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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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May 9, 2013 at 10:49pm
May 9, 2013 at 10:49pm
         This week I was sent to Great Falls, Montana for a class. This is not a very big town, I think the largest city in Montana is just over 105,000 people, but Great Falls is in the 60,000 person range. This is a site where Lewis & Clark stopped on their trek to the Pacific Coast in the early 1800's, and the site of one of largest natural springs in the world. I visited Giant Springs today, water bubbles up between cracks in the limestone right next to the Missouri River. This creates the worlds shortest river (about 50 feet) as it runs to join the Missouri. The headwaters for the Missouri are about a 3 hour drive away, but not a trek I made this trip. The surroundings are a lot like what I call the 'high desert' of New Mexico, and reminds me the area near Bismarck, North Dakota. But being such a small town, (I know, 60,000 isn't all that small, but I'm so used to the Chicago area now), there isn't a lot to do. All that said, I find the area beautiful. Not sure I'd want to be here in the winter though, Brrrrrrrrrrr! Til next time, when I'll say "Hi" from Ft. Worth, Texas! Take care, and be good. (Doing my best ET impersonation there.)

April 10, 2013 at 12:48pm
April 10, 2013 at 12:48pm
         This week work took me to Broward County, Florida. Since it is close to Miami, I left a couple of days early so I could cross another item off my bucket list, visit Key West. I have to say, I was not disappointed. *Smile* I arrived in Miami on Friday night, close to midnight. About all I did then was find a hotel room so I could sleep and rest a little. Left Saturday morning at 8 or so, and headed south along highway 1. Key West was only about 120 miles away, but it's a three hour drive getting there. I stopped at a roadside stand to look at a few things, and loved seeing a much larger than life lobster in front. It was about 15 feet tall, with a length proportional to it's height. But I was on a mission, so I didn't loiter too long there. Arriving in Key West about 1pm, I found my hotel room not available yet. I had used Hilton Honors points for this, but was a little wary about the hotel since I'd never stayed at a Doubletree. I should not have worried at all, it was (is) a beautiful resort on the east side of Key West International Airport. Since I was only there for one night, I couldn't take advantage of everything it had to offer, but it made me consider going back later this year on a proper vacation. Maybe during Key West FantasyFest? *Smile* (Imagine the photo ops!). About 5 or so, I headed to the old town area and walked around a bit. I followed the crowds to Mallory Square; it is here that every night a small party goes on as the sun sets. There were several performers doing their show on impromptu stages, each one doing a good job of entertaining the crowd. But I was there for sunset pictures, so I quickly found me a spot, and settled in there. As the sun lowered, the sky turned to a beautiful purple color towards the east, with the area near the sun being a gorgeous golden swath across the edge of the world.

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         As the sun dipped below the horizon, a cheer went up from the crowd, and I left Mallory Square looking for a suitable place to eat. I ended up dining at a nice Thai restaurant that had some pretty good Sushi. I know, Sushi and Thai? Yes, it was excellent!

         Sunday morning I woke late, and was very tired due to the lack of sleep on Friday, and walking around quite a bit on Saturday. But I wouldn't be deterred, and went back to the old part of the city again. I had a good time doing a little window shopping, as well as visiting a couple of the museums that frequent the area. About 1pm I had to say goodbye to the city, and headed north so I could be in Plantation Florida for class on Monday. It's been a nice week here, but it doesn't compare to Key West. But then, (at least for me), Key West doesn't compare to Hawaii. But I'd live there if I could afford to. If you get the chance, visit the city, it's worth a look. Till next time, y'all be good, and stay warm. Right now, my next outing is to Great Falls, Montana. Will keep you informed of that visit too.

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Jim Dorrell
March 13, 2013 at 10:58pm
March 13, 2013 at 10:58pm
         Once again I'm back in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, a place I still call home. It's been a crazy week and a half so far, and I'm about half way through my time here. I've dined at the same places as last time, mainly because trying to get out in the evening is mighty slow. Traffic is a nightmare, I-5 jam packed with commuters, and I have no desire to get out in that. Add to all that a slight chill, incessant rain, and an allergy attack that threatens to steal my voice, and you can understand why I would not want to venture very far. Imagine being an instructor here away from home, you teach for a living, and laryngitis is trying to hit you.

         On a second note, and a very sad one at that; my mother may not make it through the weekend. She is almost 93 and has lived in an assisted living home for a couple of years. Her body is just giving up, she can't eat much due to a gag reflex caused by osteoporosis (her head sits lower on her body than the topmost part of her back), and grows weaker by the minute. Please join me in wishing her a safe journey to her new home, the place we'll all meet again sometime in the future. If anyone wants, I will keep them updated as I learn more. Right now, it's a sit and wait game so to speak; a game that we all know who the winner will be. But she's had a long, glorious life, not as glamorous as some, but a good life all the same. My love, thoughts, and prayers are with her.

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Jim Dorrell
February 17, 2013 at 9:44pm
February 17, 2013 at 9:44pm
Okay, I couldn't think of a way to work in Sand iego in the title, probably a good thing. This week my customer was the San Diego County Sheriff. Class went well, but the highlight was having a co-worker with me. He is new to teaching, and also needs to learn the ropes for delivering a field class, so he came with me. After arriving there on Sunday at 11am or so, we went to the San Diego Zoo, and walked around it for 3-4 hours. We grew tired though, and headed to dinner. We had wanted Sushi at a place recommended by another co-worker, but they didn't open until 5:30. So we settled for Pub food, and went there the following night. My friend was a bit amusing all week. Monday we had fish tacos. Yes, I said Fish Tacos; if you haven't tried one, you need to. But it's very hard to find really good ones outside of Southern California. Anyway, he took one bite (Mahi-Mahi with Mango Habanero Salsa), almost dropped it to the plate and said, "Dude! This is the best fish taco I've ever had!" I had to work hard to stifle a laugh. This went on all week long when we went to other places, or he tried something new. Being a retired Navy Submariner, I was surprised at his lack of knowledge about our military, but he was eager to learn. I think my biggest surprise was when he said, "I need to get on Google maps and see just where we are in California." Turns out he has little knowledge of basic geography, and wasn't amused when I offered to draw a map of the United States from memory. *Smile* Overall though, I would have really enjoyed the week no matter what. After all, I was away from the winter cold of Chicago, but having him there (Oh, I am his mentor at work too, so that's another reason he was there) made the trip that much more enjoyable. Till next time (Seattle again, this time for three weeks), y'all be good, and stay warm throughout the winter.

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Jim Dorrell
January 20, 2013 at 10:10am
January 20, 2013 at 10:10am
         Work sent me to El Paso last week for a class with Customs and Border Protection. It's actually two classes back to back, so I have a second class to deliver this week. Since I had the weekend free, I decided to be a tourist a bit, as well as visit home. Friday I went to Carlsbad Caverns. I'd been there thirty years ago, and wanted to get back to take a few pictures. Last time there, I carried my 8 month old daughter in a back pack the whole way. We entered using the natural entrance (which I did this time too), and what a walk that is! About 3/4 the way down to the Big Room, my three year old daughter grew tired, so I ended up carrying her the rest of the way too. (She was too heavy for her mother, or my sister, to carry then). I seemed to be alone on the path down, the only people I saw were park rangers, and an older couple (look at me, almost 60 calling someone 'older') *Smile* about 1/4 mile from the Big Room. The trek through the Big Room took about an hour and a half, but you have the chance to see many beautiful Stalactites and Stalagmites. It took about 4 hours to completely see the caverns, as well as walk down the natural entrance. I drove back to El Paso Friday night, then came up here to Albuquerque yesterday. I grew up here and love this city. Plus, my mother and brother are still her, so I was able to visit them a little. Today I'll head back to El Paso, and visit White Sands National Monument along the way. Once I get home from El Paso, it's off to Toronto the following day. Hope you all are staying warm this winter. Not too bad so far for most, but some are cold, and others are still recovering from Sandy. My thoughts are with you all.

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Jim Dorrell
December 31, 2012 at 11:40am
December 31, 2012 at 11:40am
         This week finds me in Cleveland, the home of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. That building is a beautiful piece of architecture, and well worth a little time spent touring the museum. It was cold and rainy most of the week, and I did manage to find yet another Sushi place. But I think the most interesting dinner was at 'The Boneyard Grill'. It appears to be a converted theater with an area inside for games and such (much like Dave and Buster's, but on a much smaller scale). Their beer was good, with a nice selection of Micro-Brews; I loved the Spicy Garlic Wings I had. Bits of roasted garlic in a spicy sauce with wings. Perfect with a good beer. When I made my travel plans, I had a decision to make though. Class would end on Friday, December 21st, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar, and supposed end of the world. So, if it were to happen on that day, did I want to possibly end things there in Cleveland, or end things on a flight back that night? As it was, the flight back was uneventful, and quite short. Up next, El Paso, Texas for two weeks, followed by a short visit to Toronto. Till then, y'all stay warm this winter, but have fun making a few snow angels. *Smile*

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Jim Dorrell
November 23, 2012 at 8:43pm
November 23, 2012 at 8:43pm
         I visited these two cities on back to back weeks. In getting to Beaumont, I flew from Chicago to Houston. The flight down was interesting, mainly because it was the first flight from Chicago of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It is really nice, but the aisles are still rather narrow. Beaumont was very nice, I had my fill of Cajun food while I was there. One of the things I do when traveling, is not eat at national chains, with a couple of exceptions. So local restaurants are always good, especially when it's something like Cajun food that I don't get too often. One of my favorite national chains to visit though, is Bubba Gump Shrimp. I like the atmosphere there, and always have fun. Well, almost always. I went to the one in Galveston, a new one that opened this year. It was my 14th Bubba Gump to visit, and I have to say, it wasn't one of my better ones. The staff was very slow to get to me, and my food arrived before my beer did. The manager did comp the beer for me, but still, it was a bit of a downer since I love visiting these places. Maybe I shouldn't visit one that has newly opened.

         This was my second time to Richland Washington this year. I stayed in the same hotel as before, but visited new restaurants. Well, not entirely new, I went to Anthony's, a very good seafood restaurant that sits on the Columbia River. I managed to find a nice Sushi place there also, going there the last two nights I was there. I found it a little funny and ironic though. Here I am, a former Navy Nuclear Trained Power Plant Operator/Supervisor, training RF technicians on their equipment at a Nuclear Power Plant. When I left Richland Saturday morning, I had a four hour layover in Denver. Unfortunately, the Air Force Academy had let out for the holidays that day; I'd planned on spending the four hours in the USO lounge relaxing, maybe napping. But that didn't happen, since the place was overrun by Cadets. They all looked so YOUNG! Then I realized that my youngest is their age! Made me cringe a little, thinking about people so young being the leaders of our military. Then I realized that that was me, forty years ago. *Smile* Next trip is Cleveland, the week before Christmas, maybe I'll visit the Rock 'n Roll Hall Of Fame again. Til then, y'all be safe, and keep warm.

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Jim Dorrell
October 23, 2012 at 9:07pm
October 23, 2012 at 9:07pm
         Well here I am in the 'Charm' city, Baltimore Maryland. Spent yesterday exploring a little; went to the National Aquarium on the waterfront, and walked until my legs told me I should stop. After class today, I went to Fort McHenry and watched a group of school children from Maria Stein Ohio first lower the storm flag at the fort, then hoist a smaller flag while singing the "Star Spangled Banner." This caused me to pause a moment, and I had to wonder how many people know all the verses to that song. We sing only the first verse as our National Anthem, but there are four original verses to it, with a fifth added by another writer during the Civil War. I will add more to this entry as this week passes, tomorrow I plan on having dinner on the waterfront again.
         It's Thursday night, and I just got back from a really nice dinner. Had dinner Monday at a small local Pub, Tuesday I went to a place called Mo's Fisherman's Wharf. Very good meal there, I'd recommend you go there if you are in the area. Last night I went to a Tapas restaurant (first time at one of them), and I have to say, I wasn't all that impressed. Maybe I ordered the wrong things, but it just wasn't what I thought it would be. But tonight was by far the best meal I've had in a while. Went to a place called Bo's Brooks, an excellent seafood restaurant. Crab coated Pretzel, Shrimp and Crab filled Avacado, and fish taco's. Was so good, I'm afraid I made a pig of myself. *Frown* Hope you all have had a nice week, tomorrow I start for home. Will be there a week before leaving for Beaumont Texas, followed by Richland Washington. Til next time...

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Jim Dorrell
October 10, 2012 at 11:17pm
October 10, 2012 at 11:17pm
         Wow, how nice it is to be back in the Pacific Northwest! I lived on the west side of Puget Sound almost 20 years ago, and absolutely love this area. I'm not all that familiar with Seattle though, but it sure is nice to be in one of the three cities I call home. I will have two weeks here now, and three weeks in March (as of now), so maybe I'll get the chance to learn more about this city. *Smile* I went to Ivar's Salmon House for dinner Monday night, and had some of the best seafood I've had in quite a while. Oysters Rockefeller, Seafood Chowder, and a Smoked Salmon Appetizer. All were outstanding, but the salmon was nice thick cuts, maybe two ounces each, three cuts on the plate. The creamy Marscapone sauce that accompanied it just made it that much better.
         Since I'm here over the weekend, I will spend some time with my oldest son who is stationed at Whidbey Island right now, and my daughter who lives in Covington. We may go to Leavenworth on Sunday. It's a small community in the mountains that has a really good German heritage. And of course, being October, Oktoberfest is going on right now. We'll see what happens, but right now I'm loving the chance to see two of my children, and visit a city I love in the process also. Next up is Baltimore, I'll be heading there as soon as I'm done here, then home in Chicago for a week before going to Beaumont Texas. Y'all have a great week, and a Bootifool, Happy Halloween! *Grave**Jackolantern**Ghost**Devil**Pumpkin**Grave*

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Jim Dorrell
September 21, 2012 at 10:59pm
September 21, 2012 at 10:59pm
         Well no wonder I couldn't find Arnold, he was out of office already! *Frown* I spent the majority of a week in Sacramento delivering a class, and got an unwelcome surprise on Thursday afternoon. Received an E-mail about the following weeks class in Madison County, NY. It was cancelled because the customer wasn't ready to support it. They had no one scheduled to attend, did not realize it was a classroom delivered class, had expected it to be delivered on line. Oh well, there are some things you just can't control. I did have a nice time there, and when class was finished on Friday, I spent the night in San Francisco. On the drive there, I stopped by Mare Island Shipyard, or what used to be that place. It is now part of the city, and is undergoing major renovations, but very slowly. I had stopped to take pictures of the old Naval Nuclear Power School that I attended back in 1973. That was very sad for me really, the building is literally falling down, and should be condemned. Guess I just have fond memories of that time in my life, even if we had to study and work very hard just to pass. Probably the toughest school I've ever attended. Would have been easier if I'd applied myself and worked hard, but I wasn't the 'work-o-holic' then that I am now. Dinner that night was at the Cliff House on the ocean. It's a grand old place, the food is excellent, and the view.... wonderful. I was wishing for a little fog to roll in, but it was clear as a bell. Still, a very nice dinner. Till next time my friends, I'm off to Seattle for two weeks next, see you then.

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Jim Dorrell

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