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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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March 21, 2024 at 6:07pm
March 21, 2024 at 6:07pm
Prompt: We will never forget the deaths of JFK and Princess Diana. Is it because we can't close the chapters of these events? Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Each for his/her own on this subject. At my age, I can close any chapter on anything. Still, these two deaths are among the most shocking and devastating happenings in modern history.

JFK's assassination in Dallas, Texas, was a defining moment that changed the course of American history. JFK's dream of a better America was brutally cut short when he was gunned down by an assassin's bullet while riding in a convertible limousine. The mourning that swept the country after his assassination was due to the deep affection and respect that Americans had for their slain president. Yet, JFK's legacy of idealism and optimism did endure, inspiring generations of Americans.

Princess Diana's death in a car crash in Paris was another shocking event that shook the world. Her dedication to charitable causes and her willingness to help those in need made her a symbol of hope for humanity. After her death, her legacy of compassion and philanthropy inspired a global wave of goodwill.

I believe the world's not-forgetting of these deaths is mostly due to the sudden disruption of young promising lives and the world's incapacity to prevent those tragedies. Possibly their deaths remind people of the challenges and uncertainties of the human condition. What these two left behind as their legacies are the power of leadership, compassion, and the strength of the human heart.

March 20, 2024 at 10:53am
March 20, 2024 at 10:53am
"Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands."
Japanese Proverbs.
Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.


I guess the key words here are "in both hands," and flowers means existence.

To me, the phrase suggests a sense of abundance and completeness. It may also imply that happiness is not all about possessing or experiencing something but rather feeling a sense of fulfillment. Then, the act of holding flowers may have to do with mindfulness and presence.

The quote is a reminder to seek joy in the present moment, to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the abundance of life's blessings, no matter how small they may seem.

Bu holding flowers in both hands, one can see that happiness is not a fleeting thing dependent on outside circumstances, but rather a state of joy that comes from within, caused by a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonder of flowers, and/or existence.

March 19, 2024 at 1:38pm
March 19, 2024 at 1:38pm
Prompt: Fear
“Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
What makes you afraid and how do you handle fear?


Even if fear is often connected with negativity and inhibition, I find a refreshing perspective in this quote. It means to say that by embracing fear and harnessing its energy, we can navigate life's challenges with courage, resilience, and purpose.

Yet, what a paralyzing force fear is! Especially when it hits suddenly--be it for only a few moments and with or without any earlier hint--it immobilizes me and most of the people I know. In such a situation, I am so stunned that I cannot take any reasonable action.

Still, soon enough, my instincts kick in, alerting me to what is happening. At that instant, I can confront the situation and assess its origin and the surroundings, and take action.

For example, after an accident when someone hit my car from the back, although no one was hurt, I developed a fear of running out of food and began storing non-perishables, just in case I wouldn't be able to go food shopping again. Was that a catalyst for growth or was I overwhelmed? I'm still working on this question. It may just be that fear did serve as a motivator, stirring a sense of urgency within me, pushing me to overcome probable problems.

Just maybe, if it weren't for the fear of neediness and poverty, possibly nobody would hold a job or provide for the future. In this way, fear doesn't shut down people's will but energizes them toward success; therefore, fear is not something to be avoided or ignored but it should be used as a catalyst for growth and self-awareness.

March 18, 2024 at 10:08am
March 18, 2024 at 10:08am
Prompt: Luck
Since it was St. Patrick's Day, yesterday, what do you think of the lucky Irish? Or if you wish, write your thoughts on the theme of luck and how it has played a role in your life.


Such good fortune the Irish have, don't they! The lucky Irish idea, in essence, has to do with folklore and tradition and it is symbolized by the shamrock and the leprechaun. I bet this has to do with the resilience of the Irish people in the face of adversity. After all, the Irish are a group of folks who have gone through famine, colonization, and political strife, and they have shown their strength through all that. Should we interpret resilience as luck, then? That's something to think about, isn't it!

Yet, the Irish do not hold the reins of luck alone. Luck is a universal phenomenon. Imagine a young student--who hasn't studied the subject and is not called upon in class--saying, "Phew! I was lucky today!"

Whether it's in school or landing a dream job or finding love or stumbling upon unexpected goods and opportunities, luck often plays a major role in our lives. In my life, however, the luckiest day was when I met my husband, but then, at the time, possibly several other factors were also in play.

I tend to think, in general, luck alone can work only temporarily. Even then, there are usually underlying causes like hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude. No wonder the saying, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Also, luck is subjective and idea of it can vary from person to person. Whether we believe in luck or not, therefore, we have to admit that it adds mystery and excitement to our lives. At the end, there is some comfort in hoping that luck is full of surprises and may descend upon us at any time, even when we least expect it.

March 16, 2024 at 12:22pm
March 16, 2024 at 12:22pm
Prompt: What is the most relaxing space on earth to you? Why?


The most relaxing space on earth? For me, probably nowhere, if you mean an actual city, town, ocean or mountain, but I like sitting stretched on my bed after the evening meal and reading a book or surfing the net on my pad or phone. On this tranquil space, what I read or click on is not merely an activity but my ritual of unwinding.

When I sit on my bed and find that perfect position, the outside world fades into the background as I am immersed into a comfort of the softness of pillows propped behind me, while I get lost within the pages of a book or something on the pad.

This way, the reading materials in my hands become a portal to other places, an invitation to explore distant lands, meet intriguing characters, and learn and experience things I probably never dream of. Laughter, tears, excitement, wonder and all other feelings are at my fingertips and in front of my eyes, now.

Since I eat early in the evening, while I settle down on the bed, I also watch the world outside the window change as sunlight fades and stars begin to twinkle. So, this time of the day is when I find new insights and relaxation while losing myself in these quiet moments of solitude as my bed turns into a vessel of escape from the real earth and becomes a most relaxing space for me.

March 15, 2024 at 10:13am
March 15, 2024 at 10:13am
Use these fun words in your entry today: learn, quarrel, register, barrier, pan, night, stock, scream, and me.

In the Middle of the Night

in the middle of the *night, I aim to see
inside my thoughts, and *learn to be free

my *pan of emotions, a simmering stew,
in depths of darkness, I'll know what is true

as each moment *registers my soul's plea,
breaking through *barriers, an edict I decree

from my *stock of *quarrels, I search and rescue
one silent *scream, a strength I value

for at the end, it's just life and *me,
in the middle of the night, tired and free

March 14, 2024 at 12:28pm
March 14, 2024 at 12:28pm
"I'm intimidated by the fear of being average."
Taylor Swift
Write about what intimidates you for your Blog entry today.


What would intimidate me would be if I hurt someone willingly or unwillingly or did something wrong to mess up anyone's plans or relationships. But life happens and sometimes, without knowingly, I might have done that and might again do it.

As to the quote...Well, Taylor Swift is sweet, talented, and looks great on stage, but I can guarantee you that I have never ever in my entire life wanted to be like her. I'd rather be average and do what I like to do without any hoopla.

In addition, I believe that no one is the same as any other. In our own ways, we are all unique. We may have similarities but the "average idea" stops there. I also believe Taylor Swift mixed up being average with being mediocre. So sorry for her that she has such a deeply ingrained concern or fear that has infiltrated her being.

The way I see it, her fear might have stemmed from parental or societal pressures, personal goals that ran amok, and her comparison of herself with others. In its core, this fear is a desire for validation and recognition possibly gained in childhood when a person becomes conditioned to seek praise and approval.

In addition, once becoming recognized, the social media heightens this fear by presenting altered versions of a person's reality, where she leads a picture-perfect life. Unfortunately, hoping for any shift in such a perspective is almost impossible once a person becomes addicted to societal fame and achievement (in other words, public applause).

I think, instead, living authentically--even if it seems average on the surface--leads to true or, at least, better fulfillment in life. For me, true success lies in reevaluating false values and priorities, and then, pursuing passions with a purpose, rather than becoming "intimidated by being average."

March 13, 2024 at 11:21am
March 13, 2024 at 11:21am
"It is easier to solve other people's problems because you aren't emotionally involved."
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Do I sense a potential limitation in this quote, or not! I guess some emotional detachment can lead to a clearer perspective. On the other hand, it might also result in a lack of understanding or empathy. In other words, one may miss the emotional nuances of the others' situations.

This may be why, unless they really ask me for my advice, I try to hold myself back from solving other people's problems. I mean, by not being in their shoes, I would not lack any personal losses as the result of a possible bad advice, would I? Yet, my lack of personal stakes could also cut me some slack for thinking more clearly and making usable suggestions, too.

I guess that is why really good therapists, instead of putting on their advice-giving caps immediately, first listen a lot. Since emotions can cloud judgment, without emotional involvement, they can thus view the situation and their patient much more objectively.

Still, only a few of us are good therapists and offering empathy and a good listening ear would work much better than trying to solve someone else's problems. That is, if we think we are able to do just that.

After all, who says interpersonal dynamics and human psychology is easy to handle!

March 12, 2024 at 11:56am
March 12, 2024 at 11:56am
Prompt: Health and Fitness
Can you think of any common mistakes or misunderstandings about health or fitness? What myths or half-truths do you find yourself hearing again and again on the web?


One may think, 'it tastes good so it must be good for me.' Well, not always. I can think of a few poisons that can be sugar-coated or made to taste very good in very many ways.

Added to our own such biases about health, the vast expanse of the internet offers a lot of wrong information based on half-truths and baseless claims. When we make decisions about our well-being based on inaccurate or unfounded information, a lot can go wrong.

I think detox diets top the list if I were to make a list of bad information on the web. Our bodies have their own way of detoxifying through the liver and the kidneys. If something is not working, educated medical advice from a professional could work better, not that the doctors and hospitals are always right either. Should anyone start a detox diet on their own, the least they can do is to start small and watch very carefully how their bodies react.

Then, there's that vaccine misinformation. A cousin of mine, in Netherlands, passed away from Covid last year because he believed in the false claims linking Covid vaccines to various health issues. Maybe vaccines have side effects but, frequently, they do save lives.

Related to vaccine misinformation are the conspiracy theories that push forth claims about secret government or medical agendas. These can encourage mistrust in established healthcare and can lead people to decide about the health issues based on fake fears.

Another area that the web is guilty of messing with our health has to do with superfoods and supplements and miracle cures. Not only do they exaggerate the benefits of certain cures, foods, and supplements, they also warn people from eating what's in fact good for them. An advice about not eating several foods if one has arthritis comes to mind. I am really tempted to give links to these false advices, but I could be sued and so can WdC. But you know what I mean and please, do be careful about whose advice to take. And do fact-check these and all other flimsy claims on the web.

March 11, 2024 at 1:08pm
March 11, 2024 at 1:08pm
Prompt: Scammers
What do you think about the scammers of today with all the media available to them? Do you think they only target the elderly or is everyone liable to fall for their scams? And should scamming be made a serious offense since most of it is a misdemeanor at this time?


As long as crooked people exist, scammers will survive. That is a fact; however, in digital age, scamming has become world-wide and ocean-deep. Scammers try to prey on unsuspecting individuals, causing them emotional and financial harm.

Scamming the elderly has become a serious issue, lately. In fact, several people I know who are over 70 have lost a lot to scammers. Last week, when someone pretending to be from the Social Security Agency called me and threatened to do away with my monthly income. I didn't fall for it, and I didn't give them any info about myself than what they already had gathered from God-knows-where. Then, I wrote to the local SS office about this incident. To their credit, I received an answer within an hour. Moreover, they must have informed Medicare also, as I received another letter from Medicare with tips of protecting myself.

Targeting the elderly works well for the scammers because we are of a generation where trust in authorities were highly valued and many of us didn't grow up in the digital era and may lack knowledge or familiarity with what the latest tech is capable of. Some elderly are socially isolated due to different factors and scammers know well how to exploit this limitation. Still, some elderly might have accumulated savings and perpetrators often use tactics with urgent situations.

I can't tell you how many phone calls I used to get, up until last year, with a kid crying at the other end, "Grandma, I'm in jail. Send me bail money." Some have fallen for that. I don't have any grandchildren and my children have many other ways to get in touch with me. So I have laughed these calls off. But this may not have stopped there.

There are many ways of scamming and many more ways will surface, I'm sure, especially with the internet, ai, and who-knows-what invention to pop up next. Possibly some deterrence can work, but much stricter legal measures to protect the vulnerable populations are needed. That is, if our political parties stop fighting for nonsensical things and try to help the people of this country. Most of the scamming, if I know correctly, is considered to be only a misdemeanor. I think it should be made into a much more serious crime.

Then, public awareness and education for the elderly and telling them to report scams could also encourage a culture of protection. As it is, one can't even call on the phone most institutions and some don't even provide e-mail addies. I believe, in fact, a special institution of law just for reporting scams would work very well. At least, it would be worth a try.

March 9, 2024 at 11:09am
March 9, 2024 at 11:09am
Use these words in your entry today: literature, reason, coma, half, go, curl and determine.


in my land of literature, tales unfurl
a half with reason, a half in a whirl
my words curl like vines in poetic coma...
do I care to determine why such drama?


so I go with rhythm, I waltz on the page,
exploring lines, and think I'm on stage
of reason and passion, and in my clownish dance,
I prance with words in some poetic trance

March 8, 2024 at 10:34am
March 8, 2024 at 10:34am
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T.S. Eliot
Let this quote inspire your writing today.


Taking risks and pushing beyond my comfort zones? I did those and then some, but now in old age, I don't have the same nerve as I had earlier. Neither do I have the wish to find out about how far I can go. Nevertheless, this quote is priceless for the young and the young-at-heart for it encourages them to venture into the unknown and face and embrace uncertainties.

Then, ""going too far" doesn't necessarily imply reckless or thoughtless actions, either; rather, it emphasizes the need to surpass self-imposed limits and others' expectations. It is mostly beneficial to open oneself to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities.

This willingness to take risks and explore uncharted areas helps uncover one's own hidden talents and strengths. Especially if that person can be bold and resilient. Also, by daring to confront fears, taking calculated risks, and testing one's limits, that self-discovery can be quite rewarding.

While writing about this quote, all the famous explorers like Marco Polo, Magellan, and others came to my mind. But then, one doesn't necessarily need that kind of boldness for self-discovery and gains, and most gains need not be for oneself or one's fame alone. While Mother Theresa comes to mind in this area, there are those, who may be less known in our time, with the same or similar empathy.

Among them is the U.S. product designer Patricia Moore. During the late 1970s at age 26, she dressed up as an 85-year-old woman to discover what life was like as an elder. Based on her experiences, she invented new products for use by elders, such as those thick rubber-handled potato peelers. Then she went on to invent things for maimed war veterans and she came up with designs for rehabilitation centers for them. Patricia Moore is only one person but there are many others like her and the world and our humanity is better and richer, thanks to them.

March 7, 2024 at 10:57am
March 7, 2024 at 10:57am
Prompt: "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.


My truth is, my patience I had to work on very hard all my life. As to my time, it is running out but I'm trying to make every moment count. Well, who said existence wasn't complex!

In our existence, patience and time may not really be warriors because together they may win or not. As to the relationship between the two, it is not always friendly, either. There are moments frozen in time, etched in memory, where the idea of patience is elusive. Yet, the potential for change and renewal is there, but only sometimes, when the virtue of patience becomes intertwined with time.

The passage of time allows for reflection, understanding, and acceptance. Through its temporary perspective, griefs and grievances may lose their sharp edges, and the weight of our burdens may lighten. Then, while the time flies, it gifts us the promise of a new beginning, a fresh opportunity to embrace life.

March 6, 2024 at 11:05am
March 6, 2024 at 11:05am
Prompt: A weed is but an unloved flower."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Write about this quote in your blog entry today


I have to say that the nature of beauty changes from eye to eye. In other words, beauty is subjective.

In plant life, most weeds can be beneficial for our ailments, although we don't want them in our flower beds as they have a knack for taking over and harming or crowding out the flowers. When the quote applies to people, however, it may mean that human beings who may be seen as undesirable or troublesome may have hidden qualities that go unnoticed and unappreciated.

What we see as flaws or shortcomings in others may be unique qualities waiting to be appreciated. Such human weeds, too, like in plant life, can reveal their true use when given the understanding and opportunity.

Among such individuals, Nikola Tesla comes to mind. From my Google search, *"Tesla invented, predicted or contributed to development of hundreds of technologies that play big parts in our daily lives -- like the remote control, neon and fluorescent lights, wireless transmission, computers, smartphones, laser beams, x-rays, robotics and, of course, alternating current, the basis of our present-day electrical system."

Yet, Tesla was not a savvy businessman and suffered financially. From my Google Search again, **"Tesla had obsessive compulsive disorder, which compelled him to do things in threes, including only inhabiting a hotel room that was divisible by the number three. He had an obsession with pigeons and an aversion to women wearing earrings, contributing to his reputation as eccentric. He suffered a nervous breakdown when he was young, and may have had dementia before he died. He never married." I had also read somewhere that he is deemed as being autistic posthumously.

Now, was Nikola Tesla a weed? Maybe to the people around him at the time. He might have been looked at as weird and wacky. But look, how useful he has been to humanity!

This means we need to seek the hidden beauty in people who may be overlooked or misunderstood. It is a reminder for empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness so the unique qualities and potential in each person contributes to a more inclusive and compassionate human family.



March 5, 2024 at 3:49pm
March 5, 2024 at 3:49pm
Prompt: A Whole New World
If you were to create a new planet and a whole new world, what would it look like and what kind of people would its inhabitants be?


I am not an expert on world building, but I've always wanted a better earth. So I'll start by naming my ideal planet Terra 2.

Terra 2 orbits a star very similar to our sun, in a habitable zone with the existence of liquids and especially water. This planet has a diverse landscape, ranging from lush, emerald-green forests to vast blue oceans that stretch across several large continents. Its mountain ranges pierce the skyline with breathtaking waterfalls cascading down their sheer cliffs. The atmosphere, composed of a perfect blend of gases, ensures the best conditions for life to flourish.

A remarkable feature of Terra 2 is its flora that gives off an ethereal glow even during the nights. And yes, Terra 2 has nights and days as it revolves on its axis as well revolving around its star. The trees and plants with many more hues and colors than here on earth give off a soft light that is comforting and beneficial to all other life other than themselves. But then, this is the thing with Terra 2. All life on it supports all other life to keep its delicate ecological balance.

Wildlife on Terra 2 is equally diverse and fascinating. Majestic winged creatures soar through the skies and beneath the surface of the ocean are coral reefs, kelp forests, and other aquatic life. Better yet, not one live organism eats any other live organism, plant or animal. Their food sources are automatically obtained from the oceans or the mountains and that food never spoils.

The people on Terra 2 are connected to the planet innately, nurturing its nature. Even their architecture is eco-friendly. These inhabitants coexist in balance and harmony and absorb their differences, if any, through many creative endeavors such as art, music, and other ways that they have created.

These people are highly evolved with qualities of empathy, wisdom, and an appreciation for their connection to one another and to their planet. Their outer forms look like humans but with elegant expressive eyes that shine like their flora. Inwardly, they believe in collective consciousness that unites all beings as they have advanced intellects with a focus on harmonious living. The education in their schools encourages a deep understanding of the planet's systems as well as a sense of responsibility, while highly valuing all arts and community and cooperation.

Their transportation systems use their innate powers to move from one place to another in thought first, then in body. This way they don't need any outside energy that could dirty their air and waters.

They have no divisive ideologies, religions, laws, countries, states, or even groups or cliques, and they coexist harmoniusly with their planet and each other. As such, conflict is almost non-existent. Should a slight disagreement come up, they approach it with empathy and diplomacy and they encourage compromise and dialogue. Therefore, their disputes, if any, are solved through peaceful means.

In short, the Terra 2 inhabitants are highly evolved, elegant beings that do justice to the beauty of their planet.

March 4, 2024 at 11:48am
March 4, 2024 at 11:48am
What do you think of rumor starters and gossipers? Do their rumors and gossip eventually come back to bite them? Did you ever write a story about rumors and gossip starters?


I think, in essence, rumor starters and gossipers are people with a natural curiosity about the lives of other people. They sometimes do what they do with a desire for social connection. and then at other times, to assert power and control. Even if some rumors may have a basis in truth, they are usually exaggerated. Some, however, may be entirely fabricated.

Yes, rumors and gossip eventually can come back to bite their starters, even when a rumor is not too hurtful. For one thing, such people lose credibility because no one will believe what they say or take them seriously again.

On us, the listeners' part, it is important to question the validity of such information and to check its truth before sharing it with other people. We have to recognize that not all rumors can be easily refuted, and sometimes, the best course of action is to focus on promoting a culture of empathy and understanding, both on the rumor starter or gossiper and the people that false information has hurt.

I don't believe I ever wrote a story about rumors and gossip starters since I never thought of this concept before. I think, however, that could be an interesting idea for fiction. Probably, crime writers might use gossip and rumors more effectively than most other writers.

Then, just a Google search gave me these books on rumors and gossip:

The Rumor: A Novel by Hilderbrand, Elin
The Gossip Monster by Katherine Follett
Gossip: A Novel by Beth Gutcheon
The Stuff That Never Happened: A Novel by Maddie Dawson
The Things We Don't See by Savannah Brown

Unfortunately, I wasn't even aware that these books and many others like them existed. I may have encountered a piece of gossip or rumor in a story, but I can't even recall that at this moment. I guess I should be more aware of the rumors and gossip idea in fiction as those things have been an integral part of human communication. As the movie “Star Wars” declares, “there is a dark side to the force.”

March 2, 2024 at 12:07pm
March 2, 2024 at 12:07pm
Day 3025
March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes, and a laugh in her voice.” ― Hal Borland
Tell us about some of your childhood antics when your hair was tousled, and you had a mischievous smile.


Gosh, this is so far away that even the pale memory of my antics feel like they belong to someone else.

What I know from what the others have told me that I never did naughty stuff like raiding the cookie jar or drawing on the walls. If anything, I was naughty when and if another kid was around just to stay pals with her or him.

To begin with, I did worry about the cats my aunt had in the house and their kittens and I would hold the newborns very gently even though my grip may not have been the best for their health, but my aunt instructed me not to touch the kittens at all. So, I just sat by and talked to them and told them the stories my grandmother used to tell me. To this day, I like talking to the cats and other animals.

But the worst thing I did was this: I once opened the front door when no one was looking and lifted the latch on the gate outside by taking a chair and stepping on it to reach the latch. Then I brought the chair back and escaped to the beach and became the "lost child" in the community. Even this was done without any bad intention because we were already going to the beach and the adults took their time getting ready for it. That certain beach, at that time, was the country club of the community, so in hindsight, I can understand the adults' attention for their looks and whatever. I probably was tired of waiting for them. My poor family searched all over town, while my mother had several fainting spells, as they thought I was abducted. Then, someone thought of the beach. They found me there playing on the sand, all happy and agrin.

Do I want to re-live the sweetness of my childhood antics back? Nope! I don't like any backview or hindsight for things that'll never come back.

This is because, I believe, in a child's mind, those days couldn't be carefree or enchanting for children depend on adults and their whims and kids have little to do or say in most things due to their lack of life experiences.

Childhood and its antics cannot be considered sweet and carefree, even when looking back with an adult's eyes. Plus, I have difficulty in believing in the assumption that a little chaos can be harmonious in the grand orchestration of life. Wouldn't no chaos be better?

March 1, 2024 at 11:54am
March 1, 2024 at 11:54am
“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.” ― Isaac Asimov


Life is pleasant? Many people would object to that. Life is pleasant only on occasion; otherwise, it is just hard. Yet, that's all we have and that's all we know about for certain.

As to death, who says it's peaceful? We won't know it fully until we experience it. As "life is a stage," we are all playing a role before the cosmos and dancing the intricate dance of the molecules of matter and energy.

The way I see it, at its best, life is a continuous exploration, a series of chapters written with the ink of time. As an aside, I can't take my mind off from writing, can I! Yet, into life, we weave our experiences, emotions, and our existence as we know it.

Then, woven into our fabric is the inevitability of death, accompanying us, as if our shadows, every step of the way. As to that transition, it leads us into the unknown. Do we merge with the eternal there or maybe return to life as cosmic energy?

Who knows! We may believe or not in the religions, philosophies, and cultural boundaries that explain and assess death and the transition in between as the integral parts of our being. Still, who can know and insist for sure, unless when experiencing it first-hand?

This is not to be disrespectful to anyone's beliefs--and I am a strong believer myself--but similarly, how can we know about pain or joy or anything else while watching someone in pain, in joy, or in anything else, unless we are experiencing it ourselves?

We'll know for sure about that transition--whether it is troublesome or not--after we enter it, when it becomes a gateway to the eternal for each one of us. For, in our outfits of existence, each thread is essential, and each of us represent a unique expression of the Creator.

February 29, 2024 at 1:37pm
February 29, 2024 at 1:37pm
Prompt: Leap Year Day. Write something about Leap Year for your Blog entry today.


Isn't it odd that the leap year day happens every four years? This is because the Gregorian calendar we use has 365 days to a year, but the earth's orbit around the sun is slightly more than that.

It must the work of some bright-eyed and bushy-tailed calendar maker to come up with the leap year day as February 29, to make up for the sun's goofing. Some say this leap year thing was Julius Caesar's doing with the Julian Calendar. If so, what can one expect from a dictator who is addicted to wine and women and gets himself done away with by his own adopted son!

I think the more logical way would be to divide the 24 hours of the leap day equally among the 365 days, which could be in minutes only. But then, we wouldn't have the Leap Day babies, would we!

Also, what would happen to all the quirkiness associated with the leap-year day! When would women be allowed to propose marriage (Thanks to St. Patrick), if not on February 29 or, as the latest anomaly, how could the French do without La Bougie du Sapeur, the satirical and the least frequently published newspaper in the world, that comes out once every four years on leap day, since 1980?

Maybe not all this is for nothing. Did you know some people, with the slyness of foxes, are leaping into today with deals and opportunities for you? I would guess the deals are more for them. See here?
Happy Leap-Year Day, 2024, Everyone!

February 28, 2024 at 12:12pm
February 28, 2024 at 12:12pm

Prompt: What are 3 things you appreciate about nature?


Only three things? You drive a hard bargain. At my end, it is a lot of things, and even more than that. Everything!

Yet, still in a general sense, here are the three things I truly appreciate.

Animals. They are cute, innocent, tamed, wild, tiny, huge, smart, stupid and so much more. Their variety on earth is astounding. They help sustain the planet and add a lot of beauty and meaning to it. Starting with my own cat, tamed animals provide companionship, truly original experiences, and love. Then, observing the behavior of animals in their natural habitats is also educational and entertaining. Whether it's the intricate dance of bees pollinating flowers or the majestic migration of birds or the wild cats at play, wildlife shows the wonders of adaptation and survival.

Plants. They are another form of life like the animals as they sustain all life and feed us. They are also very beautiful, interesting, charming, colorful, standing straight or creeping along or even into the ground. Sometimes, when I stand by a tree, I feel as if the tree is talking to me. No wonder there are tree-huggers among us homo sapiens!

Scenery. The scenery on earth, large or small, is breathtaking if I am alert enough to see it. This is because nature grants us with a unique array of landscapes, from grand, magnificent mountains and sparkling blue lakes to spirited green forests and wide, far-reaching oceans. At times, the sheer beauty of larger panoramas or the smaller sights, like that of a single tree or a flower, leave me in awe.

Now that I've listed the three things, I'll also add to them the calming effect of nature on my mind. Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, the cool breeze on my face, or the refreshing touch of water connects me to the basic elements of Earth. The gentle rustling of leaves, the rhythmic sound of ocean waves, or the sound of a birdsong always soothe me and provide a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This is because nature has positive effects on my well-being by serving as a stress-reliever and offering relaxation.

In essence, I cannot contain nature in a blog post, nor can I show its diversity fully. This is because within itself, nature weaves an awesome, intricate, and beautiful web of life on our planet.


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