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by Jeff
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1399999
My primary Writing.com blog.
Logocentric (adj). Regarding words and language as a fundamental expression of an external reality (especially applied as a negative term to traditional Western thought by postmodernist critics).

Sometimes I just write whatever I feel like. Other times I respond to prompts, many taken from the following places:

         *Penw* "The Soundtrackers Group
         *Penw* "Invalid Item
         *Penw* "Blogging Circle of Friends
         *Penw* "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
         *Penw* "JAFBG
         *Penw* "Take up Your Cross

Thanks for stopping by! *Smile*
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September 6, 2020 at 11:54pm
September 6, 2020 at 11:54pm

"Barrel of Monkeys | Day 5

"Honey, I'm Good
by Andy Grammer
from Magazines or Novels (2014)

I remember being blown away when I first heard this song because it was a catchy pop song that was actually fun to listen to, but it also... celebrated faithfulness and honesty in a relationship?

It's not too often that songs focus on a positive image of a healthy relationship. So many are either about failed relationships, bad relationships,temptations while you're in a relationship, affairs, etc. and it was completely refreshing to hear a song extol the virtues of being tempted and saying, "You know what? I shouldn't do this. I have someone at home and I want to stay faithful to them as tempting as your offer might be."

The video itself is also a celebration of fidelity, with one hundred couples who have been together for as little as a year up to decades, all celebrating the message of this song. It reminds me of my relationship with my wife (we've been together for eighteen years and married for thirteen of those) and how, over the years, we've both been presented with temptations. They're not worth going into detail about because nothing even came close to happening in either of our cases, but just through the process of experiencing life's ups and downs together, it's easy to see how truly beguiling it can be to suddenly, unintentionally find yourself in a position where the possibility of something new and exciting and maybe even not all that serious is an appealing alternative to whatever you and your significant other are currently struggling with.

Relationships are hard work, and they're made even harder by the fact that many of us have a "greener pastures" mindset where we're always looking at what we don't have and wondering if that might be a better option than the one we currently have or maybe even feel like we've settled for. But the hard work is so, so worth it and I really appreciate a song like this that recognizes and celebrates the not-so-glamorous, not-so-sexy side of showing up and putting in the work on a relationship every day, even when it's tempting to do otherwise.

September 5, 2020 at 4:32pm
September 5, 2020 at 4:32pm

"Barrel of Monkeys | Day 4

"Sit Still, Look Pretty"
by Daya
from Daya EP (2015)

This is another one of those songs (like yesterday's) where the actual date can be a bit misleading because it was first released in 2015 as an EP, with the song re-released as a single and included on a later full album. I included this song on my list because songs about female empowerment are something that I really enjoy listening to, especially now that I have a daughter.

In one interview, Daya said, "I think [this song] is just about not being an accessory for someone else. Just having your own dreams and goals. Going after them and not having to always try to please someone else." In another interview she also said, "It's important for young girls to know that they don't have to act a certain way or depend on someone else for happiness."

Messages like these are important because there's so much pressure in society to do things a certain way, or be someone that you're expected to be, and it's been really damaging to young girls in particular to set expectations from a young age of what their life should look like or be like in order to be considered acceptable. My family and I were swimming at our apartment community's pool just yesterday and two women were talking about their goals in life. One of them literally said, "All I want to do is find a guy who will take care of me so I don't have to work or do anything." *Explode* *FacePalm* *Gag* And don't get me wrong, this wasn't someone saying, "I aspire to be a devoted housewife" or, "My dream is to be a mother and raise children." I don't think there's anything wrong with having a goal of being the best spouse or parent you can be. But this woman was very clear in articulating that she wanted to just lay around all day, no goals or no desires of her own, just have a rich husband to literally take care of her every need so she could spend her days by the pool.

I don't want my daughter to grow up to be someone who aspires to be taken care of by someone else. Especially since, in my experience, that rarely comes with no strings attached. Where I live in Orange County is rather famous for having trophy spouses to successful men (and women!), and in a lot of cases it's very clear that there are expectations that come with "being taken care of" by someone else, even if it's just a posture of deference and a power imbalance. If my daughter grows up and wants to be an amazing homemaker or mother, that's just fine. But I want it to be because she has developed that as a goal for herself and not because of societal expectation or feeling like she has a lack of options.

So I look forward to continuing to listen to songs like this, and hopefully the messages in many of them (along with the rest of the things we're doing to be good parents trying to raise well-adjusted kids) will help my daughter realize that she needs to be who she is, and not who anybody else tells her she should be. And it's going to be important for my son to realize that women need to be accepted for who they are and not who society expects them to be.

September 5, 2020 at 1:35am
September 5, 2020 at 1:35am

"Barrel of Monkeys | Day 3

"Unsteady (Erich Lee Gravity Remix)"
by X Ambassadors
from VHS (2015, this remix was released in 2016)

The songs from these next two blog entries are going to get a little wacky, mostly due to the fact that the songs were first recorded as EPs, then released on albums, and - in the case of this song - also remixed a year after the album was released. I originally discovered this song on an episode of the television series Lucifer, and I've been kind of obsessed with it ever since. Even though the themes of the song are originally about divorce, this song has become something of a catch-all for any kind of emotional feeling of uneasiness.

One of the reasons why this song is so impactful for me is that I discovered it right as I was experiencing all the work drama in 2018 (leaving Marvel for a job that laid me off three months later, trying to get back to Marvel after they had already hired someone for my position, etc.), so I was definitely in an "unsteady" period of my life at that point and this song really resonated. Even though I haven't had quite that level of uncertainty in my life since, this song has been popping up in my recent playlists more and more thanks to the pandemic. It's kind of my "uncertainty anthem" for all those moments in life when you need someone to hold onto you because you feel like you might otherwise slip away.
September 3, 2020 at 8:14pm
September 3, 2020 at 8:14pm

"Barrel of Monkeys | Day 2

"Body Like A Back Road"
by Sam Hunt
from Southside (2020, single released in 2017)

I picked this song because the "bro-country" sub-genre of country music fascinates me. On the one hand, songs like this those from artists such as Florida Georgia Line, Luke Bryan, and Jason Aldean. On the one hand, bro-country has been extensively criticized for its repetitive subject matter (frequent themes are partying on Friday nights, drinking, trucks, and the objectification of women), and the lack of representation for female artists. On the other hand, the sub-genre is immensely popular with fans, regardless of what music critics, radio programmers, and established, old-school country stars may think of it. This song, for example, broke a record by being the first song in history to spend more than 24 weeks on the Hot Country Songs list, a record which had until then been held by "Cruise" from Florida Georgia Lina, another "bro-country" song. Those two tracks also have the distinction of reaching the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 as well. And yet many critics labeled this as one of the worst songs of 2017.

I'm torn about this sub-genre of music. They are definitely popular songs, and in a lot of cases that remind me of pop country where it's often upbeat, catchy, and easy to listen to on repeat. But I have noticed how many of the songs tend to glorify drinking, partying, and treating women as little more than sex objects... so I don't disagree that the songs can be somewhat problematic.

One of my favorite things about this genre, though, are the childish responses of bro-country singers to those who criticize their music. Blake Shelton was quoted as saying he doesn't care what "old farts" think, and went further to say, "[The reason you don't like it] is because you don't buy records anymore, jackass. The kids do, and they don't want to buy the music you were buying." When Zac Brown criticized a Luke Bryan song as being one of the worst songs he'd ever heard, Jason Aldean replied, "nobody gives a shit what u think."

Based on its popularity with fans, it seems like whether you love it or hate it, bro-country is here to stay for a while.

September 3, 2020 at 4:00pm
September 3, 2020 at 4:00pm

"Barrel of Monkeys | Day 1

"All The Stars"
by Kenrdick Lamar feat. SZA
from Black Panther The Album (2018)

Even though choosing this song forces me to only take this challenge in one direction (you know, since I don't know what songs are going to be available to use in 2021 through 2028 *Rolling*), it was important for me to start with this song for a couple of reasons, most notably because of the importance this movie has played in my professional life, and the unexpected effect that the recent passing of Chadwick Boseman has had on me.

Black Panther was a transformative movie for me to work on, professionally speaking. I've enjoyed all of the Marvel Studios projects I've worked on in some form or another, but this is the first one (well, second after Captain America: Civil War, but that was back when I was just learning the ropes of my job) where it felt like we were working on something truly special. A feeling that would ultimately be repeated in short order during Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, incidentally. There was just an air of excitement around this project that I think was hard for people to explain at the time, but once we started seeing the audience and critics' reactions, if of course made sense in retrospect. This was one of those movies that profoundly impacted a whole lot of people, and empowered a whole generation of fans. A lot of people tend to be dismissive of super hero movies as mindless entertainment and not actual cinema (thanks for that, Marty  ), but when these movies work, when they aspire to be something greater than a popcorn flick, they can be really profound.

More recently, though, I found myself revisiting this album in the wake of Chadwick Boseman's untimely death. For those of you who don't follow celebrity news, the star of Black Panther died about a week ago from colon cancer. It caught everyone by surprise; not only was he so young, but virtually no one knew that he was even sick. He had been diagnosed four years earlier and had essentially done a number of his most iconic roles (Black Panther in four Marvel movies, Thurgood Marshall in Marshall, and Levee in the forthcoming Ma Rainey's Black Bottom) while simultaneously going through surgeries and chemotherapy to fight stage-four colon cancer.

This news hit me hard for a number of reasons:

*Bullet* Even though I didn't ever get the chance to meet him personally, from my time working at Marvel I've had peripheral conversations about him with people who have and, by all accounts, he was one of the kindest, most generous, kindest, most authentic, most talented actors we've worked with (and Marvel has worked with quite a few over the years!).

*Bullet* It's always a tragedy to see someone die in their prime. By the age of 43, Chadwick Boseman had already played a number of important roles that had impressed both audiences and critics. By all accounts, while already at the top of his game in his early 40s, he was someone that just about everyone who knew him predicted was destined for a number of other prominent roles, awards, and commercial success. It's so sad to me that we'll never get a chance to see him continue to mature and grow as an actor, and to see what (further) heights he would have been able to attain.

*Bullet* Dying at 43 after a four-year battle with cancer means he was 39 when he was diagnosed. Nobody should have to be diagnosed with what's effectively terminal cancer in their thirties. But what's particularly significant to me about that age is that I'll be turning 39 in December. It was a sobering reminder that no time on this Earth is guaranteed, and that any of us could, at any time, have a change in health, finances, etc. that could dramatically reshape, or even end our lives.

*Bullet* Knowing that, Chadwick Boseman chose to keep his diagnosis private and continue the work he felt called to do as long as he could do it. He worked grueling production schedules (can you imagine doing the 12-16+ hours a day of working out, acting, stunt work, etc. required to be a super hero?) and continued to work, even while being in what must have been intense pain and discomfort from his surgeries and chemotherapy. He didn't ask for special treatment, he didn't try to cultivate favor or sympathy, and he didn't complain (or even speak out to set the record straight) toward the end of his life when the media started making fun of his appearance for all of his weight loss, assuming he had an eating disorder or something *RollEyes*. The truth is that all of the "he was a great guy" accolades in the world from his coworkers are nothing compared to the statement this last point makes about what kind of a person he was.

Ultimately, what this song, this album, this movie, and this actor's passing signify to me is that every moment we have on this planet is a gift. It's easy to take things for granted, to take the easy road, and to procrastinate and tell yourself that you'll do things later. But later isn't promised, and I think I'll forever now associate this album (especially this track and a few others like "Pray For Me") with the much-needed reminder to make the absolute most out of every single day.

Rest in Power, King.

September 3, 2020 at 12:35am
September 3, 2020 at 12:35am

Written in connection with "Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..." | 411 words (excl. lyrics)


Oh man, this song really takes me back. For some reason, I thought it was released way earlier than 2009. I thought it was popular while I was in college, but it turns out it was actually a full five years after I graduated. This was the point in my life where I was working my first executive job in the entertainment industry and I must have played this track on repeat for half the day sometimes. It's such an energetic song, it's hard to be in a bad mood when you're listening to it, even if you're stuck at a desk doing paperwork. *Smile*

One of the things I didn't know about this song was that it was produced by French DJ David Guetta and was only released a couple months before Guetta burst onto the American music scene with his first hit, "Sexy Bitch." This song was incredibly popular, having been nominated for Song of the Year at the World Music Awards, Record of the Year at the Grammy Awards. It was the first song to sell 7 million digital copies in the United States, and currently holds the record for being the most downloaded song of all time on iTunes. It spent fourteen consecutive weeks as the top song on the Billboard Hot 100 and, along with the Black Eyed Peas' previous song "Boom Boom Pow," made them one of only eleven bands in history to occupy the top two positions on the Billboard Hot 100 at the same time with two different songs.

I'm a bit more partial to the albums Elephunk and Monkey Business, but this album unquestionably had the bigger hit in this song, as well as some other memorable tracks. Listening to this song tonight actually made me think of the Black Eyed Peas for the first time in a really long time; I don't think I've listened to them in earnest since Fergie left the group in 2016. I suppose I should give them a try and listen to the tracks they produced with J. Rey Soul, their current lead vocalist. I haven't listened to either of those two albums yet.

I can't think of a better song to get all of us in a party mood and excited about Writing.com's 20th birthday. This is a song that still gets people pumped up and excited when you play it at a party. It definitely got me tapping along to the beat again!

June 14, 2020 at 1:36am
June 14, 2020 at 1:36am

My wife and I have been rewatching The Newsroom for the umpteenth time, and every time I watch it I'm reminded all over again why Aaron Sorkin is such an extraordinary writer. While it's usually Episode 4 of the first season that gives me chills and fits of jealousy over how good it is, this time I was really struck by the final episode of the first season with the recurring theme of "the greater fool."

This YouTube clip compilation does a great job of distilling the theme of the episode down into just a few minutes and key scenes:

As Sloan Sabbith (played by Olivia Munn) says in that clip, "Most people spend their lives trying not to be the greater fool" and then, "The greater fool is somebody with the perfect blend of self-delusion and ego to think that he can succeed where others have failed. This whole country was made by greater fools."

Maybe it's the current moment we find ourselves in, maybe it's that I'm a relatively new father and am learning how to deal with a completely different way of prioritizing things in my life now, but rewatching this episode really made me realize how long I've tried to avoid being the greater fool. Self-consciousness, perfectionism, fear of failure, social anxiety ... whatever you want to call it, I've often chosen passivity over action because I'm too afraid of looking like a fool. Or at least attempting to not be the biggest fool in the room.

What I've been reflecting on since watching this episode is just how hard it is to do something remarkable when you're playing it safe. As someone who wants to tell impactful stories and leave a mark on the world, it made me realize how long I've been spending not actually attempting to achieve that for fear of coming up short. And I'm not sure that, at the end of my life, I want my legacy to just be, "Yep, he definitely played it safe and made sure he wasn't the biggest idiot in the room."

I've also been watching the new docuseries Dear... on Apple TV+ and the episode on Lin-Manuel Miranda recounted a story I'd forgotten about his early years. In 2008, he was just coming off the success of his first Broadway musical, the Tony-winning In The Heights. In 2009, he was invited to perform at the White House Evening of Poetry, Music, and the Spoken Word. The expectation was that he would perform one of his hip-hop inspired Tony-winning numbers from In The Heights but, instead, he decided to perform a new piece he had been working on, inspired by a biography of one of America's founding fathers that he read while on vacation. The piece he performed was "My Shot," which ultimately became one of the standout songs from the record-breaking musical phenomenon Hamilton. And I can't stop thinking about what a bold swing Miranda took. He got invited to perform in front of the President of the United States alongside the country's most talented poets and musicians, and rather than performing a guaranteed crowd-pleasing surefire hit from his current award-winning work running on Broadway, he decided instead to perform something he was still workshopping.

I don't know if this speaks to anyone else, or if anyone else needs to hear it right now, but I'm really weighing the pros and cons of spending one's time and energy focused on not looking like an idiot rather than taking a big swing at things, even if it doesn't always work out and you sometimes fall flat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe I want to try being a greater fool for a while.
May 30, 2020 at 11:55pm
May 30, 2020 at 11:55pm

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS | May 30


I think my favorite prompt would have to be yesterday's prompt about the dream house ("Dream House). I really like blog prompts that make you think and require you to give more than just a perfunctory answer, so prompts like, "write about your dream home" are really appealing to me because they can be answered in a single paragraph or, if the blogger is feeling inspired, a much more thorough response. I dislike prompts that can be answered with just a couple of sentences and after that it's just a bunch of waxing poetic.

The more interesting question to me, though, isn't which prompts were our favorites, but which of our responses were our favorite. There were several blog entries this month where I really didn't like the prompt, or didn't initially find it very inspiring, but then ended up being pleasantly surprised by how they turned out. "30DBC Road Trip was one of those, as was "Cooking Submissive. That's probably the part that was the most rewarding about this whole experience too. As it so often is with writing, sometimes you get surprised by the things you come up with, for better or for worse.

I'm not sure I really learned anything from this activity, except in the general, cliched, "I got to know myself better through self exploration blah blah blah" that often comes from blogging activities where the prompts challenge you to think about your own personal tastes, preferences, and predilections. Well, that and I suppose I learned things like who's dream house would be fun to visit, who would be a convenient stop on a road trip around North America, and who to steer clear of. *Bigsmile*

Overall, I'm glad I completed the 30DBC this month. While there were definitely times that I really disliked having to slog through an entry I wasn't particularly keen on writing, I'm enjoying the feeling of accomplishment now that it's done, and I'm pretty proud of a handful of the entries that were inspired by the activity. I'm not sure I have the time or the interest in doing every 30DBC, but I can definitely see doing a month here and there when I'm feeling the need for a little inspiration, encouragement, or just need to feel productive getting some words committed to the page (or screen, as it were).

May 29, 2020 at 6:47pm
May 29, 2020 at 6:47pm

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS | May 29


Architecture is an interest of mine, so I'm totally into this prompt! *Delight*

There are a lot of architectural styles I like, including Federal and Neoclassical in particular. I also appreciate the quirkiness of styles like Queen Anne, Second Empire, and Victorian, but I'm not sure I'd actually want to live in any of those style homes, particularly since I prefer an open floor plan and homes in those forms tend more walls to support them, and thus a higher number of smaller, segmented rooms. For those who are interested here's a link   to a website with details and a sketch of each architectural style for reference.

The architectural style I most often find myself gravitating toward is modern/contemporary. And I don't mean super out-there modern like staircases composed of steps suspended by cables, or the cold sterility of an interior decorating scheme that's sharp edges, metal, and glass. But I do like the modern sensibilities of clean lines, large open spaces with lots of natural light, and a variety of modern finishes. Here's an example of a home exterior that really appeals to me, including garage doors on the side of the house rather than obscuring the front of the house, and plenty of windows to see the natural world outside.

I won't bore you with comps of all the various rooms of the house, but I will take a few moments to highlight a few key spaces that I feel strongly about, starting with the kitchen. I enjoy cooking and, in my experience, the kitchen is such a central room in the house, I hate it when the kitchen is tucked away from the other rooms of the house. I'm not the kind of person who has dinner parties where a private chef prepares the meal out of sight, out of mind; I'm the kind of person who has dinner parties where I'm in the kitchen prepping the food while guests are having drinks and socializing in the living room. So I really enjoy modern, open spaces where the kitchen space flows into the living room space. Kind of like this:

Next up is the master bathroom. When my wife and i were in Thailand, we fell in love with the indoor/outdoor feel of the bathrooms there. The Thai culture has a connection with nature and many of their bathrooms, if they don't contain a literal combination of both indoor and outdoor spaces (like open air showers, concealed by walls and/or plants), will often have an element of nature in the bathroom, or large windows to view outside. When we stayed in a pool villa at our resort on the island of Phuket, the shower had a glass wall that looked out on several planted trees, with a privacy wall behind them. So the shower had this wonderful exposed to nature feel, but at the same time had the privacy of the whole setup, nature and all, being secluded from public view.

So I'm definitely in favor of a bathroom that has some element of the outdoors to it, even if it's just a view. I also really like the idea of a separate oversized soaking tub and roomy shower, and I kind of like when a bathroom feature like the shower or tub breaks up the room a little. I've spent so long living in small apartments where the master bathroom is a cramped affair with one sink and a tiny shower/tub combo, I've really come to associate a spacious bathroom with luxury. My dream home would probably have a bathroom similar to one of these:


Obviously, the most important room in the house for me is going to be the home office. Since I often work from home for my day job, and work from home independently on my writing, I need a space that I can dedicate to that work. For years I've either used our converted second bedroom or, now that we have kids, a desk that's in the corner of another room like our living area. And as with my feelings on the bathroom, years of working in dark cramped spaces leaves me wanting a work area that is bright and open and has plenty of room to spread my work out. And lots of storage. *Bigsmile* My dream home office would probably be something along these lines. I love the wrap-around desk facing floor-to-ceiling windows and all the shelves and cabinets in the first photo, and the spaciousness and the extra chair for relaxing and reading from the second photo:


That's all I'll say about the rooms, but now I want to focus on a couple of home features that would be really important to my dream house. I'll keep it to my top three most desired features.

#3 on the charts is a guest house or a pool house, and the pool to go along with it, of course. The pool is a no-brainer because swimming is one of my all-time favorite ways of getting exercise, so I would love to one day have my own pool so I can go for a swim any time I want without having to worry about getting in the car and driving somewhere. But even more importantly, I'd want a pool house, guest house, casita, or some kind of small detached bonus area for guests to stay. Hosting other people is something that's important to me, and I know how much it can feel like you're imposing (on both sides of the stay) when you're in someone else's home for an extended period of time. I would love to have some kind of small full-service (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living area) space set apart from the house so we could have the grandparents come and stay, or missionary friends from another country come and stay, etc. for an extended period of time and be able to have their own private space they can get away to whenever it starts to feel crowded in the house.


Coming in at #2 is a convertible indoor/outdoor space. I love those houses where you have modern glass walls that you can push aside and retract into solid walls in order to open up your living area into the backyard and have a wide-open, airy feel to the living area. Here's a couple of pictures of the same space from different angles, just to give you an idea of the kind of thing I want. The black line on the ground is the track where the multi-panel glass walls can be pulled together and closed off when you want to lock up the house and separate the indoor and outdoor areas:


And my #1 most desirable dream home feature is... secret passages! *Bigsmile* When I was growing up, a friend of mine had a dad who was a contractor and custom-built their home, which included a secret bonus room in my friend's room. There was a built-in bookcase that had a latch which, when flipped, would allow you to push the bookcase in and enter a bonus play room attached to my friend's room. Ever since then, I've been fascinated by the idea of secret passages and hidden rooms, and that interest has only become more poignant after playing games like Clue and watching a number of movies and television shows like Scooby Doo where secret passages play a key role in the story.

I like the idea of both inventive, unusual secret passages leading to hidden rooms like this:


As well as more traditional "shortcuts from one room to another" kind of passages like this:


The idea of secret passages is appealing to me because my dream house would have to be an ideal place to play hide and seek and other games of that nature (obviously), and also because I actually like the idea of creating a flow to the rooms beyond just "here's the one door you enter and leave from." And since I'm not sure I want a house big enough to warrant multiple established points of ingress and egress in each room, the idea of having neat little passageways here and there would be a super-fun idea. For example, it'd be fun to have a secret passage from the master bedroom to my office, or from the kitchen to a hidden extra pantry/storage area, or from the garage to a separate workshop area. I've also always thought it would be fun to be able to tell someone, "And here's a little something that won't show up on the floor plans..." *Smirk*

Okay, well, I think that's about it for my dream house. As far as where I'd like to live... I really enjoy where we are in Southern California. The ocean is my happy place, so I suppose the dream would be somewhere within earshot of the ocean waves. I'm not sure I'd actually want a place on the beach (not a fan of tracking a bunch of sand around, or the marine layer that often sets in), but somewhere with a view of the ocean and being within earshot would be nice. If that weren't a possibility, somewhere in the Hollywood Hills with a view of the city would be really nice... and if Southern California weren't an option at all, I'd probably choose to live somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, with my dream home located somewhere with a nice forest or mountain view.

Thank you for tuning into this episode of WDC Cribs! *Rolling*

May 28, 2020 at 11:57pm
May 28, 2020 at 11:57pm

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS | May 28


Three prompts:

1. If you were to run for President of the United States (or the equivalent leader of your respective country if you're not living in the USA), what would be your signature issue and how would you address it?

2. Let's say you're a mega-billionaire worth $50 billion who's taken the Giving Pledge and you have to figure out how to give away half your money to charitable causes. How would you spend that $25 billion? What causes and organizations would you give it to?

3. Have you ever pawned your work off on somebody else? Explain.

Sorry, I couldn't resist with that last one. *Laugh* I suppose it's only fitting that I answer it too.

The only time I've ever intentionally pawned work off on somebody has been when I've been in the process of leaving a job and there was a task I just didn't want to get around to doing. Every job I've ever had has involved basically working frantically up until the finish to get every single possible thing off my plate, and I don't think I've ever once transitioned out of a job where everything has been done by the time I've walked out the door, with no handing off of a number of tasks and responsibilities. And if it just so happens that the stuff left on my to-do list is the tedious stuff that I put off until the very end and never got around to?

Responsibility is a huge facet of my personality, so I don't generally like to pawn stuff off on other people and tend to overwork myself to make sure that doesn't happen. But when you're leaving a job and you're doing a ton of work to clear as much off your plate as possible, sometimes it's just unavoidable!

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