive about being sick, it has given me a bit of time I wasn't expecting.
January 14, 2015 at 8:10pm
January 14, 2015 at 8:10pm
It's been a long time since I've made an entry in here, I just haven't had time. I had good intentions of writing in here daily, and was going to make a fresh start with the new year.

Unfortunately time did not cooperate, but then, that is what time does; it slips past. I'm not going to let this be a setback, though. I still intend to make this a daily habit.

In fact, I have even thought about the times when we are out camping and I do not have access to the internet. My idea is to still write a journal entry, but to do it on my computer and then upload it when I have internet access again.

I also plan on doing more with my grammar and spelling, so that I can not only write better, but so I can edit my items I've already written.

Now, it's just a matter of making some time to get this all going. I may have a jump on that this week, since I will get an extra day off, maybe more. I just hope I feel well enough to make use of this time. But, since it's time I'm taking off due to illness, I may not get as much done as I would like.

Even so, it will be time I can use to write a little, and time to read.
December 24, 2014 at 5:39pm
December 24, 2014 at 5:39pm
For many of us this is Christmas Eve, and a very festive night. Tomorrow is Christmas, the day Christians, for the most part, celebrate the birth of our Savior. For many, Christmas has become something far out of context and all messed up. For stores, it's all about making sales. For public offices, it's all about not offending anyone, and for many individuals, it's about getting presents, Santa, and gathering together with friends and family.

I have heard so many things about Christmas, but nothing yet has ruined my perspective of this holiday. I have heard that the time of year is wrong for the birth of Jesus. I have heard that this date coincides with a pagan holiday, possible a few different versions, and I have even heard that Satan himself promotes dear old Santa Clause. I have even looked into some of these things, as well as others.

No matter what, there always seems to be something wrong with these arguments, and of course, even the arguers can't agree on any one argument against Christmas. I know that in the end, it's what is in one's heart that matters. In other words, it's what a person thinks. I think the birth of a savior for all mankind requires more than one day out of the year to be remembered. In fact, in that sense, everyday is Christmas.

But, to pick out one day from the year and set it aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is not a bad thing, and it does not matter what day is picked. Sure, it would be nice to know the exact date of His birth and celebrate it. But, I also believe that if that was important, it would be recorded in clarity within the Holy Bible.

No, the exact date isn't important. In fact, it becomes a lesson in faith by not knowing the day and hour of his birth. In faith we believe, and in faith we live our lives as unto Christ. So why not use faith to celebrate His glorious birth together with other Christians around the world. And, if those who do not believe in the person of Jesus Christ also want to celebrate this day by giving gifts and adding a touch of magic through stories of Santa and Rudolph, what harm is done?

I grew up believing in Santa, and we also always had gifts under the tree on Christmas morning, from that jolly old elf. It did nothing to repress my belief in God or His Son. In some ways, it added magic to Christmas until I was old enough to decide for myself to believe in the Salvation of Jesus Christ.

Yes, lets keep Christ in Christmas. Yes, lets be politically correct and call the day what it is, Christmas. But, lets not push on others how they should celebrate, or argue with others what pagan days are also celebrated this time of year. I also say, to those who are offended by Christmas, be tolerant and let us have our holiday, just as you have your holidays.

Merry Christmas to all, no matter how you celebrate, or what your beliefs. My wish is for everyone to have a day filled with love and happiness tomorrow, and for all the tomorrows to come.
December 22, 2014 at 11:43pm
December 22, 2014 at 11:43pm
I enjoyed a day off today, but didn't get to do much of what I had hoped. Instead I did some rearranging, some cooking, and some last minute shopping. It was a very good day, and I'm happy with how it turned out, but it sure is difficult to try and get enough time for everything.

But, I have most of the week off, and don't have to be back to work until Friday, unless something happens. That should give me plenty of time to get some of the things I have had to put off, done. There are plenty others I won't get done, but at least I can spend some time with them, too.

As for today, it was a good day. I was doing some last minute shopping and seen that the store I was in had some Android smart phones from Tracfone on sale. I looked through them, since I've been wanting to update my phone, and seen they had some real good deals on them. I was especially surprised to see one on sale for $11.99.

I decided that I would get both Rhonda and me one, at that price. But, when I got to the check out, I was surprised to see that my purchase was over a hundred bucks. More than twice what I had been anticipating. I asked the casheer and was informed that the phones were indeed on sale.

They were marked down to $39.99. I told her the sign listed them for $11.99 and she called back to electronics, and had this verified. I was just about to tell her I didn't want to purchase them at this time, but before I could, she said that they would honor the price, even though the phones were in the wrong place. I couldn't believe it!

So, I got a very good deal, and an example of the magic of Christmas.
December 21, 2014 at 3:32pm
December 21, 2014 at 3:32pm
In here a lot earlier today, and still trying different browsers. This time I'm in here with Apple's Safari, and it seems to work pretty well. It supports some of the add-ins I use, but it also falls short in some areas. One plus is it allows me to use LastPass, which I depend on all the time. On the down side, the browser does not support drag and drop in here.

I could just use Internet Explorer, it does what I want and need, but it tends to get bogged down and it constantly wants to disable my plug-ins. Sure, they may slow it down some, but come on people, if I didn't want them active, I wouldn't have installed them. It just kind of irks me when it flashes the message on the bottom to disable the plug-ins because they are making the program open slower. Yeah, but a second or two, and all combined, it may cost me a whopping six seconds to load them. But, they are there because I use them, and want the active. If I'm going to disable them, why in the hell would I even want to keep them?

Oh well, just needed to scream that out, I guess. It's not so bad, it's just frustrating. I used Firefox for quite some time, but then all at once it began to have issues. Then, it was a switch over to Chrome. That was a great move, it was fast secure, and worked like a charm. But, I reckon all good things must end, and so it was with Chrome. Some things just didn't work anymore in certain sites.

So, it was back to Internet Explorer. They had a new version out and it worked pretty good. I really didn't have any complaints, but it wasn't as fast as some of the other browsers had been, and it did not have the options and plug-ins available that the other's did. Even so, it worked and I found other ways to use the items I liked, often from desktop programs or through links.

But, in time, Internet Explorer updated to a very unfriendly browser, it began to freeze, it wouldn't let me make many of the choices I wanted to, and it just bogged down my system. Once again I found myself trying different browsers. I had the new versions of Firefox and Chrome downloaded, and tried them both out. Again, Firefox was nice, but Chrome was faster and more reliable. So, I used Chrome, for a long time.

Just recently, after an upgrade, Chrome stopped working with my bank site. It also began to have a lot of issues with freezing. I was always getting messages like, the program has become unresponsive. It could take anywhere from a half a minute, to a couple minutes to get the program to respond again. On top of this, I would also get messages stating the web page was unresponsive and given a choice to wait or kill the page. Again, it was a long wait, either way.

I found myself waiting more than browsing, and I also found problems with some content working right. So, I turned back to Mozilla. It worked fine with the bank, and everything seemed to be good. But, it updated and then I was waiting for pages to open, I was stuck with frozen pages, and shit just did not work.

So, now I'm looking at some less popular browsers, and finding some that are lightning quick, and have a lot of benefits. But, they also have drawbacks, like no plug-in support. The one I like best has some plug-in support, but very limited, and only the ones they support. Like Roboform instead of LastPass. Or, like Safari, it supports the plug-ins, but it's slower and doesn't do as much of the other things.

December 20, 2014 at 9:24pm
December 20, 2014 at 9:24pm
It's late tonight, but I made it in. I'll have to keep this entry short, however.

Let's see, a breif rundown of my day. I was up at three this morning, but I wasn't functional until about five-thirty this evening. I had only gotten two hours of sleep, and that wasn't even a hard sleep. I managed to get through work, even though I was very tired. After, I ate a sandwich, then took a little nap.

Only, my little nap kind of extended into a long sleep. I didn't wake up until Rhonda called around five or just shortly after. I guess she called a couple of times, but I did not hear the phone until the second call. I woke, but was unsure of anything. My first thoughts were being late for work, and them calling. But, I couldn't even quite process that information right off. I came down stairs to get the phone and seen the kitchen light on, so I thought Rhonda must be up, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I looked at the clock and seen the time, but couldn't process the information yet, thinking now, it's Sunday, and I'm not late. Then, as I pushed the talk button, I had a thought that it was a regular day, I was late, and Rhonda had gone it for me. I said, Hello?"

It was Rhonda, she had gotten off work, and it was finally starting to sink in. I wasn't late, it was afternoon, and I had been napping. I still took about an hour to gain full functionability. Then, it was back to the task at hand, try and find a good web browser that doesn't hang up and give me so much grief.

I found one to try, and am in it now. It's a freeware browser called Slimbrowser. I'm not sure about it yet, but it is fast, it seems to load all right, and it may be just what the doctor ordered. My only problem with it so far, is it does not support add-ons like LastPass. They have their own add-on that does the same, but that means I have to set up everything over again.

I will have to look into this further tomorrow, when I have more time. If possible, I'll add LastPass, but if not, I may have to set up everything in Roboform or what ever it's called. For now, it's time to sit back, and relax. Oh, and before I forget, I apologize for my spelling and any other errors, I still have a few cobwebs clinging to my brain, and this browser does not have a spell checker active on it yet. I have to set that up, too.
December 18, 2014 at 8:10pm
December 18, 2014 at 8:10pm
Pretty tired today. Actually, it's tonight, since it's almost seven o'clock; evening to the normal folks, but it's night to those of us who start their day around three in the morning.

It was a pretty good day, but I started out tired and only grew more so as the day progressed. the biggest problem was having yesterday off. Not that a day off is a problem, but how it's spent can be. Rhonda was doing some Christmas baking the last two days. Tuesday wasn't any problem, but yesterday kind of was. Not that I mind, it's just how things work out sometimes.

The baking and everything else was fine, but it got a lot later than she had intended before she finished. Unfortunately, we had decided to hold off on supper until after she was done. So, we didn't' eat until around nine, then relaxed a bit to let our food settle before going to bed.

So, we got to bed later than we should have, and then I didn't sleep very well, because of the big meal shortly before bed. I probably got a whopping four hours of sleep last night, although that was interrupted with a couple of trips to the bathroom. Also, I just did not sleep sound.

I did have a good day at work. After, I stopped and picked up a few things, then came home. I was tired, but wanted to hold to the routine we had started, so I put things away then went to do my exercise routine. After, I cooked up a burger for lunch then sat down to relax a bit after I ate. I had turned the computer on, and although very tired, planned on getting online for a bit.

But, I couldn't stay awake. I put my feet up and reclined back, planning on napping a little in my chair. Hannah jumped up on my lap to take a nap with me, and I was soon dozing off. But, I just couldn't get real comfortable. I also kept getting woken up by the trucks driving past. So I put Hannah down and went upstairs to nap in bed. I had a thirty-minute snooze, then woke to go to the bathroom. This was a result of drinking two glasses of water while exercising and a glass of milk with lunch. I did lie back down, and I did get another thirty minutes before waking again, to run to the bathroom again.

The second time I stayed up, but I'm still very tired. It should result in a good night sleep tonight, which in turn means a better, and more productive, day tomorrow.
December 17, 2014 at 8:31pm
December 17, 2014 at 8:31pm
What a couple of knuckleheads! I'm speaking of our two dogs, but I suppose the description fits quite a few, and in different ways. In fact, I bet any one of you could name off at least two knuckleheads without taking any time to think about it. I also believe if I asked what you think knucklehead means, it would be a very diverse meaning between answers.

The knuckleheads I refer to our dogs, but the term was picked up from our pastor, describing individuals who just don't stop to think before action. By his definition, I myself have been a knucklehead more than once and would feel safe in assuming that the term could apply to most anyone, at one time or another. It fits our dogs quite well, since they really don't have the capability to reason things out at all.

Oh, they are smart enough, and sometimes too smart for their own good. But even with high intelligence, they just do not have the mental ability to reason out much at all. Our female Golden Retriever who passed away last December was one fo the few exceptions I have ever witnessed. She could be a knucklehead, but then again, she could surprise me with some of the things she came up with.

She was always a fast learning. I would literally show her what I wanted her to do while voicing the command and she would then know a new trick. She may not do it quite right, but again, I would assist her, and after one or two tries, she had it down. Most of the time, just once.

She also had an imagination far beyond what I would have believed, had I not seen and interacted with her. As a one-year-old puppy, she could entertain herself for hours with a toy. One memory that always stands out is when we first moved into a house over in Hayti. She was outside with me, and we had been playing some catch with her tennis ball. But, I had work I needed to do on the roof, and sooner than she wanted, I had to stop and climb up on the roof.

I let her stay outside, even though we had no fence and she was not tied in any way. She was good about staying in her yard, most of the time, and I was in a good position to keep and eye on her, no matter what direction she went. I did some work, and looked up to see what she was up too, and seen her running across the back yard. Just about the time I thought she was after something and was going to yell for her to stop, she pounced.

We had a small hole in the back, where a young tree had been removed and the fill dirt had settled. She pounced right into the hole. As I watched, she came up with her ball, tossed it up over her head, and then spun around and caught it. Next, she shook it real good, then dropped it back into the hole.

She then turned and walked up to the house. I quietly moved so I could continue to watch her. She slowly walked to the front of the house, then dropped down into a crouch. Looking right and left, she began to prowl alongside the house, still in a crouch. Every time she came to any sort of cover, she would use it. Stopping behind a bush or the gas meter, or whatever cover there was, she would drop even lower and peek around the cover. Once she was satisfied that she was unnoticed by whatever she thought was around the house, she would creep to the next piece of cover.

Eventually, she was all the way around the house and hiding behind her last bit of cover. She looked around one side of the clump of trees, then around the other. Digging her back feet into the soil just a bit for traction, she made her move. As fast as she could bolt from behind the cover, she attacked with all her might. It took about three or four leaps and she was upon her prey -- the tennis ball in the hole. Once she had captured it, she again tossed it up, caught it, and then carefully put it back.

By now, I could not hold back and broke out into laughter. She took a minute to locate me up on the roof, then went straight around the side of the house to the ladder. By the time I had moved to that side, she was halfway up the ladder, tail wagging, coming to see me. I had to hustle down the ladder and jump free the last five feet to get around her. I landed well but still dropped down to my knees when I landed.

Hurrying to get back up and get her before she slipped and fell, I turned to the ladder and seen she was not on it. Looking up, I see her bright eyes peeking over the side of the roof at me. Even as I see her up on the roof, she begins to "talk." I don't know just how to explain how Klarissa talked, but it was a combination of sounds. It was as if she was imitating what she heard when two people would talk.

I climbed up and as I reached the top of the one-story roof, she moved back and made room for me to come up with her. I did just that, and then took a seat beside her on the roof. Side by side we sat, looking out at the town, and the sunset beyond. As dusk set in, I asked her how, "How in the hell am I going to get us both down from here. She was up and moving before I could react.

Just as quick as she had climbed up, she went down, then turned and let out a bar as if to say, "Like this."

I followed and was soon on the ground. I had brought down my tools and put them and the ladder away while she walked beside me. Once everything was put away, I went to the back door and opened it for her to enter, planning on following right behind. But, she stopped, turned around and bolted out across the yard. I called, but she didn't even look back until she had come to the hole and picked up her ball. Then, she turned and pranced back to me, in through the still open door, and up onto the couch, tucking her toy in beside her.

She is greatly missed, but we still have our entertainment with Hyko, our male Golden Retriever. We also have a Dinger, who is still developing her own personality. Actually, she is a Labradinger, cross between a Lab and Springer. She was up to be euthanased as an unwanted guest at the pound, and had lived there since she was a puppy, about two years. They had posts on Facebook, and for whatever reason she had caught our attention.

At the time, we did not know that the pound was set to have her put down the following day. We just knew it was very lonely for all of us after Klarissa passed away, and Rhonda convinced me to go look at this dog. We thought, because of her small size, she was a puppy, but found out when we arrived, she was about two years old. They brought her out, and she was quite unruly and wild.

But, when I took her, she responded very well, and just wanted to stay with me. Because they were not set up to take a bank card, I had to run to the bank to get the money to pay for her, and she put up quite a fight when I tried to leave. Rhonda stayed and filled out the paperwork, and once I returned and paid the fees to have her transferred over to us, learned that this would have been her last day.

That was just over a year ago, and she has continued to change and mature into a very wonderful companion. She also is very smart, learns fast, and can be as much of a knucklehead as Hyko. Many times, she will do something exactly the same way Klarissa would have done it, and I find myself wondering if somehow my old friend has merged with my new four legged friend.
December 16, 2014 at 9:16pm
December 16, 2014 at 9:16pm
Better get this written now, because I likely won't get this done later. My day did not go according to plan at all. Not that it was a bad day, just not quite as planned.

Rhonda wanted to do some Christmas baking, so we started out with a nice morning of leisure and then did our Bible study. After, she got busy baking and I got busy on the computer. I was using my netbook, and things just did not want to work right. I was using Mozilla, the latest version had just been installed around the first week of December, and it was working fine. Then, it updated and things went awry. No matter what I had open, I would get a message that my flash player was out of date and needed updating.

As far as I know, this was a legitimate warning from Mozilla. But, when I attempted to update my flash player, a whole slew of junk programs and apps began to install on my netbook. I quickly shut down connections to the internet and proceeded to clean things up. Many of the new downloads did not want to uninstall for me. I did manage to get everything removed, and had to also uninstall Mozilla in the process.

Luckily, I have a current and updated antiviral program that blocked most of the harmful files as they downloaded, and quarantined the rest. I assume this was why some of the programs and apps would not uninstall properly, they were missing parts. The bad parts! Even though Bitdefender did its job properly, I still had a big mess to clean up, and once done, I had to run a very in depth and aggressive scan on the machine; a very timely task.

While this is going on, since it's still running and only three-fourths of the way finished, I looked at my laptop. What a surprise to see that there were a few things on here that didn't look right. Again, the files seem to have appeared when I put Mozilla on. Luckily, these had not been accessed and did not install anything -- yet.

Even so, I will be running a very in depth and aggressive scan on here, too. I also looked at Rhonda's computer, and found a few things that needed attention, but her computer had Mozilla in it from quite a while back. I think, if I remember right, it was early last year. It had updated and stayed current, but had not been subject to any of the infections my computers had picked up when I installed the program. I assume it was linked to the download site, not Mozilla, but I don't know for sure.

All I do know is when my netbook tried to update Flash Player, it downloaded a whole gaggle of adware and such. My laptop seems to be clean of any of this, but there are a couple of files that downloaded on the same date. I also know that my Mozilla browser also has been giving the same message about Flash Player. I even checked on here to see which player I have, and what is the newest version, and I am current.

So, just to be safe, Mozilla came off, the files from that day came off, and I reinstalled Chrome. I don't know why it's as slow as it is, but at least it seems safe. Now, the rest of tonight will be used up, computer wise, with an intensive viral scan.
December 15, 2014 at 9:28pm
December 15, 2014 at 9:28pm
I just have a few minutes to write and then it's time to go check the salmon. Yep, a late dinner tonight, but only because of someone driving like an idiot on the way home. Of course, I wasn't much wiser with my solution, and am also equally to blame for the late dinner.

We had a winter storm hit today, and Rhonda had to work. She also has a couple of days off with me tomorrow and the next day, and wants to do some Christmas baking. But, she needed to get a few things, and was going to after work tonight. With the weather being so bad, and the roads very slippery, I decided I would drive her in to work, then pick up the stuff she needs to get, and then come back home and do my thing.

This part worked fine, I drove her in and we got her to work just a little early. The roads were ice covered and it was slow driving, but we did just fine. After I dropped her off at work, I did the shopping and then drove home. On the way home, the weather got even worse, and it was a long slow drive home, but uneventful. But, by the time I got the stuff put away, made a slow cooker full of soup to go with dinner tonight, and did my exercises, it was time to go back in and get Rhonda.

Well, it was a bit early, but I knew the roads had only gotten worse, so I allowed the extra time, and it was needed. I came up on a bad accident, but the emergency crews were already on the scene, and I passed by slow, but did not have to stop. Once past, I was able to speed back up, to about thirty mile per hour. That was it, maximum speed for highway driving. Of course, there were the other idiots out that like to drive way to fast for the road conditions, like the person the emergency crews were assisting.

I was right on time to pick Rhonda up. I went in and walked with her as she picked up the last few items she needed, then I drove her over to HyVee to pick up a few items I seen we needed. I figured we were already right there, we might as well get what we need so we don't have to drive in again tomorrow.

Then it was head for home. We took a different route, so we could drive extra slow and not have anyone ridding on our ass. We did good until we were just about to highway twenty-two, then an idiot began to gain on us. But, then he kind of slid this way, then that, and then he wasn't coming up behind us at all. I don't know if he went off the road or not, but he was slowed way down, and it took a bit for him to get caught back up to us.

By the time he did, we had turned onto highway twenty-two, and he was gaining on us again. Soon enough, he was on my tail, much to close if he needed to stop for anything. I really didn't want someone rear-ending us, and his lights, on bright, where taking a toll on my vision. With the blowing and drifting going on, it was damn hard to see the road anyway, and this idiot with his lights on bright just made it worse.

No visibility, high winds, and a road surface as smooth and slick as an ice rink. Not a good combination at all, and then add an idiot who can't dim his lights and wants to ride right on the back bumper, and it's looking like another serous accident could happen. So, I watched for a side road, signaled early, and began to slow down for the turn. Once we were around the turn, I started looking for a place to tturn around and get back on the highway, now behind this guy.

We found an approach to a field, turned in and backed up. Only, we didnt' move. The ice was so bad, even the dirt approach was too slick, and we weren't moving. No problem, I'll just pull down into the field, turn around and get a little run at the approach. Only, the field was full of frozen clumps of soil, and we got stuck. It took quite a bit to get the van back out of the field, and then up the approach. But, with a ripped open bag of sand we had in the vehicle for weight, we were able to use the sand for traction and eventually got up onto the road, and were able to drive back home... were I'm staying for the next two days.

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