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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1342524
Reading, Writing, Pondering: Big Life Themes, Literature, Contemporary/Historical Issues
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Welcome to the 14th century, in a farflung outpost of the Holy Roman Empire, and a new Convent outpost of the terrrifically powerful Roman Catholic Church. Sound historically dull? Hopefully not so--for this is NOT an ordinary 14th Century Convent.

Back after a six-year hiatus....

From NaNoWriMo historical Supernatural novels in Scotland, Michigan, South Alabama and historical horror in Standwood Station, GA-to the Phantom Northern Woods-to singlehandedly refighting the American Civil War-to exploring Social Justice and standing for First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution-we deal out horror, Supernatural, Historical, fantasy, mystery, and more. We do not fear outspokeness.
And always, always, always, We Do History.
Find it here.

We write it. We read it. We hold strong opinions. We orate.

Meanwhile, whether we're writing or just reading, we love to rave about books and authors right here!

Tower View at Rear of Brightmoor Asylum

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November 28, 2012 at 2:48pm
November 28, 2012 at 2:48pm
November 28, 2012 at 12:36pm
November 28, 2012 at 12:36pm
November 28, 2012: If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island, and could bring only five items with you, which five items would you bring?

BOOKS!! Nothing but books!

Well, if I could bring my Kindle Fire, and had some way to keep it charged (whether the island has an electric generator is not specified LOL), I could bring “tons”!

Seriously, I’d like to have shampoo and tissue paper, but books rule!

I'd have to take books by Kealan Patrick Burke, F. G. Cottam, Adam Neville, Dennis Lehane, Michael Koryta--oh dear, am I going over the "five items"? LOL

and “Anna Karenina"

Designed by me for NaNo 2009
November 27, 2012 at 3:18pm
November 27, 2012 at 3:18pm
November 27 2012 Who is one person who makes your life better?

I am laughing hilariously to myself, that this should be today’s prompt. I am flying so hubristically high (I love the word hubris, my characters usually possess it, so I use it every chance I get) because of today’s NaNoWriMo accomplishment, that

FOR TODAY ONLY: my answer is LOL ME!

Seriously: AUTHORS.

AUTHORS make my life better: since earliest childhood (well, at least since I mastered the Art of Reading) authors maintain my sanity, provide my salvation (no blasphemy intended here-salvation from “real life”), keep my spirits uplifted, make me gasp, drop my jaw, ponder, squirm, rejoice. Without Authors, there would be no books, and without books: that’s a world I never want to face.

So today: and every day: LET’S HEAR IT FOR AUTHORS!!


November 27, 2012 at 2:40pm
November 27, 2012 at 2:40pm
Well, here's how my NaNo Day has gone, Constant Readers:

during the night I plotted out seven new scenes. I slept in (rare), did not get up till about 10:15 AM; had missed the 10 AM Official Sprint, but I had those seven scenes screaming to see paper (er, computer screen). So I took off writing and produced a personal daily best of 2923!

Then I've just done an additional 1455 in the 2 PM Official Sprint, found the new scenes (8th and 9th today) taking incredibly unexpected turns (geez, my protagonist developed feelings!)

so a total today of 4378 written (is that even humanly possible? My prior personal best came in March 2010, when in one month I finished one novel, wrote the sequel, and wrote twenty-two chapters of the third in the series, and was 2500-2600.



November 26, 2012 at 12:03pm
November 26, 2012 at 12:03pm
word count 57,145, five more days of NaNo:)
November 26, 2012 at 12:02pm
November 26, 2012 at 12:02pm
November 26, 2012: If you could be any age again for one week, which would you choose?

If I could “relive,” there are two evenings in my life I’d like to enjoy again: one in the Fall of 1973 in Indiana, one in June 1982 in Georgia. Both were evenings when I both felt at peace and joyful.

Second and Third grade in parochial school would be another choice, because I was befriended by an older classmate (since my parents refused the principal’s suggestion of promoting me one grade from second to third, I spent both second and third grades in what was called “the little class in the big class,” in other words: a small group of the lower grade sat in with the next higher grade. A higher grade classmate took up a friendship with me which I’ve never forgotten (also, in third grade I discovered Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “The Secret Garden.”)

The other time period I could stand to revisit is the Summer of 1967 (no, not because it was the Summer of Love in San Francisco LOL), but because it’s the last period I remember of having such faith and trust in life, of innocence and naivete and hope.

November 25, 2012 at 10:44am
November 25, 2012 at 10:44am
November 25 2012

Happy NaNoWriMo Winner’s Day!!

I was ill overnight so had some extra time to think, and what continued through my mind was “in the morning it’ll be Nov. 25! Official Winner Validation at www.nanowrimo.org!” and so it was-when I first went to the site this AM, I already had the little purple bar reading “Winner.”

I reached 50K on, I believe, Nov. 21, pre-Thanksgiving, and on Thanksgiving I started the sequel; since it’s all “NaNo,” it’s on the same doc and so increasing the Word Count. Now I’m at 55,781, a truly nice place to be, with five more days to go in the month (after today). The writing was one of the best sessions ever, smooth and coherent. I’m happy.

Oh! And only ONE MORE MONTH till Christmas-*Laugh*

November 24, 2012 at 2:43pm
November 24, 2012 at 2:43pm
November 24, 2012 at 10:53am
November 24, 2012 at 10:53am
November 24, 2012: My friends and family love me. But they like me because . . .

My family likes me because of my reliability and dependability. No matter what I am doing, or wish to do, I can be expected to put it aside in favour of what they want me to do. I’m always present, always home, and agreeable (even when I grumble about it). So I’m perfect for their needs.

I don’t have local friends; I guess I could say I have some close online acquaintances, but it’s not as if I could do anything to help them, since they’re online.

My general likability stems from my lifelong desire to make others happy. I please, therefore I am. *Smile*

November 23, 2012 at 11:24am
November 23, 2012 at 11:24am
November 23, 2012: If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

This one is difficult and painful. Before the hip fracture Jan. 27, 2011 it would have been: my own home (1st in my life), a good relationship (1st in my life), and to acquire all the books I want.

Since: it’s just the books. A life lived without hope of change is a life devoid of the need for wishes. I just want BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS; and I want my vision to either improve or at least not get any worse. I also want solitude, but that’s a pipe dream. Oh well, guess I’ll get silence and solitude when I reach the grave.

Designed by me for NaNo 2009

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