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by Jeff
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1399999
My primary Writing.com blog.
Logocentric (adj). Regarding words and language as a fundamental expression of an external reality (especially applied as a negative term to traditional Western thought by postmodernist critics).

Sometimes I just write whatever I feel like. Other times I respond to prompts, many taken from the following places:

         *Penw* "The Soundtrackers Group
         *Penw* "Invalid Item
         *Penw* "Blogging Circle of Friends
         *Penw* "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
         *Penw* "JAFBG
         *Penw* "Take up Your Cross

Thanks for stopping by! *Smile*
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November 19, 2023 at 11:03pm
November 19, 2023 at 11:03pm
I've been following this OpenAI saga for the past couple of days, and it's fascinating. If you hadn't heard about the drama, here's a quick recap:

Sam Altman is the CEO. He's fairly beloved among tech CEOs, and he recently testified quite well in front of Congress on issues of artificial intelligence (as opposed to certain other tech CEOs whose testimonies left a lot to be desired). He's, by all accounts, a celebrity CEO and widely-respected and yet, last Friday afternoon, the OpenAI Board of Directors (of which Sam was a member) announced he had been fired, and immediately revoked his access to his computer and company premises. The people who would normally be made aware of a big move like this (both internal executives and partners like Microsoft who has invested $13 billion in the company) found out as it was happening in real time. The stated reason was that Altman "was not consistently candid in his communications with the board," and that statement was not elaborated upon. By the end of the day, OpenAI's President and Chairman of the Board Greg Brockman (who was also caught unaware) had also quit in protest.

By Saturday morning, Altman and Brockman were already starting talks with investors about launching a rival AI company and which OpenAI employees would be likely to join them in the new venture. By Saturday afternoon, there were threatened lawsuits by investors and shareholders. Things had shifted so monumentally, that there was talk of bringing Altman and Brockman back, and the entire remaining OpenAI board resigning. By Sunday, Altman and Brockman were in the OpenAI offices for meetings to talk about where to go from here. Even Mira Murati, the company's Chief Technology Officer who was named interim CEO after Altman's firing, is advocating for Altman's return and the firing of the current board. *Explode*

Rumor has it that Ilya Sutskever, one of the OpenAI co-founders (along with Altman and Brockman) and the company's Chief Scientist engineered the board coup over a dispute about making ethical/responsible decisions versus prioritizing growth and advancement.

I have a personal theory about this. It seems super weird that a board would just up and unceremoniously fire it's well-respected CEO at the drop of a hat one Friday afternoon. Especially after they went out of their way to say that it wasn't for any malfeasance or fireable offense on Altman's part. Which makes me think there was a political component of it. I think that Elon Musk (an initial investor - to the tune of $100 million - and recently an outspoken critic of OpenAI's operations), who has relationships with most of the people on the board (including Sutskever who he helped recruit to OpenAI from Google), helped engineer this coup to install people who were more aligned with his vision of where he wanted the company to go. That's complete conjecture on my part, but I just can't help but thinking there's more to it than just a board who, on its own, decided to vote out its CEO with zero advanced notice.

It's also important, though, to acknowledge that Altman may have done something wrong. Especially in the USA, people can assume a charismatic, friendly CEO is the "good guy" and that may not bear out depending on how the details of this story play out. If rumors are to be believed, Altman was more in the "keep pushing the limits and going further" camp while Sutskever and a few other board members were in the "ethical AI" camp, which advocates moving slower to make more informed, responsible decisions. And don't forget, Sam Altman was the one who testified in front of Congress not too long ago and said that Congress needs to regulate this industry because otherwise the industry won't regulate itself. And while Altman as the CEO has a fiduciary duty to maximize investors' and shareholders' returns, if he was doing that in a way that was bypassing the board or not presenting them with a full suite of options when they make decisions, that could very well have been a reason for removing him (although I'd still argue that dropping a bomb on a Friday afternoon is probably not the best way of going about it).

At any rate, it's a fascinating story that's developing quickly. It's been interesting to follow along with all the twists and turns of what, by all accounts, feels like an attempted corporate coup that backfired spectacularly. I'm curious to see what other details emerge as this story develops.
November 17, 2023 at 2:59am
November 17, 2023 at 2:59am
Today is National Fast Food Day, so I thought I'd take an inventory of my fast food habits.

The most popular fast food restaurants I go to regularly are Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's, and In-N-Out Burger. And Jersey's Mikes, if you consider a sub sandwich place (or competitors to Subway) fast food. This is largely a function of them being nearby. Wherever we've lived, we've had a tendency to have a convenient fast food place within a short driving distance so that we have a quick, easy meal when we want one.

Less commonly, I'll hit up Taco Bell, Chipotle, and Panda Express (a personal favorite of both of my kids, so we get that way more than I'd probably get otherwise). They're not part of my usual routine, but every so often they'll sound really good and I'll be tempted to run out and get it the next time I need to grab a quick bite on the go.

Fast food restaurants I don't necessarily avoid but I just haven't been to in a long time include Carl's Jr., Burger King, Dairy Queen (although that's mostly due to limited locations... I actually love DQ), and Jack in the Box. I used to get Jack in the Box all the time in high school. It was the only place to eat between school and my part-time job, so I think I ate their one too many times and now it just never really sounds good. I'll stop there whenever it's convenient, but I never really actively seek it out.

The one fast food restaurant I tend to actively avoid is McDonald's. The last time I had McDonald's was actually when we were traveling abroad and were tired of picking local restaurants and hoping they would have something that sounded good; we just wanted a predictable meal where we knew what to expect. (If you know me at all, you'll know how desperate I'd have to be to do that... I'm usually all about finding local places you can't find just anywhere!). But that trip was probably ten years ago at this point, and I haven't eaten anything at a McDonald's since.

Generally speaking, we try to avoid fast food whenever possible... but as a family with two young kids, sometimes fast food is just the only thing we have the time or energy for. And, sure, we pretend to go to places where the food is a little better than at other chains... but I don't think we're winning any nutrition awards or good parenting trophies just because we pick Chick-Fil-A over McDonald's. Neither one is ideal and we should probably work a little harder to make sure we're not going out to a fast food joint more than once a week or so. *Smile*
November 17, 2023 at 2:42am
November 17, 2023 at 2:42am
"I Love To Write Day" was apparently on November 15th, and it made me question whether I actually do love writing. I definitely like having written something, but do I enjoy the actual process of coming up with an idea, getting it down on paper (or computer), revising it... revising it again... and getting it from concept through execution and into publication (or other distribution).

I think the answer is still 'yes,' although it's definitely been hard lately.

Other than my entries for "Twenty-three in Eleven , I haven't written much this year. It's actually been a long time since I've really focused on my writing, more than just a short story or a blog entry or a poem here or there. I'm definitely out of the writing habit, and I suppose that makes it difficult to figure out if it's something that I'm still in love with, at least to the extent it applies to the longer-form writing that I aspire to do one day (screenplays, novels, etc.).

I definitely love the feeling of finishing a piece of writing and having something I can look back on and be proud of. And I love the process of coming up with ideas and exploring and developing them. It's just the whole "actually go from concept to finished product" that's so challenging *Laugh*
November 14, 2023 at 12:17am
November 14, 2023 at 12:17am

Today I'm feeling a little sullen. If you pay attention to the happenings in the entertainment industry, you might have noticed that my company's latest film, The Marvels, had the lowest opening weekend performance of any film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with only $46 million at the domestic box office. It's a misfire, for sure, and I'll admit the movie isn't one of our best (although it's also far from one of our worst). The reason I'm feeling sullen, though, isn't because of the disappointing box office. It's because the disappointing box office is coming on the heels of a series of articles and analyses predicting the demise of Marvel. There have been articles like these for months:

         *Bullet* Crisis at Marvel  
         *Bullet* In Marvel we no longer trust  
         *Bullet* Why 'The Marvels' can't solve the Marvel Studios brand problem  
         *Bullet* Marvel's Release Delays Mean The MCU Matches DC In One Very Disappointing Way  
         *Bullet* Marvel used to reliably churn out billion-dollar hits. Now Disney has a mess on its hands  
         *Bullet* The MCU Is In Big Trouble  

Second off, I can take criticism of my employer and my work... when it's warranted. The problem is, I don't really think it's warranted. Marvel Studios has presided over a record-shattering run of success in Hollywood. To date, it's released 33 films that have grossed a collective $30,000,000,000 at the box office. For context, the next highest grossing franchises are Sony's Spider-Man franchise at $10.5 billion (also a Marvel property, which isn't factored into the MCU's grosses), and the Star Wars franchise at $10.3 billion. For reference, other franchises like Harry Potter, Fast and Furious, James Bond, Batman, Jurassic Park, Transformers, and Lord of the Rings are all less than $10 billion each. Having a string of 32 consecutive profitable films is unheard of at pretty much any studio or production company in the industry in the last 75+ years at least. So it feels like maybe declaring the MCU dead and buried after a handful of less than stellar (but still profitable) films and one actual bomb feels a bit presumptuous. It's like looking at a baseball player who goes 32-for-32 with 20 home runs, 8 triples, and 5 doubles to start the season, then strikes out once and suddenly everybody throws up their hands and goes, "Wow, their season is basically over. What a failure!" *RollEyes*

Third off, I think it's gross when people pre-judge the success of something before it comes out. When I was first starting my career in this industry, I worked on a movie called Who's Your Caddy? which is objectively not a good movie, and is currently #40 on IMDb's "Bottom 100" list of Lowest Rated Movies. Here's the thing though... and this was one of my first lessons in how social movements can shape opinion... that movie was #3 on that list a week before it was released. Voters on IMDb decided they hated the movie and gave it a bunch of one-star ratings before any of them actually had a chance to see it. And the same thing kind of happened here. All the Marvel Studios hit pieces, the rumors that this movie was going to tank... all the negative talk started weeks ago. There are flaws with The Marvels for sure. And Marvel Studios is going through a bit of a rough patch right now for sure. But it's weird how many people were so convinced this movie was going to bomb without having seen more than a trailer or a TV spot. *Confused*

Fourth off and finally, and somewhat related to the point above, I think life is hard enough right now without a bunch of people rooting for things to fail. So many companies (Disney and Marvel Studios included) have just gone through rounds of layoffs and cost-cutting. There are or have been labor strikes in multiple industries. Income inequality has never been worse, and many people are having a hard time just making ends meet. It feels like a weird time to root for things to fail, knowing that failure could very well affect people's livelihoods. I know that bad news is far more engaging than good news and everybody loves to watch a train wreck, but it almost feels like we're reaching a point as a society where we're gleefully hoping to create train wrecks so we have something to entertain ourselves with. It makes me really sad, and sullen, that there are so many people out there who revel in and even celebrate others' failure.

So, yeah, I'm feeling a little sullen today.

The opening weekend of The Marvels was a disappointment, to be sure. The next project I'm working on is really frustrating me because of a few wrinkles I'm trying to iron out. But I'm also super excited for our upcoming slate of projects. Deadpool 3 is going to be amazing, and I'm really looking forward to Captain America 4 as well. Disney as a company (including Marvel) has pivoted in a lot of ways, and it feels like we're coming out of a rough season and headed into a new one with a lot of optimism and enthusiasm. I'm not sure it's sustainable to expect that we're going to continue to hit home runs every time we step up to the plate, but that's okay too. Even if there are more misfires in our future, I still love the types of movies and shows that we produce, and I love my job contributing to the process. *Smile*
November 13, 2023 at 12:24am
November 13, 2023 at 12:24am
Write about scents you just absolutely love.

I'm not really big on fragrances in general... I don't wear cologne and I rarely pick personal hygiene products based on the nuances of how they smell. Which is not to say that scent doesn't do anything for me... it's just rarely a priority compared to other considerations. That said, there are a few types of smells that I have and probably will always love because they're just so comforting:

         *Bullet* Cedar1
         *Bullet* Cinnamon
         *Bullet* Citrus + Something2
         *Bullet* Cotton / Fresh Linen
         *Bullet* Freshly Baked Bread, Cookies, Brownies, etc.
         *Bullet* Vanilla

Combination scents (and flavors) are something I'm really fond of. Especially in a drink like a tea... I love Republic of Tea products because they have a ton of really interesting combinations that taste delicious. My favorite is probably their Ginger Peach tea, but I've also tried their Blackberry Sage, Cranberry Blood Orange, and Vanilla Almond, among others. But I suppose that's more appealing because of their taste rather than their scent. *Think*

1  I might be wrong about this particular scent; there are a couple of woodsy/earthy scents that I really like btu I honestly couldn't tell you the difference between cedar, sandalwood, mahogany, teak, etc.
2  I'm a big fan of combo scents that include a citrus option plus something else. Orange Blossom and Gardenia, Lemon Lavender, Jasmine Lime, etc.

November 12, 2023 at 9:03pm
November 12, 2023 at 9:03pm

Write about an extreme or silly sport. If none inspire you, make up the rules for your own game.

The game that this blog prompt immediately made me think of is Calvinball, the made-up game that Calvin from the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes invented, which only has one rule; that the game can't be played the same way twice. In the comic, the game uses a variety of sports equipment, including: croquet mallets and wickets, volleyballs, badminton birdies, tennis racquets, footballs, soccer balls, cones, masks, buckets, and - of course - water balloons. Throughout the comic strip it's implied that Calvin invented the game when he got bored with traditional, organized sports... and many of his and Hobbes' games eventually evolve (or devolve, depending on how you look at it) into Calvinball.

Calvin & Hobbes is probably one of my Top 10 literary influences from my childhood. I have the entire collection in a two-volume hardcover boxed set, and I go back and re-read it every couple of years. It's such a perfect distillation of the experience of being a kid and, even if some of us aren't as wild as Calvin, I think everyone can relate to his observations of what childhood (and adulthood) is like, and many of us can identify with his rampant imagination getting him into trouble at school, at home with his parents, etc.

One of my favorite Calvinball strips was when Rosalyn, Calvin's babysitter, eventually agrees to play in a bid to get him to go to bed... and then completely capitalizes on the fact that you make up the rules as you go along and uses it to dominate the game. Calvin even exclaims, "She picked up the nuances of this game fast!" which is such a perfect observation for a kid who has a limitless imagination, but is playing with an older teenager who knows how to use logic and strategy to her advantage in an effort to get him to go to bed. *Laugh*
November 12, 2023 at 8:41pm
November 12, 2023 at 8:41pm

Write about putting together the pieces of puzzles.

I love puzzles of all kinds. Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, sudoku, riddles, cryptograms, word searches, mazes, board games, trivia... I enjoy them all. I think it's because I love problem solving in general; looking at a situation and trying to figure out the correct solution. When I was younger, we would take road trips from Northern California to Montana, which was a two-day drive. I remember my parents would buy me one of those big workbooks full of hundreds of crossword puzzles and word searches (the kind you can buy at the grocery store), and I would just plug away at them for the entire drive (when I wasn't reading a book).

My love for puzzles also kind of followed me into my other interests and my career as well. Doing credits for film and television is similarly trying to put all the pieces in the right places, and resolve conflicts between what people want and what we can actually do. I love games like Dungeons & Dragons which are exercises in problem solving... and I love running Dungeons & Dragons games even more than playing in them, which is also an exercise is creative storytelling and problem solving (since you're reacting to unpredictable choices of the players).

Of all the puzzles out there, I think my favorite are probably logic puzzles. Especially things like escape rooms, where you have to figure out a bunch of clues and put them together to solve a larger puzzle with a bigger picture. I've never actually done an escape room before, partly because I don't really know anyone else who's excited about them like I am, and partly because solving puzzles under the pressure of a timer kind of takes some of the fun away for me. I like to take my time and think through things; not feel like there's a time pressure to finish. Real life has enough activities where you're pressured to complete activities while you're on a clock. *Wink*
November 12, 2023 at 12:55am
November 12, 2023 at 12:55am

"Take up Your Cross | Write about the unforgivable sin. Do you believe there is one? Why? What's it about?

I'm going to start with a caveat and say that I don't know this answer for sure. I kind of wish more Christians would start responses to questions like this, because answering this definitively on behalf of God is, in itself a sin. The Bible is full of passages like Matthew 7 and Romans 2, which make it quite clear that it's not our job to judge the sin of others:

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
-- Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV)

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
-- Romans 2:1-4 (NIV)

In light of that, I suppose my answer to the question of "Is there an unforgivable sin?" is that I don't know; you'd probably have to take that up with God. That said, I have a hunch here, which is really just my own opinion based on my limited personal experience. My theory is that the only unforgivable sins are the ones that we refuse to repent for. In the words of Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And if that's a given, we're all in trouble unless what the Bible says about God's love and grace is true. But in order to receive that, we have to be willing to truly repent of those sins. If we can't do that, I don't see any forgiveness coming our way.

All of the rest of it? That's up to God. I can't tell you whether the very bad thing you've done is something you can be forgiven for; I'm not the one who's ultimately making that decision, and it would be hubris to assume that I can speak for the one who will. For myself, I find these kinds of questions interesting on an intellectual level because I like to ponder stuff ... but from a practical standpoint, I think our time on Earth is better spent focusing on repentance and amends for the sins we do commit. I have a feeling God is less concerned with keeping a list of absolutes, and more concerned about the state of our souls in the aftermath of the bad things that we do.

"Take up Your Cross | How should a Christian respond to someone who is in the LGBTQ community? Do you believe they can be Christian too?

As it happens, I attended a conference recently with some other staff members from our church on this subject. It was super interesting, and addressed this question specifically. My takeaway from the conference, which sought to apply biblical principles to these issues, was that the initial answer to the question of "Can someone be both Christian and LGBTQ+" is it depends. Can someone who is LGBTQ+ believe in Jesus and try to follow the teaching of the Bible to the best of their ability? Yes. Can someone who is a Christian show love and compassion and support for someone who identifies as LGBTQ+? Certainly. I'd argue that Christians are called to do that for everyone regardless of their sexuality or gender identity.

At the conference, they actually featured a number of guest speakers in different situations, including a couple of individuals who identified as gay, but also considered themselves strong Christians. The experience they shared was that they chose a life of celibacy and singleness, in order to uphold the Biblical standards of sexual activity being reserved for married couples, and marriages being between one man and one woman. And while the decision about whether that's an acceptable position is a question for pastors to answer, I thought it was an interesting interpretation because it does seem to reconcile two things at the same time... someone can identify as LGBTQ+ in one or more ways, and can also seek to live a traditional Christian life. For me personally, I'm not entirely sure that's the only option; I'm still trying to reconcile my understanding of what's required to lead a faithfully Christian life with many of the complex modern-day issues that simply were not contemplated at the time the Bible was written. I have a feeling it's not as black-and-white as some more traditional Christians make it out to be.

Incidentally, one of the things that I found most interesting about the conference is that one of the speakers encouraged Christians to generally be more accepting of both celibacy and singleness. To paraphrase one of his points, "You can't be a Christian if you don't love and care for people. And you can't fundamentally love and care for the LGBTQ+ community if you constantly uphold the ideal of marrying the person of your dreams and having a family as the pinnacle of humanity while also turning around and telling some people they can't have that." His point was that we should normalize people who choose celibacy and singleness as a life choice, whether that's because they're LGBTQ+, devoted to their faith (like a traditional nun or priest), or subject to life's circumstances (divorced, widowed, etc.). Christians need to value everyone's experience and life choices, and anyone can be a Christian if they put the pursuit of a life with Jesus ahead of whatever sin they struggle with.

The other thing I thought was interesting about the conference was that they challenged Christians to consider LGBTQ+ issues honestly by evaluating the same circumstances in the context of other "sin." For example, they asked the room of church pastors and staffers, "Would you allow an LGBTQ+ person to lead worship at your church?" And they got a whole bunch of, "Oh we could never do that. We're called to love LGBTQ+ people but putting one of them at the front of the worship band would imply we're okay with their lifestyle, blah blah blah..." But the organizers of the event would then follow up and say, "Okay, but how would you feel about a worship band leader who was sleeping with his girlfriend when they weren't married? Or a pastor who cheats on his taxes? Those are sins too, and if you're okay with them on your staff, why not someone who is struggling with LGBTQ+ issues?" That clearly made a lot of people in the room uncomfortable, and I think that was kind of the point. We shouldn't be in a position where we act like some sins are okay while others aren't.

Ultimately, the question of how a Christian should respond to someone in the LGBTQ+ community is an open question, because LGBTQ+ individuals are not a monolith. It depends on who they are, what they're saying, and what they're doing. Christians should always be loving, kind, and compassionate. But there's probably a different response called for depending on whether we're talking about someone in the LGBTQ+ community who is actively seeking Jesus, or someone in the LGBTQ+ community who is actively and unrepentantly pursing a life of sin. And, spoiler alert, that's not just a differentiation that needs to be made among people in the LGBTQ+ community; that's a differentiation that needs to be made for everyone. As far as being Christian, anyone can be a Christian as long as they're pursuing a life with Jesus... and you certainly don't have to only be straight or cisgender to do that.

November 9, 2023 at 2:29am
November 9, 2023 at 2:29am

I have never in my life heard of World Urbanism Day (or World Town Planning Day, as some call it) until today. According to Wikipedia, it was apparently founded in 1949 by a professor at the University of Buenos Aires to "advance public and professional interest in urban planning." It's currently celebrated in more than 30 countries on four different continents.

You know what else advanced public interest in urban planning?

I used to love Sim City as a kid. I would legitimately spend hours designing cityscapes and watching them develop as the game clock advanced. I would alternate between trying to make a city on a completely flat grid and seeing how well I could optimize the placement of residential, commercial, and industrial areas to see how quickly I could get the population to swell to the point where I could build those big arcologies... and trying to build cities on incredibly complicated landscapes with tons of hills and valleys lakes and other obstacles, to see if I could make a functional town in hostile terrain.

One of the things I loved about this game was the sense of humor they had for the cheat codes too. If you didn't want to wait around to raise revenue the old fashioned way, you could type in "IMACHEAT" and you'd get $500,000 but would also have a significant chance of some kind of natural disaster happening. And if you wanted to cause your own natural disasters just for funsies, "NOAH" would get you a flood, "GOMORRAH" would get you a nuclear power plant meltdown, etc. You could also "shoot down" helicopters traveling through your city by clicking the cursor over them. *Laugh*

I suppose I've always loved urban planning. Like any puzzle, I like the challenge of having a specific space that you then have to figure out where everything goes and the optimal way to configure it. I actually haven't played Sim City in years, but after a little searching it seems like there's both a current mobile game and a current game for both MacOS and Windows. Maybe I should get it and play a commemorative game every November 8th during World Urbanism Day! *Bigsmile*
November 8, 2023 at 2:15am
November 8, 2023 at 2:15am

Back in September, a journalism job posted by Gannett Media went viral. The position they were advertising was for someone to report on the "Taylor Swift beat," meaning they're looking for someone whose only job is to report on Taylor Swift and what she's doing. Rumor has it there's a similar position for Beyonce in the works, BTW...

Normally, I would find this kind of thing amusing. My wife loves Taylor Swift (I like her music a lot as well, to be fair), and I joked that this would be the perfect job for her because she'd get paid to do what she's already doing, which is religiously watching TikTok, Instagram, etc. looking for the latest updates on where in the world Taylor Swift is at any particular moment, and what she's doing.

Surprisingly, though, Gannett actually did hire a Swiftie for this position. Bryan West (who does admittedly have decent journalistic credentials) was chosen for the job, and he's an admitted Swiftie. His audition video very much touted how much of a fan he is, and he says he follows a lot of Taylor news already, including "every outing, every new song, every lyric, every album release, every party." And while I will stipulate that I haven't read the Gannett job posting so I don't have any visibility into what Gannett is actually looking for (they may very well want a fan service column about Taylor Swift's day-to-day), from the perspective of journalistic integrity, this feels like kind of an icky choice.

I'm sure West is a lovely person but, to "prove his point" that he can report unbiased news on the singer, he listed three songs of hers that he can't stand. But then quickly says that he sees his job as, "To highlight her global and societal impact because she keeps breaking her own records." And that kind of clearly makes my point... the guy is biased in favor of the topic he's supposed to be writing about. Earlier this year, there was a story about how Taylor Swift's private jet use is off the charts (this was in connection with a story about climate change and how damaging it is to have the super-rich take frivolous private flights that generate massive emissions), and she pushed back saying that she often lends her jet to friends so it's not her taking all these random flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco, or across the country six times a week. And it feels like those stories maybe aren't going to get a lot of attention on West's "Taylor Swift beat" because he's so clearly a massive fan of hers, despite his admitting that he *gasp* doesn't like *gasp* three of the 100+ songs she's recorded over the course of her career. *RollEyes*

Maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion. Maybe Gannett wants West to write fan service. But if that's the case, they shouldn't be advertising the job like it's a serious journalistic position; they should just be open about the fact that it's supposed to be tabloid fodder or entertainment, rather than "reporting." It feels like the media has enough trouble with bias and negative perceptions without hiring a fanboy to report on the object of his obsession, and then calling it objective journalism. *Confused*

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