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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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January 9, 2020 at 6:25pm
January 9, 2020 at 6:25pm
30 Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 9th
What are some of your favorite foods? Comfort food, ethnic food, meal, beverage, fruit, protein, unique food combination, etc - make us hungry!

Favourite foods. Hmmm. Since I am trying to recommit to a healthier diet this is not the best of prompts.. but I will indulge even if it is only to write about it.

Last night I had a piece of Bailey's Cheesecake. It was wonderfully yummy and so not on my diet, but I gave in to the craving and enjoyed it.

I enjoy Starbucks and happen to like Pumpkin Spice lattes made with almond milk and only half the sweetness pumps. I love White Chocolate Mochas as well, but they taste better with milk - though I prefer them half sweet as well.

I love churros - those Mexican tube like donuts.

I am a fan of spinach and feta combinations. The same culture that makes samosas also makes a fabulous feta and spinach wrap of sorts. I can never pronounce the name of it, but I love them.... especially dipped in sour cream or Greek yogurt (if I am trying to be a bit healthier). There is a wonderful booth at the market downtown that makes them.

The market also has apple fritters. These are apple slices dipped in batter and fried, then dipped in a sugar and cinnamon mixture. They are sooooo good.

Oh and cheese curds! Squeaky fresh ones!

Whenever I go to the market I try to walk around quite a bit so I can burn off much of the goodies I eat.
Thinking of cheese curds I would also add poutine - fries with curds and gravy. So good.

So now that I have made myself hungry I need to head home to have a sensible dinner.... probably a salad. *Sad*
January 8, 2020 at 8:07pm
January 8, 2020 at 8:07pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 8th
Share a story from your childhood when you did something you weren’t supposed to. Did you get caught?

I was a pretty good kid. I stuck to the rules so I really don't have any interesting stories about doing something I wasn't supposed to. In fact, when my mother's cousin came to stay with us I asked to go stay at my Dad's place to avoid having to keep telling him we couldn't do all the things he wanted to get into. It was far too stressful. I think I was a pretty tolerant kid, but Daren was a busy guy and he was into everything. I was quiet and bookish. I got along better with his older brother Steven, but he wasn't there. Mom let me go... though I think she would have liked to have joined me as both of them were a lot to handle. According to my mother, her cousin had always been a pain in the ass; so the apple hadn't fallen too far from the tree, so to speak.

I did take a school notebook before I finished my old one. I was in grade four and the teacher was married to my Dad's cousin... the Chief of Police for New Liskeard. (Even as I write that I giggle a little hysterically). I waited until I was alone in the class, then took a thick one with a blue cover. I used it to write my stories in. I've had a weakness for notebooks ever since, but I have paid for each one since then. I never got caught, but I felt odd and guilty about it and I never took anything else like that again.

Now that I am a teacher, I don't see a real problem with what I did. I would have gotten to the point of needing a new one anyway... and I often used my unfinished notebooks to write stories in when the school year was over.
I'm curious what other people will confess to....
January 7, 2020 at 5:49pm
January 7, 2020 at 5:49pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 7th
What skill (craft, instrument, sport, art, etc) do you wish you could do but can’t? What’s stopping you from learning?

I would love to play the piano. I took lessons as a child, but we did not have a piano to practice on. I had to practice on the piano at my babysitter's place. That was fine, but I found the instructor, an old, German man to be quite intimidating. At one point he insisted he had taught me something and was angry that I had not practiced it, but I remember not having learned the piece. When I told him so, he only got more insistent. My lessons ended after that.

I also wish I were more artistically inclined. I do try. In fact I am going to a watercolour painting class next week with my mother. Not sure how good I will be at it. My mother is talented in a more artistic way, whereas I tend to play with words more than paints.

I am just hoping I will be more awake for the session. I am only scheduled to work half a day, but if I work a full day, I find my eyes start getting heavy and my concentration levels lag... particularly between 4:30 and 6:30 pm when the class is happening.

If I like the instructor I think I will do fine.
January 6, 2020 at 10:34pm
January 6, 2020 at 10:34pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 6th
Write about something that makes you squeamish. What is icky, gross, or just plain “yuck!” Is there anything that makes other people shiver with disgust that doesn’t bother you?

I'm pretty okay with most stuff. I initially though of vomit, but I have worked in enough special education and kindergarten classes to make that not such a big deal anymore.

I had one kid throw up beside me and after I quick beat I said, "Well, I guess we better get you cleaned up." I was so calm about it, many of the other children and the other teacher did not even realize it had happened until she was all cleaned up.

So what about bugs. There are some pretty creepy crawlies out there. One that is high on my list is the cockroach. Even writing the word gives me the heebeejeebeeies. If I run across one, I do not sleep until it is dead. Enough said.
January 5, 2020 at 6:00pm
January 5, 2020 at 6:00pm
30 Day blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 5th
What music makes you want to dance?

I love to listen to Contemporary Christian music and also popular top 40 kind of stuff... so long as it stays clean - which most of it does.
I am a child of the 80's so anything from that era counts.

Manic Monday - The Bangles.

This is playing right now - The Spice Girls

And since I like to sing while I dance - I love this one:

January 4, 2020 at 6:14pm
January 4, 2020 at 6:14pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 4th
What books and/or movies are on your list to read/watch this year? What are your “go to” genres?

I am excited about seeing Little Women, the new Star Wars movie, Knives Out, and Cats. I also want to see Doctor Doolittle. How's that for variety. I'd say, I'm pretty eclectic. There are usually a lot of duds as far as movies go, but these all seem good to me. I'm pretty open... except for horror. I am not crazy about psychological thrillers either. There are always exceptions. I happen to like The Sixth Sense and The Others. Both have cool twists that I really liked.

As for reading.... I am a big fan of anything Jill Shalvis. She is a romance author. I find I read romance when I need an escape, but I have also been known to enjoy a good mystery. My reading tastes are pretty eclectic as well as my GoodReads account can attest. I am currently dragging around Watermark by Jennifer Farquhar, Dare Greatly by Brene Brown, Calm The F*ck Down by Sarah Knight and The Book of Being and Doing by Barnet Bain. January tends to run towards nonfiction and self improvement. Though I will admit I usually have something like that going all year.

I used to sign up to read 90 books for the year on GoodReads, but I have been making the list smaller (30 books this year) and reading a few more in depth books. By that I mean, books that take me longer than a day or two to read (like a romance).

I got a Gillar Prize nominees and a Governor General nonfiction awarded book for Christmas. My aunt always gets me these and although the two she gave me do interest me, I cannot stand hard cover books! I already carry around far too much weigh on my back without adding a whole forest. Paperbacks are easier and lighter. They are also easier to whip out when I am in a line or waiting for a meeting. There is a strong chance I may not bother keeping them in favour of finding a lighter paperback version from the library in a few years.

When it comes to prize wining books or movies, I am usually not a fan. I find them boring and tedious. I wonder what made them prize winning, but I don't want to waste my time with them as I have ZERO interest in the winner.
January 3, 2020 at 4:27pm
January 3, 2020 at 4:27pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 3rd
Make a list of 20 random things (nouns). Try as hard as you can to make each item on your list as unrelated to the other items as possible. If your muse moves you, you’re welcome to add whatever commentary you like.

Just for curiousity sake, I have opted to write the nouns I come across while reading an article from a Writer's magazine. Keep in mind I did not incorporate every noun or any repetition of nouns in this list. This is what I managed to come up with:


Interesting. When taken out of the article they look rather unconnected, but in the article they make perfect sense.
January 2, 2020 at 9:01pm
January 2, 2020 at 9:01pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 2nd
Yesterday, we looked to the past. Today, we’ll write about the future! (No resolutions, I promise, Robert {e"wink} )
2030 sounds so futuristic, but it’s only ten years away! What do you think the world will be like ten years from now? What inventions do you think we will have by then? What are some changes you think will happen in the world in the next ten years?

My prayer is that we will still be around in 10 years given the state of our current world... but I shall not digress. I will try to find some hope filled thoughts.

I would hope we would return to more face to face interactions and come to the realization that our current involvement in social media puts more distance between us than ever before. I will admit I have made many wonderful friends online - particularly here at WDC and I have also reconnected with friends and relatives over on Facebook, but I have also found myself just sending a text in favour of dropping in on a friend for her birthday. There is something wrong with that aspect. My wish is for us to appreciate the people who do come and spend time with us... and let the ones texting wait until we are available. Face to face needs to be raised up and respected. Phones away, my peoples. We were made to be social creatures and that does not mean staring at tiny devises and missing what is going on all around us.

I will give a nod to things like FaceTime and Skype that allow us to see the person we are chatting with... this past Christmas my cousin opted to spend Christmas morning with her husband and daughter - letting Addy enjoy Christmas morning in her own place. I missed them Christmas morning, but my Cousin did a FaceTime call and all of us were able to chat and see Addy enjoying her new ball pit and laugh at her 6'4'' daddy in there with her!

One of the things I have noticed is the rise of Escape Room venues that have you working with your friends to solve clues as a unified group. I have also seen the increase in cafes with board games and even places dedicated to playing these games. I have not done an escape room, but I have gone to several of the board game places and they are a blast. I had not realized Jenga could be so stressful or so much fun!

As for new inventions.... I don't have the Gene Roddenberry creative genius of coming up with things the future may hold.

I look forward to seeing what other people may come up with. Though a teleporter, to go visit your family without having to drive across Toronto, would be a treat! That may take more than 10 years.

I could also see cars driving themselves with commuters being able to multi-task without having to drive. That is not a happy idea!

January 1, 2020 at 5:39pm
January 1, 2020 at 5:39pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT January 1st
Welcome to 2020! As we start a new decade, take the time in your entry today to look back on the previous decade (2010-2019). Write about some of the major milestones from the past ten years. When you look back on your life over the past decade, what events stand out as most noteworthy and significant?

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a great and prosperous new year.

So today's prompt is reflective. Reflection is good... but this time it is for the whole decade not just the last year. Okay, I can do this....

Milestones; things that are most noteworthy and significant.

First thing that pops to mind is my marital breakdown, separation and divorce... I have to say, I'm glad that's over. I am still healing from this... and will probably continue to feel the ache of that loss. I am still trying to tell myself it was for the best, but I can't help feeling I failed in some way.

I am currently living with my 81 year old mother and find that it is a good place for me to be.

But on a happier note, the last decade has had me returning to my writing. It started with doing NaNoWriMo in 2012 and from their it has blossomed. I joined WDC in 2013 - 4 months after my first NaNoWriMo and my confidence grew. I have always said WDC is my Online home. I have made many friends and developed my writing chops by taking on challenges that have helped me grow as a writer. I am forever grateful for that aspect. With the help of an online growing confidence and more freedom in my life without my marriage, I have turned to finding friends who share my love of writing - online and off. I have several groups close to home that I get together with on a regular basis. Face to face interactions make being accountable part of my bag of tricks. I meet with a group every couple of weeks to set goals and check in on my progress (both in writing and in my life). One of the goals I reached... or am in the process of achieving is getting published. I have a short story in an anthology coming out soon... hopefully. It is also in a genre I never considered I could write in.

Having writing friends means always having someone around who gets you... and can kick your butt when you need it. For that I am grateful.

I have returned to taking writing workshops (something I stopped doing when I was married) and have attended several writing retreats and a conference. Each is another step forward.

I still don't have my own classroom to teach, but supply work has picked up and I am currently working in a special education class. It's in a school I love and I am working with a group of people I really like. I love the feeling of belonging and hope I can stay on for most of the school year. I have had several really good Long Term Occasional (LTO) teaching positions like this one over the years. It would be great to have my own class, but this kind of work - in an LTO - allows me to be part of a team and still have time to write when I am not exhausted.

Beyond that there isn't too much more. I did have a 50th birthday and so have many of my friends, but that is simply the passage of time.

As A sum up I would probably say this decade was one of re - finding myself after being lost.
September 4, 2019 at 11:37am
September 4, 2019 at 11:37am
Blog City - Day 2080

Please keep Joy and Phoebe Buffay (Lilli) and whomever else lives in Florida in your prayers, Dorian is knocking on their doors. Prayers for all involved the Bahama's.

Prompt: Dawn or Dusk: In your experience, which is more meaningful to you?

I would have to say, though I rarely see it, dawn would be more meaningful to me. Dusk is mildly depressing - a sadness comes over me. The day is ending and what have I accomplished? Dawn is a fresh start. A new day. New possibilities and opportunities. "This is the day God has made let us rejoice and be glad in it." is a quote from the Bible that has stayed with me. It energizes me. I am grateful and appreciate what I have. I consider myself a morning person. I am the most productive in the morning. It is the best time to write. Whenever I have managed to get up in the wee hours of the morning, I have felt the awe inspiring quiet that seems to fill me up. Light pierces the darkness.... opportunities await.

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