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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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May 9, 2023 at 7:21pm
May 9, 2023 at 7:21pm
Locale: Frankfort, Ky, Little Rock Arkansas, and Gretna Louisiana

Week of: 4/24 & 5/1/2023

         Wow, I missed posting about mt last week in Frankfort? I guess this post will cover the last two weeks.

         The week of 4/24 was a busy week for me. I was in Frankfort once again for the third and final time. I've been with the Kentucky Emergency Management team all three weeks, but the group is really a small one made up of the Kentucky National Guard. All three classes went well, the Chief of the National Guard retired on Friday, so we finished class on Thursday to accommodate their schedule. This worked well because I was able to get home Thursday afternoon and pick up Mama and our young Akita so we could get to Jackson Tennessee for a 'Fast Cat' run. Fast Cat is where your dog runs 100 yards and is timed. Points are earned for each run, the dog earns a ribbon at prescribed point values. Our young Akita Buddy has earned one ribbon, and is about half way to the next one.

         The week of May 1st I was in two locations delivering a one day class. It's a new class, and there wasn't that much new to it really. The materials were edited to allow the topic to be delivered in one day. Still, it would have been nice to receive the files earlier than 4 am on Monday 5/1. There was no way I could review the stuff, so I delivered that class 'Cold Turkey'. The only problem I had was scheduling my time so the class didn't seem 'Out of Kilter' to the students. It wasn't bad, but it could have been better.

         I delivered that one-day class in Little Rock Monday, and never got to meet LegendaryMask❤️ . I know she's having some issues right now, so maybe it was for the best. Still, after all this time, it would have been nice to meet her finally. Tuesday I drove from Little Rock to New Orleans. Well, actually Gretna, very close where I was in 2005 the week after Hurricane Katrina. That class (the same as the one I delivered on Monday) went a lot smoother, mainly because I knew the flow now, knew what to do when if you will. Thursday I drove from the New Orleans area to our home in Bloomington Illinois. We left about 8 am, and arrived home at 11 pm. It was a very tiring day, but I had Friday to get a little R&R before this week's class. Right now I am in New York City (Queens) delivering a class, and will be back here in a month. Like I said in a Newsfeed post though, life is good.

In Closing

         I will fly to Brooklyn Monday for a 2-day class, then have a week and a half off before meeting with co-workers the week of Memorial Day. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write!

Jim Dorrell

Jim Dorrell
April 22, 2023 at 7:12pm
April 22, 2023 at 7:12pm
Locale: Home in Illinois, and Frankfort, Ky

Week of: 4/10 & 4/17/2023

         Wow, I missed posting about working from home! So this post will cover the last two weeks.

         The week of 4/10 was a significant week for me. Significant in that it was the first week of 2023 that I was at home and not traveling. Yes, I had a 2 week vacation at the end of February, but we traveled the whole time, so no rest for me then. I must say it was nice to sit at home and work. Yeah, I had the week 'off', but that just means I wasn't delivering a class. I wasn't on PTO, so I had to work. Besides, I had to edit existing course materials for 2 upcoming classes. The Networking classes I teach are centered around what is called a Trunking System. And while I created one for Conventional Systems, it was centered around a system having a Conventional Core (or Master Site). The class I will deliver in 3 weeks does not have a Core, it's just a system of IP based radios connected using Ethernet, so a pretty good size modification was needed. I also have a class on Conventional Consoles (Do you see a trend here? Everything Conventional... ). And of course, we have no course materials for that. You might ask why? Well, we make the most money on Trunked System classes because they are in high demand. For that main reason, all our course material revolves around a Trunked System. I've been saying we need Conventional Courseware for years, and now we're starting to be asked for more and more Conventional System classes. Since I deliver the greater majority of them, you know who it falls to when it comes to editing course materials. You might ask, what's difference between Trunked and Conventional Systems? To truly explain it would take quite the page or 10. But I'll give you a short Analogy that hopefully will explain it.

         Think about a grocery store, and waiting in line to checkouf. If you're in a store where you get line and wait for your line to move (say you're at register #3), you wait until the cashier finishes with the customer in front of you before you can get your groceries bagged and paid for. Now, change it around. This time you're still in a grocery store, but now you are all in one line. The next available cashier is the one you end up going to, you're not locked into one line. The one line scenario (register #3) is Conventional, the one line with the next available cashier scenario is Trunking. The next cashier scenario is more efficient than being stuck in line for one cashier. That's how the two types of radio systems operate.

         So I spent the whole week editing Powerpoint slides for the Networking class, as well as the lab guide, I removed all reference to Trunking Systems and substituted Conventional drawings and hands-on activities. I did about the same for the upcoming Console class. This took about 30 hours to accomplish, but at least it's ready. Now to see if it all flows smoothly in class next week, and the week of 5/7 in NYC. I'm also waiting for a co-worker to edit a class he is responsible for. I have to deliver a one- day class in Little Rock and the New Orleans area (Gretna) the week of 5/1. He's working hard on it, but him and I had the busiest delivery schedule in the first quarter. I will most likely get the files late next week, and deliver it on Monday & Wednesday the following week. We'll see how that goes of course.

         The class in Frankfort went well last week. Their system is unique, that's for sure. They definitely don't have a typical Motorola Radio System, so understanding it is paramount. The three days of class were mainly all software and how to configure the Core devices. The manager told me they learned an awful lot in that time, but wants me to review a bit next week for the 2 techs who missed the week. We'll probably do that Monday, then go from there. I'm not worried about it. at least it's a subject I'm very familiar with.

         Upcoming classes. Week of:

4/24: Frankfort Ky

5/1: Little Rock Arkansas and Gretna Louisiana (Monday & Wednesday)

5/8: NYC (Queens)

5/15: NYC (Brooklyn) a Two-Day class

5/22: Work from home/Doctors appts (Scheduled class has been delayed until December)

5/29: Memorial Day week, meetings all week. Either online or in Schaumburg

6/5: Schaumburg

6/12: NYC (Queens)

6/19: Wyoming (Three Day Class)

6/26: Teach from home

In Closing

         I will drive to Frankfort tomorrow, then to Little Rock and Gretna the following week. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write!

Jim Dorrell
April 10, 2023 at 10:04am
April 10, 2023 at 10:04am
Locale: Schaumburg, Illinois

Week of: 4/3/2023

         Last week found me in familiar surroundings. I delivered what is known as a resident class at our training facility in Schaumburg, Illinois. I lived in the Chicago suburbs for 15 years before moving to Bloomington, and have taught many classes there. It is our HQ (for training, so-to-speak) but I get to live 2 hours south in a much slower paced environment. I love it!

         The class I delivered was about our equipment at a remote radio site, and how it interfaces with the rest of the system. I've delivered this class since 2007 or so, but had not delivered it since August of last year. Delivering this as rarely as I do causes one minor problem for me. Despite having delivered it for 15 years or more, if you don't teach a class very often, you end up losing the flow. What I mean by that, is knowing where to be at the end of each day so you remain on track/time. I could write a small outline of sorts that would guide me on where to be, but I've never done that. Yet. So why don't I teach this class more often? Simple. I can deliver a wide variety of courses (15 right now, and 17 more that are no longer delivered because the product is antiquated), so I get assigned to go wherever, and whenever needed for those classes. As a result, months, sometimes years go by without delivering a particular course. Be that as it may, the class went very well with about everyone happy at the end. We are graded by the students at the end of each class, and in this case one student commented that he wanted less Powerpoint presentations and more hands-on activities, where another student commented that this class had the most hands-on activities he's had in any class with us, and he's attended 5-6 classes now. Oh well, you can't please everyone, can you?

         My (our) scheduler has the tough job if you ask me. All too often she ends up playing 'instructor dominoes' to meet the needs of a customer. I try not to bother her with personal needs, and work those in around my schedule. This makes my boss/manager mad, because he feels I'm neglecting my health needs. In some ways, I guess I am. I just hate the idea of special consideration being given to me due to things beyond my control.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Emmett's Brewing Company  https://emmettsbrewingco.com/menus/  I thought I'd once again visit the last restaurant I worked at in the Chicago area. While I was there, a man I used to work with came in. Needless to say, it was super nice to see him again, he let me finish my meal, then almost insisted I sit with him and chat a bit. The odd thing is, like me, he rarely visits Emmett's. Even more odd, was that he brought his German Growler in to be filled also. A German Growler I gave him 7-8 years ago! Talk about coincidences.... We've exchanged numbers, and when I'm in Schaumburg again (right now it would be the first week of June), we will meet up at Emmett's and reminisce again.

In Closing

         I am currently home for a week with a couple of projects to finish this week. The scheduled classes in NYC need tailored materials, so I'll work on those. I can't do it though, until I get some information from the support team/customer. I also need to review what I edited/wrote for a class I'll deliver in 2 weeks in Frankfort. For me, a week off only means a week of no delivery. There's never a real week off, even on vacation. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write!

Jim Dorrell
April 5, 2023 at 1:05am
April 5, 2023 at 1:05am
Locale: Frankfort, Ky

Week of: 3/27/2023

         Last week found me in a new location. New in that I've never delivered a class in this town/city. I have driven past this area, and briefly stopped for lunch/gas maybe, but I've never spent any amount of time there. I can't say that anymore, can I? *Smile*

         Frankfort may be the capital of Kentucky, but it's a small town really. But a small town with a lot to offer. I have to say that an afternoon rush hour in downtown Frankfort does not exist. In fact, it's almost deserted!

         So what does Frankfort have to offer since it is a small town. Well, first and foremost, distillery's. I'm not promoting drinking alcohol, or don't mean to be, but there are numerous distilleries in or near Frankfort. One of the biggest is the Buffalo Trace Distillery. It was this distillery that had me thinking I might find something from Pappy Van Winkle, though in retrospect I knew that wasn't about to happen. For those who may not know, Pappy Van Winkle is one of the most rare Bourbon's around. It is distilled in small batches, and a link to the 'OLD' Pappy Van Winkle Distillery near the Buffalo Trace Distillery is what led me astray initially. That link listed a bottle of their 10 year old bourbon at $300, where if you were lucky enough to find one in a store, you would probably pay close to 8x that price!. Having been educated about the Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon by my good friend Robert Waltz , I knew this was an excellent price. But deep in my heart, I knew there wasn't a chance in #$^& (you know what I mean) that I could get one. Still, it was a nice fantasy/thought for a short while. Learning that one of our members has a bottle of that vintage (Is that the right word to use regarding a Bourbon or Whiskey?) was almost mind-blowing. Believe me, I'm happy for them. If I had a bottle of that, I'm not sure when or if I'd open it!

         This Networking class was a little lot different from the others I've delivered. First, it was for a Conventional Radio System. Secondly, their system is not configured like others, nor is the hardware of the whole system placed like other systems. It made for an interesting class, where I learned as much about their system as they did the networking configuration. I will be back to Frankfort two more time for classes on different subjects, so this class helped me learn their system configuration.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Mami Monchitas  https://mamimonchitas.com/menu/  This is a Honduran restaurant that serves very good meals. I love dining at restaurants that feature food from foreign lands. Though I travel to places many of you never will, I know that I will never see everything our Mother Earth has to offer in the form of other cultures. I dine at places such as this to experience 'Non-American' foods and culture. I honestly feel that Kåre Enga in Montana does it right when he travels. He eats, breathes, and drinks the local culture. I'd love to experience a foreign country the way he does! My meal was 'Steak Skewers, but they were seasoned far differently than the same dish when served in a standard American restaurant. The menu listed this as 'Steak. It was Traditional meat skewers deliciously marinated with fresh ingredients and served with white rice, refried beans, plátanos maduros (sweet plantains), chismol (Honduran “pico”) and chimichurri sauce. Needless to say, I will return here when I'm back for classes three and four weeks from now.

         Goodwood Brewing  https://www.toasttab.com/goodwood-brewing-company-frankfort/v3/  Here I enjoyed 6 wings, 3 each of BBQ, and Medium Chipotle Garlic. Both were outstanding, but I lean more towards the BBQ Wings, mainly because i love good BBQ Wings. My meal was Blackened Catfish on dirty rice with a side of Braised Collard Greens. The catfish blackening was over-the-top really. Spicy, but not overly so. The dirty rice could have been a lot 'dirtier' though. Still, I'll dine here again when I return.

In Closing

         Next week will find me in Schaumburg Illinois for a 'resident class. It's a place I'm all too familiar with, but it will be fun. We'll see how that trip goes. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write{!/size}

Jim Dorrell
March 30, 2023 at 7:22pm
March 30, 2023 at 7:22pm
Locale: Schaumburg, Illinois

Week of: 3/20/2023

         I spent last week in familiar haunts, delivering a resident class at our Training Headquarters. Okay, it's not really a headquarters, but it might as well be. It's my home port, the location I officially work at, even if remotely. And once again, itr was a Networking class. I'm getting tired of those. *Laugh* I'm not used to this, delivering the same class 3 weeks in a row! Oh well, the pay is still the same, as are the hours. I shouldn't complain.

         I will confess that this class was a little tough to deliver. Not that I didn't know the material or how to deliver it. It was the hands on activities that seemed tough, which is normally my strong point. No excuse at all, but I hadn't delivered t his particular course in just 6 months, so the hand-on activities should have gone smooth. I know what I need to do, and there isn't room on my schedule to get it done. I need to either sit in the class to refresh myself, or get the equipment together and do the labs myself. Maybe both. I will have to find a way to do possibly both. Getting the equipment is easy. Sitting in a class is not easy at all because I'm booked through the end of October? There is a break in my schedule in early August, but is this class being delivered that week? That's the big question.

         The highlight of the week was seeing Mindy at Emmett's Brew Pub. She was a manager there when I left, and left herself about a month or two later. She's an excellent manager, I know she was missed. Why she left isn't important here, she left, that's all that needs to be said. Now she's back, I was thrilled to see her! I'm hoping that when I'm in Schaumburg again next week that I can talk to her, and hopefully Earnest. The three of us share a birthday!

In Closing

         Next week will find me in Frankfort, Kentucky for a week, It's a location I will be at three weeks later, as well as the following week. Until my next entry, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write{!/size}

Jim Dorrell
March 18, 2023 at 7:57pm
March 18, 2023 at 7:57pm
Locale: Savannah, Georgia

Week of: 3/13/2023

         I just realized today that I've spent the last 4 weeks in warm weather! I was on a very relaxing vacation in St. Augustine Florida. We really spent just a week there between driving there and back, and going to Panama City Beach for a few days after. We came home, and I left for Los Angeles. After a whopping 14 hours at home, I left for Savannah, Georgia for a week. So four week of warm(er) weather, only to come home last night, with snow on the ground this morning! Brrrrr.

         The class this week was the same one I delivered in LA last week. Once again, I found myself delivering a Networking class the week after my manager and good friend, Alejandro. He is a tough man to follow the following week. First, the two classes back-to-back have similarities which can make the first day tough. Second, I consider myself to be very smart. Alejandro is a genius and I'm nothing more than class 'sit in the corner dummy' compared to him. I kid a little there, we aren't that far apart intellect wise, but still... he is a tough instructor to follow. He has far more system experience than I do, that helps him a lot.

         Overall the class went well, with just a few glitches in completing the hands-on exercises, plus I was able to answer every question thrown at me, and could show them their error in the hands-on exercises when one occurred. The students requested we end the class by noon on Friday (normal for us really), since some of them had long drives after class. All were from around Georgia and northern Florida, so those drives couldn't have been that long. I managed to get to the Jacksonville Airport in time to relax most of the afternoon before leaving for home about 6:45. I arrived home about 10:309 last night, and have been tired most of the day.

         Savannah is a nice town, smaller than Bloomington where I live. I was warned by my students that Friday ,St. Patrick's Day would be quite the party, I could see it during the week as the city population seemed to grow each day. It's an interesting town though, with a lot to offer tourists. I spent some time on River Street walking around some, enjoying the weather, and people watching. There are many fine restaurants to dine at, so where did I dine last week?

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         The Ordinary Pub  https://www.theordinarypub.com/menu/dinner-menu/  While the food was very good, I think my expectations were not met. Expectations in the way of anticipating what the meal should be, look like, and taste. The meal met all of them except look. I enjoyed their Gumbo & Grits, but for me the Grits were too stiff, more like cake type Grits than what I'm used to. Plus, again in my opinion here, there wasn't enough Gumbo. It was more a heaping pile of Grits with a little Gumbo around it. I was expecting the Grits to be a bit more 'soupy', with Gumbo over them. That's what happens when you enter a place with expectations. The appetizer was their Korean Meatballs (Lamb, beef, & pork meatballs over chili garlic fried cabbage, Korean bbq sauce, sesame seeds, & scallions) Those were excellent!

         Six Pence Pub  https://sixpencepub.com/files/2023/01/Six-Pence-Pub-Menu-Savannah-For-Website.pd...  KI love dining at both British restaurants, as well as Mediterranean Restaurants. This place did not disappoint me one bit. My appetizer was their Smoke Salmon, which was really excellent. If you're at a British Pub, you 'have to have' Bangers & Mash', so I did., Wow!

         The Shrimp Factory  }https://www.theshrimpfactory.com/menus/#/entrees  I love Shrimp prepared in almost any form the house chooses. This place had Peel-n-Eat Shrimp. I had them at Indian Pass Florida, and wanted to have theirs. I was glad I did, it was a half pound of Shrimp, steamed with herbs and spices, served with cocktail sauce and drawn butter. I also enjoyed their Shrimp & Crab Au Gratin Casserole. I'm not sure what was expecting, but it wasn't what I ordered. Once again, expectations for the better of me. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't what I expected. Still, if in Savannah again, I'd return here for dinner.

In Closing

         Next week will find me in Schaumburg Illinois for a 'resident class. It's a place I'm all too familiar with, but it will be fun. We'll see how that trip goes. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write{!/size}

Jim Dorrell
March 14, 2023 at 8:08pm
March 14, 2023 at 8:08pm
Locale: Los Angeles, California

Week of: 3/6/2023

         After a very nice two week vacation I was back in Los Angeles once again, delivering the same class I delivered in January. This class went a bit better, mainly because I solved the one sticking point I had in the previous delivery. I will explain a bit more when I discuss the class.

         I decided to stay at a Marriott Hotel this time, just because I wanted to build up my Marriott point balance a little more. The big difference in this hotel room and others, was it had a Bidet. I've never used a Bidet before, and am still unsure about them. Why? Because to me, water is a precious resource, and I see that as a 'waste' of a resource we can't live without. Yes, I realize that toilet tissue is also a usage (waste?) of a precious resource since the manufacturers of that product will not use recycled paper. We all know paper comes from trees, so yep, another resource being used, another resource we can't live without. It's a no-win situation there if you ask me. Let's just say I'm not comfortable using a Bidet and leave it at that. On a side note, I did try it once, which led to my feelings about it being a waste of a precious resource. I'm sure anyone who has used one will tell me differently.

         One of the hands-on activities in this class is to copy a configuration file for a router from a USB drive. This is a new (new to Motorola Solutions) router, it is a bit (some say a lot) more complex than the router we've configured for years now. It's change, we either embrace it and improve ourselves, or we are left behind. I'm very lucky in that I will deliver this new version of the class several times this year. Several? Yep, 6-7 times, maybe more. Anyway, in the hands-on activities, the students copy a configuration file to the router from a USB device that they plug into the router. In my previous classes, this has been a 50-50 type of activity. Some students were successful ,some were not, and I wasn't sure why. In this class, I formatted the USB drives using FAT (File Allocation Table), which was originally used on DOS computers. Everyone of the students was successful, so I asked myself why. I realized a couple of things. First, FAT was usaed on DOS computers, the router has a UNIX Operating System. While vastly different from DOS, I realized it (UNIX) has been around about as long as DOS, maybe longer. The other option in formatting a disk drive, is to use NTFS (New Technology File System). That format is intended to be used on computers using Windows, or Apple Computers. Sure enough, a USB drive formatted with NTFS does not allow completion of the lab. The sticking point during the lab, is that once the USB drive is connected, it is mounted with a command and files on the drive are then visible to the technician. One of the files is the configuration file for the router, which is then copied to the router.

         I flew home Saturday morning, arriving at about 2:45 pm. I had a whopping 14 hours there (would have been 15 if not for Daylight Savings Time), then flew to Jacksonville, Florida and drove to Savannah Georgia for this week's class. So where did I dine in Los Angeles?

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Canoe House  http://www.canoehouserestaurant.com/menus/dinner-menu.html  A Hawaiian Themed restaurant, with very good food,. My appetizer was Spicy Tuna On Crispy Rice with chipotle aioli & scallions. This looked more like a Sushi roll than anything, with Jalapeno slices on top, Dinner was Breaded Fish Tacos with Rice and Beans. Both were good, and since I'll return to LA three more times this year, I'll definitely return.

         Baja Cali Fish & Taco's  https://www.bajacali.com/menu  This is a small hole in the wall place with excellent taco's and more. A Shrimp Ceviche Tostada, Crispy Shrimp Taco, and a Chile Relleno Burrito hit the spot, and told me I need to come here again too.

         Aloha Food Factorey  }https://www.alohafoodfactory.com/order  Another Hol-In-The-Wall place with excellent food. Having spent nine years in the islands, I learned to love Hawaiian Home Cooking. This place didn't disappoint. The only thing i ordered was their Fried Rice. I wanted to also have their Saimin Won Ton Soup, but knew it would be impossibly huge together, so settled for just the rice. I left stuffed, and pretty sure I'll return.

         All three restaurants are worth another visit should I have the chance to return., for business or pleasure.

In Closing

         Next week will find me in Savannah Georgia. We'll see how that trip goes. Until next time, be good to those you love, spoil them, and write!/size}

Jim Dorrell
March 3, 2023 at 10:03pm
March 3, 2023 at 10:03pm
Locale: St. Augustine, Florida

Week of: 2/20 & 2/27/23}

         I spent the past two weeks vacationing in St. Augustine, Florida. Okay, it wasn't two weeks, it was more like a week, with travel to & from St. Augustine thrown in. We could have stayed longer, but I had a doctor appointment on Wednesday 3/1. Oh wait, it wasn't a doctor appointment in his office, it was by phone! We could have stayed longer in the warm weather!

         It was a good time though, I managed to decompress from work, I walked about 3 miles a day, learned that Buddy, our young Akita loves the ocean, and dined at many nice restaurants throughout the week. We had rented an Air BnB for this period, located across the street from the beach too. *Smile* There were a couple of things about the house that didn't make sense to me. There was a back yard, but the only access was outside, there was no door that led to the yard. The lock on the door was numbers, then you had to turn the lock handle clockwise. Except the directions for the lock said counter-clockwise. Of course the directions also said to just press the Schlage button and the door would lock. Another lie error in the directions. Still, those were minor inconveniences overall.

         We decided to dine out every night instead of cooking in the house.. Why? Seafood of course! There was one night that we didn't have seafood though. Her sister and brother-in-law were less than a quarter of a mile away in their motorhome, and wanted to prepare dinner one night. It was a good night with them, and in some ways, a highlight of the trip! But where did we dine?

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Commander's Shellfish Camp  This place doesn't have a website, but they are on Facebook, I'd say they serve the best Smoked Fish Dip I've had in a while. Then again, I seem to find this appetizer only in Florida so that might explain it. Still, it was the best we had while there. If you click the Facebook link, it does take you to a photo of their menu. https://www.facebook.com/thecommandersshellfishcamp

         St. Augustine Fish House & OysterCompany   https://www.stafishhouse.com/uploads/1/2/3/5/123596711/st_augustine_fish_house.p...   Okay, this place had the second best Smoked Fish Dip, it was excellent, but there was something about the Commander's Fish Dip that made it just a little better. Their Shrimp & Grits was outstanding in my eyes.

         Elkhouse Eatery  }https://www.elkhouse-eatery.com/menu  This was a very small restaurant with good food. Sadly, most of us (her sister and brother-in-law joined us) did not order well. Their Shrimp & Grits was average at best. Only Marty really enjoyed his meal. He's not big on Seafood, so he had their Bone-In Heritage Pork Chop and loved it. The food was good overall, but not fantastic. It would be worth a return visit just to sample something different though.

         All three restaurants are worth another visit should I have the chance to return., for business or pleasure.

In Closing

         Next week I will be in Los Angeles again, delivering a Networking class. I'm still open to meeting one night, I know Friday nights are not good for many of you, so any night will work. If not, it's okay, we'll all live. Until my next entry stay safe, be good, be healthy, and take care of those you love!

Jim Dorrell
February 22, 2023 at 8:16am
February 22, 2023 at 8:16am
Locale: Dover, Delaware

Week of: 2/13/23}

         This past week I was in Dover, Delaware delivering one of our Networking classes.. I was in Dover 13 years ago, but remember very little about being there, so going again was nice.

         This class has changed quite a bit in the last two months, but the hands-on activities are the only thing changed. So far. Overall the class went well, but there was one sticking point in configuring the new Juniper router. New to us, not new to the industry. In one of the hands-on activities, a file is copied to a USB drive, then copied to the router. This is not something they will need to do most likely. Whty would they not do this activity? Because they will use Secure File Transfer (SSH), and a software program called WinSCP.. The same file can be transferred this way, but it's done via drag-n -drop. I explained that to them, but since we were unable to accomplish the USB file transfer, a couple of them gave me less than favorable grades in their critiques. That's fine, I feel I should be able to do all the hands-on activities almost blindfolded, so I deserve those marks. The only problem is, I need time to work on the hands-on activities for this class, but will not be able to do that until mid-April!

         In case any of you are interested, here is my updated schedule through April. I am currently in St. Augustine Florida on that much needed 2 weeks of vacation. I have delivered classes for 6 weeks straight, and worked with another instructor the week of 1/2, so I've not had a break since New Years. I could use one, but if push came to shove, I could deliver a class this week. But... I did schedule this vacation. *Smile*

Week of 2/20 - VACATION
Week of 2/27 - VACATION
Week of 3/6 - Los Angeles
Week of 3/13 - Savannah, Georgia
Week of 3/20 - Schaumburg, Illinois
Week of 3/27 - Kentucky
Week of 4/3 - Schaumburg, Illinois
Week of 4/10 - Work from home
Week of 4/17 - Kentucky
Week of 4/24 - Kentucky

In Closing

         My next trip will be back to Los Angeles in two weeks. Until my next entry stay safe, be good, be healthy, and take care of those you love!

Jim Dorrell
February 9, 2023 at 8:27pm
February 9, 2023 at 8:27pm
Locale: Salina, Kansas

Week of: 2/6/23}

         This week I am in Salina Kansas again, delivering the same class I delivered here in July 2022. One of the students in that class was a senior tech for the State Wide System and liked the class so much that he said more needed to attend it. That's how I came to be scheduled here this week.

         This class has gone well, but is quite different from the class in July. Six students are in this class, and four of them are not technically inclined. In fact, even the experienced techs have quite the knowledge gap in some areas. Then again, so do I. So I have delivered this class a little different from the first class. I have to discuss things in less technical terms to ensure everyone grasps the concepts of RF Systems. Having delivered this class for over 20 years really helps though.

         Salina is a small town though, there isn't a lot to see and do here, and of course, being a small town means there's a limited number of restaurants to dine at. Let's face it, it wouldn't hurt me to miss a few meals. *Laugh*

         In case any of you are interested, here is my updated schedule through April

Week of 2/13 - Dover Delaware
Week of 2/20 - VACATION
Week of 2/27 - VACATION
Week of 3/6 - Los Angeles
Week of 3/13 - Savannah, Georgia
Week of 3/20 - Schaumburg, Illinois
Week of 3/27 - Kentucky
Week of 4/3 - Schaumburg, Illinois
Week of 4/10 - Work from home
Week of 4/17 - Kentucky
Week of 4/24 - Kentucky

In Closing

         Next week I will be in Dover Delaware, delivering a new version of a Networking Class. I've already delivered this version once, this one should go a little better. Until my next entry stay safe, be good, be healthy, and take care of those you love!

Jim Dorrell

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