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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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March 18, 2020 at 8:48pm
March 18, 2020 at 8:48pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 18th
Does your communication style tend to be straightforward or subtle? Are you more likely to speak your mind or beat around the bush? Have you ever gotten into trouble because of your communication style?

My communication style. I'd like to say I am a straight shooter, but I know from past experience that I tend to hold back when I am afraid to say what I think or am not sure what I think. This happens more in romantic, long term relationships. Abandonment issues arise whenever there is a disagreement and I don't want to have the person take offence and drop my ass, so I keep quiet.

This inability to communicate was an issue that caused the breakdown in my marriage.

I find I get stuck and cannot express myself when I am under a great deal of stress. I know that saying nothing only makes things worse, but I can't get anything out. It is like I know I need to communicate, but I fear what I have to say will upset the other person so I can't get it out, but in not saying anything I make the situation worse. I fear that he will leave or kick my ass to the curb, but what I fear, I created and I did get kicked to the curb.

I tend not to be like that with any other relationships. In fact, with family I say what I think because I know they can't kick me to the curb. They are stuck with me.
With friends, I can say what I think because they have my back and get me.
With co-workers I try to be open and address issues that come up so that our team works like a cohesive unit. We work with a small class of primary age Autistic students. I do work with one lady that tends to overshare. Not sure what to do about that. I try to listen to a point, then redirect back to our students. I don't want her to think I don't care, but I need to somehow convey the importance of time and place. The students need to come first. She tends to be sensitive and can take things the wrong way, so I need to be careful how I deal with this issue.
March 18, 2020 at 8:27pm
March 18, 2020 at 8:27pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 17th
Is success a result of luck, or hard work? Neither? Both? Read this article and share your thoughts. https://jamesclear.com/luck-vs-hard-work

I only read part of the article. That seems to be the way of things these days - I got lots of open time, but I still manage to not get everything done. I figure I have plenty of time and then.... I don't.

I did like what I had read. I tend to agree with the idea that being born lucky to a white middle - working class family. Lucky and blessed. I try to remember that when I venture out into the world. I have had good parents, who loved me and tried to do the best for me given their own situation. I was blessed to have grandparents who loved me unconditionally and encouraged my efforts.

I am also lucky to have great people in my life... many of whom are making wonderful efforts to include me into virtual writing sessions so that I am not so isolated during this time of Covid-19. I also have a friend who I am going hiking with tomorrow.
I have work I love and co-workers who I enjoy working with. It is a temporary position, but I am enjoying it and making the most of the opportunities that present themselves.

All those things are luck, more than hard work.

Don't get me wrong, I do work hard at what I have attained, but I have been lucky in getting the opportunities. I work hard to make sure I don't take the opportunities for granted. I want the best for my students and to give them that, I work to make sure that happens.

I also write. I work hard. with the talent I have been gifted to make sure I do the best that I can with what I write and put out there. I want to make my little part of the world as uplifting and positive as I can. That takes work.
March 16, 2020 at 11:42am
March 16, 2020 at 11:42am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 16th
If you had the opportunity to compete on a television game show, which would you pick? If you won, what would you do with your winnings?

I used to watch a lot of game shows as a child, but not so much anymore. I used to really like The New Liars Club. Celebrities would make up stories about an object and the contestant had to chose who was telling the truth. The only thing was, I believe it was Canadian, so the prize money was no big deal. Still it would be fun.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and You Are The Weakest Link would also be shows to be on.... but then so would Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader.

All of these would be great. Still if I won a fabulous amount of money I would invest it, but since that is a boring response and this money is speculative and fun... I would spend it all. I would love to travel. Go to Europe and Britain. Travel England, Scotland and Ireland then settle in to a spot to take in some writing retreats. Then I would go to Paris for the month long writing workshops there. I would live like an ex-patriot.
March 15, 2020 at 2:09pm
March 15, 2020 at 2:09pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 15th
What are some ways you reduce stress and create happiness in your everyday life?

I have started the practice of meditation; doing Sahaja Yoga. I find it calming and I feel more centered in my life. This makes it easier to weather the more challenging aspects of my day and stayed buoyed above the chaos of what is happening.

I am not consistent in my practice. I should be aiming for 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 minutes in the evening complete with a foot soaking to rid my body of excessive negative energies that have lingered over the day. My low goal for the week is two 10 minute sessions, but I have been getting about 3 10 minute sessions and one longer community session on Zoom each week for the last several weeks.

I find my heart rate is lower and I feel calmer. It works for me.

I also try to do the things I love - my calendar quote for last month was - Do More Of What Makes You Happy. Writing is my go to. That is why it has been an integral part of my life, especially during times of trial and strife. I try to write 750 words a day. These words are a bit like Julia Cameron's Morning Pages, but they are done on the computer and not long hand on three sheets of paper. I gripe, I consider, I plan, but I also create poetry, prose and work on my current Work In Progress. I also blog. Essentially, I write whatever needs to come out at the time. I find it clears the way for the more creative aspects of my writing.

I also love to read. I have many books on the go and chose the one that I feel drawn to at the time. I read poetry, non fiction and fiction. I enjoy romance, mystery.... anything really.

Getting out for walks helps to clear my head. I find it hard to stay cooped up in the house for more than 24 to 36 hours. A walk around the neighbourhood will help, but getting out where there are other people is better. I enjoy people watching.

A perfect day would include a walk and a chance to write in a public place, like a cafe. Coffee and a treat are just the cherry on top.

With all the Covid-19 virus protocols in place, I am finding that I will have to modify my plans. Less cafe visits. No wandering around the malls. No library visits - KPL just announced a three week closure. WPL is still open, but I doubt they will stay that way. I have a feeling this March Break is going to be rather quiet.

I may have to incorporate some yoga to get my body moving without having to leave the house.

If the weather is nice, I may venture out to some smaller towns to walk and explore, but we will see.

I need to take precautions, but I also have to have a life. Stressing out about it only makes things worse. I also live with an older adult and want to make sure I keep her protected and not exposed to anything.
March 14, 2020 at 10:54am
March 14, 2020 at 10:54am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 14th
What is your favorite childhood memory? Does anything make you feel nostalgic?

Favourite childhood memories revolve around my grandparent's farm and an old bookshop - The Cobalt Bookshop on the highway. Both places are gone. The farm has been sold and the last time I saw it, it was falling in on itself. The Bookshop has been sold, but to my knowledge no one has bought it.

I loved walking the aisles of that bookshop. It had was old and new books and smelled of BOOKS, Even as a child I dreamed of being surrounded by books and writing books. I remember taking the bus with my mother to get out there to browse and dream. New Liskeard's 'city bus' was an old painted school bus; a small old painted school bus. It took an hour to go from the New Liskeard mall all the way out to the Cobalt Bookshop. There was only the one bus. And I was at least nine or ten before they even had that bus.

My grandparent's farm was a place of imagination, dreams and love. I was accepted and loved unconditionally by my grandparents. They didn't think I was a weird little girl for telling my stories aloud to myself.

I loved going for walks with my grandfather. We would amble down to the creek or up the road towards the next house; a good mile down the gravel road. He would smoke his pipe and stop occasionally to relight it. His dog, Laddie, would dash into the bush and come out behind us. He was the first dog I was not afraid of.
March 13, 2020 at 11:24pm
March 13, 2020 at 11:24pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 13th
Are you responsible with your money? Is managing your finances easy for you, or challenging? Do you ever splurge and buy something you can’t afford?

I'd like to think I am responsible with my money, but I am prone to splurges - even if they are extra trips to Starbucks instead of having a coffee at home.

I have tried to use some budgeting apps, but I tend to let my interest wane after awhile. I do try to record my spending in my bullet journal and stay on top of things, but it is easy to forget and let things slip.

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My owl signature from Gemini Gem.
March 12, 2020 at 7:47pm
March 12, 2020 at 7:47pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 12th
Other than music, what sounds do you love?

Birdsong. I saw my first robin yesterday after work. I find winter so quiet. The snow insulates the sound, spring is an awakening. Birds return and with them, their songs and chatter. You know a day is milder in temperature when you wake up in the morning hearing something other than chickadees. Looking out and seeing Juncos and Cardinals hopping along the branches is welcome sight.

March 11, 2020 at 8:27pm
March 11, 2020 at 8:27pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 11th
Do you consider yourself a patient person? How easy or difficult is it for you to wait for something? Does a delayed reward feel more or less satisfying than an immediate reward?

I would consider myself a reasonably patient person, but I would qualify that with it depends on many factors. If I don't feel well or I am tired, my levels of patience are greatly depleted.

I would say I can wait for things and sometimes I prefer to have delayed gratification. The anticipation is part of the process.

March 10, 2020 at 9:18pm
March 10, 2020 at 9:18pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 10th
How many languages do you speak? If you could instantly learn any language and be able to speak it fluently, what language would you pick? How would you use it and where would you go?

English is my only fluent language. I know some American Sign Language and some French, but not enough to get very far. I would love to instantly know both of those fluently.

If I knew French I would head off to Paris and tour the French country side. Oh, what a life I would lead. Writing and teaching in English and French.

March 9, 2020 at 9:11pm
March 9, 2020 at 9:11pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 9th
What is your first memory of being really excited?

Not A memory, but the FIRST memory. Having passed the half century mark, trying to remember the first of anything is going to be a challenge. Negative firsts are easier to remember, positive firsts are harder to capture.

I do remember the first time I got to stay on my own while my mother went out to a movie with her friend. I was eight or nine, I think. I was living with my mother in an apartment building on Armstrong street - the only apartment building on Armstrong street. Probably the only apartment building in my home town.

I was so excited about being on my own for the whole evening. My mother trusted me to stay home alone. I got so over-excited I made myself sick. After I threw up, I put the lock on the door and went to sleep on the couch in the living room.

But there are two things that make this story stick in my mind. One - the lock was a chain lock. One you cannot undo unless you take it off from the inside. Two - the more important aspect of this tale, is that when I sleep - I sleep. I am out for the count. I hear nothing.

So when my mother and her friend came home from the movie. They could not get into the apartment. Mom could unlock the door, but she could not open the door more than a crack. I did not hear her call out to me to open the door. I did not hear her banging on the door. I did not hear the phone ringing beside my head when they walked downstairs to the pizza parlour to call me to wake me. up.

Eventually, I did wake up and sleepy - eyed I did let them in. When I told me mother I had gotten sick from being overly excited she decided not to go out and leave me on my own for a good long while. I was over 12 before she did it again. But by then there were no chain locks on the door of our house.

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