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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

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[#732826] "In Memory

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
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Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
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Member of the Month - September 2008
 [Link To Item #1340208] 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
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  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
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Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
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  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
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Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
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A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
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  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
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Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
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October 28, 2015 at 3:38am
October 28, 2015 at 3:38am
I am tired tonight, but restless enough to find myself here. Don't know if I will say anything worth sharing, other than, what I just now said *Think*

Diversity...this is a very important word in regards to the survival of all life all over the world. Monospeciation (the antithesis to diversity: mono=single; speciation=species) leads to whole populations of flora and fauna endangered by disease to the point of being completely wiped out.

Think about the implications of the above statement. Then relate it to the Department of Agriculture's policies of dictating what a farmer in the USA is allowed to grow on his own property to the point of dictating the seed that farmer is allowed to buy. For instance, the DoA doesn't just say, You will receive subsidies if you grow only wheat this year...instead they say, Grow Project XYZ221 Wheat this year, to stay in business. Very disturbing trend that has been going on since before the Great Dust Bowl, but culminated in the catastrophe we know as the the Great Dust Bowl migrations.

Personally, I prefer to grow my private garden and collect and regrow my heirloom seed in all it's diverse variety. For instance, I would plant organic and more than one variety of each vegetable in close proximity then replant the seed to maintain the diversity year after year. I would eat healthier from my garden than those who buy the bread made from XYZ221 wheat because I wouldn't need insecticides and other numerous "cides" to keep my crops from disease and insect infestations. My diverse crop also yields greater percentages of nutritional value because my body enjoys the natural non-GMOness of what I've grown. When will the masses fully realize that the policies of Government regarding commercial farming is killing them.

October 24, 2015 at 11:28pm
October 24, 2015 at 11:28pm
I've been spending time researching ancient history. That is, history of human groups before written documentation as surmised by anthropologists and archaeologists. I have in my possession several DVD lecture sets as well as texts in my personal library to compliment each other in my endeavors.

What I really find interesting, is that when asked that question many people are interested in regarding heritage I have answered as my parents and grandparents have taught me to answer. My ancestry is Scotch/Irish and German. After my recent journey through the ancient beginnings of Northwestern Europe (Scandinavian Peninsula, British Isles and the European continent which includes France and Germany today), I can see that Scotch/Irish and German are really all the same. I've learned that the Picts, Angles, Jutes, Brits, Frisian, and Saxons all came from Germanic tribes. Point in fact, the German people today wouldn't be different from the French, English, Scots, Irish, Danes, Norwegian, or Swede if the Roman Empire hadn't conquered the area. The a fore mentioned "tribes" all migrated from central Germany as the glacial hold over Northern Europe melted away. I am over simplifying, of course, but point in fact, all the countries of NW Europe have come from the same heritage and linguistic root.

And then there is the migration out of Africa in the very far past...I guess I can say I am a very light skinned African. When you look back far enough into your personal lineage, prejudice against another person who looks, speaks, and behaves differently than yourself is very ignorant, indeed.

October 3, 2015 at 8:24pm
October 3, 2015 at 8:24pm

I walked the narrow alley
following the light.
He smiled down upon me
and it felt right.


I stumbled down the narrow alley
pulled by the burning sun.
He leered down upon me
and I wanted to run.


He coerced me down the narrow alley
bribed by his dim light.
He grinned with superior knowledge
and I was too weak to fight.


I fled down the narrow alley
ran away from a violet gleam.
He pleaded for my return
but I answered with my angry scream.


I dream of the dark narrow alley
and I walk it's full length.
I vow each morning upon waking
I will never return again.


I revisit the narrow alley
confronting my fear and pain.
He holds no power to command me
and I am finally sane.

September 23, 2015 at 3:11am
September 23, 2015 at 3:11am
I played around with the Prelude and First Chapter of Malyn's story. I was surprised how well the results turned out.

Night shift at work has me brain dead most evenings so I'm thrilled to have experienced this bit of a writing spurt last Saturday. (9-19-15)

September 13, 2015 at 3:29pm
September 13, 2015 at 3:29pm
The air is clear of smoke, I'm working night shift, the September days are beautiful. I am enjoying them while they last.
September 6, 2015 at 3:52pm
September 6, 2015 at 3:52pm
I logged on to record a blog entry and as is my habit I reread the previous entry. I found myself scratching my head and wondering...Happy Memorial Day Weekend...But it's Labor Day! (I've corrected the entry to read as Labor Day.)

I was confused in a big way yesterday, obviously. So the question is, Do I need to get checked up for ahlzheimers or am I wishing to restart summer? Well, neither actually. As I was writing my blog I knew perfectly well it was September and that it is 2015, I just confused the names of the holiday. I mean, really...celebration for Labor? That really sounds like a capitalist idea, don't you think?

The important point to any of these blog entries is that I'm here and writing them...all confusion aside. Ha! second day in a row...I wonder if I'm trying to set a trend. Well, probably not...more than likely just coincidence.
September 5, 2015 at 4:04pm
September 5, 2015 at 4:04pm
I am walking in the community where I once knew well the halls, paths and people. I have been away for too long and find familiar names, but see many changes to the point of almost not recognizing acquaintances and places. I also notice old friends no longer present.

Happy Memorial Labor Day Weekend to WdC, Happy (belated) Birthday. 15 Years now? My how time flies when looking back over the years. Writing.com was nearly a year old when I discovered the site and I was writing on a windows 98 program. I celebrated 14 years as a community member last July. Since then I've, used two other computers and with their updated programming. The windows 98 was left on the wayside to be replaced with a Windows XP. Recently, just after the first of the year, the XP has been replaced with Windows 10.1? Not sure that is what is on this newer brand...maybe it is simply 10.1 capable? And this computer has it's problems. I can't use the cd player for instance, because the computer can't find it? For some reason, about two months after I received the computer, the cd player could no longer connect with the mainframe. Because I still use this computer to go on the internet, I've not sent it in for repair or reboot or what ever it needs. So I have a computer that won't play cd/dvds...in fact a minor inconvenience at this time.

So, I visit WdC today as a stranger revisiting a familiar landscape after a long hiatus. Floods and rebuilding have changed the landscape a bit. This means that every discovery is exciting.

Thunder is presently rolling out of the cloud covered Mountains to the west of me, which means T-storm heading my way. So I bid farewell for now. When the weather passes I will be back to explore first my own portfolio and to update it then to visit old friends' portfolios and reacquaint myself with community.

(note: Corrections made Sunday September 6, 2015)
July 18, 2015 at 1:32pm
July 18, 2015 at 1:32pm
Yup, even as inactive as I've been, I still desire to maintain my writing acct. So the money and the order is in the mail...should arrive in a week or less. I'm basically on time with my renewal too, so there won't be a delay in my acct. Yay!

I've done some housekeeping with some of my "Private Items" today, so there won't be any obvious changes to onlookers.

I finished reading RAH's "Rocket Ship Galileo" and am in the middle of "Space Cadet". Even though these two stories are based in SF genre, they are more characterization with a little bit of action rather than intense action/adventure stories. I find them very interesting as "first time second reads" which is what I'm calling the stories I read before I developed the critical eye of a practiced writer. I read these years ago (45 years ago to be exact), but I am seeing them for the first time, from a different perspective. Thank-you Grandma Nellie for introducing me to the Science Fiction worlds.

July 12, 2015 at 8:19pm
July 12, 2015 at 8:19pm
No predictions on when I will make time to visit WdC and such, but I am here today. No writing compulsions for a while, but the nights are cooling down a bit and the brain is starting to spark some extra activities...the mental siesta may be waning along with the heat, and the mind works better in cooler temperatures.

I am reading an oldy but goody...R.A.Heinlein's Rocket Ship Galileo. Amazing what he knew in 1947 about the vacuum of space and the way one must move around in 1/6th Earth gravity. The story is a bit of an anachronism, and innately predicts the existence of cities on the moon by 2000...but still, all in all a good read. I know I read this story once, a long time ago in another life...but having read it so long ago and in another life, it is like reading the story for the first time.

The story is a bit hokey with the addition of Moon People, not human. But if Spielberg adapted this story, I'm sure the moon people would be E.T. not indigenous to the moon. *Laugh*

June 2, 2015 at 5:26am
June 2, 2015 at 5:26am
Yay, I'm writing on my computer again and not the tablet... Just this morning figured out how to install a free anti-virus so my system is protected and debugged. With the convenience of using a big screen and a keyboard I think I will be on WdC more. Amazing how much difference it really makes to be able to still see the page and not have to change from letters to numbers and so on while writing.

I hit some rocky spots with financing and was locked down for a bit until my payment was received. I'm good until Aug...and having finally landed a permanent position at the company where I've been working as a temp employee since last August, I know I will get another year's acct. renewal. I'm excited.

Have a great June everyone. Mine is definitely looking up.
May 24, 2015 at 5:06am
May 24, 2015 at 5:06am
I am finally an accepted permanent employee and no longer a "temp". Feels good to be job attached once again. But now other adventures are rearing their belligerent heads...fooey x 2
May 18, 2015 at 12:53pm
May 18, 2015 at 12:53pm
P15? Not sure I like the new look. I'm going to have to relearn how to navigate the site. Plus, nothing fits on my tablet comfortably. Fooey! Teach me to be away for nearly a month.
April 21, 2015 at 7:44am
April 21, 2015 at 7:44am
Yay? I'm working from 6:30am to 3pm today and tomorrow then back to my night schedule. What a person puts up with just to make rent.
April 11, 2015 at 11:20am
April 11, 2015 at 11:20am
I'm up with my first cup of coffee and writing here. That sequence of events hasn't happened in a while. No complaints. Between taxes and work it's nice to have the glimmer of writing energy. Monday (4-13-15) I get to catch up with the under payment of last years taxes. The bill is reasonable and although this year is a little bit inconvenient, not having that extra $100-$150 a month for the last part of the year really helped.

If I hadn't been so foolish with my savings last January, this upcoming bill would be more than adequately covered. But hey, now I know how better to protect myself *Laugh*

Thank you amy-Has a great future ahead for reading and reviewing one of my stories this week. Your comments really made my morning.

Today is a writing day.
April 5, 2015 at 4:36pm
April 5, 2015 at 4:36pm
Prompt: What is your favorite thing about you? What makes you worth knowing?

A prompted free write attempt on this Easter Sunday afternoon.

Of course, first and foremost I'm a likable person. Just ask anyone. I dare you! Okay, enough kidding around.

What is my most favorite thing about me? That's a tough question. There are so many things about me I like. HA HA

And what makes me worth knowing? This question is easier for me to answer than the first one. When I develop a friendship with another person, I'm loyal if not completely steadfast. I'm honest about my affections and not a needy person to be friends with. In fact, I may be a bit too independent for some of my friends and family. I don't have a wide variety of friends, as I'm a loner by nature. Deep friendships are pretty much absent from my life; however, if I call you family, then you are stuck with my believing I'm your friend for life.

The only exception to this is if a love relationship, or sexually intimate relationship supercedes a friendship; then, when such comes to an end, so too does any form of friendship or chance of friendly relationship. When I give my love, I give all my heart. When my love is then rejected, there is nothing more to feel for that person than the pain of a torn heart. It seems counter intuitive, but this is something I also like about myself. Others, most being my ex-lovers, don't like this about me. But, I will never prefer to remain close friends with someone who betrayed me in my most vulnerable moment.

What is my most favorite thing about me? There's that question again. Hmmm. I think my love of nature and the outdoors, competes with top honors with my love of writing. I'd be lost within myself if I had to choose between the two. These two personal loves go hand in hand and many times each one inspires the other. After a bout of successful writing, I find myself either walking outside, or working in the dirt with my plants. Or after a stint in the woods, hiking by a creek, and/or fishing I find myself writing.

Both loves keep me sane, and though a bit over rated, my friends and family like me better when I'm sane. *Laugh*
April 4, 2015 at 4:06pm
April 4, 2015 at 4:06pm
Work is going excellently. I think I found the job I prefer, which is where I've just finished training. I'm right where I'm supposed to be for production, after the first week. Unfortunately, this is a temporary placement, as I'm filling the role of catch up assembly for an unusually large order for this month's delivery deadline. But, hey; life is good at the moment. So, no complaints.

And to add to the mix; Standing progress on overall home projects.

98% complete
March 30, 2015 at 12:40pm
March 30, 2015 at 12:40pm
Back on my wonderful afternoon/night shift. My schedule is noon to eight thirty pm. I love this schedule. It gives me the best of my world as far as time frame and personal energy...
March 29, 2015 at 5:44pm
March 29, 2015 at 5:44pm
Ack! LOL And that is all I have to say today.
March 22, 2015 at 7:15pm
March 22, 2015 at 7:15pm
"Malyn composite" is a new item in my WdC portfolio: http://Writing.Com/view/2035454, although I have this on private--anyone reading my blog may access the 14k+ story composite with the pass code 5461


This is the project occupying my time this weekend.

March 15, 2015 at 5:50pm
March 15, 2015 at 5:50pm
Yes I'm excited. Spring is just around the corner, (next Friday) and I've finished my seventh gig for the week. In total, $28 and 75ยข earned doing what I love to do. Of course, I must thank this site, and the miriad of members who have helped me perfect the review style I now incorporate into my gig.

Of the three upcoming authors I read this week, one sent me four gigs to cover his rendering of a D&D RPG in which he'd obviously participated. I discovered he was having the same difficulties I'm struggling with in converting one of my own rpg experiences into a story. As I responded to his first draft work, I gained insight on what I can also apply to my own rpg rendering.

Overall, an exciting week for me.

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