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Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

Highlighted entries:

[#732826] "In Memory

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
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Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
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Member of the Month - September 2008
 [Link To Item #1340208] 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
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  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
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Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
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  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
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Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
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A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
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  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
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Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
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March 9, 2015 at 5:14am
March 9, 2015 at 5:14am
Wow! This turned out to be a short weekend! I ended up staying up for nearly 25 hours straight Saturday (up at 9am)...Sunday(to bed at 11am) If there hadn't been the time change I would'a been up 26 hours straight--or maybe not since the projects I was working on were completed before I finally sacked out. I haven't pulled an all nighter like that in years: 2007 comes to mind.

I feel great regardless.

Finished my main review for a friend here on wdc, and will finish the first of three short gigs I've got going on fiverr tomorrow sometime.

In the immortal words of Don Adams of the sitcom Get Smart--"And loving it!"

Take care and may your road lead to only good places.


*Quill* I'm the writer I am today, only because of all the help I've received from other writers yesterday.*Bookopen*

Compassion and the effort to try and understand some thing that was not understood before is a step toward acceptance not only of others but most importantly of yourself.

March 1, 2015 at 7:51pm
March 1, 2015 at 7:51pm
A new month, the beginning of the third month of a "new" year. Last year about this same time, I found myself shaking off the winter ice and stretching my writing.com legs. A definate pattern seems to be emerging in relation to my activities from the months of August to November and from November to the end of February. Last year my creative energies took off from March through May--Then rl collided with job loss and adapting to a new job. All my energies went into reestablishing a living routine. By the time things settled into some form of routine, November was here and my winter lethargy settled onto me.

From Nov. through Jan. I fall into all the behaviors mirroring depression. Lethargic, isolation, compulsive gaming, television binging, problems thinking beyond the last moment...

As I've recently expressed to a friend, I'm shaking off the ice and emerging from the cave with renewed energy. (Thank-you 🌑 Darleen - QoD for your recent e-mail inclusion.)

February 2nd was my last personal activity. The Symposium challenge was the only other activity I indulged in outside of reading and liking community page notes. (Thank-you PatrickB. I'm truly sorry to see the end of your bi-monthly publication and challenge.)

In short, I'm waking up and looking forward to the promise of increased energy for reading, reviewing, and another creative writing flourish.

February 2, 2015 at 1:38am
February 2, 2015 at 1:38am
Seattle gave away the game in the last minute. That is pretty disappointing. Because the Hawks lost, the most fantastic fluke pass completion in a Super Bowl will no doubt be forgotten. As for myself, I'm not shaking my head at the fatal call which gave the game to the Patriots; rather, I'm shaking my head in amazement at what almost was because of a receiver's tenacious focus on a tipped ball that bounced off his legs and then he managed to slap with an outstretched hand, juggle and snag all the while he was falling and sliding on his back! What a show!

January 10, 2015 at 5:47pm
January 10, 2015 at 5:47pm
Saturday...I have been up going on five hours and have started reading another gig--60K word manuscript. Year 2015 is starting to look good again...

House project:
66% complete

Present Gig:
5% complete

Oh, yes! I like the new status bar ML.
January 7, 2015 at 1:47pm
January 7, 2015 at 1:47pm

Kimberly Brown lives here.

Ah, but don't send her any money unless you are in a charitable mood and financial position to do so comfortably.

She works with her associates Paul Nelson, Linda Allen, and Michael Goodman who all have West Indies Island accents. Oh, and this team of hard working manipulators claim affiliation with the Publisher's Clearing House Group.

These hard working people give clear instructions on how and where to purchase the Green Dot Pay Pak cash card so you can send them your $495.00 easily with no hassel's.

Of course, they prefer to transact all their business late Fridays and over the weekend when banks are normally closed.

They are very helpful, diligent and conscientious... As long as you are willing to go along with them.

However, once you refuse to go along, they become harassing and berating. At this time, I advise you change your phone number, because your phone won't stop ringing. This scam is performed over the phone and the "fish" is instructed to keep all transactions secret because "money makes friends and loses friends."

The area code for these calls is 876-xxx-xxxx. My advice is not to respond, unless of course you wish to contribute to the Jamaica, WI (West Indies) national gross product, ie. scamming money from the "rich American."

January 6, 2015 at 12:27pm
January 6, 2015 at 12:27pm
Getting ready for work...normal routine is back. Next on the list is to get help configuring my Xmas present so that it is protected and I can lose the pop up adds I don't get anywhere else...just on this particular computer. Really irritating to be typing and have a sudden page change for an advertisement.
January 5, 2015 at 3:42am
January 5, 2015 at 3:42am
Projects 2, 4, and 5 are done...of course projects 1 and 3 are on going processes. In short all "visitor" rooms, that is, all rooms a visitor would see, are now presentable. My goal is to try and maintain this condition.

The hard part will be organizing my bedroom and the library...both rooms have turned into storage areas. Boxes stacked in practically every cubic inch of both rooms. My bedroom has a path to the bed and I can open and shut the door as needed.

Housekeeping is a weak talent for me...I have never developed the proper discipline required to keep a house clean. I'm hoping to change that about myself this year. I think I'm ready to have company, again. Having a house I'm not embarrassed to claim as mine, is the first step for receiving guests. Over the last eleven years my house was a barrier from intruders. It literally screamed..."Go Away! You're not welcome here." Tonight the kitchen, living room, and bathroom are all clutter free and shiny! I feel as if I accomplished an important feat...now come on, give me those experience points so I can reach that next level!


Good night everyone. Oh and happy New Year.
January 4, 2015 at 1:09pm
January 4, 2015 at 1:09pm
*Music1*Oh happy day
*Music2*Oh happy day

Who can finish the third line of this song's lyrics?
January 3, 2015 at 5:03pm
January 3, 2015 at 5:03pm
Been an interesting weekend...hopefully not a futile one. Won't say more until Monday morning...
January 2, 2015 at 12:13pm
January 2, 2015 at 12:13pm
January 2, 2015 @ 12:13 pm (10:13 am MST)

.[Note:...Malyn is writing in her journal, therefore, she is showing me (and others) how she sees herself. She is writing in broken "common language" . "Common" is her secondary language used to communicate with traders coming through her village and not much practiced, otherwise. Her native language, Vosian (visualize a Russian accent), is not spoken in the Southwestern lands and in order for her wishes that her journal be sent to her family in the village of Sandorev in the Northeastern country of Rzhlev in the event of her death, she finds herself writing in the unfamiliar common language of the traders. This work is in an editing process as I am changing the original text from the author's translation of her words into how her words would actually appear from an in character reader's viewpoint.] Edited text is in hunter green. addendum note: 245 word excerpt used for Symposium #30 topic in blue

Malyn's Accounting to Verloren

...Barlen, 14th Erntenir, 1524

Tonight, this person, Malyn Armina Drud of the Clan Drud, writing from Dhoesone capital, famous city, Sonnelind.

This record tell events experienced so far away from Motherland. If record found and this spirit having crossed veil of death, please have accounting sent to this person's family in small village Sandorev, in country Rzhlev. Deliver to Clan Drud in Sandorev village. This record of Drud daughter's journey.

This person ride as mercenary guard for Caspar and Son's Trader train leaving village Sandorev, going to Port City Rzhlev, in motherland. On Taelen 24th of Anarire of Anuirean Calendar, Caspar and Son's keeping as mercenary guard, and making room aboard ship Eisgrafin, or Ice Maiden in common speech, bound for Dhoesone. Bidding farewells to cousins, Bohan and Yasha near docks of city Rzhlev, cousins return home with sad face.

Caspar, patron and Feroz, younger son, ask if this person accompany them. They say, much value talents for guard and trusting. Many stories about foreign lands Feroz travel incense curiosity. Feroz say, many half-elves and woman half-elf rules as Queen in country Dhoesone. Being alone half-elf in village of childhood wanting much to see others so afflicted. So, this person agree, go as merc-guard for traders. Soon discover liking two Brecht traders. Traders laugh much more than used to and finding taking much unpracticed patience to realize verbal banter no insult requiring blood price...
[(Note): This 245 word excerpt submitted to Symposium topic #30--12-31-14][this section since edited to subdue the repetitions of the phrase "this person" which is used in the place of the proverbs I, my and me. Unfortunately, not edited soon enough for the judging of the Special Symposium topic...]

Journey by sea proved, beyond doubting, that this Drud daughter rather walk or ride by horseback or wagon through most wild territory, than ever again find self surrounded by nothing but water and sky.

At first all fine. Big adventure, seeing places new, heard about but no dream would walk these roads. Brecht on annual trade run around Krakennauricht Bay. During 49 day journey, Eisgrafen stop in Northern port, Brechlen (Muden also called), largest city in Brechtlands and by far grandest city this person ever see in lifetime. After that, still travelling westerly within bay, ship come to Aulbrunn, in Wierech, strong-fortified city seeming at first quiet and empty. Eisgrafen make docking and Aulbrunn turn alive liking stirring ant hill. Eisgrafin leave, head more north and west, stop only in small trading town Kopingdal in Rjurik domain Hjolvar to buy furs before heading to open sea. Kopingdal first time remembering of home. This person realize sad longing for return to familiar wild, motherlands.

That where first backward look to Sandorev happen. Sudden memory of family and wonder how Clan Drud fare. Wondered if Clan Drud think about absent Drud daughter. So write short Letter to Uncle Feliks before leaving Kopingdal's port. Letter paid delivery to Feroz's cousin heading next trader train south and east going to home village. Possible, Uncle read letter many weeks ago.

[ January 2, 2015 at 12:50 pm] last edit to here.

After Kopingdal, much weeks before this person again able to walk on solid dirt. Eisgrafin never stop until reaching small city of Aaldvika, about the same size as Rzhlev city and houses made of wood. From Aaldvika, Caspars continued south; round the southernmost point of Siren's domain. Soon after, Eisgrafin caught in most terrible storm, and only barely make next port, one Nolien in Dhoesone.

We sailed, one ship out of six, all going south as a group to deter pirate attack. But the only threat to the cooperative flotilla were the storms that indeed sank two of the six ships to the bottom of the deep waters. I could not guard against the anger of the seas, and was all but useless during the storms adding to the foul bile below decks. The seasoned seafarers laughed at my incapacity stating that these summer storms are nothing. "You should sail through a winter storm. Now that is an experience to survive. Hahahaaahaaa." All I could do was turn and puke the water I'd just drank some moments before. But our ship reached the southern port city of Nolien all in one piece, barely. Caspar and Son's trading goods from the north was also all intact and in reasonably good condition. I found myself wearing heavy wool and furs in a land where lighter clothing is better suited. Though it is autumn, it feels like midsummer to me.

And land, everywhere, GREEN! Everywhere see different shades of green only occur high summer in Motherlands. Odors overwhelm, intense in southern heat. Smell of hot dust, heavy scent of clay mud after quick rain, even odor of the cooking fires, pungent and unfamiliar. This person truly as far away from birth home and family as ever been or ever will be. Even if travelling further miles, can never feel same intense alien ness again. Nothing seen is familiar; as if seeing everything with eyes of one who has had their eyes opened for first time in all lifetime. Much exciting. Everything strange and new. All senses heightened and open, taking everything inside to bursting.

Yesterday, Feroz laughed and asked, "How can you look from one thing to another and another so quickly and not get dizzy?" I shrugged and said, "I just can," and continued to take in as many of the sights, sounds, and odors as possible.

The stories of the numerous half-elves of this land are true. I have seen with my own eyes. At first it was strange to see the slender boned face of the short people in Nolien. I found my rude stare met with a disdain for my obvious uncivilized manner. But after a full day of seeing as many slender boned faces and curved ears such as my own I found the newness had worn away. I am taller than many of the half-Elven peoples of this land. That too is strange to me. All my life always smaller than those same age and when coming of age, only children shorter. Finding in this land, elders looking up to me and finding self uncomfortable with obvious disrespect when standing in elder's presence.

Is now 14th of Erntenir of the year 1524 HC , and having fulfilled contract with Caspar and Son's traders. Caspar has drafted for me writ of reference to present to future employer wishing services, and 160 empire gold in belt pouch. No need of the letter, for today I was hired as a guard and investigator for a keep to the north, in a place called the Giantdowns. Caspar told me that it was a wild place, but one full of danger, mystery and opportunity. After some minor purchases, I plan to join the settlers of Veloren Keep and add my fighting spirit to their defense against this White Witch's threat I have heard talk about.

Before leaving the employ of Caspar, I will entrust him with a letter to be delivered to My Uncle Feliks when next the trader caravan is that far North again. It reads:

Honorable Uncle,
I have arrived safely and fullfilled my contract to the satisfaction of my employers. I will be travelling to a land called the Giantdowns. There is some kind of trouble brewing there and the local settler's have been recruiting everyone they can find to fight in the defense of their lands and their lives.
Tell everyone, all of you are in my thoughts often. I will write again once I've arrived at Veloren Keep in the Giantdowns.
In all Honor,

Relen 18th Erntenir 1524 HC

I rushed past an important story. Let me retrace steps back and tell about how I am now working for my new employer, the Dwarf Akos Sotencrag.

To recount last 4 days events since I've written last.... Things have happened quickly since coming to Sonelind. The first day, Caspar and Son's set up in Market with no problems at all. I helped where I could and stood watch over area most of day, running errands during part of day. Early in day was when I first saw Dwarf Akos. He spoke to Caspar and looked over some of trade goods from Aulbrunn. Later at night when trade had ended, Dwarf Akos returned and shared evening meal. It was at this time Caspar introduced me to this fellow as Akos Sotencrag, formerly of KhurinAzur. I remember that this place borders Wierech where Aulbrunn is located. I think to myself, 'This Dwarf is long way from his beginnings,' and wonder about his story. What brings him here same time I come here? He speaks to Caspar in Brecht for most of night and I catch come familiar words but much of what is said I do not understand. At one point during dinner, Feroz tells Akos I may be someone to talk to, I may be help to him. He looked me over more thoroughly than when we were first introduced and I felt he agreed with Feroz, I might be of some help to whatever he talked so intently about to Caspar. He invited me to meet with him at Sleeping Oak Inn on the morrow if I am interested in some exciting and meaningful work.

This invitation turns out to have come at very good time as, Feroz told me that the Caspar's will probably be stranded in Sonelind until winter passes. They wait for Ship Eisgrafen to be repaired after recent storms. Feroz and I talk late into night and he tells me this place the Dwarf goes to, this Giantdowns, 'is a wild and dangerous land to the Northeast of Dhosone, full of hidden treasures and terrible monsters.' I see the wisdom of Feroz's words that I go and listen to Akos' and see what it is he proposes. After all, I do not make a very reliable sailor and I live better with land under my feet. So I go next day, it being 14th of Erntenir, and I find Sleeping Oak Inn and talk with Akos and hear his proposition. As Dwarf Akos talks I feel rightness inside my gut that I follow this man to this wild country he try to tame. He explain that he looks for specific kind of person and asks me many questions, some I feel uncomfortable to answer but it feel right to answer as honest and complete as I can. After all is said about personal stories, Akos invites me to dinner next night to meet ones he has chosen to travel to Verloren Keep he has claimed. I look inside myself and at choice of being sailor trader or scout warrior I am used to being and I accept in joining his cause and I go to his dinner next evening.

Feroz says to me that I chose right. He says I would feel like caged animal stuck here with them. I frowned at his choice of words and told him, "I no animal." And he laughed at me and said I would not be happy stuck here. I laughed seeing truth behind his words. I slept good sleep that night. No dreams disturbed my slumber and I felt good next day as I took stock of my possessions and prepared for change of journey.

I went to dinner, it being night of 15th and met who have agreed to be chosen to follow Akos. It is strange combination of fellows Akos has selected. We are all young and fairly of equal experience in each thing that we are good at.

I am from the Far Northeast and a warrior, and Cayen of dark skinned people I've only heard of in stories, is from South deserts and he smells of magic and musk. Then there are two fellows that are from lands in between; one is warrior priest and he appears untried as yet; the other is a man of earth magics, Druid kind that know mysteries of herbs. This druid carries himself with air of ageless wisdom yet he appears younger than myself.

I am 17 summers in years. But maybe the Rjurik Druid is older and it is his whiteness of skin and hair that makes me think otherwise?

That dinner tells more than what Akos mentioned previous day. He tells how he is wounded and that it is of a mysterious force that drained his close friend of his youth and aged the dwarf's hand into feebleness and changing his hair to white. The dwarf says his friend was of Elven people and he died of old age in matter of minutes? I feel uncomfortable about running to fight magic and spirits, but I cannot see myself doing anything else. I go because my destiny calls me to go. I have never felt so strongly about what to do as I did that night at dinner at Sleepy Oak. I cannot explain conviction that took hold of me that night. It is something I have felt before, yet not so strongly as that night. Eloell was guiding me. I felt her touch. That is as close to explaining how I felt as I can get.

The first day, being 16th, we meet in front of the Sleepy Oak early, and met other's who have joined Akos. These seven people are craftsmen and their families and three guards, two I met earlier when I saw Akos and heard his proposition, third I not seen before.

We are group of 16 in all and we are questioned by city guards as we leave going to the south. Akos speaks with them and we leave Sonelind, Caspars, and any connection to my old life, behind. I think it strange that we go South, but realizing during part of time Akos spoke to everyone as group, I was so busy looking around at everyone, I did not hear everything that was said. So I rode on one of new ponies Akos supplied for travel and followed along side Akos in second wagon.

First day passes with no worry. I recognize fellow on the road south who I saw in Sleepy Oak on 14th, but when I approached him he ignored me and kept riding. I think this strange and I imprint his appearance to memory. But maybe he had no interest since he was not hired by Akos and he has other things to think about..
January 1, 2015 at 2:03am
January 1, 2015 at 2:03am
Hmmmmm. I just finished reading the character excerpt I submitted to the Symposium Special Topic...hmmmmm.

In short, still needs more work. The question arises: How to write a journal entry to reflect the character's voice and still show the character's intellect, emotion, belief, etc., without making same character sound or appear diminished.

12:00am Happy New Year.

All Non writing & Non gaming Activities for the year. The following projects are in direct relationship to the first resolution I've attempted to make in over Ten years...ie., Resolution for 2015--Keep an organized and moderately clean house throughout the year. For anyone who KNOW me this is a huge goal!

Projects: 11:30am (1:30pm wdct) as of a half hour ago #1 project: dishes

In progress

#2 project: organize kitchen

#3 project: maintain all household projects (on going)

#4 project: organize living room

Repeat #3 (ha ha ha)

[You do notice that these are labeled Projects and NOT Steps. A very important distinction. Projects can be performed out of order, while steps tend more to follow each other.]

#5 project: organize bathroom

#6 project: organize library

#7 project: organize bedroom

#8 project: organize storage unit and evaluate the need for continued usage...money saver potential...

Repeat #3 (ha ha ha again)

More projects to be added as they come up...although I have added every room of the house and one out of home space. This summer the front and back porch will no doubt be added.

This list of projects is an important step in trying to reduce distractions throughout the year for my writing activities. I will find out if these projects actually reduce the distractions or magnify them.

Resolution #2: Write purposefully this year...I have lost much of my writing discipline from lack of routine. I will endeavor to recapture a routine in my daily life which includes writing with a purpose.

But first, I must attend to a project in progress. *Bigsmile*

December 28, 2014 at 8:53pm
December 28, 2014 at 8:53pm
Last week of December and I think I am finally getting my act together in the writing department after a long break in routine starting last August or a little bit before. Disruptions in my daily life with job loss and then internet loss really dampened my drive to create. However, since once again getting an internet connection in my own home, the need to create has blossomed. I have spent some time perusing through the Marchlands accounts and with the spur of PatrickB 's Symposium Topic 30, I have settled on a project to start the year 2015. Actually, I will be returning to an older project--some ten years older--in which I will be editing Malyn's journal as written around 2001.

"Malyn Kept a journal--Raw resource to Verloren wip of my book "freewrites: prompts, scenes, or teasers is now priority. This is a WIP as I am changing the original text from the author's translation of the character's words into how her words would actually appear from an "in character" reader's viewpoint. It is a character's journal and should be written from the character's pov in the character's voice. The original drafts were written as a bard or scribe of the D&D fantasy genre would have written an 'as told to me' or 'as read from' account; with the educated scribe's grammar corrections.

Basically, I hadn't visualized the full characterization of Malyn or how she would speak at the time of the first drafts. Now that I've lived with the character for going over fourteen years, her voice is quite clear. She is articulate and educated even though she came from a backwards village in barbarian country. Her ability to learn quickly is due to a racial anamoly. Her mother was Vosian--barbarian, sort of a cross between Cossack and Mongolian. Her father, however, is Sidhelein--or Elven from the Forests west of Malyn's home village. She is physically larger than the average Elf or human, yet a head shorter than her Vos cousins. (Vosian females are typically from 6'5"- 6'9" and men are from 6'8"-7'5". Malyn is a puny 6'1".) Her broken speech is due to the fact that she is writing in a second language, which she was never properly educated. The common trade language was picked up over the years through her interactions with Brecht traders traveling through her village maybe four to six times a year. She is the only half-elf existing in the Rhzlev Vosian domain due to an historical mistrust between the two races. She has endured the existence of not quite belonging since she was raised by her mother among her mother's people. However, Malyn earned the respect of the Sandorev villagers through her loyalty to family and home. Then her mother died and she has taken up the journey to discover something about her father's people. (Her father disappeared with the remnants of the Sidhelein lands falling into the plague of shadow.)

December 15, 2014 at 1:51pm
December 15, 2014 at 1:51pm
I took advantage of the new system gifted to me and loaded two games I purchased over six years ago which were incompatible with my xp computer. Since I have no I-net access at home these days, I don't feel guilty at all playing computer games for most of the day Sunday. I've enjoyed playing Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Fable: the Lost Chapters... Fable is the game I spent the most time with.

I even got a bit of housework accomplished and plan to get some more done tonight after work. I find it interesting that after playing a computer game I want to clean house...seems I have more energy to spend after completing a game goal. Hmmmmm?
December 13, 2014 at 5:36pm
December 13, 2014 at 5:36pm
Testing ...Sweet!

It works on my new computer...I can save entries in my account again. The main difference is that I'm using google chrome as my main browser. Before I'd get everything written out and when I clicked the save entry button, I'd get a failed message--that was with internet explorer as my browser. So glad I figured out how to make chrome my default.

I'm presently at my sister's and enjoying I-Net access...I have access through my old XP at home--uses a phone line--but don't have a phone line hook up on this computer to plug into the internet I've paid for. Also, because my XP is over 12 years old I no longer have access to all the services on WdC.

Once I figure out a budget for WiFi, I will again be connected at my home. As Bilbo Baggins would say: Got to figure out all the will dos and why fores first.

So until next time, time to go home and attend my Saturday routine there.
December 10, 2014 at 1:34pm
December 10, 2014 at 1:34pm
I'm getting a few minutes logged in before I go to work. I've closed out another gig successfully. All the positive reviewing I've done here has literally paid off. I'm excited *Smile*.
December 6, 2014 at 8:24pm
December 6, 2014 at 8:24pm
Hmmm, I have a new computer but though I can read everything on the site and access my items, it seems I can't write new entries as of yet. However I still have access on my tablet to make changes.

I am presently brain weary and will explore connection options at another date.
December 5, 2014 at 12:59pm
December 5, 2014 at 12:59pm
Looking forward to this weekend. I got my Christmas present from my son, Tim, today and will be setting it up tonight after work. I'm excited.

Last night I attended the company Xmas party. Good food and a good time.

Well, time to get going. Work is calling.
December 5, 2014 at 12:57pm
December 5, 2014 at 12:57pm
Looking forward to this weekend. I got my Christmas present from my son, Tim, today and will be setting it up tonight after work. I'm excited.

Last night I attended the company Xmas party. Good food and a good time.

Well, time to get going. Work is calling.
December 1, 2014 at 2:08pm
December 1, 2014 at 2:08pm
Just closing up my WiFi access at my sister's place. The dogs have settled down and I will be on my way to work after I finish this post.

This week I'm working 4 ten hour shifts with Thursday off...Thursday is the company Christmas party. Therefore, my work schedule is M-W 1pm to 11pm (we take two 15 min breaks but no lunch). Go to the Company party from 5:30pm to 8-9pm then Friday I work from noon til 10pm. Next week my schedule is back to normal. Over the Christmas-New Years holiday I will have the whole week off. Since I have no vacation time, I won't be paid for that week, but I've been able to set a week and two days pay aside so I can pay my Jan rent. Life is good.

I am a day ahead on my recent gig so that will be wrapped up by tonight. Then I can attend to Malyn and get something going on her first book which is 3/4s finished. I need to get the ending of the first book together then start the second draft editing.

I'm excited.
November 30, 2014 at 6:45pm
November 30, 2014 at 6:45pm
I sat down to write and of course, I need to back away from a locked front door and see if I can find an unlocked side door or back door. Hell, an unlocked window will do. *Laugh*

Okay, crawling through a window...The end of NaNoWriMo is close and of course now is when the urge to write hits. That is okay. Whenever the writing urge hits this strong is always welcome.

This weekend I spent with family at my sister's home. Where I'm invited to share their WiFi and company whenever I wish. (There right now, in fact.)

At home I indulged in the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings movies as well as most of the extras on the DVD collection. As usual, after watching the movies and documentaries I pick up my copies of Tolkien's story. I have the paperback 33rd printing, August 1971 edition of the books. I first read the books in the 1980s while in college. My husband read them first and then convinced me to read them. I am glad to have them to reread at my leisure.

So here I am trying to described the effect the documentaries and the books and the movies have on me. In short, I become very restless. The need to write or at the very least to read more, stirs within me. My Malyn character was partially born from this need to write after the Tolkien experience. I have her sold on maps and I've a history of her parents, her childhood, her meeting destiny. The urge this time is as strong if not a bit stronger to get into Malyn's world. I think once I've finished my present fiverr assignment, Malyn is going to get some serious attention.

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