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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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February 18, 2015 at 8:34pm
February 18, 2015 at 8:34pm
I know, not much of an entry yesterday, and even that little bit was after midnight WdC time. It was getting pretty close to midnight SD time, too. that just happens sometimes, and since I've been doing so good this month, I really wanted to write an entry before midnight. Only, I was having a pretty messed up day, and wasn't much up to writing anything at all. I did get a little jotted down, I did make it before midnight, and even though I have two days that are not circled on my calendar to the left, I know they were in before the end of the day.

Today was better, but flew by way to fast. I didn't get any of the stuff done I wanted to, but at least I didn't have any problems at work to deal with, and even better, I didn't have to run in to work for anything. It's been quite some time since I have actually got to spend my time off, off. It seems like since the start of the new year, my days off have included at least some work, and the only thing truly off about them was I was doing that work off the clock.

Tonight I'm looking at a late dinner, but it's cooking right now and will be done shortly. the day vanished before I had a chance to do much, but considering how sore my back has been this afternoon and tonight, I wouldn't have been up to doing much anyway. tomorrow it's back to work, and another week before I get a day off. since we will have a guy on vacation, it will be one day off for me and my wife to enjoy, and hopefully nothing else comes up to ruin that one day together.

Now, it's off to finish dinner, relax a bit and then bed. Hopefully I get in here sooner tomorrow, and have time to do more than just a quick entry.
February 18, 2015 at 1:00am
February 18, 2015 at 1:00am
Looks like I missed a day again, but this is actually written before midnight my time. Not that I have much to write about, its been one of those kind of days, and I need to take some time to reflect on things.

But, I did get in and write this, and that at least has my journal done for the day...
February 16, 2015 at 9:08pm
February 16, 2015 at 9:08pm
Just a short entry tonight, since it's getting late. It's funny how I have the whole day off, and yet I get in here this late, but on the days I worked, I tended to get in here earlier. Well, most of them.

It was a good day. I got up a bit later than normal, but only because I was up late last night. I close on Sunday nights now, and am usually done around eight-thirty, or shortly after. But, last night the store personnel had a meeting, so I didn't get out of there until almost nine-thirty. Then, with a half hour drive home, it was ten. By the time I got relaxed and had a bit of ice cream, it was going on midnight, and much too late to get up at five this morning.

We have been trying to get up around five every morning, except those I work, when we are up at three. But, drastic hours at night cause a change in the schedule, so it was seven this morning. We enjoyed coffee, and I made up some hot cereal for breakfast while Rhonda did a little work-out. Then after breakfast she got ready for work.

Once she was off to work, I did some work form home, sent some faxes and stuff like that. Then it was time for my work-out, and I did just over an hour. I had to make a few changes to the set up, so it was closer to two hours by the time I finished. Then it was a light lunch and log everything.

I got very tired this afternoon, but managed to not take a nap. I spent a little time just relaxing and browsing around online. but, I didn't have too long to waste, I had to start dinner. I made up an Oriental style pork loin, with brown rice and vegetables. the rice and vegetables also had an Oriental flare to them, and it all turned out very good.

By the time we finished eating, it was time to relax and watch a movie. We are about half way through, but I wanted to get this written before it got too late. Now, it's time to enjoy a bit of ice cream, and finish the movie.
February 15, 2015 at 2:36pm
February 15, 2015 at 2:36pm
Time is running down fast, so I better get my butt sat down here and write today's entry. I've been doing great so far this month, and have now passed the half way mark. The only discrepancy is Monday the second, which ended up being kind of late before I made it in here. I had my entry written and posted before midnight, my time, but unfortunately, WdC time is later, so it doesn't show an entry for the second. I'm good with it, but one of these months I'm going to have every day covered in here, and on the calendar next door.

I work the closing shift tonight, and it's going to be even later getting done, since there is a meeting in the store. It's kind of nice doing a closing shift again, and I especially enjoy being done with work by noon on Saturday, and not having to be back until four in the afternoon on Sunday. It will change this summer, but for now, this is terrific.

So, how did I spend my time today? I woke up when Rhonda's alarm went off, but since I won't get home until late, I rolled over and snoozed some more. It works great for her, too. If I get up with her, we have coffee and talk a bit, then she gets ready for work and I get in her way. But, this way, I stay in bed, get a little more sleep, and she gets ready much faster. Soon enough she is back in the bedroom to put make-up on, get dressed, and coax my sorry butt out of the bed. She brings the dogs up with her, so I cuddle them while I watch her get ready. Once she's done, she comes over and gets her own snuggles, drags me out of bed, and we enjoy a cup of coffee together and talk a bit before she has to leave.

Once she is off for work, I use the bathroom, get myself another cup of coffee, and set out to do the days chores. It varies, and today I had a report to send off, as well as a fax. Once that was done, I changed into my work-out cloths, put some good tunes on, and started my stretches. It felt kind of odd doing them before noon instead of after, but it felt good, too.

Once I was all stretched out, I put in twenty minutes on the bike. It's a regular bike set up on a resistance stand, so it can be used like a stationary bike. My legs handled it pretty well, but my butt tends to get sore. It's going to take a while to toughen my butt up for riding this summer. Once I had my time in on the bike, I transferred myself over to the Gazelle Glider.

The glider does just that. it's kind of similar in mechanics to a glider rocker. Only on this, you stand, of course, and it also has handles that move in sequence with the foot pads. It's a combination of arm and leg movement, using both to power it. It's very low impact, and does well with my back problems. I would say it's similar to a ski machine crossed with a treadmill. Someplace I have a disc that shows more exercises that can be done, but I haven't gotten to that point yet.

I was doing thirty minutes on the Gazelle, but since I started on the bike, again, today, I figured I would do fifteen minutes on the bike and fifteen minutes on the Gazelle. Well, close anyway. I ended up with twenty on the bike, as I said, and another twenty-six on the Gazelle. Next in my routine is the heavy bag.

It's a canvas punching bag, suspended from the ceiling. I put in ten minutes on that, trying to work on keeping my feet moving while I do alternative punching sequences. I don't have an actual routine yet, and no, I've not practiced any form of boxing for many years. I was about twelve the last time I went to the gym to practice boxing. We had a boxing ring and training on the top floor of City Hall when I was a kid, and I went up there and did a little boxing practice as a kid. I was too young to join, so it was very basic stuff, and it was only one summer. From what I remember, I spent most of my time doing calisthenics and running around the perimeter of the room.

I will have to look into some instructional videos for the heavy bag, but for now, it's just building up some stamina. I try to keep myself moving, and therefore burn up some calories while getting myself into a little better shape. Once I get some stamina built up, I can move on to some actual routines on the thing.

Right now, I'm doing about an hour of exercise, however, today I went on for seventy minutes. I will continue to do about the same, shooting for an hour of exercise plus the fifteen minutes I spend stretching. That makes a total of seventy-five minutes per workout. I'm almost there. Once I get up to seventy-five minutes, I'll likely stay there. At least, I'll stay at one hour of exercising, whether it's on the bike, the Gazzelle, the bag, or whatever combination of them. I may also add in some workouts on the body ball in the not too distant future. Again, it will have to be limited to a full work-out in sixty minutes, plus whatever amount of time I spend stretching.

Okay, so after the work-out I washed up, since I had a pretty good sweat going. Then I cooked up some dinner and logged my exercise and foods on MyFitnessPal while I ate. Once that was all logged, I read some posts by my friends, offered some encouragement and then headed over to Facebook.

I did the same, read some posts and left some comments. I tend to stay updated more through Facebook with my children than by talking to them on the phone. It's alright, it works out fine that way, and it seems when they do call, it's usually right at the exact wrong time. Either that, or I miss the call completely. So, I do Facebook, keep in touch and updated with family and of course some friends.

One of my friends in there was also my neighbor and best friend when I was very young. I had a huge crush on her back then, and crushed was what my heart felt when her family moved away. Years later, shortly after I got married to my first wife, we moved back to the little town I had grown up in, and rented an apartment over the Corner Bar. I was surprised to discover Kelly was now my neighbor, again. She had just had her first child, and we would soon be having ours. I soon discovered that the crush was still there, but nothing ever became of it except for us remaining friends.

In time, I moved closer to work, she moved to the same town, but we now lived a bit further apart. Even so, we kept in touch that summer, and through the winter. The following spring, we moved again, and once again, we kind of became more distant. I don't think we would have, except I joined the service that year and soon was far away.

We never got back in touch after I got out of the service, and many years later I divorced my first wife. I thought of her quite often, and was tempted to try and look her up. But, then I would think about the possibility of her being together with someone, having a family, and didn't see any reason to pursue it further. Years passed, and I met Rhonda, my current wife and best friend. We lived in Minnesota when we met, but soon we moved to South Dakota and started a fresh life together here.

A couple of years ago, I was surprised to see a friend request in Facebook; Kelly! She had looked me up and soon we were staying updated once again. She still lives in Minnesota, and ended up remarried. I don't know for sure when she got together with her current husband, but it's kind of interesting how our lives have paralleled over the years. It's also interesting how that friendship in our childhood has lasted over the years, and all the distance between us.

Well, now that I have wondered around in my thoughts a bit, I should get this finished. I have about an hour left to do my Bible study before I have to get ready to go to work.
February 14, 2015 at 5:48pm
February 14, 2015 at 5:48pm
I actually am in here a bit early today. Well, not early, it's about four-thirty in the afternoon here is South Dakota. But, compared to the last few days, this is early.

It was a beastly day today, as far as the weather goes. It started out about seventeen degrees above zero, but it was terribly windy, making a wind chill factor around twenty-five, to thirty below zero. Then, instead of warming up today, the temperature dropped. The gal on the radio claimed it was warming up, but I'm not buying into it.

To my way of thinking, when it's seventeen degrees above zero at four o'clock in the morning, and it's only two degrees at three o'clock in the afternoon, it hasn't warmed up any. However, it did hit a negative two or three degrees about one o'clock this afternoon, then it climbed up enough to get above zero, about two degrees, by three in the afternoon. But, by four, it was back down to zero, and it will dip below zero as evening sets in.

After dark, it's supposed to warm up some, and snow. The amount is uncertain, as is normal. They really do a great job of making sure the public understands that they really don't have a clue. I think the forecasts were more accurate when I was a kid, and that was quite a few years ago. Come tomorrow morning, we'll see how many inches of flurries we get.

Anyway, besides the weather, today was a pretty good day. It was kind of busy at work, but that's normal. If the weather is nice out, we tend to be slower, but the worse the weather is, the more yard traffic we see. There are the regulars that come through almost every day and, of course, there are bound to be some shoppers out no matter what the weather. What I'm talking about is the people who are there to pick up stuff that could easily wait for another day.

I'm sure many of them are out just to show they are tough enough to handle the bad weather. It's like the guy who was bragging that a little snow doesn't slow down a south Dakota driver. this was commented during a blizzard, and the guy was correct, or at least in a general way he was.

There are many drivers who fly right on by, no matter if the roads are icy, snow covered, or if the visibility is crap. I've been passed while driving in near white-out conditions. Seriously, I could barely make out the road in front of me, and some idiot will pull out and fly by like it's a nice day. Those are the people this guy was talking about, and there are a lot of them around here.

It explains why there is at least one body shop for every one hundred people, in every town. And, that's not counting the people who do their own work, or have a buddy who can do it. It also explains why there are always vehicles in the ditch, and why about every tenth vehicle I meet is dinged up.

So, where was I? Oh, I was saying how it was a bit busier at work today than on most Saturdays. Yeah, the nasty weather brings out the idiots. But, other than having an abundance of idiots out today, it was a pretty good day. I got home early, since I did my Valentine's shopping earlier. I had lunch and did my Bible study, then looked around a bit online. I thought about logging in here, but I knew I would end up getting side tracked and I still needed to get my exercise routine done, so I went upstairs and took care of that.

After a good hour of working out, I needed a shower. That was next on the list, and I enjoyed a long, hot shower. After, I poured myself a cup of coffee, logged in here, and got myself busy writing this. Now, my coffee is getting cold, and it's getting to be about time to start dinner. I want to have a nice dinner ready when Rhonda gets home, just because she's my Valentine.

February 13, 2015 at 7:01pm
February 13, 2015 at 7:01pm
I had plans of getting a lot done this afternoon, but instead I seem to have run out of afternoon and still have some of the stuff left to do. I did get most of the stuff done, but not quite all of it. And, one of them was getting in here and spending some time. Instead, I have just enough time to get an entry done and then its time to move on.

It was a work day, and a pretty nice day out. After work, I did a bit of shopping for my Valentine, then headed home. Once I was home, had the dogs out, and ready to start my afternoon, I got online for a few minutes and checked mail. Next, I went upstairs to spend some time on the Gazelle Glider. Once I had my exercise done, it was time for dinner. I had some leftover soup, a hamburger, and wanted to cook up some brown rice.

I figured I would make a full pot of rice, since I've been eating quite a bit lately. Being hungry, I kind of hurried the rice so I could eat it with my soup and burger. It was done, but still just a bit tough. Also, there was still a bit of water left in the bottom of the pan. So, I figured I would let it simmer a bit longer while I logged into MyFitnessPal and logged my food.

Only, I couldn't find the soup. It was in the database, and I even had it recorded in my diary on Sunday and Monday. But today I could not find it. I searched and found another vegetable soup that was close, and logged that in its place. But, while searching and logging, it seems my rice got a bit dry.

I didn't notice until I smelled something. It kind of smelled like singed hair, and it took a minute to realize what the smell was originating from, scorched rice. I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the pan off the burner, then put it in the sink and turned the water on. Knowing that the pan would be extremely hot under the burnt rice, I just drizzled some water in to start things cooling.

I was out of the way when the water contacted the bottom and a huge cloud of steam billowed up from the sink. With the water still turned on very low, I carefully turned the faucet so more water would run into the pan, and soon it was cooled down some. I let it sit and soak while I moved on to other things.

Right before Rhonda called after work, I went to see how much damage I had done. I scraped the rice out, and did my best to loosen the black carbon from the bottom. After I had removed as much as I could, I poured enough lemon juice into the pan to cover the bottom, and let it soak while I worked on yet another project.

After Rhonda called, I went back to the task of cleaning up the pan, and with a lot of elbow-grease and a scouring pad, I have it all cleaned up. Next on my list was the next schedule, which I just finished and printed. With that done, I figured I better get this written while I have the chance. Now, it sounds like Rhonda is home and it's time for me to go.
February 12, 2015 at 3:38pm
February 12, 2015 at 3:38pm
Boy am I beat! I think I would fall asleep if I sat here and closed my eyes for even two minutes. It's only two-thirty in the afternoon, way too early to be this damn tired. I suppose it's partly being back to work today after having a few days off. Sure, a little of it, but not all of it. I know the cold does a number on a person, too. And, it is cold today. the biggest factor is waking up so damn early this morning.

I didn't get to bed as early as I should have last night; the clock was just moving past nine when I got up to get ready. Then, I remembered I had forgotten. forgotten to send the fax to the office. I had gone into work and done an evaluation for one person and a corrective action for another, but had not stuck around to fax them. I figured it was taking up enough of my day off to do the paperwork and talk to the two guards as it was.

After I finally finished up, I took Rhonda over to the China Wok for some take-out, then we headed home. I had left my paperwork in the van when we got home, and then forgot all about it. Later that evening, I remembered, and asked Rhonda if she would grab it when she went out. Of course, she said she would, and then later, she did.

I completely forgot again, however, and did not send the fax after she brought my paperwork in. That is, until it was a half hour past our bedtime, then I remembered. But, since it was already past nine, I told Rhonda I would send them from work today. Even so, I still had to print off a page to go with the fax, and by the time everything was done, shut-down, and I was getting into bed, it was about ten o'clock.

Then it was straight to sleep, and I slept hard, too. Until about midnight, anyway, then I woke and had to go to the bathroom. But, after a few minutes I was not only back in bed, I was sleeping again, as well. I slept until about two, I would guess, then woke up and was not able to get back to sleep. I would just about get to sleep and something would disturb me and have me wide awake, again.

I thought about getting up, but I knew I would be very tired if I did. So, I snuggled and tried dozing off, only to find myself tossing and turning. I did eventually doze a bit, but I never did sleep sound again. Rhonda said she had the same problem, and I suppose we contributed to keeping the other awake some, with our tossing and turning. She figured it was because we had eaten a pretty big dinner, and we had eaten pretty late.

She's probably right, but that's just how it goes sometimes. It does make for a long day, however, even on the days like today, when I'm normally up at three. Now, I'm fighting the desire to take a nap, even though I know I would doze right off, and I would feel better after. Why? Because if I let myself take a nap, I'll probably sleep to long and won't get to bed on time again tonight.
February 11, 2015 at 6:31pm
February 11, 2015 at 6:31pm
So far, I'm doing pretty good for the month. I know, the little calendar next door is indicating I missed the second, but it isn't so. I explained it in another post, but if you missed that, it's just because I'm in a different time zone and midnight comes a bit later here. I did get my post in before midnight my time, but it was after midnight WdC time and so it shows I missed.

It was my final day off for the week and a kind of cold day. It started out in the low twenties but has dropped slowly all day. It's down to ten degrees above zero, Fahrenheit that is. We had periods of light snow and then it would get sunny, then back to gray skies. The wind has also picked up, and we will have wind-chill advisories by nine o'clock tonight, lasting until about the same time tomorrow morning.

For a day off, it was alright. I did have some work to do, so it was interrupted around ten-thirty this morning. I had to go in and give the morning guard a verbal warning on being late, which is never very pleasant. He has been doing well, and it is his first tardy, so not real bad. But, since he opens, and if no one shows up, it costs our company a fine for not having someone there, it's serious enough that I had to go in and do a formal verbal warning.

He's planning on quitting later in the spring, and informed me of that today. It's not related to the late morning or the warning, he's just going to return to the job he was doing last fall. He was laid off for the winter and did not know if he would get the position again or not, but just found out he can if he wants it. Also, he is working on a business venture of his own and will be moving in the fall.

After going over his warning, I stuck around and waited for the next guard to come on duty. I had to do his yearly evaluation, and since I was already on site, I thought it was as good as time as any. He made a year on the fifth, so it's only a few days past the date, and since he works part-time, the first opportunity I had to go over it with him. I still have to fax everything to the office, and I will do that in just a little while.

I had my doubts about this guy and doubted he would make a year, but for the last couple of weeks he's been doing pretty good. I still have doubts that he will last until summer, but maybe, just maybe, he's made some positive changes and will stick it out. I gave him plenty of opportunities, but he just didn't show any change until now. I'll keep an eye on him, but I will also keep a positive outlook and hope he has figured it out.

Now, it's time to go work on dinner. I have a pork roast in the oven and need to get some of the side dishes going. We'll have some boiled potatoes with a rich gravy, beets, and I want to do up some fresh parmesan bread. I have an idea about doing a quick raising pizza crust dough, seasoning it with some basil and a three cheese blend. To finish it off, I'll heat up some leftover spaghetti sauce for dipping.
February 10, 2015 at 9:45pm
February 10, 2015 at 9:45pm
I didn't get in here very early today, but I still made it. I had the day off and was planning on spending a bit of time in here this afternoon, but it was a busy day and I just didn't get the chance. I also didn't get the weight bench moved, and I didn't get to the work site to do a corrective action on one person and an evaluation on the other. Luckily I still have tomorrow off, and can get these done then.

It was a pretty good day, and pretty nice outside for the most part. The wind has come up, and it's howling outside the windows while the temperature has dropped down about ten degrees so far. It's twenty-four right now, and still dropping. I haven't looked at the forecast, so I'm not sure how cold it will get tonight. It should at least freeze things back up for a while. It's been warm enough to thaw, and with snow melting, we have water and ice everywhere.

I'll have to put some sand down around the driveway and on the sidewalks tomorrow, I'm sure it's going to be like a skating rink out there. It was pretty slick today, with water over the ice. But, Rhonda had put some sand down and that helped a lot. Now, the sand is under the water. With it getting colder, the water will freeze and we will have a nice inch or so of slick, smooth, ice over the sand. With another coat, however, it should be pretty good, and as it melts, we should have a nice build up of sand to last until it's all melted.

I hope it's gone soon, even though it's very early to think that way. We had an early onslaught of cold in November, and it's making it seem like a long winter. In addition, we have not had much of a spring in a few years, and it would be just terrific if we could get both a nice and an early spring this year.

Yesterday we had a bunch of blackbirds feeding in the yard, a nice sign that they are migrating back into the area. they typically come right before spring fully arrives, so it's kind of a positive sign that spring is just around the corner. Of course, we can still get some bitter cold as well as some big snow storms.

I'm going to stay positive on this, even with the likelihood of some bad snow storms and blizzards, and keep hoping for an early spring. I'm also going to finish this, get some ice cream and cookies, then relax in front of the television for a while.
February 9, 2015 at 5:59pm
February 9, 2015 at 5:59pm
It's great to have Monday off. I'm not sure how much longer this will last, but I'm enjoying it while I can. Of course, I also have the next two days off as well, and plan on enjoying them, too.

But, there is a very likely possibility that my days off could come to a halt very fast. I have a person at work that has already been written up four times, and with one more mess up, he's gone. That leaves us short handed, and me down to one day off a week. Since this is the slow time of year, I doubt I would be able to hire anyone, at least for another month or so. Come April, probably, but that's a long haul with only one day off per week.

But, that's only a possibility, and for now, he's doing alright. So it's enjoy the three days off while I can, even though I do have to go in either tomorrow or Wednesday and do an eval and a corrective action on another person. But, I'm planning on doing that kind of early in the day, then having the rest to enjoy with my wife.

And, I see it's about time for her to call, so I'm going to finish up and get ready to talk to her.
February 8, 2015 at 10:49am
February 8, 2015 at 10:49am
Okay, now it's getting a bit frightening. Not only did I make it in here early yesterday afternoon, but now I'm in here before noon today. Yes, this is a morning entry to my journal, a very rare thing indeed. It's kind of like digging in your garden and finding a dinosaur bone.

It's because I'm not working Sunday mornings. It's been a long time since I have not worked both Saturday and Sunday mornings, except, of course, on the rare occasion I had one or the other off. No, I don't have Sundays off, I just don't have to go in to open. Now, I'm doing a short shift at the end of the day, and closing up around eight-thirty.

This morning is the third Sunday I have worked closing instead of opening. I got up early, with Rhonda, enjoyed a cup of coffee with her before she left for work, then had a second cup while I petted Mr. Bugoo. He had taken my spot on the love seat when I got up to see Rhonda off to work, so I had to sit on her side. Hannah came over and sat on my lap for a bit, but she couldn't sit long, it's light out and she has to watch sentry out the living room window.

After the second cup of coffee, it was time to eat a light breakfast, so I had two pieces of toast with blackberry jam, washed down with a third cup of coffee. My first two are with creamer and honey. Usually Rhonda and I enjoy these together, or at the least, one of them together. I then switch to just black coffee for the rest of the day, except on rare occasions when I use a little creamer and sugar.

It's kind of a humorous story how this came to be. I have enjoyed coffee for longer than I can remember. I started drinking the stuff as a teen, and it's always been black, except for very rare occasions. Rhonda never drank coffee, except as a child when she would drink coffee in the mornings with her grandpa. Of course, being a young girl, he would have more milk in the cup than coffee and a little sugar for a sweet little girl.

One morning, while enjoying my coffee, we were talking and she told me about this special time with her grandpa. Of course, I had to mix her up a cup of coffee with milk and sugar just to make her smile. I didn't think she would drink it, but it was the thought that brought her a big smile. Only, after tasting it, she liked it and drank the cup of coffee. After that, it became our ritual to have a cup of coffee with milk and sugar together each morning.

I was never very fond of milk in my coffee, so I purchased us some creamer, and Rhonda and I both liked it better. In time, we found our favorite kind of powdered creamer and have used it ever since. We still use the liquid creamer from time to time, just as we sometimes use a flavored creamer. Years have past, but we still try and enjoy a cup of coffee, with cream and honey together each morning.

Speaking of sharing our mornings, it was thirteen years ago today that Rhonda came to my door. Yes, we met on February 8, 2002, in the afternoon. She came by to pick up her daughters, who were visiting with mine after school. I had not met her, so when she pulled up and knocked on the door, I went to answer it before any of the kids could.

I had a puppy who was about two months old at the time and she was always by my side. I opened the inside door, then reached down and scooped up the handful of fluff so she couldn't run outside, then opened the storm door and said, "HI, I'm Tim."

She looked me up, then down, shook my hand quickly and told me her name. Then, looking over my shoulder, she asked the girls if they were ready, turned and walked back to her car. I'm sure I asked her in, but I don't remember much more than introducing myself, her looking past me and asking ithe girls if they were ready, and then walking back to the car. It was kind of rude, but I didn't take it that way, I just assumed she was shy and kind of anti-social.

In fact, I recited a line from a movie as I turned back into the room, "Definitely the anti-social type." A line I have borrowed from time to time from the movie, Kelly's Heros.

Of course, her daughters were a bit shocked at their mother's actions, and they were also fast to cover for her and apologize for her being rude. I just blew it off and went back to what I was doing. More than likely, being a single dad with three teens in the house, I was making dinner.

The next day, however, she came back to pick up her girls again. This time she did come in, and as things worked out, didn't need to pick up her kids. The Eelpout Festival was starting, and my children were going to it. I had planned to just stay home for the night and enjoy some quiet time without any kids. Her kids wanted to stay and wait for Jamie, my daughter who was not back home yet, and by the time Jamie did get home, someone had suggested that Rhonda's girls join the group.

They didn't have warm hats or gloves, but I had plenty on hand, and before long Rhonda agreed to let the girls tag along. Now, neither of us had any children nor any actual plans for the night. I invited her to stay and visit, and before we knew it, the kids were back home and we had sat up and talked most of the night.

So, tomorrow is the actual anniversary of the first time we actually met, talked, and got to know each other while today is the anniversary of the first time we met without any conversation. It kind of makes for a two day anniversary, and it also marks the beginning of a very wonderful friendship.

When we met, neither of us were interested in a relationship. We had been in some bad ones and had had enough of that life. So, instead of moving in the direction of being a couple, we moved into a close friendship. Then, while visiting her sister, I was invited along. Something had her sister thinking we were in a loving relationship, so she arranged for us to share the same room. But, we had sat up talking and visiting until just about everyone else was in bed and sleeping.

That's when we discovered we would be sharing one bed. The only choice was to share the bed, or wake a couple of the kids and try and rearrange some bodies. Being responsible adults, we knew we could share the bed and not have anything happen, so we changed and prepared for sleep. Sometime during the night, I woke, as is normal, to go to the bathroom. I had just gotten back into bed when Rhonda woke, and needed to do the same.

She kind of just rolled over me to get up, since the bed was up against the wall on her side, and when she returned, she kind of rolled over me, again. Between being relaxed, and snuggled, something had changed. Her now very close presence was too inviting, and the next thing we knew, we were in a loving embrace, and our lives changed forever. Instead of destroying the friendship, we fell even deeper in love, and soon were living together. Best friends and lovers, both single parents and a whole new life ahead of us. It's never changed. The kids all grew up and have moved on, we also moved and started a new life here, in South Dakota. But, the rest has stayed the same, we are still best friends as well as lovers, but with the titles of husband and wife as well.
February 7, 2015 at 2:44pm
February 7, 2015 at 2:44pm
I don't know if anyone follows these ramblings or not, but if so, sorry for the shock of having this in so soon. Isn't it amazing that once in a while I can actually get in here during daylight hours? Of course, I do have other things I should be doing, but I wanted to log in and spend a few minutes before I start the rest. Especially since I don't know how much time I will need, and if I will get another chance to log in, or not.

I have to do an annual review for a guy, and as bad as it sounds, this is the worst review I have had to write. And, that's being on the generous side of things, I could have been even more negative. Of course, I always try and give a good review, focusing on as much positive as I can. I always claim to get more bees with honey than vinegar. But, in this individual's case, it was very difficult to find any area that I could rate higher than average. It was, easy, however, to find a lot of places to rate him below average.

I don't like giving this kind of evaluation, but it's not my choice. I have to call it like it is, and if I can find positive reinforcements, I'll sure do it. Even if I have to list negatives, I try and do it in a manner that at least sounds like their trying. In this case, that wasn't possible. The individual has already gotten one verbal warning, and four written warnings in less than twelve months. By company policy, he should have been terminated at the third written warning. Instead, I gave the guy another chance, which he managed to mess up about thirty days later. Instead of terminating him with the last corrective action, I spoke to his dad, whom I've known for about three years, and told him I would not have any other choice but to terminate the kid if he messes up again. That was two weeks ago and his final warning. Now, it's time to do his yearly evaluation, and I have to try and find something good. Only, there is very little he is doing well, except for messing up.

I also have to write up a verbal warning and go over it with the person who was late on Wednesday. His alarm didn't go off, but since it's his first offence, I'm just going to do a verbal warning and go over some alternatives to see if we can prevent this from happening again.

I know, a wonderful way to spend the afternoon after work. Especially when it's so nice outside. Sunshine, very little wind, and a balmy fifty degrees. Depending on where you are, fifty may not sound to balmy, but for us, it's balmy as hell, trust me. In fact less than a week ago it was sixty degrees colder, and with a wind blowing at gusts of fifty miles per hour, there is damn near a hundred-degree temperature difference. Of course, by tonight, it will likely be freezing rain, and Rhonda will have icy roads to drive in the morning. Hopefully not, but it's very likely.

Well, that's my day in a nutshell. Now, if I can get stuff done fast enough, I may get back in here.
February 6, 2015 at 6:00pm
February 6, 2015 at 6:00pm
I was looking at the calendar next to my writing space here and seen I missed my entry on Monday, February, second. Here I thought I was doing great for the month. Well, actually I am doing awesome, and I did get my entry written, but it was just shortly after midnight when it posted. The problem is, it's always later in WDC than in South Dakota. It's an hour earlier here, so if I post a bit after eleven, I'm still on the right day, but in here it shows as being posted an hour later, right after midnight.

Oh well, I know I wrote on Monday, and that's the important thing. I wish I could get in here earlier every day, but sometimes that's just not possible. It should get better, or at least, I'm hoping it will. But, then again, if I get this second job, it could be even more messed up.

The second job? It's still working as a security guard, and with the same company, it's just different situation. My boss called and asked me if I'd be interested in doing some security escorts for some people in the area. I told him I would, and he is looking into to it, to see what kind of hours, what days, and what it pays. I figure most of the time it should be after my regular shift, so I should be able to do the job, and get a little more income.

For now, it's time to get ready for Rhonda's call, then I'm not sure what I'm going to do until she gets home. I may go do up my lunch dishes and straighten up the kitchen for her.
February 5, 2015 at 5:43pm
February 5, 2015 at 5:43pm
We are going to try a different approach. It's similar, but I think this will work better, Rhonda also thinks this plan will work out better. I'm talking about making better use of our time, and being more productive, as well as less tired.

The problem stems from getting up three day a week, sometimes more, at three in the morning. Typically, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we are up at three. We try and get to bed by eight-thirty at the latest, but it seldom works out that way. Then, on Sunday mornings we sleep in until five, and usually stay up a bit later. Monday it's six, sometimes seven when we get up, and again, we get to bed even later. Tuesday and Wednesday we sleep in as much as possible and end up not getting to bed until even later.

This tends to leave us feeling tired and it's difficult to get into any kind of a routine. Even when we do get a routine of sorts going, something comes up and messes it all up. This was the case this last week. I had to go into work Monday morning, so we got up a bit earlier. Then, on Wednesday, the store called around five to let me know the opening guard had not shown up. Luckily, they called back right before I headed out the door, and told me he had just pulled in. Even so, it messed us all up, since we had been up the night before, close to midnight.

Our revised plan is set to partly compensate for these days when I have to get up on my day off, or when the store calls at five in the morning. I was looking for a way to cut down on the amount of time I needed to get ready and drive in, if needed. As it is, I live twenty-five miles away, and any time I can save gets me in faster.

We were talking about it this morning as well as how we could get better organized and make better use of our time. Rhonda has been trying to get me to bed earlier for a long time, and we have made progress, but not as much as she would like. I was thinking about this as we talked, and realized it wasn't so much the time I was going to bed, but the time I was getting up. I mean, if I slept in, then I would stay up later. since I got up at different times throughout the week, it only made sense that I would get to bed at different times, as well.

It made sense, but it didn't' do anything to fix it. The different times had resulted in me being very tired, taking naps, and not being very productional throughout the week. It likely contributed to my being sick so often, too. My thoughts on fixing this, as I mentioned, focused more on the time I was getting up, not the time I was going to bed.

It makes more sense to look at from the waking viewpoint, rather than the going to the bed side of the equation, even though they are directly related to each other. I suggested we set a standard time for getting up. I suggested four in the morning at first, since three days mandated getting up at three. That would make one-hour difference, an easy adjustment on our days off. But, that also means we should be in bed by eight in the evening. Way too early during the summer.

Rhonda kind of gave me the evil eye with my suggestion, since I often do not get to bed until closer to nine or ten. I explained that it would regulate my sleep-wake cycle better if I was up at the same time, and then I could get to bed easier at night. I thought it over a minute and suggested nine to five instead.

We would get to bed by nine and then get up each morning at five. The exception would be the three days I need to be to work early, when we would get up at three. Since we seldom get to bed sooner than eight-thirty or nine, this made sense, and we both agreed it would help make it easier to get to bed a bit earlier once we became accustom to getting to bed at the same time each night. We would also be up in time to enjoy the sunrises, and have the mornings to be productive.

As for a quicker response time to getting called in, this worked out great, as well. We set the coffee up to start a bit before we get up, so it's fresh, hot, and ready when we get up. That means we would be up at five, have coffee ready, and have our day starting, if or when they call. The store opens at five, so they tend to call a little after if no guard shows up. I would be up, coffee ready by the time they even called. I could be out the door in a matter of minutes.

All the way around, it sounds like a sound plan. Sure, it will take a bit to adjust to, but it won't be as bad as trying to set a schedule that varies throughout the week. Three days I will get just as much sleep as I usually do now, the other four will provide eight hours, more than I get now. And, once I get adjusted to going to bed at nine, at the latest, every night, getting into bed an hour earlier will be much easier, as will getting to sleep.
February 4, 2015 at 7:07pm
February 4, 2015 at 7:07pm
I managed to get something in here through my days off, but I still did not get the time I would have really liked. I had three days off, again. For now, that's normal, but it could very easily change to one day off a week at any time. That's why I've been kind of pushing for more of my time off going to what I want, instead of what it should.

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked, and once again I had to drive into work and spend a few hours on site, training this time, but again without pay. It's the downside of the job. Normally this wouldn't be required very often, but it seems I've been cursed to have at least one problem child on the site at any given time. For example, most of my time I put in while off from work, is for disciplinary actions.

This past Monday, it wasn't. It was a nice change, not to have to chew someone's butt for something. Also, considering the amount of training, and time this person has worked, it was kind of expected. It would be one of the normal times that call me in on my off duty time.

Unfortunately, however, I'm going in quite often to deal with problems and corrections. Next Monday is already booked, in fact. It started out at five this morning, I received a call from the store stating the opening guard did not show up. I tried calling him but was directed straight to voicemail. Therefore it was a quick wake-up, get dressed, and just as I was heading for the door, I was called and informed he had just showed up.

This afternoon I checked online, to see how the problem child was doing. Normally he's running late, and as of last week, is on his final warning. Now, he's clocking in fifteen to twenty minutes before his shift. This is not allowed, and he has been told. Of course, it's like talking to a brick, and I don't see any possibility for change. He's either going to be early or he's going to be late. Even so, I have to go in, on my day off and talk to him about not clocking in more than five minutes before his shift.

Also, my boss called, but today it was something positive. I may be able to pick up some extra hours doing some escort services for the company. No, not that kind of escort. This is a security escort and may pay pretty good. I wasn't able to get much for details yet, but it sounds promising.
February 3, 2015 at 10:16pm
February 3, 2015 at 10:16pm
Watching Jesse Stone tonight, but took a break to bake up some cookies. Actually, I'm writing this and my wife is baking the cookies now. Once she finishes the next batch, it's back to the boob-tube to finish our movie.

I spent a good part of the afternoon setting up some apps on my cell phone, and trying to get my email to work. The apps were no problem, just had to find them, download, and then make a few setting changes. What was the most time-consuming was finding an app that would work with my pop3 mail service and getting it to work.

I tried a few, including Outlook, but they just did not work. They should have, but I couldn't get anyplace with them. They just would not connect. I tried the help desk provided by my internet provider since they also provide my primary email, but I have not heard anything back yet. This in itself is an indicator of the provider and the service. Unfortunately, they are the only choice we have in this area.

I did manage to get it to work, finally, but not with any of the apps that should have been top on the list. Instead, I used Gmail. Yes, gmail. I also have a Gmail account, and I have their app on my android. It works great and is included with the phone. I was waiting on the help desk, and while I waited, I looked at the settings in the Gmail app, and it had an "add account" button, so I clicked it and followed it through.

It had the means to make all the needed adjustments, and after a few tries, I had my incoming server up and ready to go. It took a bit more to find the proper security protocol for the outgoing server, but I eventually hit the right choice and it too connected. I tried it out, and received my mail, but I have yet to try and send anything.

I can't believe it, six hours and still no response from the help desk. I suppose they will call me tomorrow~
February 3, 2015 at 12:11am
February 3, 2015 at 12:11am
It went and got late on me --- now how did that happen?

Seriously, I had big plans to get in here today, early. But, I also had to do a bit of work, some of the, off the clock stuff on my day off. I had planned to get up real early and get it done. Last night ended up being a kind of late night, however, so I slept in a bit later. Then, this morning, I was so enjoying coffee with my wife, that I decided to have another cup before going in.

I did go in, but it was now late morning instead of early. No problems, though, the guard I was going in to review things with and do a bit of training did not know I was going to show up. We had a good review, did some training, answered questions and had a productive session.

Then, it was about time for his shift to end, and my wife's to begin. So I just stuck around and talked with him a bit. When Rhonda showed up, he left, and I went over a few training items with her, then talked for a few minutes before I left. Of course, it was lunch time now, and since it was my day off, and I was done with training, I could resort back to being a husband instead of a boss, and went and picked up lunch for us to enjoy together. I know, technically, no visitors at work, and now, that's what I was. Hell, even the boss has to stretch the rule once in a while.

Anyway, that put me home kind of late in the afternoon, and I was ready to dive into some off work stuff. But my headache was returning and I was much too tired. I decided I'd stretch out for a few minutes, and slept until about five. So much for today.

It was a good day. I just didn't get to my intended tasks. I wanted to get online and especially in here for a bit, then I wanted to put on some soothing music, pick through the notes I wrote last night at work, and try and get some work done on the story I kind of got started yesterday.

Yes, I started writing a short little story yesterday at work, and as I jotting it down, I continued to think of more content to add to it. I should have a pretty fair sized short story by the time I finish it. Now, I just have to make the time to do that, before it sits to long without being worked on.
February 1, 2015 at 4:16pm
February 1, 2015 at 4:16pm
What could be a better way to start the month, than to get into WdC and write in my journal? Okay, there are a lot of great ways to start the month, WdC being one of them. I agree, it would be better if I was writing in a story or poem, and certainly it would be better if, I was reading and writing some reviews, as well.

For me, however, just getting enough time to log in here is difficult, some days, and then I also have to have enough focus and energy to write something when I do. For a while now, it has been quite a battle for me. Most work days I'm up at three in the morning so I should have time after work, being done and home about noon.

I tend to be more of a night person, however, and it's been very difficult for me to get to bed before midnight. Also, I have long suffered from waking up during the night, having to run to the bathroom and pee numerous times. This has left me with very little sleep for days at a time, and as the work week progresses, I find I am so tired by the time I get home, I can't accomplish much of anything, except taking a nap.

Now, mind you, a good nap should have me rested and ready to go. But, I have never been a nap type person. Even as a very young boy, my mother could not get me to take naps. If she did get me to sleep in the afternoon, it was hell at night because I wasn't falling asleep until the wee morning hours. She had already discovered the problem that still haunts me. That's right, I take a nap, and then I cannot sleep later that night, which of course, means I've now created a late to be, up early, then take a nap, cycle. Even that would be okay if I was functional.

But I'm not. I get up after two or three hours of sleep, and I'm miserable. I make it through work, but six to eight hours with little sleep has me wiped out. So, I eat a little lunch and lie down to take my afternoon nap. I figure an hour or two should be sufficient, so I set my alarm and soon I'm out like a light. Somedays I don't even remember hearing the alarm, others I do. Either way, I'm so tired when it goes off, I cannot get myself to fully awake. I hit the snooze, a few times, but it just leaves me even more tired. I sometimes force myself to get up, but I'm not worth a damn, just too tired. I'll fall asleep at the computer, or in my chair.

This has led me to not even setting the alarm, knowing I have to get more sleep, but without the alarm set, I'll sleep for three, four, sometimes five hours. Of course, that only adds up to eight hours in a twenty-four hour stretch, but it means my day is now about shot. Oh, and after a nap, I'm groggy and really out of it. It takes a couple of hours for my body to wake up and my mind to become functional again. Which means, it's now bedtime and I can't get to sleep.

Anyway, that's the way it tends to go, but I have fought this and have made grounds towards sleeping more at night, getting to bed earlier, and not taking my afternoon naps. Habits, however, are difficult to overcome. I was feeling very good and had this working pretty well, except for a minor setback here and there. I was starting to see results in many areas, more time for everything, and looking forward to spending more time with my writing. I even purchased a book on grammar and mechanics, determined to improve my writing, and editing skills.

Then I got sick. Nothing serious, just the flu. I had gotten vaccinated, so I did not get it real bad, but did miss a little work and was kind of miserable for a few days. Soon enough, I was feeling better and looking forward to getting back on task. But, work had me busy on my days off and it seemed something was constantly popping up. For example, this last week I had three days off, plenty of time to get a lot done.

But, the corperate office called each of my days off, and I ended up spending my afternoons working, just not on the clock. Also, by Wednesday, I was feeling terrible. I did manage to work all week, but I'm still pretty sick. Fever, body aches, upset stomach, and this nonstop headache. Not a slight throb, but so intense I cannot do anything. Also, nothing seems to do much to take the edge off. I suppose it's still the flu, but I'm not sure.

Today is my last day of work, then three days off, again. Already, as if yesterday, I have had something come up at work, and I will have to go in for a while tomorrow, off the clock, to do some training with the new guard. I hope that's it for a while, and I can get the rest of my days off --- off.

Now, I'm running behind, I should be on my way to work, and I haven't even gotten dressed...

It's already starting!
January 30, 2015 at 7:03pm
January 30, 2015 at 7:03pm
I slept away most of the afternoon, and still did not get rid of this headache. I'm trying a bit of coffee now, wondering if it's lack of caffeine. It's been throbbing all day, and all last night.

I didn't sleep the best last night, but that's typical lately. I had a fever most fo the night, along with body aches and this terrible headache. In fact, my whole body was hypersensitive, it hurt to even lie down. I woke the last time around two this morning, an hour before the alarm went off, and for the first time in over two days, I wasn't freezing. Just the opposite, I was way too warm and had to throw off blankets. that means the fever finally broke, but it did not end the headache or any of the other aches.

I've had a pretty good day considering, no fever anyway. The headache is the only real problem, although the body aches are kind of a pain, too. But, if I could lose the headache, I could easily bear with the rest of the aches. I was hoping a nice nap would help, but no luck.

I think I have discovered what is wrong, but not why it's wrong. I have all the symptoms of severe dehydration. Like I said, I don't know why I'm dehydrating so bad, but that seems to be the culprit. I suspect it's something to do with the detoxifying soup we made. It's supposed to flush our systems while providing ample vitamins and minerals, but for some reason, it's preventing me from holding any water. Perhaps this is why they claim it can provide huge weight loss in a short time, it dehydrates. Makes sense, I guess.

Anyway, I did eat a cup of the soup yesterday, and it seemed to have my fever back shortly after. Today, I stayed clear of the soup, and I'm hoping I will do better tonight. I have also drunk a large portion of water through the day. No, not too much, I have drank six eight-ounce servings of water and two eight-ounce servings of juice so far, along with my coffee. I have not drunk as much coffee, and that could be causing some of this headache, too.

Anyway, I'm hoping with some re-hydration, I will sleep better tonight, lose the headache, and maybe, just maybe, wake feeling good tomorrow.
January 29, 2015 at 8:44pm
January 29, 2015 at 8:44pm
I'm just going to write a short entry this evening. It's about all I have in me to do. Not sure what's up, but I'm sure feeling wiped out. I felt fine yesterday, but by last night I was kind of achy. Nothing bad, and I'm sure it was only the three mile walk I didsince I'm not use to walking that far.

Then during the night, I woke up numerous times to run to the bathroom and pee. That can be kind of normal for me, but I was careful not to drink too much before bed. What was out of the ordinary, was I froze the minute I got out of bed. Sure, our bedroom tends to be kind of cool this time of year, but I'm not talking cold, i'm saying I was freezing. I was shivering, and even upon geting back into the warm bed and snuggling up to my wife, I just couldn't get warm, She asked me each time I returned to bed if I had gone outside, because my body was so cold.

that lasted until very early this morning, meaning I got very little sleep, and what I did get wasn't very sound. the last time I got up, I was still feeling cold, but upon returning to bed, my wife's warm body felt cold, and she informed me that I was burning up. I still got up and went to work, but I had to keep it very warm in the guardhouse all day, much warmer than what is normal.

After work, I took a nap, but again, I just shivered and froze, getting only a brief nod off here and there. Then, the dogs insisted I get up, but I was freezing and shivering so bad I couldn't do anything. I wrapped up in a quilt, turned the heat up, and tried to nap on the loveseat. Normally I'm the one turning the heat down, or wearing shorts and a tank top because I'm too warm. Not anymore.

I may be freezing, but my body is feverish, and it's a very high fever at times. nothing seems to help, and I'm sure that is making me feel more achy and sore. I have no idea what is going on, and I just want it to go away. I have an idea it may be something in the detoxifying soup we have been eating the last few days, that's the only variable that has changed. But, there is the flu going around and one of the people at work just came down with shingles.

The easy way to see if the soup is the blame is to not eat any, and if I get over this quickly, then I will know. If, however, I stay away from the soup, and this continues, then I suppose it's time to go see my doctor. I can't tell how high the fever gets, our digital thermometer always reads 97 to 99. I know, get a new one.

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