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Reading, Writing, Pondering: Big Life Themes, Literature, Contemporary/Historical Issues
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Welcome to the 14th century, in a farflung outpost of the Holy Roman Empire, and a new Convent outpost of the terrrifically powerful Roman Catholic Church. Sound historically dull? Hopefully not so--for this is NOT an ordinary 14th Century Convent.

Back after a six-year hiatus....

From NaNoWriMo historical Supernatural novels in Scotland, Michigan, South Alabama and historical horror in Standwood Station, GA-to the Phantom Northern Woods-to singlehandedly refighting the American Civil War-to exploring Social Justice and standing for First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution-we deal out horror, Supernatural, Historical, fantasy, mystery, and more. We do not fear outspokeness.
And always, always, always, We Do History.
Find it here.

We write it. We read it. We hold strong opinions. We orate.

Meanwhile, whether we're writing or just reading, we love to rave about books and authors right here!

Tower View at Rear of Brightmoor Asylum

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November 22, 2012 at 10:37am
November 22, 2012 at 10:37am
Happiest Thanksgiving to those in the States, and be happy, wherever you're located!

NaNo: started the sequel today, as part of the first, so wc = 51,461

November 22 2012: Thanksgiving (U.S.)

Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S., but I’m declaring it “Just be Thankful” day wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you are. Why am I thankful today? Well, I am alive (as far as I can tell), and despite health conditions I’m not an invalid, and I live in relative freedom. To some, I am valuable, and even though I validate myself, it’s nice that there are others who appreciate me. <smile>

Today I am specifically over-the-Moon thankful because:

Yesterday I topped 50,000 word count on my NaNoWriMo novel, on Day Twenty-One. I decided at the end of yesterday’s writing that I had found a good cut-off point for that novel, so today I started on the sequel (same characters, same framework, but now I get to add the future [1936] to their present [1880] and cross the Big Pond from an island off the East Coast of Scotland, to Michigan in the United States. Basically what this means (for now) is that one of my main characters (and I just realized overnight that I have a main character I thought was a supporting character-yet she is the backbone of the framework LOL) experiences Dreams and Visions of what to him is the future (1935-1936) and of his grandson, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Ironwood Asylum, just like his grandfather, who founded and operates Brightmoor Asylum in Scotland). To me, this is all too cool. I sat down to the 30-min Writing Sprint this AM, and the story just flowed: no waiting for inspiration while the clock ticked; no scrabbling for ideas; it just flowed. Glory Hallelujah and am I thankful!

November 21, 2012 at 12:30pm
November 21, 2012 at 12:30pm
November 21 2012

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. What do you have to be thankful for?

First of all, it is not Thanksgiving Day everywhere, but I do believe that a positive and productive life includes developing an attitude of thanksgiving each and every day. After all, we each have life, breath, and some semblance of health; almost all of us have family and friends, or at least good memories of them, if they’ve passed on before us.

So my suggestion to all of us is: get up and get thankful! It’s not difficult, and it’s certainly not impossible, to consider just one little event or date or process or individual or organization for which we can be appropriately THANKFUL.

I’ll start: Tomorrow I’ll be thankful for life, health, family; and because TODAY I topped 50K on NaNoWriMo and TOMORROW I start the sequel.

See: it’s easy! Come on, join me and let’s all say together: “Hey! I really am thankful!”

November 21, 2012 at 11:45am
November 21, 2012 at 11:45am
50,051 word count! So unofficially, I'm a winner, but not done with the novel yet, unless I decide to tie it off here and tomorrow begin on the sequel, which will still go on the NaNo word count.

Official Validation on www.nanowrimo.org begins November 25 (Sunday)

November 20, 2012 at 10:49am
November 20, 2012 at 10:49am
November 20, 2012: The topic is skydiving. Would you do it? Or have you done it?

         The topic in question is “skydiving,” but this could be interchangeable with almost anything:

Career change, moving out of state, living alone, moving to a gated seniors’ community in Arizona or Florida, taking up hang-diving or lumberjacking, learning the art of sushi preparation, eating shellfish..the list goes on.

         The point is that I live vicariously; for the most part I always have. Reading began at a very early age, and from the very beginning reading was my sanity and my salvation. Reading was, and always remained, my “way to live,” vicariously. I read about historical eras and contemporary settings, both genders, all ages, extraterrestrials: anything I was not and never could be. Reading was also (and remains) my catharsis: to overcome psychologically the dysfunctions in my own life, I took up reading (and watching) horror at an early age: Vincent Price, Hammer Films, and always, always horror in fiction and factual recounting.

         In the 1970’s, long before the term “serial killer” became household iconography, I read novels in which that type of character predominated. I was the office expert on Ted Bundy’s crimes, reading up on them in detail and regaling my coworkers (to their dismay). Reading and thinking meant I didn’t have to face my personal demons (well, at least not all the time.)

         So back to the skydiving question: are you kidding? One of my overwhelming phobias (too many to count) is fear – of- (wait for it)-HEIGHTS. I don’t fly-at all-and I sure will not SKYDIVE, HANG-GLIDE, TAKE PILOT LESSONS, RIDE IN A HELICOPTER-you get the picture, Constant Readers. I will read about it, though: living vicariously. In six decades I’ve lived vicariously a few thousand lifetimes. How many more can I “live” before I pass on?:)

November 19, 2012 at 11:42am
November 19, 2012 at 11:42am
Blogging Circle of Friends Entry Nov. 19 2012

November 19, 2012: What advice or words of wisdom would you like to leave for those who come after you?

         One thought must be kept in mind: when I encounter the end of my life, what will please me most? For what will I be most thankful? And what will I find myself most regretting? These are the criteria that can-and should-be applied to each one of us, each and every day of life. It matters not our current age: 15, 50, 85. What matters is today, and what decisions we make to day.

Think of these questions:

Do you want to end your life wishing “I had, I hadn’t, I should have, I shouldn’t have, I wish, I wish not, why did I, why didn’t I?”

Or do you wish to meet your end with “I’m so happy I did, didn’t, made these right choices, fulfilled my life purpose, and was thankful doing it”?

         Which is it, Constant Readers? For me, I don’t want to see the end nearing only to be blitzed by remorse, regret, and dismay. Let’s all answer the above questions every day of our lives. Think about:

What will please me most? For what will I be most thankful? And what will I find myself most regretting?

Apply these criteria to every decision point, every option, every choice. If you do, and do satisfactorily, when you come to the end of your path you will truly be able to say, “I’m so thankful I did-.”

November 17, 2012 at 11:39am
November 17, 2012 at 11:39am
40,402!! Less than 9,600 to achieve the winning 50K! and finally, yesterday and today, the novel is flowing!
November 15, 2012 at 2:36pm
November 15, 2012 at 2:36pm
November 13, 2012 at 2:35pm
November 13, 2012 at 2:35pm
November 12, 2012 at 12:29pm
November 12, 2012 at 12:29pm
word count: 31,165
November 11, 2012 at 4:52pm
November 11, 2012 at 4:52pm
Nanowrimo.org validated word count: 28,149

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