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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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February 7, 2020 at 8:58am
February 7, 2020 at 8:58am
Soundtrack Of My Life

February 7, 2020
Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all have had a wonderful week.
I decided to go with one more Lauren Daigle song as I really like her. This is the first song of hers that I heard and it is a definite favourite of mine.

I chose this song because some days I can feel kind of down on myself. This song reminds me that I am worthy because You love me. God loves me and believes in me. He did not make crap. He created me and I will do my best to love and serve Him with all the gifts and talents He has bestowed. I am but a humble servant who aspires to shine a little light in my part of the world. God Bless and enjoy.

Lauren Daigle's You Say.
February 6, 2020 at 9:35pm
February 6, 2020 at 9:35pm
Soundtrack Of My Life

February 6, 2020
Today I needed that reminder that God is in my corner. I love this artist. Lauren Daigle is a Christian artist that sounds much like Adele, who I also enjoy.
Lauren Daigle's words are a balm in a world that can sometimes be chaotic. I am very thankful for her reminder and God's love.

I am also putting up some of the lyrics here from the song... Rescue by Lauren Daigle

You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor
February 5, 2020 at 8:15pm
February 5, 2020 at 8:15pm
Soundtrack Of My Life

February 5, 2020
My mother has left on a 10 day cruise to the Caribbean. Sun and fun for here. I know she will have a wonderful time. I am home alone with the two cats. It has been a good long while since I have been on my own. I am excited, but also a little anxious. This song comes to mind....

Eric Carmen first released this song in 1976 (I was 10). Interesting this is done by a guy. I think the best versions are done with women.... just saying.... I'm putting it here, but not embedding it because I think it rather bland compared to the other versions.

Celine Dion's version.... I prefer this version.

And for fun: a little Bridget Jones's Diary

This is the fuller version of the Bridget Jones's Diary one... just for my reference.
February 4, 2020 at 2:03pm
February 4, 2020 at 2:03pm
Soundtrack Of My Life

February 4, 2020
I am humming this song right now.... a kind of reminder that things are looking up... you just have to stay on course and keep moving forward.... Annie: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.

But, then I made the magical jump to this song which is also from a movie (Perfect Pitch). When I watched the official video and loved it too and decided to go for it instead.
Anna Kendrick - Cups - You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone

Hope you enjoy.
February 3, 2020 at 11:06am
February 3, 2020 at 11:06am
Soundtrack Of My Life

February 3
Today is the anniversary of my father's passing. He had a heart attack while in the terminal cancer ward at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital. I was 12. He was 44. That was 41 years ago. I have picked a couple of songs that always play at my heartstrings and bring tears to my eyes.

The first is Luther Vandross: Dance With My Father Again.

The second is Dan Fogelberg: Leader of the Band

When I first heard this song I was 12 or 13. I was taking guitar lessons. My Dad was not musically inclined, but the song spoke to me. The line: 'his blood runs through my instrument' reminds me that his blood runs through me and I am his living legacy. It was something that kept me going through those not kind teenage years.
February 2, 2020 at 8:17pm
February 2, 2020 at 8:17pm
Soundtrack of My Life Blog

February 2, 2020
Happy Sunday. Happy Groundhog Day. Not sure if the groundhog saw his shadow, but it has been snowing a good 24 hours and we have been doused with another bunch of the white stuff. I canceled my trip to Guelph for my Goals and Accountability meeting and later the host of the event canceled the event. Better safe than sorry. I will send an email of my accomplishments sometime today.
Today is also a rare palindrome that has not happened in over 900 years - 02 02 2020. Now that is a wonderful little geeky tidbit I thought I would pass along.
As for today's song.... hmmmm.

Well, as this month is all about discovery, I am going to take a weird turn here and give you a taste of some music I have been incorporating as part of my own self improvement. I have been doing Sahaja Yoga since last summer. And thought I am not consistent with my meditation practice I am trying.

Today's video is a taste of calm music that can be used to settle myself into focused awareness. This one is 30 minutes. Feel free to give it a listen... maybe it may lighten your load. Just looking at the images is rejuvenating.
Being a Sunday it is a good day to relax and remember we are all part of something much larger than ourselves. My spiritual journey continues.... Have a blessed day.

February 2, 2020 at 7:56pm
February 2, 2020 at 7:56pm
Soundtrack of my life Blog

The Soundtrack of Your Life  (18+)
Every February, you're invited to chronicle the music that has influenced your life!
#1970896 by Jeff

February 1, 2020
A song that has been me bipping around as of late is a Jonas Brother's song - I'm A Sucker For You. I think this is a resurgence for this group, but I happen to really like this song. It gets me dancing and clapping and singing... long after the song is done. Apparently this is the first single released March 1, 2019 after a 6 year lapse. They have reunited. The official video is supposed to have their significant others in it as well.

The official video:

Link with the words:

This song has even been used in a Rogue commercial. I just can't find it on YouTube yet. The words are modified, but it works well.

February 1, 2020 at 11:03pm
February 1, 2020 at 11:03pm
Blog City - Day 2036

Day 2036 February 1, 2020
"I believe now that I'm no longer capable of writing. It's not that I don't know what to write, but how to write it. That's what they say is a crisis. But in my case, it's something inside me, something which is affecting my whole life" -Michelangelo Antonioni
What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you ever feel like this?

This type of thinking bubbles up every so often. Particularly when I am feeling overwhelmed with my NaNoWriMo story. I doubt myself and wonder if I can ever pull it off. Sure, I am still fledgling along in the first draft, but the thing is getting unwieldly and the insecurities set in. They are hard to banish once they set in... they are like barnacles attached to the bottom of my floundering ship.

Unless, I am able to shift gears, get out of my own way, and get down to scrap off those barnacles, I will go nowhere. Sometimes just working through it doggedly, I am able to break through... breaking off the brain sucking molluscs and moving into new territory. Free and clear... for awhile anyway.

Sometimes it helps to changes gears. Write something else for awhile - some poetry, a short story, even switching genres to stretch myself out of the rut I have fallen into. It is also a blast to win a contest for one of those things. That reinforces my faith in myself and sets me back on track.

Either way, one must remain vigilant. The mind has a way of letting these dark thoughts in and focusing on them lets them fester and grow. I have been practicing meditation - Sahaja Yoga meditation - which allows me to just let the thoughts go. Acknowledging that they are only that - thoughts - and they don't have to define me or my life.
January 31, 2020 at 4:04pm
January 31, 2020 at 4:04pm
Blog City - Day 2035

DAY 2035 January 31, 2020
It all started when....
I arrived at my usual coffee shop after a morning of working at the school. It had been a good morning, but I was in need of caffeine and not just any caffeine would do. I needed one of those white chocolate mochas made with almond milk and sweetened only by half. The ones without the mountain of whipped cream on top, though I liked to at least think about it for a second before coming back to my senses. My body did not need that extra dollop of whipped cream to clog my arteries.

My usual table was already taken so I made my way over to the bank of windows and set up shop there. I pulled out all my books and my laptop ready to get to work. My second job. Freelance writing. I had managed to send out several queries earlier in the week and even got a few pieces written and sent off. It was my way of keeping busy. I didn't need to linger on my thoughts, or let myself run the gamut of when and why or if I would hear back from the agent I had contacted about my first novel.

I'd been told not to build up too much hope. I had already been rejected enough, but still the edgy nerves sizzled under my skin making it hard to just sit still and just be. The fact that I had managed to get some work done was still mind boggling. I knew if I let myself ponder my situation, I would be a heap of jittery nerves. Maybe the caffeine was not such a good idea, but to go without would only make it worse. I would drop into some oppressive nightmare that would only have me tossing and turning. Avoiding any naps and keeping busy was the only way I could short circuit the wiring that lead me into such futile dreams.

When my phone rang, I glanced at it. The number was unknown and I would usually ignore it, particularly when I was working, but something made me pick it up and answer.

"Hello?" I answered hesitantly. Already chastising myself for not being more assertive and commanding.

"May I speak with Josh Deveroe, please?" a silvery cool woman's voice said and I sat up a little straighter.

"Speaking." I said putting a bit more of that feigned confidence into my voice.

"Ah, Mr. Deveroe. This is Anetta Barlow from the Spartan Agency. You sent us some pages of your novel a few months back. I must apologize for not getting back to you sooner, but I have finally gotten a chance to read your work...." I pulled in a breath and held it. Anticipation and dread hung in the balance as I waited for her next words, "I was very impressed." Bubbles of pleasure rippled up over me like effervescent ginger ale. "I was hoping you would be able to send more of your work. What I've read has a great deal of potential."

I was tempted to let my feeling surge forth and overwhelm her with my gratitude,but as I glanced around at the people around me I remembered I needed to remain calm and not appear too desperate. "Well, that is very kind of you to say..." I began, still pushing down my desire to gush at her. I let my fingers trip over my keyboard and open my email account. Glancing down I noticed the name of the other agency I had sent my work out to only weeks before. I clicked on the message. As I waited for it to load, I asked, "Can I ask why it has taken so long to get back to me? Is this kind of timeline usual?"

I held my breath as I waited for her response. My eyes looked over the email from the other agency. They too were requesting to see my manuscript. I pulled in a calming breath. Joy spread through me like a a wild fire.

"I must apologize Mr. Deveroe. My assistant had misplaced your manuscript...."

"Does that happen often?" I asked surprised by the calmness that had settled over me despite my heightened senses.

"Well, generally... no..."

"I see." I read over the other email a second time to make sure I had read it correctly. Yes, they wanted to read my full manuscript. Suppressing the urge to get up and dance, I drew in another breath and letting it out slowly, said, "I appreciate your honesty...." I paused then added, " I would be willing to send more, but I do hope it will not be lost."

"i can assure you Mr. Deveroe. I will be looking forward to reading your work."

"Fair enough. I'll send it this afternoon."

"I 'll look forward to reading it." she said.

After I hung up, the buzz of ecstasy flared through me and I could not help grinning like an idiot. I had two agents vying for my work. I realized that I could still be rejected, but the promise of possibility held firm in my mind. In the swirl of excitement I sent out response emails and attached the electronic files containing my manuscript to each one. That done, I treated myself to a regular White Chocolate Mocha complete with an extra large mountain of whipped cream. My arteries be damned. I was on fire.

January 30, 2020 at 5:01pm
January 30, 2020 at 5:01pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 30
Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? Did you learn anything new about your fellow competitors? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition?

Someone posted a meme a day or two ago that said something like: 30 days hath September, November, April, May and June and the rest have 31, except 29 in February and January which has 973!

This has been an exorbitantly long month... one full of exhausting things. Work has been challenging at times. The students are dealing well with the changes, but their behaviour has been silly which keeps us on our toes. I work in a special education class with students with autism. I will so glad when the Strike Action is resolved and we can all get back to what we love doing - Teaching.

I have managed to get to all the prompts - Yeah Me! but I have read very few of my blog-mates. I hope to rectify that over the next few days. Some of my entries have been sparse - yesterday was one of those days. It was a great prompt, but I was far too tired to make much of it.

I did enjoy the one about the imaginary friend. That one was my longest entry and gave me ideas for a future story possibility.
My most favourite prompt was for January 22nd - Your bags are packed. You have unlimited funds and resources to travel anywhere you want. Where do you go, who do you bring with you, and why?

I had fun doing this one and researching the dates of this year's writer's retreats was a blast. A writing retreat in Europe is a bucket list item for me. I may not do all of the things I mentioned in that blog, but I would love to do at least one... imagine living in Paris for a week taking a month long writing workshop?!

I appreciate all the wonderful, thought provoking prompts and look forward to another month... sometime in the future.
Happy Blogging!!!

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